Poetry for WWI
Lucky Bullet
He was crucified
Above the trenches
There for any side
To shoot at his
Defenceless body
Coward he was called
Pinned up without fuss
We heard him screaming
In the night
Until the Germans
Taking pot shots at him
Saved him
With a lucky bullet
Sixty Thousand Lost in One Day
Sixty thousand men went down today
First day of the Somme
And twenty thousand British sunk
In lime and clay
Another forty thousand carted off
Far away
Crippled, mad or dying
Boys old and grey
When I Die
I shall try not to scream when I die
I shall fall silently there by the side
I shall pray that the boys gone before
Shall be waiting to welcome me home
I'll go quietly if they should meet me
Just don't let the starving eat me
We Were Lions
We were lions when we came here
Now we 're ghosts like the dead
We go about our duties
But the war has put an end
To our idealistic fancy
Of brave Tommy fighting strong
Because our brains are all shattered
And our friends all gone
We were lions when we came here
Now we're caricatures of men
We line up in the trenches
And wait for them to send us
Out towards the enemy
Who could easily be a friend
If the damn politicians
Would bring it all to an end
We were lions when we came here
Now we're living with the rats
We're all bloody starving
While they're as fat as cats
And we try to keep our spirits up
Because we have our pride
But the end now seems so meaningless
Too many men have died
We were lions when we came here
Good men, brave and strong
Marching off to glory
On the fields of the Somme
But war has changed us drastically
And torn our dreams apart
Turning us to history
And raking out our hearts

August 1916: British soldiers rest during the Somme offensive
The real stuff: