Bingo, yes, terrible disorders are coming back because stubborn thickheaded people are refusing to get their children vaccinated, and all the awful things are popping up. Polio is exceptionally serious, and so are many of the others. I worked with a woman who became seriously ill from measles when she was a child, luckily she didn't die but she lost all hearing in her left ear. In the 1040's there were no vaccines for any of those things, my son was vaccinated in the mid 70's but at that time there was no vaccine for chickenpox......he got that. What really pisses me off is people my age were ripe for measles, mumps and chickenpox......so those of us who got sick where so grateful that there was a great vaccine later for our kids, and we gave our kids the vaccines.....but now since the young parents have decided they know more that 'science' does, they don't vaccinate and wind up endangering everyone around them.......getting chemo? make sure the kids are safe so you don't pick up something and die of complications.