@Frank Apisa,
Your telling me to get high on drugs. Oh wow clap clap. Like the same drugs that was once legal like Cocaine, and Opium and the drugs that are being legalized like mari-Jane ( weed ), or LSD. Then again you prefer me to get high on the PCP or Angel Dust ( which I would stray away from due to chemicals used to make those ???? ). Maybe the drugs being given to molestation victims so the asylum people or nunnery could molest them, while they contemplate suicide, or the same drugs that promotes violent behavior like school shootings.
Anger is love
Anger is power
Anger is a tool
That adrenaline rush you get paired of with lack of fear, lack of giving a damn is what we all need.
We ask ourselves how many lives could have been saved if one of those slaves hanging around Dick Cheney would have done him and the rest of these puppets in. Colonial Powell was in that room. He had all right to make that call. What stopped him? He could have truly been a nations hero.
Then again we look at the voting process. You want some Bush or Gore? Funny given the choices there was, why not go green.
"Oh noes those darn Democratics ( Demon-cratics ) . They want to tax everything, and raise gas prices. Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham getting hard off somebodies daughter. Some girl got on her knees and he was impeached about stains from his penis. Omgsh it was so worth the airtime. "I do not care how many people die in a war I want to save money on my car insurance".
So we voted in another Bush ( aka decedent of his grandpa that help finance Nazi's ....not kidding ), and had a worthless war.
Human lives lost during Afganistan and Iraq > The entire presidency cabinet, Federal Reserve bankers, and military generals who never saw any real bloodshed but gave commands.
We take all those people mentioned throw them in a hole just like in Sparta. How many lives, income, and so much more saved. That is what needs to happen.
What truth ? Hillary daughter is with a son of a criminal banker......... _ _ _
The current President has his son paying $30,000 a month in child-support to some stripper from the middle of nowhere, jacking off the Ukriane government for $80,000 a month.
Meanwhile US is losing 30,000,000,000 in food for children at school versus the $80,000,000,000 invested into Ukraine.