Linkat wrote:The Bible was written by man, not by God, so there in of itself leads that the word of God may not have been written perfectly. Hopefully, I am not struck down dead by saying that.
Try not to be so "god fearing!"
In addition, the Bible was written by different writers over an extensive period of time.
Secondly, the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic while the New Testament was in Greek. These are the original languages of the Holy Bible from which all the translations are derived. God's inspiration is confined to the original languages and utterances, not the many translations.
There are 1,300 languages and dialects into which the Holy Bible, in its entirety or in portions, has been translated. This does not mean that the translations do not convey the meaning of the Bible. The translations depend upon the translator to use the proper words and phrases to render meaning as close as possible to the text of the original language. It is well-known that a new translation is more or less a new interpretation. For instance, in the English language there are many translations and renderings with different words and phrases, which imply that one translation differs from the other.
Unique characteristics such as idioms and colloquialisms make it impossible for an accurate translation of the meaning of the original Language. Therefore, the translations should be used for, the spiritual guidance of the believers.
Yes, Link...I know.
And you Christians keep trotting that stuff out whenever something inconvenient is pointed out.
That is why I framed my question the way I did.
Allow me to repeat it:
Essentially, you Christians are saying that there is a GOD that made everything...
...a personal GOD that wants us to know what IT is like...what pleases IT...what offends IT....what it expects of humans.
This GOD...made planet Earth; the other planets; the sun; the other 200+ billions of suns that make up our galaxy; and the hundreds of billions of other galaxies that we know exist. It placed them in space so vast that two galaxies can pass through each other without any of their stars crashing into each other.
Are you telling me that this GOD cannot manage to get ITS story out in a coherent, dependable that each of us KNOWS what IT is like....what pleases IT...what offends IT....and what IT expects of us?
You see, Link...I am asking: If your god is so powerful...and if your wants us to know what it is like...and wants us to know what pleases or offends it...and wants us to know what it expects of us...
...why didn't it do a better job of getting the message out?
A god that can make galaxies should be able to get a message this important out in absolutely unambiguous form.
Why...considering all the presumptions YOU FOLKS are making....has it been such a failure?