Teacher vs bully

Fri 1 Apr, 2022 06:02 pm
Pig Head Award 2022
No. 9 position

SievrikovAS’ effort on research of spherical electromagnetic wave in PHF.

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Piggy did some research in this respect too. For details please see relevant chapters in my physics thread. Why electromagnetic wave can travel in circle without gravity? Piggy thinks that it’s something about the mechanism of formation of matter and beyond the category of interaction. It’s the affair in the first fundamental natural system of PRESENCE – PROPERTY. A circle should be the simplest pattern rather than a straight line.

Liqiang Chen
April 2, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically. Bounce…
Nonetheless, today piggy, a third rated citizen of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Apr, 2022 12:54 am
Pig Head Award 2022
No. 8 position

Comment from leadfoot in a2k:
“…why there is so little progress in basic science.
When it comes to fundamentals, nothing has happened since the 1970s.”
As well as woody’s comment in PHF:
“It is perhaps surprising how little the fundamentals of physics have moved in the last 50 years...”

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Yes. They two have consensus.
Piggy thinks that the problem lies in mistaking model as truth in the “authentic” community. The so called what “standard model” absolutely is a conspiracy to set up a church in science and plotting “claim a limitation” for scientific research. There is no what “standard model” in nature. Any theory is just a “method of description”, or say, an angle to “touch the elephant”.

Now we have found out the roots of SR and GR, both in the first fundamental natural system of PRESENCE – PROPERTY. Science have advanced one step forward from the fundamentals of Einstein. And actually science has advanced into the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY in a2k first. The fundamentals of physics have been broader, more complete, more explicit, established more firmly…

There is no “mass point” in nature. It’s just something abstract in theory. There should be something beyond the “Mass Point Dynamics”.
A story in history:
In 2019, piggy derived the Mass – Space equation in PHF
And asked such a question: “Anyone aware why traditional Lorentz transformation and the "mass - space" equation lead to two different results?”

(From Newton to Einstein, history went through 2 centuries. But now, science is already “heavy accumulated and hard to go back in that “authentic” community. Haha)

Liqiang Chen
April 3, 2022
What never change of course would be First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order). So, piggy dies hard logically. I am “sure enough”. But piggy really doesn’t know what’s the fate of science. Actually, most of my time is spent on worrying about the safety and prospective of my family members.
Nonetheless, today piggy, a third rated citizen of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.

0 Replies
Sun 10 Apr, 2022 05:57 pm
Pig Head Award (memorial 4):

As piggy said in the thread “T vs R” once upon a time, “the spirit of SR is relative (constant velocity) movement. SR is the affair of the second fundamental natural system of PRESENCE –PRESENCE.” Also as piggy said in Pig Head Award (memorial 2) “Einstein actually was the first guy who entered the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.”
Einstein set out from Mass Point Dynamics but derived the energy – mass equation (energy – mass relation), which should be the affair of the first fundamental natural system of PRESENCE –PROPERTY.
As piggy mentioned in the physics thread “Einstein was actually the first guy who demonstrated that kinematic energy essentially is the change of the internal energy”.
It (SR) demonstrated that in nature, the first fundamental natural system of PRESENCE –PROPERTY and the second fundamental natural system of PRESENCE –PRESENCE is an integrity.

That thing INTERCONNECTs these two fundamental natural systems is the “inherent property”.
The chart for them can be denoted as below:
PRESENCE – PROPERTY – interaction or relative movement.

The leaves on the tree are INTERCONNECTED through more basic things. The Mass Point Dynamics which describing interaction or relative movement should be able to be unified in the level of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.

In this sense, Einstein was actually the first guy to provide substantial theoretical clue of the integrity of those two fundamental natural systems.
He was actually the pioneer who marched onto a feasible path to unify physics.
His effort of shifting the issue of gravity to the issue of space -time in GR was also one step forward in this direction.
(Relevant materials for reference:
The chapter “primary unified conception of energy”, etc, in the physics thread.

The first fundamental natural system vs the second fundamental natural system , touchy and feely;
The first fundamental natural system vs the second fundamental natural system 2, touchy and feely. In the thread “T vs R”)

In fact, the spiral chilarity is also a spacial property.

But regrettable, he is gone. To memorialize that great Sapiens and to praise his innovative effort in scientific research, piggy hereby decides to posthumously provide Albert Einstein the Piggy Head Award.

Liqiang Chen
April 11, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
Nonetheless, today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.

0 Replies
Sat 16 Apr, 2022 03:40 am
Ig – Pig Head Award 2022 (the second one)

To bobsal u1553115 in a2k.
Piggy learned a funny term “delusional squat” from bobsal u1553115 in his dialogue with a “stinging insect”. It’s a vivid analogy for the pure negative effect produced by troll with obscure purpose on internet.

bobsal u1553115
Sat 16 Apr, 2022 07:40 pm
I am honored to have been recognized. I will live to be the embodiment of the award.

I would like to thank the academy and all the delusional squats who made it possible. I thank you!
Sun 17 Apr, 2022 12:12 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Ha Ha…bobsul…that was funny…..I have been telling htam9876 that he is delusional as well…but he won’t believe me.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Apr, 2022 12:44 am
Pig Head Award 2022 for Peace (special):

With regard to bobsal u1553115’s brave activity in respect of anti J – 10 bully bully in a2k, piggy hereby specially nominates him the Pig Head Award 2022 for Peace.

He did something to defend the commonwealth of the a2k galaxy.

COISA, touchy and feely:
Piggy hereby establishes COISA (cosmic internet safety allies). Its mission is to research whether J – 10 style of “delusional squat” is actually as hurtful as robot to destroy internet safety and undermine the interest of normal internet users. It’s worthy of research by internet experts.
Liqiang Chen
April 17, 2022
Sun 17 Apr, 2022 12:53 am
Robot!!…I’m not a robot htam9876…….You speak for yourself.

I have a mind of my own ….not a robotic mind like you which has got you in the mess that you are in.You need to separate yourself from autopilot and not be a slave to it which will be difficult for you because you have no idea about consciousness or what you are dealing with and therefore have no idea how to do this.

Don’t blame me for your ignorance/unawareness…..blame yourself.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Apr, 2022 01:05 am
Piggy doesn’t think that this award has something to do with J -10 anymore. Nor any scientific award in this world unless the First Order meddle in the affair, I think. But bully bully does.

Piggy hereby also nominates bobsal u1553115 the director of COISA.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Apr, 2022 03:48 am
Neila9876 @ htam9876:
This tramp in cosmos saw something odd. So, comes here to tell you…
I don’t think “as hurtful as robot” or say “as harmful as robot” = robot
htam9876 @ Neila9876:
Piggy doesn’t mean it’s a robot. Perhaps a bull can’t read English. It just know +/- at people’s *ss with its horns.
Piggy has a “language bar of cosmos”. If that bully wants to learn English well, he can go there asks for help. Many excellent teachers can help it.
By the way, where are you now?
Neila9876 @ htam9876:
Seems I have to do a tramp in cosmos again. I always has a stalker: the First Order…
0 Replies
Sun 17 Apr, 2022 08:49 am
Neila9876 @ htam9876:
You really didn’t mean mad bull is a robot. It’s itself eager to defend. This story is fun enough to deserve your Ig- Pig Head Award. Classical humor for hundreds of years, perhaps. This tramp in cosmos guesses. But I don’t think bully bully is qualified enough to talk about robot.
htam9876 @ Neila9876:
Something wrong with its consciousness, perhaps…You know bull’s consciousness is different from that of human…You nominate mad bull Ig- Pig Head Award, please. Piggy is very tired.
Neila9876 @ htam9876:
You speak for yourself…
htam9876 @ Neila9876:
You speak for yourself…
Neila9876 @ htam9876:
htam9876 @ Neila9876:

0 Replies
Mon 18 Apr, 2022 10:45 pm
Ig – Pig Head Award 2022 (the third one)

To philipishin in PHF.
“ human shape Robert”
Actually, piggy can’t make clear whether philipishin wrote a wrong English word or created some thing new in this world. At that time, piggy just wanted to help him.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 19 Apr, 2022 07:47 am
Good stuff, htam.
Tue 19 Apr, 2022 06:06 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Phili is funny. Guys in PHF always take him as “amusement”. haha
0 Replies
Tue 19 Apr, 2022 06:16 pm
Pig Head Award 2022
No. 7 position
Xris’s comment in a2k
“science tells us, theoretically we can travel back in time. The problem is, if we went back in time and killed ourselves at birth how would we be able to exist in the first place to be able to kill ourselves..The paradox is either free will is not feasible or time travel is a theoretical mistake.”

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Actually, “time travel” is a fringe topic in science for quite a long time.
“Travelling back in time” is a theoretical mistake. It came from the insufficient cognition of the physical essence of time and MISGUIDE by +/- logic. Such so called “science” would plague human until they doomed.
The misconception of “- t” appeared in science due to the research on anti matter (CPT theory).
Piggy has proved that “- t” is meaningless in physics.
(For details please see relevant chapters in piggy’s physics thread)
The fact is that no one can “travel back in time” to see Einstein.

Science has advanced into the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY. In this new era, we research space – time in a deeper level.

Two directions of thinking, touchy and feely
“…saying it's never been observed is not proof, as it has not been observed to this moment.”
This is just a way of thinking. In this way, perhaps people will have to spend hundreds / thousands / millions of years to wait (and see)…science wanders there…

Another way of thinking is: why we can’t observe it in practice? If we can essentially deny it in “meta” theory, then, science can move on…

After the cross roads are two roads extending in two directions, which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
(Relevant materials for reference: the “prisoner of logic” series, etc, in the thread “T vs R”.)

Liqiang Chen
April 20, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
Nonetheless, today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.


0 Replies
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 03:16 am
Pig Head Award (memorial 5):

The speed of light c doesn’t change (frame invariable) is a basic principle of Einstein’s SR. Some guys call it one “postulate”.
Next, piggy has a try to prove theoretically why the light of speed c doesn’t change / has to be a frame invariable.
Touchy: c is speed of light , γ is the frequency of light, λ is the wave length of light. Then: c = γλ
Feely: as piggy said in the physics thread, the frequency reflects time. And wave length reflects 3D space. So, actually, the equation c = γλ above reflects the integrity of space – time. Space and time are not entirely independent variables but mutually affected.
Transform the above equation: γ = c / λ
Because speed of light c is a constant, then: γ ∝ 1 / λ
Replace variables: △t ∝ 1 / L
This could be called the Space – Time equation. Piggy employed such special format to highlight the “inverse proportion relationship” between space L and time△t (criterion of time or say unit time). If space L contracts, then, time △t inflates; if space L inflates, then, time△t deflates.

Next, watch it in another relatively moving inertial frame: c’ = γ’λ’. If the speed of light (magnitude) c’ changes, we can’t guarantee the strict establishment of the “inverse proportion relationship” γ’ ∝ 1 / λ’, namely, △t’ ∝ 1 / L’ in math. Among γ’ and λ’ ,or say, △t’ and L’, one might be a constant. Then, such odd situation might appear: If space L’ contracts, time △t’ doesn’t inflate; if space L’ inflates, then, time△t’ doesn’t deflate.

But one of the basic principles of SR is "physics rule is equivalent" in different inertial frames. It’s a problem.

Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, we can analyze it from another angle.
Piggy considers “integrity of space – time” which reflected by the equation △t ∝ 1 / L is a fundamental natural relation, which is the affair of the fundamental PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system.
Such fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter and the most basic natural rule and should not change following movement. It’s the affair in the fundamental PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system. It’s also a problem here.

So, theoretically, the speed of light (magnitude) c’ must not change, it has to be a frame invariable, namely, c’ = c.

Additional analysis:
Velocity vs space – time, touchy and feely:

Actually, the velocity of light (c = γλ) is in the supreme position and in CONTROL of space – time (frequency γ reflects time while wavelength λ reflects space). The conception of velocity is based on space – time, but the velocity of light c is not subjected to the CONTROL of them.

This “postulate” has been verified by experiment:
A moving meson decayed and released a photon, the devices detected the speed of light (magnitude) didn’t change.
(For details please see relevant chapters in the physics thread.)

But regrettable, Einstein is gone. To memorialize that great Sapiens and to praise his innovative effort in scientific research, piggy hereby decides to posthumously provide Albert Einstein the Piggy Head Award.

Liqiang Chen
April 20, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
Nonetheless, today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.

Wed 20 Apr, 2022 03:51 am
htam9876....just an observation so don't get upset and spit your dummy out again because someone is challenging your calcs.......(and izzy please keep out or he might get blocked again).......

A genuine observation and question:

Surely your PRESENCE-PROPERTY theory and calcs are still associated with "spectator" science which we all know is "delusional" science if it is not including consciousness because how can we be separate from science? That is just a ridiculous notion.

Your PRESENCE is looking ONE WAY ONLY and dividing. You can't ignore PRESENCE. Are you dividing PRESENCE as well to keep the overall equation balanced?

Scientist know that they will have to include consciousness into their equations at some point and therefore, can I ask where have you included the consciousness factor into your equations?

Wed 20 Apr, 2022 04:53 am
Your behaviour has already shut one thread down.
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 05:03 am
I wondered how long it would be before you appeared.

My post is a genuine query/question izzy....chill....

I want to know how consciousness fits into htam9876 formulas that's all.

Surely a self respecting scientists would be asking the same question.

I am unable to shut a thread down izzy. It wasn't me I can assure you.

Htam987 has put me on ignore so if an answer is forthcoming it will be an indirect response anyway.

Wed 20 Apr, 2022 05:41 am
He doesn't want to talk to you.


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