This is really embarrassing to talk about, but it's no laughing matter.
About a month ago I got a case of hemorrhoids, and it will just NOT go away.
I only had them once before, years ago, and didn't take them seriously and learned my lesson. The pain would shoot all the way down the backs of my legs, and on a scale of pain 1-10, it was a 9, sometimes a 12.
So - I have been taking good care of myself this time, doing all the right things, discussed with my doctor (she is not overly concerned at this point) It's nowhere near like the first time.
I got it down, witch hazel, warm compresses, fiber, water, techniques of body mechanics, etc. I could give lessons.
It seems everything on my body has gone to hell in a handbasket all at once.
I started on BP medication a couple weeks back, it lowered my BP, then it shot back up.....The dosage was increased, but did not come down.....dr. added a diuretic, no change for 2 days, THEN, I noticed the warning on the tube of preperation H said do not take w/ high blood pressure.
I immediatley stopped, and down came the BP like within 24 hours. Whew!
I called my dr. on Friday, appt this Tuesday to discuss the rroids.
Looking on medical sites, it seems most medications for them are not to be taken with high B/P
Anyway - that's the background....
After making the appt for Tues. I found a product called Hem-tea, they also sell Hem-tabs.....Now, I'm as skeptical as the next person, but they say it will work in 3 days (the tea)
I checked on one medical site that listed their recomendations of products, and this stuff was #1 on their list.
I check all the ingredients and none are contraindicated for B/P
This AM I ordered some, comes in 6-8 days.
Went to Whole foods and got some other type stuff to tide me over.
It's at least not getting any worse, so I'm thinking of postponing the appt until after I try the tea.
I have been to the doctor so many times in the last few weeks, I'd like to avoid another visit and more drugs at this time.
Anyone have experience with this stuff?