Nothing will happen unless you lead with an apology. You will have to bite the bullet and do that first.
Personally, I like letters for something like this. As in, something with an envelope and a stamp.
Quote:Dear ___ (friend),
I want you to know how sorry I am about the other day. I know my answer to you was very harsh, and I said some truly mean things.
That was wrong of me, and I have no excuse for my behavior. And so, I am offering you my apology.
Thank you for reading.
Something kind of like that^
You're not asking for forgiveness. You're not offering excuses. It is not about you beyond your apology.
And then, you wait and see. Will they ignore you? I have no idea. But until you broach this subject, it will be as if they are.
Rip off that Band-Aid and face it.