Sat 10 Sep, 2005 01:51 am
I think eating human body should be legalized. Because we are lacking many foods; the world is getting more population, and we don't have enough food source to fulfill our hungerness. Thus, we do need our same being--human.
I don't mean we can just find any being to kill. We can find human materials through many associations: 1)we can have those criminal who are sentenced death penalty to be our cooking materials after they are killed, and 2)we can get those human materials by aborted infants. Some pregnant females don't want their babies anymore; therefore, we can have them to sign agreements that they are willing to let their babies to be sold into market for food matters. If their babies have developed into humen forms which are able to sense and move, then I won't like it. But, as long as their babies are still in proto-type, we are able to cook and eat.
And before human materials sent to each cooking departments for foods, their bodies must be checked in order to make sure there is no disease in their body proportions. Trust me, I don't think eating human is sick, just another way to solve hunger disaster.
Yikes; I see Charleton Heston , trucks plowing over people, and other visions of soilent green.
Not a pretty picture.
I love the taste of freshly roasted chest with garlic and some taters (or Tartars) baking on the side.
Cannibalism should really only be done in cases of extreme a plane crash where the only way to survive is eating the passenger in the window seat. Or the case of the Donner party (gave a new meaning to party I suppose) where they needed to eat the persons who were succumbing to the elements in order to last until
Spring arrived. Cannibalizing just for the heck of it seems a bit off though.
Remind me that if I'm ever invited to a dinnerparty by ps2huang I'll stay away.
Particularly if the invitation doesn't specify wether you are a guest or the main dish...
About eating aborted children... that part almost made me throw up. That's disgusting. Embryo soup?
And eating criminals... Lets have the electric chair replaced with a kitchen where the executioner wears a white apron and hat, sharpening his butchering knives as the prisoner is led into the room for slaughter...
I do so enjoy liver with fava beans and a nice chianti....
sorry, a cliche I realize...couldn't resist.
There isn't a shortage of food in the world. We (the US)have more than we know what to do with. We throw it away in the tons.
If that was legalised then I'd hate to think what else would be legalised. This world is already scary as it is.
I wonder if this is a Modest Proposal type thing. (Abortion, particularly.)
Anyway, ew.
One problem with the idea I realized. Both aborted children and criminals are things we don't like. Who wants to eat something they don't like?
This dude can't be American.
By the way, when your girlfriend tells you "eat me," that's not what she's talking about.
Re: Should eating human flesh be legalized?
ps2huang wrote:I think eating human body should be legalized. mean it's against the law? No-one told me.
It's loaded with saturated fat.Not good at all.
Yes, We can mix human into byproduct and produce larger quantities of food and it will be eaten.
What sort of dessert is served after a fabulous flesh feast?
I had no idea it was at present illegal. An anthropologist friend of mine told me he once asked a cannibal what human flesh tasted like and he was not told: "chicken", as one might have expected. He said "snake." Figures.