Is Juneteenth a Real Holiday?

Mon 20 Jun, 2022 07:28 pm
Okay, let's start with the pretentious name.
Juneteenth is not a word. It's about as authentic a bit of English as eleventy-one.

Is it June thirteenth? Fifteenth? Eighteenth? Without a whole word, we wouldn't know.
(For reference, it is June 19th, a number I would never have guessed out of thin air. In fact June sixteenth might have been a better guess, since it is 6/16, and seems to work better if you're splicing June and the latter part of anything -teenth. June (Six)/(six)teenth works. For even more reference, 616 is one of the numbers of the Beast. Not that I follow Revelation anymore)

Second, it's based on screwy history. Supposedly, this is when Texas was notified about the Emancipation Proclamation. And it acts like this is proof of how racist America is and how this is the black Independence Day. Uhhhh, no it's not, and no it's not. If you're going to celebrate any day for black freedom, it would be September 22, the day when they Emancipation Proclamation actually was made and blacks first received their freedom. But nah, this isn't really about freedom anyway, it's about creating a rival Independence Day, just as there is supposedly a black national anthem. There is a national anthem and there is an Independence Day, and it works for all of us. (In a side note, the "black national anthem" is actually just a gospel hymn.)
Lift every voice and sing
'Til earth and heaven ring
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the listening skies
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun
Let us march on 'til victory is won

Stony the road we trod
Bitter the chastening rod
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died
Yet with a steady beat
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered
Out from the gloomy past
'Til now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast

God of our weary years
God of our silent tears
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way
Thou who has by Thy might
Led us into the light
Keep us forever in the path, we pray
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee
Shadowed beneath Thy hand
May we forever stand
True to our God
True to our native land

In fact, blacks celebrated July 4th after the Civil War.
Second, that Texas was later to the party has less to do with racism at all, and more to do with the fact that troops took over that state at that time. So what?

So Juneteenth is kinda a zero excuse rationale to go be un-American and see yourself as somehow separate from this country. It's a way to sow hatred and divisiveness.

And then there's a question of whether it is even a holiday. Yes, it's declared a "holiday" by illegitimate senile deadbeat Joe Biden, but this misses the point. Holiday comes from religious observance. For example, Judaism technically considers every Sabbath a holiday. A "holy day" -> "holiday." Biden, in his out of touch wokeness, declared this day a holiday. Gallup claims "Most Americans Know About Juneteenth." But when you look into the article:
37% of U.S. adults have "a lot" or "some" knowledge about Juneteenth

That's not most. It could conceivably be "most" if you add the "a little", but it turns out the sample...
Results for this Gallup poll are based on self-administered web surveys conducted May 18-23, 2021, with a random sample of 3,572 adults, aged 18 and older, who are members of the Gallup Panel. Gallup uses probability-based, random sampling methods to recruit its Panel members.

Gallup weighted the obtained samples to correct for nonresponse. Nonresponse adjustments were made by adjusting the sample to match the national demographics of gender, age, race, Hispanic ethnicity, education and region. Demographic weighting targets were based on the most recent Current Population Survey figures for the aged 18 and older U.S. population.

...was extremely biased.

They weighted to correct for nonresponse. This is like saying, "Okay, you didn't want to take our poll, but you're black so we figure you know all about Juneteenth, so I'll add more weight to the figures for blacks saying they know alot." Moreover, they took a tiny sample. Less than 10 thousand in a country of 300 million (not including shack babies, people who live their lives off the grid, and illegal aliens hiding in the US). This is maybe 60% of those asked "know a little" but it's hardly a representative sample.

(3,000/300,000,000)x100= 0.001% of the population or 1 in 10,000 people. This would be knowing nobody for miles who have participated in one of these polls.

If Gallup were to actually do an accurate survey, no response is "No Response" not a weighting toward another answer, and they mail this to every residential address in the country. This still doesn't account for homeless or backwoods ppl, but is a hell of a lot more accurate than saying "Most People" after interviewing a small portion.

In fact, my sorta liberal aunt went to a bistro today, and didn't know why it was closed. This shows how real this is to the public consciousness who don't actively follow news.

A holiday or holy day is a thing that people celebrate because they care about it. Valentine's Day has everyone buying candy and flowers, Thanksgiving has turkey and football, etc. Some of these days are overtly religious like Christmas and Easter, while others have secular and religious background (Halloween is not commonly known as anything but a spooky holiday and was basically canceled with COVID, since the logistics were too hard, but actually Halloween is All Hallows Eve/Samhain, a holiday in Christian and pagan circles). Holidays are part of secular or sacred observance. Holidays are things that are honored and kept holy. Like the Sabbath.

8Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God, on which you must not do any work—neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant or livestock, nor the foreigner within your gates. 11For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is in them, but on the seventh day He rested. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.

See, the thing about this "holiday" is that until about 5 years or so ago, practically NOBODY knew about this. I'm not kidding. Do you honestly think Alabama cared that Texas was emancipated on June 19? Missouri? Alaska? Minnesota? No, as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation, any enslaved states were set free the day that the Union took over their state. And some like Minnesota were not slave states, while others like Alaska didn't become states until well after the Civil War.

So, Juneteenth? It would only be observed in Texas... but of course it wouldn't be observed in Texas, because Texas is not very woke. So, yea, this holiday is relevant exactly nowhere, and is a footnote in history. In fact, I am a history many who took American History and Civil War (along with Russian, Chinese, and Indian History). Never heard of it.

Further, two of the major battles in the Civil War? July 4th. The day blacks celebrated until it was politically correct to do otherwise? July 4th. The day many bitter southerners didn't celebrate after the Civil War? July 4th.

I'm gonna come up with a day on July 20th called Hooker Day (my last name is Hooker). In honor and reverence of me, everyone will celebrate by dressing as pimps and whores. I suspect this would still be a more legitimate holiday than one that originally only affected Texas, and which nobody but the most astute historians knew about for roughly 150 years.
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Mon 20 Jun, 2022 09:26 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

It's a way to sow hatred and divisiveness.

Well you've certainly made that much abundantly clear
Mon 20 Jun, 2022 10:15 pm
No, really.

July 4th is a day that blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asian ppl, Native Americans, whatever else... all of them can celebrate this day. We fly the flag and we shoot off fireworks and we love this country. We love this country because this was a place where blacks were freed of slavery.

Or you could **** on this country, judging everything that it failed to do, and think about turning the clock back about 250 years. No American revolution cuz America is racist.

News flash, the colonies had slavery. You would still be a slave, today, if history were changed.
Or hey, maybe head back to Africa. No blacks ever headed to America cuz the 1619 Project (more critical race crap). Ummmm, let someone who was a real history major tell you something. You see, black enslaved other blacks. They were the ones in fact that sold slaves to shipping countries to bring over to America.

And it gets worse. The biggest slavers? Muslims. You know those I Dream of Genie type shows on classic tv where there's some white gal in harem pants? Well, it turns out that Muslims sometimes had white sex slaves. Alot of them, actually. They conquered lands and took slaves. Btw, Muslim lands STILL have slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves from lands conquered. One culture have never moved forward, another paved the way for black freedom.

So yes, this is a festival for hating on America, and being shitty. Actual **** Juneteenth.

Happy 4th of July! Celebrate it with friends. Black, white, or otherwise. Because this country is something we can be proud of. This is a land that spread freedom. This is a land that could become enslaved again when things like illegal immigration (which opens the door for human trafficking) become easier than doing things the right way. This is a land where a black rapper or basketball player can become fabulously wealthy. This is a land where blacks have become surgeons, lawyers, and astronauts. And inventors. In many parts of Africa, they live under tribalism or socialism, and farm all their lives. How is that different from the plantations? Again, they don't get paid (unless they make a profit).

This is a land that I love, and one of my good friends is black. **** those who hate on this country. And again, **** Juneteenth.

Tue 21 Jun, 2022 05:59 am
thack45 wrote:

bulmabriefs144 wrote:

It's a way to sow hatred and divisiveness.

Well you've certainly made that much abundantly clear

He/She is a freaking nut job.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 06:10 am
If it pisses off the likes of you it has to be a good thing.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 06:36 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

July 4th is a day that blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asian ppl, Native Americans, whatever else... all of them can celebrate this day.

Except after July 4th, the founding fathers made it specifically clear that it didn't apply to all those groups or even to women, just white men.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 06:51 am
Has it ever occurred to you that it's not as simple as good or bad?

You're a person who can't imagine anything good to say about me, but I probably tell alot of your good points if I met you in person. You think "because a bad person said this (Trump for instance), it must be wrong." But that rationale would never fly in my household. I don't agree with much of any Biden does, but on the off-chance he did something like plant trees, I'd say " Well he's not a total asshole, " I wouldn't turn around and suddenly hate the environment because it was him. But that's exactly your mentality. I could cure cancer tomorrow and you'd be like "I bet bulma caused it."

Has it ever occurred to you that sometimes you should agree with what I'm saying on principle even you don't like me as a person?

For instance July 4th is a day when black and white people have both learned to love their country. White people got over the civil war, got over the racism, and started working at jobs with blacks. I have a lot of respect for some of the black coworkers I've had, especially an old black dude that put up with a job that I eventually quit. Blacks loved their country because this day represents independence, and they managed to get theirs.
Juneteenth is a punk ass ghetto word doing the effective equivalent of picking an old wound until it scabs and festers. No, everyone should know that you don't do that. You get gangrene. Blacks and whites can live together. But you don't want to agree with that because it's me who said that.

How petty. If you said something brilliant every now and then, I might agree with you. Though you never try.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 06:58 am
Has it ever occured to you that nobody is interested in reading your moronic drivel?
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Tue 21 Jun, 2022 07:22 am
They did not make that clear.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Happiness was originally private property, but the government wanted to be able to eminent domain and steal land so that wouldn't fly. Oh well, you can still be happy, I guess. While you're homeless.

Read the passage again. Now what part of all men excludes black men? What part of all men excludes enslaved men? What part excludes Hispanics?

All men is all men. Not all white men.

Nor does this exclude women.
The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”

English, until the rise of feminism used to operate thusly.

A group of male and female people, could conceivably all be called men by someone making grand speeches about how "All men are brothers in Christ." In Biblical text, they usually adapted this as "All men are brothers and sisters in Christ," they didn't change the sentence to " All men and women are brothers and sisters in Christ. " (needlessly wordy)

Or a sexist could differentiate men and women, as in, "All men will come forward and swear to the Royal Order of Manly Men, all women will leave this room and make us a sammich."

This is because men comes from multiple sources in English, and one of these is a root word mensch meaning "person." If a woman did good deeds for people, you could say she's a regular mensch. It doesn't matter that she's a woman or not, she's a good soul. A human being.

I'll let you in on a small secret. This is religious language.
"All men are created equal."

It means something far different from whether Billy Marshall XII was born with a silver spoon in his mouth while Billy-Joe Pauline Daniels was born in a shack. It means there is something about Billy-Joe that cannot be taken away whether he becomes rich or loses money, whether he is free or slave.

And religious language is naturally inclusive because it recognizes that we are not just figuratively good souls (mensch) but literally souls inside a vessel of dust. Souls are just orbs of light. They don't have race and they don't have gender. They don't have fixed form but what forn they mold around themselves. I wasn't born as a woman, but this doesn't matter any decent church. I present as female and they can see my soul's desire.

All men are created equal. All of us are souls that regardless of our lot in life, are given the same life by God. Our circumstances are different in life, and we cannot ask them to be equal. But there's a plaque in a museum that I visited, where it talks about how a freed slave continued working for him, eventually became a millionaire (back when it meant something, before billionaires were a thing), and owned the entire estate of his former master when he died. It isn't your circumstances that make you equal. It's your soul, it's what you do with the hand you're dealt.

This is what the woke left despises, the idea of intrinsic worth. The idea that you can change your hand in life.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 07:26 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

July 4th is a day that blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asian ppl, Native Americans, whatever else... all of them can celebrate this day.

Again, except after July 4th, the founding fathers made it specifically clear that it didn't apply to all those groups or even to women, just white men. They put it directly into the Constitution. You can quote the Declaration of Independence all you want but when the Constitution says otherwise, it kind of makes it hollow.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
We love this country because this was a place where blacks were freed of slavery.

Yep, that's why we celebrate Juneteenth.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Or you could **** on this country

Saying Juneteenth is shitting on this country is like saying July 4th is shitting on the British. Juneteenth is a celebration, not a castigation.
News flash, the colonies had slavery. You would still be a slave, today, if history were changed.

LOL, England abolished slavery in 1807. One of the key motivators for the Revolution was that Europe in general and England in particular was moving towards abolishing slavery. When Jefferson went to France in the early years of the country, his slaves were offered freedom by the French, but they would have had to give up ever going back to their families, so some refused.
Well, it turns out that Muslims sometimes had white sex slaves.

You know who else had sex slaves? White slave owners in the US like Thomas Jefferson who fathered six children on his sex slave and enslaved them all. HE ENSLAVED HIS OWN KIDS.

Juneteenth is not for you. It's a celebration for people who understand oppression in a way that you cannot. No one is asking for your approval (and perhaps that is your problem). Just let it go.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 07:58 am
Read my quote above.

The real document, the one that matters, says "all men" not free men, not white men, all men. Other lesser documents may say otherwise. I don't care.

No. Juneteenth is harping on how Texas was a bit late. So what? For all intents and purposes, the rest of the country was free. Juneteenth says that this is a terrible country because the Union troops took until then to march through the great state of the Republic of Texas (a state that wanted to be a separate country for much of it's history). It's basically a celebration of whining. Juneteenth isn't relevant to Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, Virginia, South Carolina, or Georgia. It is only relevant to Texas. And Texas wouldn't put up with this **** outside Austin. Dude, the day when Texas was emancipated is just a day. It's only relevant to really angry blacks as a way to once again tell whites they are worthless, as a way to explain to blacks a victimhood narrative and regurgitate anger like a cancer. Uhhh so when Lincoln freed you that wasn't important enough to make that the day? A day explicitly called Independence Day, that isn't the day?

Yes, it is a castigation. "Texas was late. Rawwwwwr!" Independence is for everyone. This is why All Men celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. Black, white, Latino, Semitic, Pacific Islander. This celebration isn't just for American Revolution independence. It's for independence period, and it was reclaimed by blacks after the Civil War.

It doesn't matter if the British abolished slavery in their own country, if they were still sending slaves to the colonies. That's the point, the colonies were sent not only slaves but white indentured servants (initially). That's hypocrisy right there.

And you won't find me arguing with you about Jefferson. He was a complicated man. And by complicated man I mean total hypocrite.

But this is the point. You've set up a festival of hate. You tell me it's not for me. You expect people to hold grudges and not have bad results. What happens when people hold grudges is they don't focus on progress ahead. The Tuskegee Institute focused on teaching blacks marketable skills. These men later became highly desired not just by other blacks but by whites. This was the legacy of Booker T Washington, who believed in pulling yourself up by your bootstrap. These people made something of themselves. Meanwhile, the shiftless deadbeats who followed DuBois continued to whine and complain for all time. Where blacks got nowhere, this is the reason.

I won't let it go, because of the principle. This isn't a holiday we should celebrate. It doesn't look towards a future dream where a black man can be judged not on the color of his skin but on the content of his character. It dwells on a past wrong, and gripes and complains until the content of everyone's character is black (in the sense of being the color of a dead landscape, black like a swamp, not like a person).


Do you really want your heart and soul to be as blasted out as this swamp looks? Or maaaybe, we could be on the same page about blacks needing independence as much as everyone else, and reclaim July 4th not as American Independence from Britain Day but as the national day of Freedom.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 08:27 am
engineer wrote:

LOL, England abolished slavery in 1807.

In 1807 England was not a country in its own right.

The country is the UK.

The UK did not abolish slavery in 1807, it abolished the slave trade.

It was believed that this would end slavery because conditions were so bad they wouldn't survive.

Slavery wasn't abolished in UK possessions until 1833.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 08:46 am
They couldn't even abolish the slave trade. They might have declared slavery done but other countries were able to send slaves to America, and slaves were still born into slavery. Abolishing slavery is a long slow process.

Notice I didn't say was? Slavery still exists.


Today, an estimated 529,000 to 869,000 black men, women and children are still slaves. They are bought, owned, sold, and traded by Arab and Muslim masters in five African countries. This statistic estimates those enslaved in Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, and Sudan. It excludes Nigeria, for which there are no tangible estimates.

Why isn't anything done?

Western human rights organizations and the mainstream media are practically and painfully silent on this matter. It does not fit with their focus on Western white sin.

Ironically, because of white guilt. We can only move forward though, once slavery is stamped out. And this means more than just being ashamed of white people but of hating slavery itself.


Also, where are our reparations? Whites got enslaved by Arabs, but I haven't seen a cent!
0 Replies
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 08:56 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Read my quote above.

The real document, the one that matters, says "all men" not free men, not white men, all men. Other lesser documents may say otherwise. I don't care.

You consider the Constitution a "lesser" document? The Constitution is the law of the land. The Declaration of Independence, while visionary, has no legal standing.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
No. Juneteenth is harping on how Texas was a bit late.

You clearly have made no effort to understand this. Juneteenth is when real independence arrived for a certain group of citizens. It was celebrated locally and as that population has spread around the country, it has come to have more universal significance.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

So what? For all intents and purposes, the rest of the country was free.

First, no one is really free until everyone is free. It makes sense to celebrate when freedom is everywhere. Second, no, real freedom was something that evolved from there but was never really achieved. The acts of oppression towards the black community over the following decades is well documented. Even this week, the Texas GOP made it a plank in their platform to declare opposition to the Voting Rights Act.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Juneteenth says that this is a terrible country because the Union troops took until then to march through the great state of the Republic of Texas (a state that wanted to be a separate country for much of it's history).

Again, you have made zero effort to understand Juneteenth. Either that are you just cannot interpret someone celebrating something that does not involve you.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

It's only relevant to really angry blacks as a way to once again tell whites they are worthless

No, it's not about white people at all which is why I suppose you are upset.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Uhhh so when Lincoln freed you that wasn't important enough to make that the day?

No one was actually freed on that day, right?
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

A day explicitly called Independence Day, that isn't the day?

No one was freed on that day either.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yes, it is a castigation. "Texas was late. Rawwwwwr!"

You are literally the only person I've ever heard to use this warped interpretation.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

It doesn't matter if the British abolished slavery in their own country

It absolutely does matter. It was one of the prime causes for the Revolution. The Southern states were terrified that the King was going to abolish slavery. You say without the Revolution we would still have slaves, but the reality is that without the Revolution, we would have gotten rid of the slave trade decades earlier. "Independence Day" was independence for white land owners and a promise of continued slavery for their slaves.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

You've set up a festival of hate.

But you are the only one hating! I'm sorry you can't see that.
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
... reclaim July 4th not as American Independence from Britain Day but as the national day of Freedom.

But July 4th was not a national day of freedom. The Revolution was a complicated event that you are trying to boil down to a patriotic sound bite and even then getting it wrong. Juneteenth is a real celebration of freedom, just not your freedom and that's what is really sticking in your craw. You should be happy when anyone celebrates freedom in a world where people are continuously trying to take it away.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 08:57 am
My apologies, you are correct of course.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 09:54 am
Thank you.

I was reading about the Royal's trip to the Caribbean.

There were details of the conditions the Africans had to endure and it was every bit as bad as how the Nazis treated their slave workers during WW2.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 11:54 am
engineer wrote:

It absolutely does matter. It was one of the prime causes for the Revolution. The Southern states were terrified that the King was going to abolish slavery.

Bulmabriefs can never have heard of Colonel Tye and the Ethiopian regiment.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 01:34 pm
The thing is, the history you learn depends on the era that you learn it. And what they are trying to teach you (or whether they are trying to indoctrinate you).

What was the cause of the Revolution?
Students in 1980s-1990s: England was levying burdensome taxes after the French and Indian War (AKA Seven Years War) which nearly doubled its national debt. They passed a number of taxes, none of which were very popular, resulting in slogans like "no taxation without representation" and exploding in a tea dumping in Boston. Along with taxes, the would-be United States was being disarmed, troops were stationed in their houses, and their rights to speech, press, religion were abridged. Why these things are laid out in our Bill of Rights btw. Oh and btw, the first person killed in the Boston Massacre was a black named Crispus Attucks.
Millenials: The South was worried that the King was going to abolish slavery. :facepalm:

No, I don't know and don't care about Colonel Tye. I suppose he is wonderful and all, but that you are already being taught a biased history tells me all I need to know.
Nor do I especially care after browsing the wiki about him, and finding out that he was a loyalist. Loyalists are idiots. The British government was taxing the hell out of this country, and you could either be involved in the war against them, you were on the wrong side of history, or you were building a house and not giving a **** (it turned out that alot of ppl were exempted from war if they were building houses, so many people who didn't have a side here started building). If you are on the wrong side of history, I don't give a **** about you. I like my country. But if I had lived back then, I would have been building a house, the entire time.

Anyway, it wasn't ever as simple as "the North" and "the South", there were slaves in Massachusetts for awhile. And there were states who had slaves but weren't affected by the Emancipation Proclamation. All the blue states here.
And more importantly, the North did plenty to blacks during Jim Crow.

Tue 21 Jun, 2022 01:59 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Millenials: The South was worried that the King was going to abolish slavery. :facepalm:

Babyboomers who study history: Boy that stuff they taught us in the 70's was propaganda but they're still pushing it. :facepalm:
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

And more importantly, the North did plenty to blacks during Jim Crow.

Yep, that is why celebrations like Juneteenth are important today.
Tue 21 Jun, 2022 07:07 pm
The leftist North (who is pushing Juneteenth) did a number things during Jim Crow. Can you see the conflict of interest here? The left also frequently used the KKK to generate fear in order to pressure votes. The left of today pretends to be the allies of blacks, but still seek to stir up fear of racial violence. They haven't improved, they've just hidden their stripes.


On the other hand...

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus...

What the church teaches.

You need to fight for equality because you are still being systematically oppressed. Nobody is treating you equally, so you need to join our civil rights group, and we'll give you reparations or other types of handouts.

What the secular Marxist block teaches.

The truth is, blacks and whites have been equal ever since they started being employed together at the same jobs. Economic equality is equality. They have been equal in the eyes of God, since the above quote was written Religious equality is equality. Blacks and whites have been equal ever since it was allowed for a white man to have a wife with a big black booty. Social equality is equality.

You know the surest way to enslave people? To convince them they are not equal. People who see themselves as equals have confidence, they strive toward what they want, they don't let other people's bullshit stop them. If they want to be a marine biologist, and they have some asshole tell them they can't cuz they're black, they fight to prove themselves, until they prove people wrong. They do so without anger, they simply keep working hard so that the next people will have opportunities. The people who say they can't will typically get the boot, because you can't last long sabotaging other people's success. This happened in surgery, sports (including tennis), and many many other fields. Then they decided the victim game would get them free stuff. What it got them was stuck on welfare, and dependent on the left.
And it happened for the trans community, until they too decided it was cooler to play the victim game. I know what I'm talking about, you see. I've seen how so-called "rights groups" hijacked real progress to trans acceptance, in favor of alot of gimmicks.

People who do not see themselves as equals become victims. They collect food stamps, they're on welfare, they get told their group is fighting for their equality, but actually they're getting handouts, and never doing work that fills them with pride. If a black man wants to be an artist and is convinced that "This isn't part of black culture," sooner or later, he quits. That's not equality, that's oppression.

And that's why we do not need Juneteenth. Dwelling on inequality reinforces inequality. Just as working toward equality reinforces equality.
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