21, eh?
edgar - what can I say? I truly appreciate your support
November has always been a difficult time for me. Another year, another 'B'-day " (and like, said with a French accent- ha ha)
" It always messes up my head.
No excuse, I know
Hope life is treating you well (great turkey btw "now there's one that didn't earn his wings, ha ha " hope you had a good holiday).
Rock Head
You were right " about the poetry.
As always when I f...-up, it's been mad, but cr eative
Hey, thanks for your encouraging message
Izzie - I had no idea you read any of my stuff " thank you.
Actually, I'm glad to be given this chance to speak to you.
You may be surprised to know that I read something YOU wrote a while back and I was going to post and tell you - how I'd been feeling really crap and what you wrote helped me - but you were talking to Bill about your son and I didn't really know what to say
In the end I didn't say anything (which is typical of me).
Anyway, about your post
I have to say something now, finding you here.
(hope you don't mind if I link it)
This post really touched me and made me feel more human than i have for some time. Yet, I was equally struck by your actual writing style, which is IMO, very good. I think it has the potential to be something special.
I know your post was written from the heart, unconsciously, without any ego (or bitterness) to impede it " wow, I envy the freedom of that.
I hope you continue to write about your situation, because I really think it could be of benefit to many, all round.
Hopefully " mostly to you.
I know things have been tough recently.
I hope they are a bit better today for all of you
Thanks for posting : )
thanks if you e-mailed and sorry if I haven't responded properly yet. I've really been off line " off computer for a while.
I just felt I should stay away.
back soon
right now i'm ploughing through this thread un-folding all the posts i collapsed - i'm only on page 11 and i've the revo thread to do yet - warning - do not collapse threads you might regret losing - its a bitch to get them back up again.
Still seeing those As in boxes - but its been good to read back over some of my old work
there are a lot of people i miss
guess in a lot of ways i fucked up
i'm working on that