RexRed wrote:englishmajor wrote:Sorry to disappoint you, Rex. I am Canadian; therefore I have more than two parties to choose from. We actually have 4 in Canada. I am neither Dem or Rep, neither left or right.
Who has been filling my head with thoughts that the world does not like America!!??? Where have you been? That IS the world opinion. I see you do not read or watch anything out of the realm of CNN, etc. America has the right to 'go out and see who our friends are'? What an innocent, naive statement! That is not what America is doing. Have you heard of globalization? It's another word for imperialism, and that is what America is up to. I suggest you go to PNAC website (Project for a New American Century). You'll be surprised to see who the members are. Jeb is one... Please don't try and tell me America is out and about handing out candy to the world and making friends. They are, in fact, trying to push free trade down everyone's throat. Maybe you didn't know, but NAFTA does not work here in Canada (if you happened to hear on your US news, which I doubt - NAFTA has ruled in Canada's favour about the softwoods tariff illegally placed on our lumber, but the US will not honour that agreement) that is just another example of how America deals with other countries. I am glad we have a PM (Prime Minister) who sees through the BS that people like Cond. Rice (who worked for Chevron before she became George's little friend) spew out.
Did you know, Rex, that the Taliban were financed by the US? Look it up online, it's no secret for those who look for answers in places other than CNN, Fox, etc. The US is simply in Iraq for oil. Bush admitted that. Why aren't they in other places in the world where tyranny exists? Why aren't they helping the Palestinians? Why do they allow Israel to have WMD's, and kill Palestinians? Can you answer those questions? Oh, and don't worry about Pakistan. America has their little puppet in charge there; not likely he will use his WMD's....but you never know. The point is, the US used the Taliban until they did not need them any longer, then they became terrorists.
And you're right, this thread is not the correct one for such discussions. I'll be happy to talk with you on the "is george bush a christian' or 'why did america attack iraq'.
Please look up some sites on the net, or read or watch BBC ---something! and get back to me. I think you'll have a different opinion when you learn what PNAC plans. I know when I lived in the States I did not hear half of what I hear on our news here in Canada, which is more globally oriented.......
Like I said, less than half of what you are saying is actually based on solid facts. The US did not become the worlds only super power by being "unpopular"...
You are simply politically slanted and for an "english major" I think you could learn to have an original thought. You are just spouting out leftist propaganda talking points that have no real "truth". You have an agenda. You have been programed with your slander and you simply spout it off like some kind of mindless robot.
I don't have this issue that you have... I voted for Al Gore! not Bush. Then I voted for Bush.
I am a republican (moderate) but I ALSO believe in choice. I also do not think abortion should be used as a form of "contraception"... When it gets to mistake number six and seven then I think that people who have had that many abortions should be listed with pedophiles on the internet...
But I don't get this kind of attack the issues with logic approach from you. I feel it is more attack the issues with partisanship in your case.
I think you or at least your friends are even delusional.
You want to believe anything that pushes your hate agenda further.
Do you even have one original solution other than the generic hate Bush hate America rant?
I am not against free trade... I am for fair trade too.... I believe we should trade with people who are providing their people with hospitals and schools. Do you have a problem with that? Or should we only trade with dictators and people who strap bombs to babies?
I don't think you are quite a rational person

because your response had no basis in fact. Have you checked out PNAC? You should, all of the folks you like & admire so much are in there: Rummy, Jeb Bush, Libby, Wolfowitz etc. They plan on global dominance and are making no bones about it. What part of that don't you get?
My solution would have been to
not vote for Bush in the first place. That was an interesting election with the hanging chads, misplaced ballots, etc. wasn't it? It kept us Canucks amused anyway.
My condolences that you voted for him in the last election.
You quoted no original source, nothing factual. You are apparently deluded that America is a superpower (which is on the wane, by the way.
Did you know China holds 200 BILLION in debts for America? The largest debt EVER. That was on our newscast last night, but I'm sure you could do a google search and see for yourself. Please don't just rant. Look things up. Check out the sites I mentioned. Or are you afraid it might besmirch your naive idea of what America could have been?
I don't hate America. I would not waste my energy. Show me where I said that, please?
I feel sorry for people who are so deluded they think America is in Iraq for a good purpose. Maybe you should ask an Iraqi. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed in the name of democracy, something in short supply in America. Course, they just call that collateral damage. Sounds better than 'we just killed a lot of civilians today" doesn't it? Would Saddam have killed that many? How are the Americans any better? Why don't they go on home now and clean up their own mess in America? Maybe impeach Bush, something constructive.
America is a superpower in its own mind (see above: 200 billion owed to China). You are now beginning to pay for your hubris and trampling of smaller countries around the world to get what you want. What goes around, comes around.....
You are for fair trade? That would mean that you support NAFTA?? Good. Then you support their last ruling? Good again. That means that you support the US giving Canada back
5 million for illegally collected softwoods tariffs. Or had you even heard about that? I like fair trade when it's fair. Ignoring NAFTA rulings is the way America plays. Like the bully on the block.
Whatever are you babbling about here? " I believe we should trade with people who are providing their people with hospitals and schools. Do you have a problem with that? Or should we only trade with dictators and people who strap bombs to babies?[/quote]
You've gone and confused countries's Canada that has national health coverage for everyone. The US does if you can afford it. We have schools, too! At any rate, I didn't make any comments about schools/hospitals. Do I have a problem with what?
Your president IS a dictator. He even admitted it would be easier if he was. I'm sure he was just fooling. I don't know where you're going on this rant, should we trade with dictators and people who strap bombs to babies, you ask? When did that happen? Didn't you read the above? Didn't you know that America was funding the Taliban in the 1980's in their fight against the Russians. Man, you guys in Maine need to read a bit more, don't ya!