Start here:
Note that there due to the nature of the topic, you will find plenty of crazies along with more solid leads. I've been researching this for over five years now, and there is a lot more crap out there than 'solid evidence.' Not to say that it doesn't exist. is the first place that you should look for, well, anything; truly a great idea!
I'm very glad somebody responded to me on this even though it's off topic (But it really isn't). Cyclo, skip the bulls**t. If you have seen the same info i've seen and the people Iv'e talked to (Which isn't much) You know the existance of the Illuminati makes more sense then it doesn't make sense. What sucks is the piles of crap you have to sift trhough. Hey, you got the freaky eye thing going on too are you and 'don't tread' in the Illuminati?
P.S. How do you fight the Illuminati? Bush is small game. Where humans god damn it. We are in control of our destiny not feaky dudes in red sheets holding candles. We didn't I know about this earlier. DOWN WITH THE ILLUMINATI.
The existence of the Illuminati, or whatever they wish to call themselves, makes perfect sense.
All one has to do is ask one question:
Will power-hungry, intelligent people, seek to find a way to get on top of society, for them and their descendants, in perpetuity?
And the answer is, of course they will. I admit that in their position, I would be tempted myself. Damn this morality of mine, lol!
The all-seeing eye is a symbol that predates the Illuminati, one of great power and mystic meaning. The illuminati co-opted it for their purpose in the same way that the Nazis took the Swastika...
I saw the Dalai Lama speak a few weeks ago hear in Austin. The way to fight the illuminati is to fight the principles that they champion: greed and control. If you can't make the changes in your own life, you will never change society; for that is what the Illuminati represents, a group that control a basically sick society that uses the lowest common denominator, Greed, as its driving force.
I'll write a lot more on this later, if you have the patience to read it. Remember to be heathily skeptical and keep researching; I would suggest looking into the Bildeberger group, and perhaps try seeing if you can figure out how George Washington fits into all this; Google is your friend here.
ps. I have no doubt that people will at some point start coming into the thread talking about how this is a bunch of conspiracy theory, that we shouldn't be talking about it; a pre-emptive f*ck off to all those who would seek to quash the search for knowledge.
I'm beginning to understand. It is a long, long road. I understand very clearly about healthy skepticism. It is absolutely necessary in pursuing the truth. Thats all I really want. I'm in the process of asking myself why these people choose to do what they do. Why? And what part of my own nature do I share with them? Why can't society as a whole acknowledge them, expose them. Just put it out in the open. Separate fact from fiction. It's time. If you don't make the thread I will. There is a way to approach it. It's just a matter of who and when. I have the balls but I don't know what I'm talking about. You are more qualified. What does it matter if we get rid of one Bush if they just replace him with another one by a different name. At the same time I need to see what the dali lama has to say. The best way to serve society is to become the best person you can be. I don't want to be on the opposite side of my enemy and be just like him.
P.S. Start the thread I'll be there. Let's get to the root of the problem. The problem and the solution are within us.
Cycloptichorn wrote:I just figgered you were a huge Metallica fan...
sad but true.
not a huge fan, but the stuff i like, i like alot. like the above ditty. appeals to my inner 1%er.
i've looked into the illuminati stuff off and on. never really caught that bug. but now you guys have me interested again.
but it's my understanding that several of the key founders were masons, washington being one of them. supposedly when he laid the cornerstone of the capitol, washington was in full masonic kit. i think he was a grand master. my pop's a mason, but is very tight lipped about it, as he should be.
I unfortunately know all about the Illuminati theory.
People who spread these stories about the Illuminati are spreading a very thinly disguised form of anti-Semitism.
Read any of the "anti-Illuminati" propaganda and you will find all kinds of anti-Jewish references. For example common propaganda points out the Star of David on the One dollar bill (the stars over the eagle on the back opposite the pyramid thingy). They also make links of all kinds of things to allegedly Hebrew words (the latest I heard was that Britain is named after a Jewish sect.)
If you know history, you will recognize the rhetoric from the Illumati conspiracy theory is a near replica of the conspiracy outlined in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"-- a small group of Jewish bakers plotting to control the world.
When anti-Semitism became unfashionable, all they did was to hide the word "Jewish"-- but the idea is the same and the message is pretty clear through a very thin disguise.
I find that it disturbing that people still are allured by this crap. It is quite scary.
Maybe this is another thread?
Coincidence has it that I visited the Temple Of The Thirty Third And Last Degree Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry For The Southern Jurisdiction Of The United States Erected To God And Dedicated To The Service Of Humanity just last week.
I was told that the number three stands for freemasonry and masonry in general, and that the triangle as a symbol of geometric perfection was admired as well as used by masons for hundreds of years. Therefore the Freemasons made it their symbol, and it appears everywhere in many variations: two triangles which look like a Star of David for example, or on the sword of the Grandmaster (or whatever their boss is called, I actually can't remember his title) you can find a star composed of three triangles.
References to all monotheistic religions abound, as belief in one god is a prerequisite for membership.
I don't really know a lot apart from that, and it's really only because I visited their temple.
Cycloptichorn, I don't understand the bit about the Washington DC map, though... Is this in reference to the Pike Monument at 3rd and D?
All I really want to know is how much of a role these groups of people play in government, economics, etc,etc. Without getting distracted. The facts, only the facts. Isn't this subversion. It's not tolerated by anyone else. Why these groups? Why secretly? What are their motives? Who are they? Both Kerry and Bush were asked about Skull and bones and they both emmediatly said it was secret in a firm tone and that was it. What the hell is that all about. These are the most powerful leaders in the world. Something tells me there not having a tea party behind closed doors.
Ebrown, I don't know about the anti-semitism link. I've certainly read plenty about the subject, and very little of it has anything to do with anti-semitism. As I said earlier, there is a lot of crap that has to be waded through in order to get to anything of substance; perhaps part of the problem is that those who are willing to believe one are willing to believe the other.
I haven't, for example, seen links to the Illuminati and the so-called 'jew conspiracy' to run the world. As far as I can tell, the vast majority of Masons are Christian, and there is no reason to believe that the supposed illuminati would be any different, reports of Paganism from the Bohemian Grove nonwithstanding.
OE, I'll try and find you a map; the monuments and some of the streets in Washington are laid out in Masonic designs. It's really quite striking.
OK Cyclo,
Let's play a game.
You give me a link or two that you find credible which talk about the Illuminati. I will bet that they will contain specific instances putting Jewish symbols at the core of the conspiracy. Furthermore I will bet that the specific terms "Star of David" and linking the conspiracy to control the world directly to Israel and to Jewish banking families.
Furthermore I will show you how all of these links lift ideas, and often complete passages directly from the infamous anti-Semetic work - "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".
Are you up for the challenge.
This is anti-Semetic rhetoric that has been around for decades. The conspiracy goes that the Masons are part of the Jewish plot to control Christians.
To be fair, I will let you know that I know quite a bit about these conspiracy theories. Some of my family were pretty strong proponents and I did a lot of studying to understand and refute them.
But, in truth the anti-Semitism is never very well hidden (I suspect is supposed to be pretty transparent). If you care to provide some links, I will show you. (I could provide my own links but it wouldn't be fair since I am trying to make a point.)
You're on.
Here's a more conspiracy oriented one:
Quote:The Illuminati had its own grades ABOVE (or rather beside) the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even persons who were initiated to the higher degrees of Freemasonry had no knowledge of the Illuminati grades - it was that secret. Weishaupt planned to take over the world, and he made up distinct strategies to create a One World Government and a New World Order. All this was written down into something called the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion ", written in a way to put the blame on the Jews if the secret plan would leak.
This one actively implies that the Illuminati are
not jewish at all.
There are terms where the Star of David, or 6-pointed star, is pointed out as being used as an Illuminati symbol. This doesn't mean that the Illuminati are Jewish any more than the Nazis were Buddhist; the symbol has more meaning than just one religion, it has been used as a symbol of magical power in many religions which had nothign to do with the Judeo-Christian religion. The Star of David is the merely the English Colloquial name for that symbol.
Find the anti-semitism, please.
Is anyone here aware that the Mogen David (Star of David) is used by the Crips (LA street gang) as one of its symbols?
The second link is from one the Illuminati conspiracy theorists that I am talking about. This is a clear offshoot of European Anti-Semitism.
In classical European Anti-Semitism, a small group of wealthy Jews were conspiring to control the world and destroy Christianity.
In this conspiracy theory, a small group of wealthy "Zionists" are conspiring to control the world and destroy Christianity.
The difference between "Zionist" and "Jew" is a mind trick. It is the same rhetoric. He is trying to say that he hates "fake" Jews instead of hating "real Jews". Of course he gets to decide which is which.
Let's look at passages from the site you posted that illustrate my point...
According to Barry Chamish, "there would be no modern state of Israel without British Freemasonry. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine...Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews.
And this rant about Judaism as an "evil religion" because it rejects the messiah.
The Jesuits control the Masonic Jewish Zionists who control Zionist Israel. They HATE the Jewish race. And when I speak of Jews, I’m not speaking of Judaism. I’m not speaking of their evil religion, that openly and notoriously rejects Jesus as the Messiah; even Josephus realized Jesus was the Messiah.
I’m talking about the RACE. And when I’m speaking of the Jewish race, I’m speaking of the descendants of Jacob, through his 12 sons, and their physical descendants. That’s what I mean when I speak of the Jews.
What a fool I am. What fools WE are. Real money and power have not changed hand since way before I was even born. It's all orchestrated chaos that serves to absorb our energy.Bush, Clinton, Kerry and who else? You name it. Aren't they all part of the same groups. And doesn't the money and power stay in the same hands of the same families. "Follow the money". Isn't that what they say. And if any of us start to make any real progress they just kill us. There would have to be a world wide spiritual, Economic and information revolution for things to really change. Knowledge is power. People aren't interested in knowledge. There interested in whatever is being marketed to them. There like sheep. Just herd them to the slaughter. But only after a life of servitude.
What about the Bilderberg group. Why should we be loyal to these leaders and there only loyalty is to groups of people that maintain each others power and privilege. These people have no country. They don't care about what is right or wrong. They only care about one thing. They have to do all this evil crap in secret. The whole world would be kicking the door down if they knew what they were doing. How much trouble in the world are they responsible for. They need to be taken out of power yesterday.
I'm gettin outta here before you people get violent and before they lock the doors.
I'm gettin outta here before you people get violent and before they lock the doors.
Where do you get your infromation about the Bilderberg group. Amigo?
Most of these stories are invented by people who with decidedly anti-Jewish ideas.
I offer you the same challenge I offered Cyclo.
Give me site or two about the Bilderberg group, and I will show you quotes or links from this site that are anti-Jewish and patently offensive.
ebrown, It doesn't matter to me whether there Jewish or not. I wouldn't dislike someone because they were Jewish. Good and bad people come from all race, religions, cultures, and countries. But here is were i've been reading from recently and . I also been reading Nastrodamouses predations on world war III and the end of the world (200? to 2012 the end of the world) That is also when the Mayan calender ends.