aidan wrote:
Quote:David - your insistence on this point is rather puzzling to me.
You and I both know that:
I could care less
I couldn't care less
Who cares?
I don't care
It's all the same to me
Wake me up when it's over
Who gives a flying ****
(I know you don't like profanity so I used asterisks)
My objection has been to the repugnance of scatological references,
not to all profanity.
all mean the same thing: that the speaker doesn't care.
There r variations in meaning among your exemplified utterances.
If it were at all based on logic, that means that when you asked someone, 'Who cares?'
you'd be expecting an answer - perhaps a specific name or at least someone to say, 'no one cares...'
Sometimes that
has been forthcoming,
including, but not limited to, the hearer declaring HIMSELF
as being a person who cares.
But you already know that means that the speaker believes
no one cares or at least that there's not good reason for anyone
to care - and that s/he in fact doesn't.
It's like how you're expecting us to suspend our expectations
for precision and correctness when you post and have us automatically read and accept 'enuf' as 'enough'.
I must reject this analysis in that that is not what I expect
and the precise and correct way to spell the word is NOT
how it is spelled in the dictionaries or most other people spell it.
The dictionaries r corrupt with error; illogic,
the same as if u find a math book that asserts that 5 + 5 = 12.
The dictionaries and those people r rong because thay cling to
and perpetuate the opposite of intelligence,
the opposite of logic and of efficiency.
It is as if everyone were driving around with a flat tire on each of his cars,
refusing to change it, in deference to tradition because it has been flat for a long time,
and I was driving around with 4 tires all intact, properly inflated
and thay accuse ME of being rong.
When Columbus said that the world is round
it did not matter how many detractors complained that it is flat;
Columbus was still precisely and correctly right.
Me too
Quote:If you can ask others to do that in terms of your spelling preferences,
why can't you do it when others state their idiomatic/language
preferences- even if they're different from yours?
Sound logic is
If everyone claims that 2 + 2 = 7,
I will refuse to co-operate and insist on the correct result of 4.