Hayes: Why Fox News doesn’t want to air the truth about Jan. 6
Chris Hayes: “Trump has what Nixon and Joe McCarthy did not: A major news network that will run
interference for the ex-president in real time. And Fox has apparently decided that the best way to
shield Trump from the embarrassing truth the Jan. 6 committee will reveal in its hearings is to
simply not cover them at all.”
Wow. The left likes to talk about how the right has conspiracy theorists. But you are literally like "only I know the Truth". Yeah, it takes one to know one buddy. That is straight up conspiracy theory.
First, ummmm there are other news sources like Mother Jones and CNN. They do their own reporting and Fox News can't "suppress" videos.
Second, there were suppressed videos of this... mostly of people yelling stop the steal and kinda doing not much of anything. As violent protests go, this is kinda boring?
Third, if anything I've noticed news bloat. That is, building an event to be a sensation, when it lasted what 12 hours? 15 hours? And then it went out with a whimper. People were arrested as political prisoners, Biden seized office, and basically any resistance shut down. People went back to dutifully wearing their masks. The left screams that it is "the most violent insurrection EVER" ignoring things like the Civil War and that "they will never forget." You know what I'll never forget? That some 200 or 300 ppl lost their lives in 9/11 terrorism. That the left routinely plays the public on big fake staged mass shootings (oh plenty of people die, but the crisis actors always come out unscathed) in an effort to disarm the public. So yeah "the most violent ever" ignoring that the French Revolution, a leftist war for "liberty, equality, fraternity" literally chopped off heads and let streets run with blood. Or the Russian Revolution. The Jan 6 incident? Bah humbug.
I think you'll find there are plenty of good people at any protest that turns violent, but they aren't news, as no one truly cares why good people are good - the news is the violence, and/or why the violent people were violent.
That said, not covering a major hearing like this really is odd. As a newsworthy item - something like this would be at the very top of the pile.People can attribute whatever reason they like to it, but given the damage the evidence is 'likely' to do to Trump's reputation, and the pro-Trump slant of Fox News...it really does come across like them burying their head in the sand and saying 'if I can't see it, it can't hurt me'...
I don't live in the US, and I don't have a big stake in this - it is more a matter of interest given how much the events in the US can hurt democracy (in my only partially informed view)
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Frank Apisa
Wed 8 Jun, 2022 02:45 am
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:
Hayes: Why Fox News doesn’t want to air the truth about Jan. 6
Chris Hayes: “Trump has what Nixon and Joe McCarthy did not: A major news network that will run
interference for the ex-president in real time. And Fox has apparently decided that the best way to
shield Trump from the embarrassing truth the Jan. 6 committee will reveal in its hearings is to
simply not cover them at all.”
Trust me, every card-carrying conspiracy theorist has a pet idea that they are convinced everyone is wrong about and if only they could spread the Truth, everything would be fine...
Why do you think I know this? Because I am a self-admitted conspiracy theorist convinced in no less than three conspiracies:
1. The Earth is flat, and much like a snowglobe, I'm not certain what exists outside it is real.
2. Dinosaurs are fake. We have alot of constructed plaster skeletons, and the real one is supposedly in a vault. The dinosaur is "found" just to prop Darwin's theories and to maintain the absurd notion that lizards are related to birds (They aren't! Internal organs, skeleton, muscles, outee structure, all different!)
3. Lost history. Specifically, I believe that the was in fact an Atlantis that had super-high technology, and many ancient cultures had buildings that are way older that we think. And more importantly, many of them were engaged if nuclear warfare. We blew ourselves up (Noah's Ark is not a literal flood but a fallout story), and after that secret world governments took over. Some of them good (preventing another catastrophe), others corrupt.
I must tell everyone the Truth. Everyone must know. Yeah I know the mentality of a conspiracy theorist because I AM a conspiracy theorist. What I am is self-aware enough to know that my ideas have little or no traction. OP here is delusional enough to think that one channel can control the entire narrative.
Uhhh no, liberals are shouting as loud as they can what a violent event it was. Tucker Carlson or whoever is like "Ummmm?" A news group's job is to sift through hours on hours of news. All of them do have bias. That's not a conspiracy, it's a fact. But which is more biased, to smooth over hours of people burning houses to paint people as " mostly peaceful" or to not include a few events that you're not sure aren't staged. CNN does this, alot of false flag crap and alot of whitewashing of their own people.
So ummm pot meet kettle. All news has bias, but CNN has done sketchy things. Here's a parody of some of their crap.
The point is, CNN like Fox News is one of many news sources. If you don't trust the news, you can listen to another news source. Or... you can shut off the news. Telling us all that you know Fox News is hiding something id laughable at best. When everyone else is screaming "most violent ever" and Fox News disputes this, you can just ignore them instead of going all "I know the Truth." You probably don't ? None of us do?
OP here is delusional enough to think that one channel can control the entire narrative.
Show me where he said that.
Looks like The Last American Vagabond didn't bother including the context of the story and simply parroted Russian propaganda:
The mannequin challenge
To understand the propaganda machine in action, you only have to look at what happened when the White Helmets posted their version of the mannequin challenge, a viral internet video trend where people would film themselves frozen mid-action. The rescue group filmed themselves in a staged rescue and shared the video on social media with the hashtag #MannequinChallenge.
The video, posted in November 2016 by the Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Office, was immediately stripped of its context and reshared as evidence that the organisation uses “crisis actors” in staged rescues designed to make the Russian and Syrian armies look bad.
Here is the White Helmets caught faking a rescue after a fake attack. https://t.co/T8xzX6kKtM
— ms_knowital (@ms_knowital) April 9, 2017
One Twitter user, retweeted hundreds of times, stated: “Unbelievable! Must watch video showing White Helmets fakery.”
RT reported on the incident, including some of the tweets, and cited Beeley as an independent researcher asserting that the video fuelled suspicion around the “already questionable credibility” of the organisation. The following day Beeley wrote a story on 21st Century Wire in which she argued that the video caused “widespread doubt, even among diehard supporters, as to the veracity of their much edited slick video reports”.
The White Helmets later issued an apology, saying they had hoped the viral video would create a connection between the horror or Syria and the outside world, but acknowledged it was an “error of judgement”..
“It was a stupid thing to do,” said Eliot Higgins, founder of the investigative reporting collective Bellingcat, “but it was then completely misused by people who have an agenda.”
A year on and the White Helmets’ mannequin challenge video is still widely circulated as evidence that they stage rescues.
There have, however, been isolated rogue actors within the White Helmets who are used to discredit the entire group. One former White Helmet was fired after he was filmed assisting armed militants in disposing of the mutilated corpses of pro-Assad fighters, and others have been photographed with guns despite marketing themselves as unarmed. There is also footage of White Helmets taking a body away from an execution carried out by rebel militants, which critics claim shows they are “assisting” executions.
“These are isolated incidents at the volunteer level – there has never been any kind of incident involving anyone in the leadership,” added Saleh, the White Helmets leader, looking down at his phone as he received a breaking news notification about a British politician resigning over sexual harassment allegations. “No one is saying that the government of the UK is a predatory organisation just because of this one incident.”
Meanwhile, Beeley’s influence continues. In April 2017, she gave a talk at a conference alongside ministers in Assad’s cabinet (who spoke via video conference) titled “White Helmets: Fact or Fantasy?” Her briefing paper and slides on the topic were then submitted to the UN security council and UN general assembly by the Russian government as “evidence” against the White Helmets.
“These leaked documents offer cast-iron proof that the Russian government is doing what it can to elevate Vanessa Beeley as a key player in its propaganda campaign,” said James Sadri, executive director of the Syria Campaign. “A blogger for a 9/11 truther website who only visited Syria for the first time last year should not be taken seriously as an impartial expert on the conflict.”
The Guardian contacted Beeley several times asking for comment and she declined to respond to specific queries, saying that the questions put to her were “a disgrace” containing “no relevant facts and are reminiscent of a McCarthyite interrogation”.
The Guardian also contacted Eva Bartlett, who said she had “no interest in participating in your quite evidently already-decided ‘story’ (an odd term for a journalist to use for an article)”.
Shortly after the requests for comment, Beeley appeared on a 40-minute-long YouTube programme in which she discussed the emailed requests for comment and criticised the Guardian’s coverage of Syria, alleging “faux reporting” based on footage provided by “al-Qaida affiliates” the White Helmets. Beeley said that the “majority consensus” was that the White Helmets were a fraudulent terrorist organisation.
Why Fox News doesn’t want to air the truth about Jan. 6
Right there.
As though a single news station can possibly monopolize "the truth about Jan 6."
As though there is such a thing as true news. Bunk.
There is Fox News' version of the truth. There is CNN's version of the truth.
News media lies. Only delusional people think they know truth from news.
Right now, I am watching 1938 Too Hot to Handle. They just literally showed how easily fake news can be made. Well before computers made it possible to swap locations and generate people easily.
Sorta "Hey kid, pose with this dog (it's a comedy, so the kid says they don't even like the dog)." He also has a toy plane for plane flying overhead.
Why do you think I know this? Because I am a self-admitted conspiracy theorist convinced in no less than three conspiracies:
1. The Earth is flat, and much like a snowglobe, I'm not certain what exists outside it is real.
2. ...
That's a really interesting one. There is a whole lot of easily observed evidence that the Earth is round, things you could easily do on your own. That's why the ancient Greeks and Chinese knew the Earth was round, they could see it. Is there some level of evidence that you could find for yourself that would convince you that the Earth is not snow globe shaped?
As though a single news station can possibly monopolize "the truth about Jan 6."
No one's talking about a single news station monopolizing the truth. The point here was that one station has decided not to cover a story, a very prominent story which that very media outlet glamorized and defended its participants.
There is Fox News' version of the truth. There is CNN's version of the truth.
That's bullshit. You argue as if reality were a smorgasbord of different facts, ideas, and events and we simply have the luxury of choosing which of these are true. Fox News won't run the hearings because they have a massive audience which would be turned off by the coverage and they'd lose their audience share and advertising revenue. You forgot about the money.
Only delusional people think they know truth from news.
So you think everything people hear or read from news media is a lie? And then you post crap from sources like The Last American Vagabond as if you were exempt from the delusions of the common people!
They just literally showed how easily fake news can be made.
Movies do this all the time. It's called "entertainment". Hoaxes have a long history, well before computers. It's not unusual for hoaxes, swindles, and the delusions of crowds to be the subject matter of plays, books, and movies.
There is an extremely easily observed evidence to show that the Earth is a flat dome. And you can do it yourself.
1. You can draw a straight line across the horizon. Flat as this woman's chest.
2. You can then draw a right angle straight up in the sky. The horizon doesn't curve vertically at all.
3. You can then verify that the Earth is no only flat but a flat disc. To the right and left, there is a slight taper effect where straight on appears farther off than to the left and right. This isn't visible by the picture, but if you were sitting at the shore, you would easily see this.
4. By extending the line up from the horizon all the way to behind you, you can measure a parabola looping all the way from the horizon ahead of you to all the way behind. You can create this in any direction. A dome.
5. There is zero evidence of vertical curvature in the horizon. Nor is there any curvature evidenced by the sea.
Therefore, the Earth is as flat as that woman's chest, disc-shaped, and vaulted like a dome. A snowglobe.
In that case, everyone all over Flat Earth would experience sunrise and sunset at the same time, right? They would also have the same length day, so people in NY on a summer day would have the same amount of daylight as someone in Miami, right?
Movies do this all the time. It's called "entertainment". Hoaxes have a long history, well before computers. It's not unusual for hoaxes, swindles, and the delusions of crowds to be the subject matter of plays, books, and movies.
It's only "entertainment" if we suspend our disbelief. Not when we get swept up in the narrative.
If the news tells us that aliens are attacking and we buy it, then the news has successfully manipulated our perception of reality.
Besides this film was about media itself (it was also extremely funny, and I recommend it).
What you will often see in a movie is people riding in cars/trains/planes/etc and having a moving background cut in a different frame. They appear to be doing dangerous stunts but it's just a sham. Likewise, people "hanging from ledges."
If movies can make us believe that a vehicle is moving when it's actually not, why can a media studio with expensive equipment not make us believe something is real that is not?
Like putting Kirsten Dunst in a war-torn town, running across a bridge that doesn't exist, where a bag of Tostitos she's holding is turned into a calico cat (then a white cat).
Just as the Earth is one big dome, there is also a range of perception surrounding us. We can see only a few miles ahead of us, hear around us in a certain range, etc, etc, etc. The sun is only visible to us when it is in range of us. When it passes out of our range of sight, it "dips" in the sky. It dips because it vanishes into the horizon, it arcs away from us.
He deals with the problem of sunsets in about 10 minutes, you don't have to watch the full 40 minutes. But it's interesting and has alot of charts and models which I don't need in order to believe what I believe.
He uses a hot air balloon as model. When directly overhead, it would be 90 degrees. The further in front of us, the smaller the angle is required (85, 80, 75, 60, etc). Then it disappears from our sight. At a certain point, it blends with the horizon, then the sky darkens, and it is gone.
It's only "entertainment" if we suspend our disbelief. Not when we get swept up in the narrative.
Suspension of disbelief is what allows us to be swept up in the narrative.
If the news tells us that aliens are attacking and we buy it, then the news has successfully manipulated our perception of reality.
No it hasn't. We've merely been snookered. Our perception of reality had nothing to do with it – we didn't perceive attacking aliens, we heard it on the news. Big difference.
Think of how many people believe in dinosaurs.
Our knowledge of dinosaurs is based on the fossil record. Paleontology precedes
Hollywood by a century and a half.
What you will often see in a movie is people riding in cars/trains/planes/etc and having a moving background cut in a different frame.
So what?
why can a media studio with expensive equipment not make us believe something is real that is not?
Because the truth (or falsity) of news stories is demonstrated over time. If a media outlet is consistently shown to produce false accounts it loses credibility and becomes a source of infotainment, like Fox news, just something that tells people what they wish to hear.
Suspension of disbelief is where we pretend the play is real for the purposes of the play. Suppose someone is shot on the stage as part of the play. We are emotionally moved by the play, but it would be considered odd to call the hospital and the police because someone was shot on stage.
Suspension, not abolition. When the play is over, we go back to disbelief. Not so for ideas we think are real because we got swept up in narrative.
Now two theoreticals.
1. Suppose someone is not in on the trick. His name is Tarzan. He grew up in the African savanna, miles from other people. He knows about guns and cities, but has never seen a play or movie. When he is taken to the city and sees his first play, he is alarmed, jumps on stage and wrestles the man to disarm him of this weapon. He has been fooled, swept up in the narrative. He is a rube.
2. On the other end of the spectrum, suspension of disbelief can go the other way. If someone is actually murdered on stage, it usually takes multiple attempts, finally including the stage manager to convince the crowd to do something. They are so invested in the idea that they filtered away ideas that didn't fit the narrative of this being a play.
The problem of news is that we have barely any experience with the idea that news can in fact be faked. We are Tarzan, who doesn't understand that a play is going on.
A girl sitting down.
Now, I'm gonna have her riding a dinosaur. In ancient Tokyo. With a creepy sky. And a UFO flying overhead.
Breaking News!
If I can do this in under an hour unprofessionally with still pictures, why is it you are so easily misled by videos? You can edit videos frame by frame.
To be fair, I don't trust ANY media. Which is why I stick to watching anime, and avoiding the news. People who watch the news and believe it are actual fools.
To be fair, I don't trust ANY media. Which is why I stick to watching anime, and avoiding the news. People who watch the news and believe it are actual fools.
Do you believe there is a war going on in Ukraine?