Why does he do these?

Reply Sun 15 Sep, 2024 01:23 pm
Hi! My name is Hansi! I am just a 17-year old Austrian girl who has a close friendship with a firm 17-year old boy. I met him when we were still toddlers and his name is Siegfried.

Actually, he isn't a typical type of close friend because we actually met due to the fact that we are both first cousins to Maximilian who is also a 17-year old boy.

Ethnically, Maximilian is half‐German and half-Austrian. I am a first cousin to Maximilian from his mom's side while Siegfried is a first cousin to Maximilian from the side of Maximilian's dad.

That's how Siegfried and I met because Maximilian's blood family(parents and siblings) resulted in Maximilian's father and Maximilian's mother bringing the father's relatives and the mother's relatives to meet each other.

This is why Siegfried and I are very close towards each other. We are far closer as friends than typical close friends who started as strangers and are not blood related. Siegfried and I are not related by blood but due to both of us being relatives of Maximilian, Siegfried and I are very close to the point that I give the name of my friendship with Siegfried as being “soul cousins”.

We are very close but I don't why this Myrna theater girl is far closer to him than to me. I am his “soul cousin” while Myrna is not and is also not related to him by blood so I should be closer to him than to Myrna. It's not fair.

Anyways, I am kind of worried for him because he often fights, intimidates, and beats up the popular kids of the highschool he studies at as well as the allies(which are almost EVERYONE in the highschool) of the popular kids. What I am saying is that Siegfried is literally not afraid of anyone and even engaged in a brawl against the highschool's entire male gridiron football team multiple times just to defend this Myrna girl from those teen gridiron football athlete dudes. A number of the gridiron football athlete dudes are scared of Siegfried and they try to stay away from them if they are alone. For example, he has brutally beaten up many of the male gridiron football team members one on one. He also beats up the school's female popular kids whenever they try to get physical towards him or Myrna. This caused the whole school to see him as some violent thug which resulted in the whole school banding together against him. His situation is really bad. He is stupid.

One time, he also brought a military combat knife to school and in front of me, pointed it towards one of the male gridiron football athletes as his way to intimidate the football dude and he did scare the football dude. He threatened the football dude that he would kill him for laying his hand on Myrna. He wasn't caught about the knife and the intimidation he did. I then told him how extremely stupid he is for doing such a thing and I also told him to never do such a thing again. He just laughed.

He is so protective of this theater girl by the name of Myrna. Anyways, they are very close to the point that she calls him by the name Sigs and he doesn't mind. He actually likes it. His full name is Siegfried. The two of them are the bestest of friends.

I can tell that they are very close. He even told me that he wants to beat up Myrna's stalkers and catcallers. The reason why Myrna has stalkers and catcallers is because physically and in terms of appearance, she is extremely beautiful and extremely sexy especially facewise. She also has long legs. She is slim. Her whole skin is unblemished. She is also very physically fit. And because of these, her life is sometimes kind of rough and unpleasant. Sometimes, she often has to deal with perverts and street assholes.

She said that she wants to be a doctor to help people but she also said that she wants to be a first-class actress in the future. I think she is narcissistic and egoistic for that.

Both of Siegfried's parents are full-blooded German immigrants from Germany while both of my parents are full-blooded Austrians from Austria. But Siegfried and I were born and raised here in the USA so we're technically Americans. Still, Siegfried's parents were a huge influence towards him, especially in terms of personality and character.

Anyways, I am very worried for Siegfried because he is just so defiant to the popular kids of the highschool he goes to. They might do some cruel things to him or worse, KILL him. While most of the students of the highschool suck up to the popular kids, he doesn't and even made multiple attempts to viciously spite them which resulted in the popular kids being brutally offended by him. Does he hate them? Why? Also, does he hate everyone in highschool? It kind of seems that way. I don't know.
I don't really know but one thing's for sure is that he doesn't talk to anyone in the highschool except Myrna. He seems like he wants nothing to do with the whole school except Myrna.

While most of the school's loyalty is to the popular kids, he is very different because chooses to be loyal to this Myrna girl who is a target of the popular kids' sadistic tendencies.

The popular kids that despise and target Myrna the most are the female popular kids. I don't know why. Those popular girl kids really hate Myrna so much.

Honestly, it's not just Myrna who is maliciously targeted by the popular kids but also all of the theater kids in the highschool. I don't know why the popular kids hate the theater kids so much.

Honestly, Siegfried needs to mind his own business because Myrna is not even a relative of his. Plus, American public highschool popular kids and their allies can be really extremely cruel. He is only one man against a whole highschool.

Siegfried is extremely defiant towards the popular kids all for the sake of defending this Myrna girl from their malicious and aggressive ways. He might get himself killed one day.

I never understood why Siegfried is so protective and loyal to this Myrna girl. Is it because she is a theater girl? Is it because she is artistic(she does painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.)? Siegfried does have an appreciation for those hobbies so maybe that's why? I don't know. Myrna is a passionate theater girl. She takes theatrical arts very seriously.

But one thing's for sure is that his obvious passionate hobbies are martial arts, wrestling, knife-fighting, and boxing. He is very good at all of them. An uncle of his by the name of Hans(who is a full-blooded German like Siegfried) told me that Siegfried is so obsessed with martial arts, wrestling, boxing, and knife-fighting that it's unhealthy. But I think Siegfried is a good boy. For example, he doesn't neglect his academics and he always passes his classes. His favorite classes are Mathematics and Calculus. He is very good at all of them.

As for Hans's opinion of Myrna, he doesn't approve of her because she is not a German or an Austrian but a yank. Uncle Hans is a bit racist especially to American yanks. Some Germans of Germany are still racist. Myrna is a white girl but she's a yank American.

Why is Siegfried loyal to Myrna?

What's confusing is that Myrna was the first to make the first move in making friends with Siegfried. Before that, Siegfried never cared about Myrna.

He seriously should stop waging these dumb one-man wars against his highschool's popular kids if he knows what's good for him. The whole school might gang-up on him and kill him. Honestly, he is a bit right about the popular kids being these kinds of shitbags. For example, all of his highschool's female popular kids are entitled arrogant bitches who think they're all beautiful despite the fact that all of them look average, especially facewise. They also often call my classmate Becca the words “ugly”, “porky”, and “ginger pig”. Becca is a fat redhead girl.

The highschool's female popular kids really very much hate Myrna and think she's snobby, narcissistic, high-and-mighty, annoying, worthless, bitchy, and arrogant. The highschool's female popular kids also think that she is a “creepy theater freak” because they think that all she does is spend her whole days practicing her acting skills and that she has no social life. Socially, Myrna does socialize. The people she socializes with are other members of the highschool theater kids so I don't know what the female popular kids are talking about.

Anyways, why does Siegfried like this Myrna girl far more than me? Siegfried and I often spent a lot of time together until Myrna's presence changed all of that. He should be closer to me because I am his “soul cousin” while Myrna isn't even his relative, blood-related family, or “soul cousin”. Plus, his defense of Myrna against the popular kids and the whole highschool might get him killed. She is none of his business.

Reply Sun 15 Sep, 2024 06:05 pm
I bet what I'm posting is about 100% not what you want to hear. But screw it. I'll post it anyway.

He's close to her because he wants to get in her pants. Ask your American friends what that means if you're unsure. And, he does not want to get into yours, perhaps because he feels he'd break your heart and/or you're not blood related but you are essentially relatives anyway. Many people with step siblings feel those folks are off the table when it comes to dating because it just feels wrong to them. Something similar may be happening here.

You say this Myrna gal is none of Siegfried's business, yet you've made her your business. If, as you say, he shouldn't be concerning himself with her, then you shouldn't, either. You don't get to have it both ways.

But your judgment that he shouldn't involve himself is misplaced. When you feel someone is being mistreated, it's important to speak up for that person. But that means telling a teacher or another trusted adult. It does not mean doing everything in your power to kick someone's ass.

Oh, and the thing about one group of kids in school not liking a separate group of kids is a story just about as old as time. When you get a chance, be sure to read The Outsiders by SE Hinton. Or watch the film West Side Story.

Frankly, he sounds nasty and unhinged. You sound judgmental as all get out, no doubt fueled by a ton of obvious jealousy. The only person who seems to have much in the way of redeeming qualities is Myrna.
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:08 am
I don't want to sound like some person who love getting into other people's business but why do you think that Siegfried wants to get into Myrna's pants? What does he see in her?
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:24 am
I am judgmental? Why so? She really is narcissistic and egoistic. Why is it that she plans to be a first-class actress just because she's extremely sexy and extremely beautiful especially facewise? She wants to go to Hollywood and be a movie-star? She should do something that will truly contribute to humanity such as being a scientist or a doctor.

Many Hollywood celebs are narcissistic and not that different from the popular kids of a typical American highschool.

For some reason, Myrna has one quality in common with the female popular kids of Siegfried's highschool: Narcissism and Egoism. Although the female popular kids are absolute crazy bitches, they were atleast right about Myrna being narcissistic.

She thinks she's so special just because she's extremely physically attractive and extremely physically fit in a slim way. Because of her, Siegfried drastically decreased his time for me.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:46 am
Cutilasi993 wrote:

What does he see in her?

Cutilasi993 wrote:

she's extremely sexy and extremely beautiful
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 03:43 pm
She's narcissistic and egoistic.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 03:50 pm
I am filled with jealousy? Why would I be jealous of Myrna? Compared to her, I focus on my inner skills and talent rather than my personal looks. I want to be a chef in the future while she is focused on acting so she can become some condescending Hollywood diva.
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:02 pm
So?? What's it to you for someone have different aspirations than you?
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:15 pm
Siegfried sounds nasty and unhinged? I understand you but he is a good boy deep down. Still, I am very worried for him. This is why I again think that he should stay away from that Myrna girl because ever since he met her, he turned into this scary aggressive belligerent monster who picks fights with a lot of people in his highschool. Before he met Myrna, he was a gentle boy who didn't involve himself into any sort of trouble. He needs to learn fear but he seems like he always doesn't care about anything at all and will brutally attack anything that try to harm or wrong Myrna.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:18 pm
I just don't understand why most girls who are extremely sexy and extremely beautiful often go for becoming actresses. Most of those girls are. It's so dumb.
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:56 pm
You have a real stalker vibe.

So what if she's everything you said she is?

It's her life.

And if Seigfreid manages to get a shag out of it, good for him.
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 04:59 pm
Btw, this is a forum which is predominantly American.

You're not going to make many friends referring to them as Yanks.
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 05:20 pm
Sorry about that. I didn't know that yank is a derogatory racist term.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 05:31 pm
Okay, I guess I was a bit too harsh on Myrna but why is it that the female popular kids of Siegfried's highschool call her narcissistic and egoistic?
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 10:06 pm
Teen aged girls are merciless and extremely cruel. Sound familiar?

You're listening to hearsay without taking the time to get to know her. To me, you're entering into a trap that denigrates women for no reason at all. You've made fun of her looks and her aspirations. You've deemed her choice of vocation as stupid and unnecessary. You're jealous of someone because a boy pays more attention to her than to you. And this boy doesn't look at you the same way. And he never will. So you're hurt and lashing out.

Stop it. Stop thinking she's a bad person, a threat to you or to him, someone not worthy of your time, compassion or support.

Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2024 10:37 pm
I agree with neptuneblue.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2024 10:52 am
How exactly did I make fun of her looks? I never said that she's ugly.
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2024 11:05 am
Cutilasi993 wrote:
Compared to her, I focus on my inner skills and talent rather than my personal looks. I want to be a chef in the future while she is focused on acting so she can become some condescending Hollywood diva.

You don't have to say she's ugly on the outside, your jealousy and disdainful tone shows how you truly feel.
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2024 11:44 am
Again, why would I be jealous of her?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2024 11:50 am
Why are you saying that the female popular kids of Siegfried's highschool influenced me into believing that Myrna is narcissistic and egoistic? The female popular kids didn't influence me. I independently thought of Myrna as narcissistic and egoistic.

You're speaking as if I am a typical American highschool kid who licks the boots of the popular kids. I don't. In fact, I know that all of the female popular kids of Siegfried's highschool are arrogant narcissistic evil bitches.

I am just asking you why did the female popular kids of Siegfried's highschool thought of Myrna as narcissistic and egoistic. Don't simply tell me that teeenage girls are cruel and callous. I don't like simplistic answers. You're just saying that all teenage girls are cruel as a way for you to include me. Say to me the real reason why those popular bitches think of Myrna as narcissistic and egoistic. What do they exactly see in her?

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