Japan's Ambition to Conquer China: A Never Dying Dream
August 15, 2005 is a special day for the Chinese people. On this day, the Japanese invading troops surrendered. Having fought the Japanese troops for eight years, the Chinese people had at long last ceased suffering from their nightmarish experiences of Japanese policy of killing all, burning all and looting all.
As a vanquished country, Japan should have, in conformity with international practice, made reparations for the war damages and losses it had inflicted on the Chinese people. Hadn't the Japanese government made it part of the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseky (1894) the claim for compensation following the defeat of the Qing government? (It was 200,000,000 taels of silver in addition to seceding of Chinese territory.) Yet the then Kuomintang government waived its lawful claim for war reparations. The PRC government did not insist on its claim for reparations either. But you must note that the amount of reparations amounted to USD 50,000,000,000. Isn't that a humane act on the part of China? Yet the Japanese government manipulated by the Japanese right-wingers, have never expressed their gratitude to the Chinese people.
About 5,000 thousand Japanese orphans left behind by the retreating troops in August, 1945 had been adopted and taken well care of by their Chinese mothers, instead of leaving them in the fields and watching them die. Isn't that a humane act on the part of the Chinese people?
A Complete Inventory of Looted Intellectual Properties from the Republic of China (中华民国よりの掠夺文化财总目录), an official publication, put out by the Foreign Ministry of Japan more than 50 years ago gives the minimum quantities of looted books, works of calligraphy and paintings, antiques, artifacts, instruments, valuable specimens, maps, artistic articles, etc., which amounts to 3,607,074 pieces packed in 1870 boxes, kept in custody in 741 places, not to mention those cultural objects privately looted and became private possessions. Isn't it a huge shame on the part of the Japanese government to remain silent over these Chinese cultural objects and allow them to be exhibited in public places and private homes?
More than 200,000 Chinese women had been seized by the invading Japanese troops to serve in the army as sex slaves, yet the local Tokyo Court of Japan has twice rejected the claim for compensation to these Chinese women who are now in their declining years. Isn't that a great shame on the part of Japanese government to remain indifferent and so inhumane?
On December 13, 1937, Japanese troops marched into Nanjing and started to massacre unarmed civilians, more than 300,000 all told, for more than six weeks, an unprecedented holocaust against humanity. Yet up to this day, the Japanese government refused to acknowledge their towering crimes. Isn't that a big shame?
Long before the September 18 incident of 1937, (another day that we Chinese people will never forget) the Japanese government had organized mass immigration to China's northeast, and settled down there, intending to let its people to stay put for good. Isn't this analogous to occupying a neighbour's courtyard without permission whatsoever, to build its own dwellings for living in? Isn't that a big shame?
Japan is an island country. The Japanese government is possessed by an islander's mentality, that is, it covets the territory of its neighbours, when they think that the neighbours can be bullied, they will start harassing them and trying to conquer them. Japan is also an economic animal, whenever there is an opportunity, they will try to loot the wealth from their neighbours. Japan is a country that fears the strong but bullies the weak: Russia defeated Japan in 1904, and until today Japan shows its respect to Russia; the US dropped two atom bombs over Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and today Japan watches Uncle Sam's every move before deciding what it will do itself. But the Japanese government never wants to formally confess (谢罪) its war crimes perpetrated against the Chinese people.
Do you think Japan, headed by such a treacherous, ungrateful government, should be allowed to become permanent members of the UN Security Council?
Japan's war crimes against the Chinese people, and the people of Asia, require tons of paper for recording. We would like people of the whole world to remember what Japan did yesterday, what it is doing today, and foretell what Japan will do tomorrow.
Today, Japan is testing China's patience over dispute of East China Sea and the Diaoyu Islands. Let us tell Japan: you are simply daydreaming. We, like our fathers and grandfathers before us, will together with our children and their children, be ready to meet any possible invasions against China once again. Even if Japan drags in a third country for realizing their evil purposes, we Chinese people are determined to meet the little Japs, whatever weapons they are likely to use!
There is a translation of a long article about the Diaoyu Islands discussed in terms of geography, cartography, history, international law, etc. It is done by the graduate students of Department of English and International Studies of China Foreign Affairs University. Please visit this website for reading the downloadable version of it
http://www.cfau.edu.cn/jiaoxue /english/index.htm
or follow the direction: open China Foreign Affairs University website at
www.cfau.edu.cn, touch the second button on the horizontal bar at the top, to find the homepage of Department of English and International Studies, touch the button of Programmes, roll down the page, and you will see
01 中国领土钓鱼岛简介、历史、地理资料
02 Diaoyu Islands: Inalienable Part of China's Territory
03 钓鱼岛风光
04 日本橫濱國立大學教授 村田忠禧: 尖閣列島? 釣魚島爭議── 對21世紀人們智慧的考驗
05 香港王基文从历史文献看东海究竟属于谁
06 日本国从"侵华窃土"到"放弃窃土"及到实行"窃土再占"政策违反国际法(作者是jdy)
07 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982
08 Convention on the Continental Shelf, 1958
Indeed, this China-Japan conflict is a good topic for doctoral dissertations. If you are interested in it, you may come to study in CFAU. We will gradually build up a collection of translations in related topics to facilitate English-speaking readers and reserachers.
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