Anyone ever hear of Hem-tabs or Hem-tea?

Sat 10 Sep, 2005 12:51 pm
This is really embarrassing to talk about, but it's no laughing matter. Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed

About a month ago I got a case of hemorrhoids, and it will just NOT go away. Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed

I only had them once before, years ago, and didn't take them seriously and learned my lesson. The pain would shoot all the way down the backs of my legs, and on a scale of pain 1-10, it was a 9, sometimes a 12. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

So - I have been taking good care of myself this time, doing all the right things, discussed with my doctor (she is not overly concerned at this point) It's nowhere near like the first time.
I got it down, witch hazel, warm compresses, fiber, water, techniques of body mechanics, etc. I could give lessons.

It seems everything on my body has gone to hell in a handbasket all at once.

I started on BP medication a couple weeks back, it lowered my BP, then it shot back up.....The dosage was increased, but did not come down.....dr. added a diuretic, no change for 2 days, THEN, I noticed the warning on the tube of preperation H said do not take w/ high blood pressure.

I immediatley stopped, and down came the BP like within 24 hours. Whew!

I called my dr. on Friday, appt this Tuesday to discuss the rroids.
Looking on medical sites, it seems most medications for them are not to be taken with high B/P

Anyway - that's the background....
After making the appt for Tues. I found a product called Hem-tea, they also sell Hem-tabs.....Now, I'm as skeptical as the next person, but they say it will work in 3 days (the tea)

I checked on one medical site that listed their recomendations of products, and this stuff was #1 on their list.
I check all the ingredients and none are contraindicated for B/P

This AM I ordered some, comes in 6-8 days.
Went to Whole foods and got some other type stuff to tide me over.

It's at least not getting any worse, so I'm thinking of postponing the appt until after I try the tea.

I have been to the doctor so many times in the last few weeks, I'd like to avoid another visit and more drugs at this time.

Anyone have experience with this stuff?
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Tue 20 Sep, 2005 02:31 pm
Well gosh, Chai Tea, I wonder why no one else has responded? I've never heard of hem-tabs or tea, but I wanted to say "how are ya now?" Any better?

I've never had this problem worse than anything Witch Hazel couldn't cure, it seems to work really well.

I've used herbal remedies for many things, with some great successes. Maybe I can look through my (herbal) books and see what they recommend?

Let us know if you're any better now! Sounds really serious.

And hey, sounds like if your body is freaking out like this, it must be a stressful time in your life. What's happening? Did I miss another thread?
0 Replies
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 03:27 pm
Naturally you've increased your roughage/fiber intake?

I find Metamucil wafers help--and an apple a day.
0 Replies
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 03:35 pm
Good point, Noddy. This is like drinking lotsa fluids with a bladder infection... you've NO desire to do it, but you HAVE to!
0 Replies
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 11:48 am

Received the tea - read that you were supposed to drink it an hour before eating or 2 hours after eating.

The big tea bags smelled, well, very herby

Had all kind of directions where you had to simmer it in a glass container for 40 minutes. I used a heavy water glass placed inside a regular pot.

The bag had broken, so I strained it through a clean hankechief (no, really, I blew my nose it it first) Laughing

OK - here the good part.....

I said to my husband "God, this stuff smells like a Catholic Church during Lent" He didn't of course not know what I was talking about, since once when I asked him if his Dad went to church, he said - no, he went to the Lodge.

2 of the ingredient are frankencinse and myrrh, so the tea smelled very perfumey.

I had been warned it tasted awful, but I'm not weak of stomach, so I stealed myself and took a swig. Shocked Shocked

I swallowed fast, but it tasted like I had a mouth full of Shalimar, or Channel #5, mixed with something that had been buried under leaves on the florist floor for a few months.

OK, deep breathe, you can do it.......
Took another swig, really regreted it.......knew it was for the best.

Looked at how much was left and thought, "I don't know how I'll ever be able to finish this"

Took a third swig...........

My stomach roiled..........

I ran in the bathroom and vomited.

The Shalimar taste had permeated the roof of my mouth, going up into my sinuses.

I had to put my mind somewhere far, far way for a minute, and let my body deal with it.

This stuff is witches brew.

I will not try it again.

I'm getting better slowly, thanks. Yes, I take good care of myself, it just happened spontaneously.
Actually, I hear this type of thing can be in your genes, run in the family.

I feel queasy still just remembering that tea.
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 11:56 am
Well that tea sounds nasty.... but about the situation... hot baths are supposed to help alot... and the witch hazel of course... I can't use many over the counter drugs because of the meds I take, so I feel your pain.. and I have had your problem once before... yes it runs in the family.. my mother has to have an operation because of them... very very painful for her....
0 Replies
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 12:10 pm

honey... put some damn honey in it. Laughing
then take it again.
0 Replies
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 12:11 pm
hmmm, wonder how you can make it taste less horrid. there must be a way...
0 Replies
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 12:15 pm
probally only brew it half the time i would say,
but instructions say 40 minutes..

it MAY have tasted so stong because it broke out of the bag and the oils from the tea leaves were in the water in a higher concentration then they would be with the tea bag in place
0 Replies
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 12:23 pm
Thanks CL

like I said before, it's really embarrassing, and something to joke about, until you experience them. It just ruins your life.

well, I haven't bleed for 3 days now, little by slowly, getting better.

thanks for the support.
0 Replies
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 12:32 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
Thanks CL

Anytime, unfortunately at my age, I have gone through a good amount of medical problems and if not me then someone in my family... so if you ever have any questions, just ask away man! Laughing
0 Replies
Fri 23 Sep, 2005 08:18 am
When I have to take a very bad-tasting herbal tea, I mix a lot of Mint and Chamomile tea bags in with it. They not only cover bad tastes, they help with digestion. Both teas are available from good ole' Celestial Seasonings. They are harmless even in large doses.

Is this a root or bark tea? Only roots/barks are to be simmered (called a decoction). Leaves or flowers are infused, that is, you boil the water first and put the herb in when the water's just finished boiling, then let it sit, covered, for 5-20 minutes.

Personally, I'd infuse this tea, that is put it in non-boiling water for only 5 minutes with some Chamomile and Mint, and try it that way. Should make it a great deal more gentle on the system.

Also checked my herbal books, and the specific for this condition is Erechtites hieracifolia, or Fireweed, called Pilewort (that is, healer for Piles/Hems). The entire plant is used, so an infusion would be good. Careful, as it's emetic (makes you vomit) in large doses.

Other herbs you can take which are very mild, and used for this, are Burdock root, Chickweed, Licorice, Mullein, Plantain, and Spearmint.

Even a mint tea (Spearmint or Peppermint) taken daily would probably be helpful, and it's very soothing on digestion anyway.

Hope this helps... even if not, know that I care about you. Very glad to hear it's improving!
0 Replies
Fri 30 Sep, 2005 06:31 pm
Re: Anyone ever hear of Hem-tabs or Hem-tea?
Hi Chai Tea,

I can understand what you are going throug. I am in the same boat. I am too having quite a lot of pain for the past 2 weeks. I dont have that much pain in the morning these days when I empty my stomach, but I can feel far more pain during the pain and it persists till the evening most of the times...I am clueless what to do Sad(( Could it please be possible for you to guid me ? You mentioned in your email that you can give lessons...can you please give me one?? What exercies I should do? and what precautions I should take? Please let me know...

Also, you had mentioned that if someone has ever tried Hem-Tea / Hem-Tab...you would be glad to know that I am having it since the past one week...and its really working for me...I finished a weeks quota of hem-tea and ordered 4 weeks of hem-tea and hem-tabs...please let me know if anyone wants to know more about how to take this tea etc...this tea tastes really bad...but its all worth it....

Chai Tea...I am waiting to hear from you...please guide me okay....Hope to hear from you soon...take care and keep well.


Chai Tea wrote:
This is really embarrassing to talk about, but it's no laughing matter. Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed

About a month ago I got a case of hemorrhoids, and it will just NOT go away. Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed

I only had them once before, years ago, and didn't take them seriously and learned my lesson. The pain would shoot all the way down the backs of my legs, and on a scale of pain 1-10, it was a 9, sometimes a 12. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

So - I have been taking good care of myself this time, doing all the right things, discussed with my doctor (she is not overly concerned at this point) It's nowhere near like the first time.
I got it down, witch hazel, warm compresses, fiber, water, techniques of body mechanics, etc. I could give lessons.

It seems everything on my body has gone to hell in a handbasket all at once.

I started on BP medication a couple weeks back, it lowered my BP, then it shot back up.....The dosage was increased, but did not come down.....dr. added a diuretic, no change for 2 days, THEN, I noticed the warning on the tube of preperation H said do not take w/ high blood pressure.

I immediatley stopped, and down came the BP like within 24 hours. Whew!

I called my dr. on Friday, appt this Tuesday to discuss the rroids.
Looking on medical sites, it seems most medications for them are not to be taken with high B/P

Anyway - that's the background....
After making the appt for Tues. I found a product called Hem-tea, they also sell Hem-tabs.....Now, I'm as skeptical as the next person, but they say it will work in 3 days (the tea)

I checked on one medical site that listed their recomendations of products, and this stuff was #1 on their list.
I check all the ingredients and none are contraindicated for B/P

This AM I ordered some, comes in 6-8 days.
Went to Whole foods and got some other type stuff to tide me over.

It's at least not getting any worse, so I'm thinking of postponing the appt until after I try the tea.

I have been to the doctor so many times in the last few weeks, I'd like to avoid another visit and more drugs at this time.

Anyone have experience with this stuff?
Dr Evil
Tue 4 Oct, 2005 08:36 pm
Hem-Tea & Hem-Tabs
Hi there,

Was searching around for Hem-Tea and came upon this forum, thought I'd add my two cents. Been suffering for about 2 weeks with an external hem-roid, doctor said it would go away on its own. I don't like leaving things to chance and ordered Hem-Tea and Hem-Tabs about 10 days ago, got it yesterday.

Tonight I just choked down my first cup of Hem-Tea. That is without question the foulest, vilest, most horrible tasting concoction I have ever put in my mouth in 41 years of life, bar none. What's amazing is that with each sip it gets progressively worse tasting, unbelievable. Toward the end there I was within an eyelash of puking, took an incredible amount oft self restraint not too. There isn't an adjective in the English language to describe how truly and awfully disgustingly bad that stuff tastes. I just bought a new ceramic tea kettle to make it in (no metal can be used with Hem-Tea), I hope it doesn't leave that taste permanently in there or that will be another $25 bucks down the drain.

As incomparably foul tasting as it is, however, I'm committed to completing the program (1 cup a day for 7 days) to try and get some relief on the other end. If it works it will be worth it, but if it doesn't I'll be asking for my money back because that's a hell of a remedy to sell somebody and not have it work.

To those who have suggested adding something to the tea to make it palatable the manufacturer very clearly says not to as that might change the effectiveness of the tea. So we're stuck with it as is.

I'd just like to hear that somebody used this stuff and it worked, I need all the inspiration I can find to find the will to choke down another 6 cups of this swill.
Green Witch
Tue 4 Oct, 2005 08:47 pm
Two ideas/questions:

1. Can you dilute it? I mean like 10:1 with water or regular tea. Make it into a weak iced tea and add a sweetener. I think the problem is bitterness (that's the perfume taste from things like myrrh), so maybe watered down and sweetened it could be endured.

2. Does it work if you bake it into a brownie or muffin? Is there any reason it has to liquid? If not, at least make some flax seed brownies/muffins for future prevention.
0 Replies
Tue 4 Oct, 2005 10:21 pm
The Road to Hell is supposed to be edged with primroses, not Hem-Tea.
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Tue 4 Oct, 2005 10:29 pm
Oh my..... Nothing to add, just here to support. Why not try a chinese medicine remedy....?
0 Replies
Wed 5 Oct, 2005 10:38 am
Shocked Shocked Shocked

Can't believe this thread is still around!

First off - all better thanks. No thanks to the tea though.
God that was 2 weeks ago, and I can STILL tell you exactly what it tastes like.

Dr. Evil.....you are the only one who really knows. All these suggestions as to how to tolerate that stuff better?
I know you'd agree with me that there's nothing you could do to it that wouldn't make it taste worse.
I can't believe you drank it all, I puked my guts after 3 gulps.

It tastes like something you would find a evil spirit drinking in the Book of the Dead. Something made out of a cadaver.

Picture yourself in an ancient pyramid, surrounded by death, you suddenly hear something and turn around to find a 5000 year old mummy standing over you.
You strike out at it, screaming.
On contact, the mummy disenegrates, and 5000 year old dust, incense, oils, embalming fluids, rat turds, and dried mummy flesh fly into your mouth.

Dr. E. do you concur?

Diluting or adding anything to it would only serve to remind yourself that you are trying to cover up this wretched stuff.

Other than that, how's tricks? Very Happy
0 Replies
Dr Evil
Thu 6 Oct, 2005 12:48 pm
As I've said, according to the company that supplies the tea you CAN'T do anything to alter it or you risk reducing it's effectiveness. No sweeteners, no diluting, no nothing. Follow the directions and choke it down, period.

I made it thru that first cup (just barely, believe me) and planned on doing the whole 7 days, but about an hour after drinking it I got the runs - bad. Exactly what I didn't need under the circumstances. So that was the last straw for me, no more tea in my future. I've switched to their other product, Hem-Tabs, 10 tablets twice daily which is easily tolerable but according to the company takes longer to work. So far I'm as bad as ever, no improvement at all, but I've only had the one tea and a day and a half of pills.

This thing about has me licked, I've tried every trick and tactic I know (and I know more than most) and nothing is helping. It's an external one, which means rubber band ligation is not an option. The only other time I had the 'roids was about 5 years ago, they were the internal variety and the rubber band thing, while unpleasant, worked great. Been fine ever since until now. The last resort for this stupid external one is actual surgery, which is very painful, but I'm running out of options.

The human body is overall a great piece of machinery, but there are a few key flaws that should be fixed in the next revision. Hemorrhoids are definitely one of them. And whatever ails George Bush, who is a kind of a hemorrhoid I guess, is another. (Hey well the topic was hemorrhoids, seems appropriate somehow...)
0 Replies
Tue 11 Oct, 2005 12:45 pm
Hi China Tea,

You had said that you can give lessons in order to have the hemorrhiods in control. Can you please guid me with that. What kind of exercies I can do?

Hi Dr. Evil,

I do understand that Hem-Tea tastes really bad but believe me, I felt really good after taking it for like 8-10 days in a row. First I had ordered for a weeks supply and than I again ordered 2 weeks of Hem Tea and 2 weeks of Tabs. It really works great for me, if you follow all the instructions of boiling the water and stimmering for like 40 mins. Yups, you do have to run to the loo if you take if after your lucnh after 2 hrs...I found it better to take it an hour before my dinner...thats a better way and make sure that you dont take a lot of tea...make sure its just a cop and try to take it as hot as possible....forget the taste and all...its far better than getting operated rite and worsening our condition...i look at it that way...please dont think of its taste and all...just drink it for a week and for sure you will see the difference...atleast i did...so atleast give it a try...

China Tea...i am waiting to hear from you...so that I can get some lessons from you...i sincelrey hope you get back to me...


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