Hello all
I'll start the discussion, with this analysis.
Trisl Summers, i.e. God, is under the scrutiny of the police, i.e. the mystical police (who have created planets, outer space, trees, rocks, movies, business imagination, weekends, birthdays, nature exploring, astronomy, all while being identical to the police of everyday reality, meaning that they wear the same uniforms as prototypical police cliche and prototypical police non-cliche), because she has potentially been hacked into, due to the symbiosis between protagonist reality and sex aristocracy; the symbiosis, what is it?
Essentially, it is that protagonist DNA, presumably a separate reality to the abstract dimension, needs inversion mathematics, and this style of imagination has been able to become confused.
The police, i.e. the mystical police: what is their criteria, for support by myself, and the human race -
it isn't perhaps a juggling act, by any party involved. One particular aspect, that I've contemplated, and I'm reasonably certain that this is accurate, is that the people/stills/deities who govern me are only able to help me via second matter.
For my brother, Mike, and my mother Mary, and my father Robert (and for Bandit)