Revolting USA

ebrown p
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2005 08:44 pm

Why do you swallow this stuff?

These conspiracy theories are obviosly invented by people with profoundly anti-Semetic politics. They are very similar to the conspiracy theories used by Geobbels and other Nazi propagandists.

I am not saying that you shouldn't believe these theories because the villains are Jewish. Quite the contrary-- I am saying you should understand why the villains are Jewish.

The people who invented these conspiracy theories were very deliberate in choosing Jewish villains.

The purpose of these theories is to justify fear and then hatred.

If this was harmless nonsense-- I would ignore it.

But holding ideas that provide a rational for hatred has been shown historically to be very dangerous.

This is why I feel obligated to forcefully and publically oppose this nonsense whenever it comes up.
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Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2005 01:03 am
ebrown, I would just like to know what is true and what isn't about these people. Take the lies out of it and see what were left with. Of course anti-Semites would want to blame all these people of being Jewish. I was on a christian web site that blamed them all of being satanic. That doesn't matter to me.

There is volumes on this subject. Piled up from years and years since there supposed inception. Is it all made up? I would love to see the information you have seen that tells you there not real. I would really like to believe alot of this stuff was not true.

As I keep reading I hope to narrow it down. But intill then i'm not assuming anything. By the way no group of people could ever make me hate another group of people. I can't hate anybody. I'm not like that and it's a waste of energy.
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Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2005 09:48 am
Pardon me, Ebrown, but that's bullsh*t.

I've got nothing against Jews. A lot of conspiracy theorists do. That's not my problem.

I've been studying this subject for a long time, and while there are comments from time to time that are anti-semitic (and some people focus on that) I don't think the topic is anti-semitic in nature. I believe that most of it has nothing to do with Jews at all. I also believe that those who look for something negative tend to find it; don't you?

If you disagree with me on that, fine. We're going to continue discussing it anyways, even if you feel it is Anti-Semitic, even if you think it is a waste of time.

As I said previously, Amigo; people will start coming in and giving one reason or another why you shouldn't be talking or researching this; there's no reason you should stop researching.

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ebrown p
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:06 am

I believe strongly in free speech. You have every right to believe and even preach this stuff.

Free Speech works because ideas that are dangerous or offensive, instead of being censored as in some societies, can be openly challenged in the light and all the uglyness can be exposed in the light of public discussion.

I am not saying you should shut up about this. I am only saying that you should not expect me to. I am doing my job as a member of an open society.

Conspiracy theories are seductive because they tap into the darker side of human nature. From our time living in tribes, we developed an "us versus them" mentality that is behind many of the atrocities we still commit against each other.

The provide a solution to the complex problem of life that is very simple. It is "THEM" that are plotting to take over and enslave "US" that is the cause of our problems. 9/11 got you depressed -- it was "THEM". Having trouble finding a job or paying for gas-- it is the result of THEM and their evil plan.

The greatest atrocities in the past couple of decades were inspired by conspiracy theories which claimed one ethnic group was plotting to control and enslave the other. The Rwadan genocide (where millions of people were slain by their neighbors in a couple of months) was sparked by radio programs explaining the "conspiracy:. Slobodan Milosovic used similar conspiracy theories to inspire the killing of thousands of Serbian Muslims.

Research means getting all the information from both sides of an issue. I never said that Amigo should "stop researching". Research means recognizing and acknowledging the anti-semitism in these theories. Research means listening to the criticisms of beliefs.

If you really wanted research, you would appreciate the information and the arguments that I am giving you so you can make an informed decision with both sides of the story.

If you really are interested in "research", I would suggest you spend time at the ADL site- www.adl.org with the caveat that I don't always agree with them (their political bias sometime frustrates me), but understanding of the affects and methods of anti-semetic ideaology is their mission.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 06:00 am
What's with conspiracy theorists and the notion that secretive groups of people are conspiering to plant symbols of and clues to their activities in public view? I'm always baffled by this combination of secrecy and advertising.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 06:20 am
Amigo wrote:
ebrown, I would just like to know what is true and what isn't about these people. Take the lies out of it and see what were left with.

In the words of Johnny Cash..."And the lonely voice of youth cries, 'What is truth?'" Bottom line, sadly is we may never know and even sadder neither side really seems to want to make an attempt to find out. If what you post and say is real Amigo, then you are to be commended, for you are indeed a to be treasured rarity...try not to lose that.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 09:12 am
Ebrown, thanks for your polite comments.

I won't be researching at the ADL because, like you said, I really don't agree with a lot of their political bias and a lot of the things that they have said. I'm not trying to attack the organziation, so don't shift the subject to it; I just have no desire to research there.

As I've said before, I've studied the supposed Illuminati for years, and little to none of it has anything to do with Judaism at all. Many conspiracy theorists believe there is a conspiracy amongst top Jews amongst the world, but not I; and I am not responsible for those who do believe this. I also don't think that the Illuminati idea was started by those who wanted to trash Jews; there were much easier and more public ways of doing so.

I would point you, Ebrown, to Washington's comments about the 'illuminati perversion' that had gripped the Masons in Europe; I highly doubt that he was an anti-Semite, or that his concerns with the organization had anything to do with anti-Semitism, but rather One World Government and the practice of exporting kings from Bavaria.

Einherjar, the notion of secret symbols/public symbols has to do with two things:

1, the inherent desire of the human brain to attach symbolic meaning to, well, anything;


2, Arrogance. People who have taken steps to control major events from the shadows often chafe at this shadowy life; the symbols are excellent ways of having, say, a private joke. And the best part is, noone believes you if you catch on to them! Which makes the joke all the better.

You should realize that the internet era is barely begun; the information age is hardly out of it's infancy. For the supposed several hundred years of this organization, noone knew sh*t about sh*t and there was no real effort to collude on information gathering. So, much of what has always been assumed would remain secret, becomes less so due to the hard work of a lot of people over the last 30 or so years.

Amigo, check out the website of a guy I know here in Austin when you get the chance:


And keep researching. After all, even if none of it is true, it isn't as if the research itself isn't interesting.

Cheers to all

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 02:09 am
I prey the things I'm reading about are not true and that if they are I hope the god I'm preying to is a just and omnipotent god (and i'm not even religious). Paranoid, delusional people will naturally be attracted to these theories while others will use them to promote there racist, ideological and religious causes.

We've all heard the saying 'money is the root of all evil'. If we as a society were to put all are political, religious, and whatever other things that separate us aside and follow all this money and power to it's root where would it lesd us? All thes people belong to the same groups and attend the same secret meetings. I think this is the most important thing we can do. Fighting between my political party or your political party gets us absolutely nowhere in fact it's what these people want us to do. Corruption, lies, deception and Coercion in our government should be our first priority. Pitting us against eachother serves them best and I'm not doing it anymore. The most powerful and richest people in the world are not loyal to the countries there from there loyal to eachother and all the people from all the countries under them (you and me) suffer in the process. If the person I'm rooting for to be president wins what does that mean? That I can rub my fellow Americans face in it while my guys in the same pocket there guy is in. They booth serve the same people and it's not us. Were not going to make if we don't rethink ourselves and start considering what the most evil, powerful and greediest people on the planet are capable of.

Cyclo, That looks like a good site. I'll print out an article from it tonight. I'm also reading some stuff from skeptics websites ( http:skeptic.com/illuminati.html ) There not very convincing i'm sorry to say.

use healthy skepticism with an open mind. Don't use one without the other. please don't confuse me some of the things on these websites.
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