I would suggest that if every object (macro) and particle of an atom (micro) is spinning and VIBRATORY balanced in the cosmos due to Plan B philosophy and the science that backs it up (shall we say), then everything can be described as a particle and a wave or a particle moving in a SYMMETRICAL sinusoidal motion.
Clearly,Plan B philosophy and the science that backs it up explains the double slit experiment because the particles of light are vibrating and moving in a sinusoidal (wave) motion as they pass through the slits.
I would suggest that as particle light waveforms are symmetrical then the system (vibratory electromagnetic forces according to Plan B philosophy and science) that produce these sinusoidal wave forms (as light passes through them) must be symmetrical as well.How can an unsymmetrical system produce a symmetrical waveform?
Something to help you with your obsessive monomania.
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Mon 13 Nov, 2023 09:17 pm
According to Plan B philosophy and science, if a light or electrical particle passes through space (this is the space between objects at the macro or micro levels) then they will be bent into a sinusoidal wave because they are subjected to balanced vibrating electromagnetic fields.which exist throughout the cosmos between all spinning electromagnetic objects.These vibrating electromagnetic fields are not cancelled out according to Newtons 3rd Law.Moving matter is subjected to equal forces from the left and the right.
In summary,I would suggest that it is blatantly obvious that all matter is moving within a symmetrically balanced system of push/pull forces that can only be explained by the KNOWN equal but opposite interacting electromagnetic forces in nature.This is the only rational explanation for SYMMETRICAL particle waves.We know that the cosmos is saturated with electromagnetic fields.Plan B philosophy and the science that backs it up fits this model perfectly,The two equal but opposite electromagnetic forces in nature do not cancel out as GUESSED by modern day science in its UNAWARENESS.