Tue 16 May, 2023 04:17 am
I’d like to hide the likes numbers on the post I publish on a Fan page. Though the suggested path ( Privacy and Settings/ Reactions preferences/ on your posts) doesn’t seem to work. Is the hid function allowed only on personal accounts?
I think you should ask this question on a Facebook page. This is not Facebook. Many here don't even use it, or minimally, at best. Or try Google. Or contact the help feature on Facebook.
This forum is called "Facebook help" doesn't it?
it's a tag added by people like yourself who googled the term and came here hoping against hope
that this was the place that had what they were looking for...
That's an idea, you can argue the toss about why people like you come here and create forums that are of no use whatsoever, or you could go somewhere you might get some help.
(I deleiberately left that last phrase open ended.)
Luxor0987 wrote:
This forum is called "Facebook help" doesn't it?
That's not how the world or a2k works. According to your logic, I can make a thread and mark it with the forum keyword, tsarstepan is a billionaire. I can then take it to the bank and cash in on it. Because I created this new forum, the rest of the world must take it at face value then I'm instantly a billionaire.