One of two things is going on here: you're a sicko or an idiot.
For the record, it was not me who said those things in the last post. My husband accessed my mail and found this forum i joined and signed in as ME and pretended to be me and said those things!!!
Want to hear what it is that he said is true?
YES i DO get a knife out.....eventually. I get it out AFTER he acts the way he does and beats the shits out of me! I do it to protect myself AFTER the violence starts and when he does access this forum again and reads this, i want him to know that!
I call his mother a bitch and say that i hate her because she IS a bitch BEHIND MY BACK....i've caught her numerous amounts of times giving me FILTHY looks up and down. And you want to know why i tell him that when we argue? Because he refuses to hear 'bad' things about his mother and probably believes that she can do no harm. FACT is, it DOES hurt me and he cannot see it and doesnt give me 'support'.
Another thing is i say things when i am angry that are bottled up inside me because i cant just express myself as i want to him....and it's for his damn sake! To avoid a fight, but once we in a fight, then i do tell him whats bottled up!
Hmmm, what else did he say? OH YES! I do block him from leaving because i feel as though he is forever running away from his problems and let him walk now, and it'll never be resolved nor discussed.
He does have a problem with his temper (aggresivness) and i, along with our theropist, believe he should attend anger management classes.
im not asking any advise from anyone, we are seeking help and i pray to God that we get help. But i just thought id set the record straight.