Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:45 pm
Ellpus Holiday Diary
M'Lord: If it wouldn't be giving away anything from day 8's diary
entry, did the dowager Lady Butt-Groping have a blissful smile on her
face at breakfast the next morning ? One imagines that with your
legendary prowess, she'd be grinning from ear-to-ear !


P.S.: Always keep a small flashlight/torch in your posession,to
{hopefully} avoid such catastrophes in the future !!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:54 pm
Lordeeeee, I looked it up from here, in the same sense of aghast you feel. I only hope you can prove my findings worng, er, I mean, wrong....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 12:05 am
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 10:12 am
Now, pay attention.....further update on the weird v wierd thingy.

Full rhyme goes......

"i before e
except after c
or in words that say 'ay'
like 'neighbor' and 'weigh'
or ones that are just 'weird' "

My apologies to Osso.....

You should see me try and spell potatoe.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 10:54 am
Well done Lorde

computer slow connection only with you as far as Fishbourne (been there done that)

looking forward to reading PORTSMOUTH asap
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 12:01 pm
well now up to date. nearly died laughing
proud to associate myself as a fellow brit with lordy
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 12:22 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
nearly died laughing

Would have been a nice dead, though.
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 01:14 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
well now up to date. nearly died laughing
proud to associate myself as a fellow brit with lordy

I am SO glad that people find all of this amusing! You really are a sympathetic bunch.

I shall try to finish the diary before Thursday, and then I can give my full concentration to the Ashes. God, I think that the entire Country will grind to a halt on the final day, dont you Steve?

Now that I have thoroughly confused our friends from the USA, I shall now get back on track......
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 01:19 pm
the entire country will grind... ehm...trying hard to get that image out of my head! damn you ellpus!
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 01:20 pm
DAY EIGHT.............

After a fitful night, I took my place at the breakfast table and kept one eye on the Crone's bedroom door. The old bat always had it in for me, so I was not looking forward to the forthcoming encounter at all.
She was a virago of the first order, who terrorised her poor husband for nigh on sixty years....god knows how they had children. Maybe he used a paper bag.

I hadnt spoken to her for eighteen months, purely because I didnt want to interrupt. Years ago, I invited her over to skate on our lake before the ice got too thick....but she turned out to be an expert swimmer.
The two worst things about her are her faces.
I cut the dog's tail off recently, just before one of her visits, as I didnt want anything in the castle to make her think she was welcome. We used to put her photo on the mantelpiece in the living room, in order to keep the kids away from the fire.

Just recently, she had become even more depressed, after a local peeping tom had knocked on her door and asked her to close her curtains.
Lady E had therefore felt duty bound to invite her to tag along with us for the weekend. I must have been drunk at the time, otherwise I would have put up a bit of a fuss regarding the whole idea.

Anyway...she was here now....and I had mounted her like a highwayman making his getaway.

I knew she up and about, as I heard her walking frame tap tapping across the bedroom floor. The door opened slowly, and she made her slow progress towards the table, humming a tune by Vera Lynn. Lady E immediately got up and gave her a hug.

"Good morning Mummy....you sound bright and breezy"

"Frisky dreams again, dear. Frisky dreams" and went back to the humming.

"Is it those tranquilisers again? Do we need to change your medication?" enquired her ladyship.

"You keep your hands off my tablets" the crone rasped "If they make me have dreams like that every night, I wouldnt mind a bit. The last time I had rumpo like that was when your father returned from the Somme"

"MAMA!" exclaimed Lady E, who returned to her seat looking shocked.

Ten minutes later, the crone finally reached the table and sat down. I was doing anything and everything to avert my eyes.

"You're looking shifty, Ellpus" barked crone "What the bloody hell have you been up to now?"

"Nothing dear" I replied "I'm just hungry, that's all"

"Bollocks....I can tell when you've been up to things" she spewed "What is it this time.....not the dancing girls again"

"Mummy, that is unfair....you know they never proved anything, and Ellpus won a huge sum of money in the libel case"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again" said the crone...talking to her daughter, whilst fixing her beady little eyes on me "He's no good for you....never has been. He is the turd in your drainpipe"

That was the excuse I was looking for, and stood up from the table. "I shall not stand for this any longer" I said "I shall leave you to spend some time together, and shall seek my own amusement today"

"Go on...bugger off then. We'll be fine without you" mocked the windbag as I headed for the door. "And dont get yourself arrested again" ... her final comment, just as I clicked it shut behind me.

FREEDOM! I had the whole day to myself, and was determined to make the most of it. I needed a distraction to take my mind off the awful events of the night before, but first I needed to relax.

I know.....I shall try a massage, as it seemed to do wonders for the better half...........
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2005 02:17 pm
We got as far as the lizard, st just and penzance. Going any further Lordy?

"God, I think that the entire Country will grind to a halt on the final day, dont you Steve?"

I'm hoping, in the spirit of fair play and British weather that there wont be a ball bowled, complete washout from Thursday to Monday. That will do eh?
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 03:30 am
DAY EIGHT (Cont'd).............

As I left the hotel, I was almost struck on the head by half a bread roll. I looked up at the grand building and saw the Crone leaning over the balcony, using the style of gesticulation that she normally reserved for visiting tradesmen. I waved at her, praying that the ballustrade would give way, as there was a particularly large lorry approaching at speed.
I crossed quickly and made my way down towards the shipyard. A dear acquaintance of mine used to be in the Royal Navy and said that the best Masssage parlours were always within shouting distance of a shore bound sailor.
Just round the corner, I saw a sign saying "Dockyard East" and noted that it pointed down a working class road, so I took a deep breath and headed off towards the Docks.
Halfway down this road, I noticed that one house was in a shabbier state than the rest. Ivy covered the roof, and a discarded mattress was sprouting weeds in the front garden. There was a goat with its head through the front gate, trying to eat a paper bag that was lying on the pavement. Strange.....
I stopped outside in order to pet the goat, whereupon a chicken started a conversation with me.

"Perrrrc-puk-puk-p'cuurr?" it asked.

Now.....I learnt to speak chicken during a spell in a deserted farmyard near Bethun in Northern France.
I had been beaten up by a couple of Fockers, and had force landed nearby. I had hidden my Hurricane so well, that it was three weeks before I was rescued.
Out of sheer boredom, I had tried to converse with various animals without success, apart from the chickens. However, as I had learnt chicken in French, it was quite hard to understand this English one, as the brain had to do a double translation and my French is not that good, although my chicken remains fluent. She was asking if I was on holiday, or had I moved in somewhere nearby.

"P'cuuurr-c, par'c- puk-pukkerrrr" I replied, but before I could say any more, a window opened and a rather large lady told me to bugger off, otherwise she would have me arrested for using fowl language.
I gave her a look, bade farewell to the Road Island Red, and walked off down the street. "P'kuk" said the chicken, waving her scrawny little wing.

It had started raining as I entered Grapplinghook Road and I had no umbrella, which made me quite embarrassed as I could be mistaken for a foreigner. Several shops loomed in the distance and, as I drew nearer, I could see a pink neon sign saying "Massage" so I broke into a trot to get out of the rain, despite the shrapnel in my right leg.

The front door was boarded up, but there were lights on inside so I went in and found myself in a gloomy passageway with several doors leading off. There was a strange smell, and someone or something was quietly yelping upstairs.

One of the doors opened, and the corridor was suddenly filled by the enormous bulk of a non practising Homo Sapien in a shabby suit.

"Can I 'elp you Guv'nor?" the bulk enquired.

"I'm looking for a relaxing massage" I replied, brushing the drops of rain from my shoulders.

"Well...first of all, I'll 'ave to frisk you" he said, pushing me forcefully up against the sticky wall, "Security an' all that".

I could feel my anger rising as this ape stuck his hands in all of my pockets.

"So in the name of security, everyone who enters this establishment has to have his bottom fondled by a drooling pervert?" I snapped.

"Only doing my job, mate" he grunted, pushing me harder against an embedded piece of chewing gum.

"Well, how lucky you are then that your job is also your hobby." I quipped.

He grabbed my shoulders and spun me round....his stubbled jaw in line with my nose..."I will say this for you mate, you certainly have some balls" he growled.

"Well, you should know" I said as bravely as possible "You've fondled them to the point that you can give an informed opinion"

His bunch of bananas grasped my throat and began to squeeze the life out of me.

"Do you know who I am?" I said, sounding as if I was on helium. "I am Lord Ellpus"

"I dont care if you're a bleedin' cousin to the Queen" he hissed.


"SPANKY? Is that YOU?" a female voice interrupted from the back.

A rather large lady wafted down the corridor to witness the throttling. She wore a pink negligee which revealed a lot more than was considered decent at this time of the morning.

"Put him DOWN, Cyril" she ordered..."He's an old friend of mine from WAY back"

Cyril loosened his grip, and my feet touched ground. I looked at the lady and racked my brain. Damned if I knew who she was. I thanked her for rescuing me, as Cyril loped back to his room looking disappointed.

"Dont tell me you've forgotten" she said, laughing.

"You'll have to give me a mo" I answered "I need to get the old oxygen back to the brain".

"I never wear a watch" she said, winking.

She never wears a watch? what the..? hang on a mo!......I immediately cast my gaze towards her 44D cup and confirmed my suspicions.

"Alice? ....Slack Alice?....Pink Pussycat Club 1974?..." I blurted.

"The one and only" she answered, placing her hands on her hips and shaking her bosom, causing the floorboards to creak ominously.

Alice was quite famous in London during the Seventies, for one reason. Her breasts could tell the time.

Her right breast would position itself to display the minutes, and her left the hour. If right was pointing straight up and left was straight down, one would know that it was six o'clock on the dot. Amazing!

Apparently it was a hereditary thing, as her maternal ancestors used to be taken on board Naval frigates as early as the 1700's, in order to assist the various Captains with their navigation as they plundered remote parts of the world.

At this moment, both of her teats were facing inwards, so I knew that it was a quarter past nine and I had to get a move on. We had a pleasant conversation about the old times, and it turned out that she had semi retired and moved down to the coast, as she had problems with her chest. She found that the pollution in the London air had caused her to lose fifteen minutes a day, but it had now fully recovered.

I told her that I required a thoroughly relaxing massage, and she took me into a red painted room, devoid of furniture apart from an unusual padded table-like thing. She gave me a towel and told me to undress and lie down....she would be back in a couple of minutes.

I did as I was told (one NEVER argued with Alice....hands like a Docker) and lay there looking at the writing on the ceiling, which turned out to be a menu of sorts. There were lots of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, which was typical of Alice.

You see....Alice was Dyslexic, and this is how she came to be in her present profession. As a young girl, she was looking for a job and answered an ad in her local paper that was offering employment in what she thought was a warehouse. She had obviously misread the wording, and ended up working full time in <ahem> a "gentlemens relax" for ten years, making a fortune in the process.

......I passed the time by reading what was on offer......"Relief Massage.. £15" seemed appealing, as I am always up for donating money to good causes. I wondered what relief charity she gave to whilst I moved down the list. Towards the bottom, I spied "Prostate Massage....£35" and smiled at the obvious spelling mistake.....I felt like a massage in the prostrate position, so I made up my mind to have one of those, followed by the aforementioned massage in aid of charity.

Alice re-entered the room, and locked the door. She took off her negligee which shocked me slightly, as I realised that thrirty five minutes had passed, just like that.

In her hand, she carried the obligatory baby oil and in the other, a large box of Kleenex....maybe she had a slight cold?..

I placed my order with her, trying without success to keep my eyes off the time. I closed my eyes and looked forward to a good de-stressing session..............
0 Replies
Mr Stillwater
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 03:38 am
...so, an ordinary day in England, for an ordinary Lord???
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 04:11 am

dont tell me you chickened out?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 04:30 am
hope ellpuses organism was most relaxed.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 08:44 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
I'm hoping, in the spirit of fair play and British weather that there wont be a ball bowled, complete washout from Thursday to Monday. That will do eh?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2005 10:15 pm
Next vacation I'll tag along with Spanky and the Mrs. -
seems so much fun traveling in England.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 03:04 am

wassamatta margo?

this is not a game. sportsmanship does not come into it. Its about sending all those aussies back to earls court with their tails between their legs


we lov ya really, such good losers
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 06:18 am
DAY EIGHT (My massage experience) WARNING :- Unabridged version. Some of you may wish to look the other way whilst reading this, especially if you have just eaten.

.....Alice, having registered my order, glanced down at her chest and pushed her hand into the immense cleavage. She removed two latex gloves and a humbug. She popped the sweet into her mouth and asked me to turn onto my front. I rolled over, keeping the towel over my functional regions.

She then turned on the radio, which was tuned into the local station. I found that the table had a hole in it, into which one could place one's face. On the floor, there was another menu which was offering various types of snack.

I heard two snapping noises, as Alice donned the latex gloves. She then removed the towel, exposing my buttock area, and obviously picked up on my discomfort.

"Dont worry Spanky....I've seen it before...remember?" She said mockingly.

I decided to throw modesty to the wind, and relaxed my clench. The radio announcer was making a request for Petty Officer somebody or other, on HMS Fearless....the song was a delightful up tempo calypso style number (I believe it is now called Reggae) by Desmond Dekker and the Aces.

Alice popped a bottle of something open and a couple of seconds later, I felt a drizzle of cold liquid working its way down my back, all the way to my half exposed undercarriage. Most unpleasant, in a pleasant sort of way, if you know what I mean. Against my will, I felt my elephant gun begin to take aim. I will now try to think of something else, before she asks me to turn over onto my back.

Alice started to massage my shoulders, which was very soothing. I decided to give the music my full attention as a means of diversion, and tried to decipher what the singer was actually saying.

"Oh-Ohhhhh Oh....me ears are alight" Then the beat started up.....

"I get up in de marnin', shavin' me breakfast"

"So dat every Monk and Beefhead.....Oh-Ohhhhh Oh...me ears are alight"

Her hands in the meantime, had worked their slippery way down my shrapnel scarred torso, and had alighted onto my coccyx, in a gentle circling motion. The elephant gun was now trying to burrow its way through the table. Think harder man! Get lost in the music!!

"Chup donna heerop, choses aye go...Aye don wonna endup like bonnie an' clyde"

Oh-Ohhhhh Oh...me ears are alight".
What was the bloody man going on about? This wasnt working, and one hand had worked its way right down, dangerously near to the nadgerial area.
The chamber was now fully loaded, and ready for firing.

"Ow's it going Luvvie....ready yet?" said Alice.

"Hmmmf-ummm-arrrmmm" I replied, being unable to move my mouth due to the constriction of the face hole. The brain was now furiously trying to concentrate on anything to distract me from the sensation of having one's nadgers lightly brushed.

"I'll take that as a yes, then" she giggled.

"Why fanna chill wren dey packup anna leave me, she said I was younga beezeeen"

"Oh Ohhhhhh Oh..me ears are alight".........Oh Oooooooooh OOOOOOH There's sumtin' in me crevice!...My brain jolted back to reality THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY CREVICE!

"There ya go Spanky....doesnt hurt a bit, does it!"


Now.....there are only a few occasions that I have had something in my crevice, and most of those were at Eton, which I would prefer to forget. Then there was one occasion during my RAF medical examination, followed by a long period of crevical abstinence. The most recent occasion was about three years ago, when I was suffering from severely chapped lips.

I purchased a small stick of lip balm from the Chemist, and read the directions in order to use the product in the correct manner. It read "To apply, push up bottom"...so I did, and it turned out to be bloody useless. Kept falling out every 10 paces, and the chapped lips got worse.

I tried to move my head in order to speak properly, but Alice had me firmly pinned down with her other hand. The crevical intrusion had deepened, and there was definite movement.


"That's the ticket, Ellpus old love....enjoy.......now, you'll love this bit"

She expertly administered a move that made my eyes turn fully backwards into my head....I had never seen red corpuscles up close. Fascinating! There was a whooshing noise in my ears which, when cleared, allowed the dim recess of my brain to register that the song had changed. Some obscure song by a fellow called Mungo Jerry...."Baby Jump"...for god's sake Ellpus...CONCENTRATE ON THE SONG!

The intrusion now had a definite wiggle.

"She wears micro mini dresses, hair hanging down her back"
"She wears see through sweaters, she like to wear her stockings black" ....Wha...? Oh, Noooo!
Couldn't they have played some Matt munro or something?

Corpuscles....loads of the buggers....rushing about all over the place! Who was that groaning? Was it me? There was a loud yelping noise from very nearby.

After what seemed to be an eternity, I was vaguely aware that Alice was now turning me over.....I tried to tell her that I wanted my towel back, but my mouth seemd to belong to someone else, and the top lip was being chewed by my front teeth. Too late....

"Good grief, Spanky....you could pitch a tent with that!" exclaimed Alice, stepping back a pace.

My mind started to reel again as she stepped back up to the table.

"This wont take long, I'll bet" she laughed.

Alice then moved onto my second choice from the menu, so that I could make my charitable donation, which took no time at all and was extremely generous, during which the corpuscles turned a vivid purple, forming geometric spinning patterns on the inside of both eyelids. I immediately fell into a deep sleep, and woke up craving a Havana.

I was vaguely aware that Alice was standing between my legs on the table, in order to reach up and clean a light fitting. There was a mop and bucket sitting on the freshly washed floor. Her hair had been shampooed and she had a towel wrapped round her head. I sat up and reached for my jacket, removed a Havana and lit up.

"Blimey Spanky....I would say that you were a man in need" said Alice, wiping a light bulb.

"Sorry Alice" I replied sheepishly, doing up my shirt "I dont know what came over me"

"YOU dont know what came over YOU!.....WHAT ABOUT ME!" mocked Alice.

"What time is it?" I enquired, as she had her back to me.

She looked down...."11.45" she replied...."Shall I make you a sandwich?...you look hungry"

"Yes please" I said "Cheese and Pickle would be good"

She went out to her kitchen in the back.......I hope she washes her hands, I thought.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2005 06:47 am

That was one in the eye for Alice. Been to Portsmouth myself a few times but never found that place. Is it connected with the sea life centre? Interesting things to do with wet slippery things there too if you are that way inclined.
0 Replies

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