Teacher vs bully

Wed 20 Apr, 2022 05:43 am
As I say, he doesn't have to....but if he can't answer the question then how can we take him and his calculations seriously?

Consciousness has to be explained and has to appear in any reputable scientific theory/formula.

It is therefore a genuine question/query.

Wed 20 Apr, 2022 06:01 am
How can you expect to be taken seriously when you refuse to submit a paper?
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 06:11 am
Lets see if we get a response from htam9876 shall we.

We can then assess the validity of his formulas.

If consciousness cannot be explained then the same old problem persists and htam9876 efforts go down in history as just another valiant attempt.

Formulas have to include/incorporate/explain consciousness izzy...
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 06:24 am
NO one wants to talk to him.
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 06:35 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Hi bobsul...are you sulking as well?....what have I done to upset you lol....?
0 Replies
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 06:41 am
@bobsal u1553115,
They don't, I've yet to come across a single person who wants to.

In that he is unique, even the most disagreeable posters seem to have compatriots.

Wed 20 Apr, 2022 06:50 am
I have genuine questions/queries for htam9876 which he doesn't need to answer if he doesn't want to.

Htam9876 should know that they are genuine question/queries.

I am not trying to catch htam9876 out....chill will you....At least I am asking these sorts of questions........I am genuinely interested.

Wed 20 Apr, 2022 02:31 pm
Piggy doesn’t think that this award has something to do with J -10 anymore. Nor any scientific award in this world unless the First Order meddle in the affair, I think. Obviously he is trying to force the ongoing award stop.
0 Replies
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 02:34 pm
Pig Head Award 2022
No. 6 position

The effort of Mr. harve and Mr. physicsquest in research of speed of light in PHF.

The speed of light (magnitude) in gravitational field again, touchy and feely:

Hereby, piggy has a try to analyze the problem about the speed of light (magnitude) in gravitational field again with methods of the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.

1. Start the analysis from the angle of inertial frames:
As illustrated in the chapter “The integrity of space – time, touchy and feely” in the physics thread,
Touchy: c is speed of light, γ is the frequency of light, λ is the wave length of light. Then: c = γλ
Feely: as piggy said, the frequency reflects time. And wave length reflects 3D space. So, actually, the equation c = γλ above reflects the integrity of space – time. Space and time are not entirely independent variables but mutually affected.
Transform the above equation: γ = c / λ
Because speed of light c is a constant, then: γ ∝ 1 / λ
Replace variables: △t ∝ 1 / L
This could be called the Space – Time equation. Piggy employed such special format to highlight the “inverse proportion relationship” between space L and time△t (criterion of time or say unit time). If space L contracts, then, time △t inflates; if space L inflates, then, time△t deflates.

Next, watch it in another relatively moving inertial frame: c’ = γ’λ’. If the speed of light (magnitude) c’ changes, we can’t guarantee the strict establishment of the “inverse proportion relationship” γ’ ∝ 1 / λ’, namely, △t’ ∝ 1 / L’ in math. Among γ’ and λ’ ,or say, △t’ and L’, one might be a constant. Then, such odd situation might appear: If space L’ contracts, time △t’ doesn’t inflate; if space L’ inflates, then, time△t’ doesn’t deflate.

But one of the basic principles of SR is "physics rule is equivalent" in different inertial frames. It’s a problem.

Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, we can analyze it from another angle.
Piggy considers “integrity of space – time” which reflected by the equation △t ∝ 1 / L is a fundamental natural relation, which is the affair of the PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system.
Such fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter and the most basic natural rule and should not change following movement. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system. It’s also a problem here.

So, theoretically, the speed of light (magnitude) c’ must not change, namely, c’ = c.
This point has been verified by experiment. Relevant material of the experiment can be found in textbook. A moving meson decayed and released a photon, the devices detected the speed of light (magnitude) didn’t change.

2. From the angle of non - inertial frame (situation of acceleration):
Take a look at that “authentic” rabbit Dandan’s humble opinion first.

Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, we can analyze it from another angle.
Piggy considers “integrity of space – time” which reflected by the “inverse proportion relationship” △t ∝ 1 / L is a fundamental natural relation, which is the affair of the fundamental PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system.
Such fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter and the most basic natural rule and should not change following movement (including situation of acceleration). It’s the affair in the fundamental PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system.
The “inverse proportion relationship” △t’ ∝ 1 / L’ should establish in situation of acceleration.
So, according to the analysis in item 1, theoretically, the speed of light (magnitude) c’ must not change, namely, c’ = c.

3. The situation of gravitational field:
According to Einstein’s idea of “gravity is equivalent to acceleration in effect” and the analysis it item 2, the speed of light (magnitude) should not change in gravitational field.

Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, we can analyze it from another angle.
Piggy considers “integrity of space – time” which reflected by the “inverse proportion relationship” △t ∝ 1 / L is a fundamental natural relation, which is the affair of the fundamental PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system.
Such fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter and the most basic natural rule and should not change following interaction. It’s the affair in the fundamental PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system.
The “inverse proportion relationship” △t’ ∝ 1 / L’ should establish in situation of gravitational field.
So, according to the analysis in item 1, theoretically, the speed of light (magnitude) c’ must not change in gravitational field, namely, c’ = c.

Additional analysis:
Velocity vs space – time, touchy and feely:

Actually, the velocity of light (c = γλ) is in the supreme position and in CONTROL of space – time (frequency γ reflects time while wavelength λ reflects space). The conception of velocity is based on space – time, no matter in the dynamic situation or in the gravitational situation. But the velocity of light c is not subjected to the CONTROL of them.
But the velocity of a small stone is essentially not the same case as that of the light. It is not capable to CONTROL of space – time. The conception of velocity is based on space – time, no matter in the dynamic situation or in the gravitational situation. So, the velocity of a small stone is subjected to the CONTROL of space – time. Then, the velocity of a small stone is a frame variable according to the traditional Lorentz transformation in SR, and it will change in gravitational field after you let it go.

Actually, “the speed of light (magnitude) doesn’t change” is a standard / legislation in “authentic” scientific community. Take a look at physicsquest’s comment in PHF:

Liqiang Chen
April 21, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
Nonetheless, today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.

0 Replies
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 02:39 pm
Pig Head Award 2022
No. 5 position

Mr. woody’s effort in research of black hole in PHF.

“I have been pondering a question which is perhaps related to this post.

It is my understanding that in the intense gravitational field around a black hole,
Time, as viewed from "our" reference point a safe distance away is slowed.
In the limit, as the black hole reaches singularity, time (from our point of view) within the hole stands still.

Firstly have I got this interpretation correct?

If so then does that not imply that (from our external point of view) a collapsing massive object will never reach full singularity
because the time it takes to reach singularity will tend toward infinity as the gravitational field tends toward infinity.”

Piggy moves some stuff in the cosmic thread here for reference:
The core of black hole, touchy and feely:

The BB theory which considers that this cosmos came from a “singularity” can count as “standard” theory more or less;
The mainstream considers the core of black hole is also “singularity”.
That’s fun enough: a cosmos will pop up from a black hole at any time. Obviously it’s absurd.

Now, the mass – space equation can provide a perfect solution.
The affair of the core of the black hole is absolutely the affair of the PRESENCE. Then, in the new era, we can ask such a question: what’s the “inherent property” of such a PRESENCE though?
Piggy’s humble opinion is that it’s mainly of the mass - space integrity which reflected by the mass – space equation: r ∝ 1/ M.

According to my physical model for elementary particle, after a huge star collapsed, an extreme situation might happen: all atoms and even the elementary particles would melt down, its internal energy might gather on a small spherical surface. All matters including light would reorganize and the energy gather on such a small spherical surface after they fall into the black hole.
At such extreme level, physical theories such as Mass Point Dynamics, thermal dynamics
, etc, would no longer be applicable to describe it.
According to the calculation with the whole mass – space equation r = a / M:
0 < the radius of the core of a black hole < the radius of an elementary particle.

Piggy trusts in more and more black holes will appear in cosmos and they can merge. More and more energy will be condensed.
According to the Mass – Space equation r ∝ 1/ M or the Energy – Space equation r ∝ 1/ E, the radius of the core of super black hole becomes even smaller. When M or E trends to infinite, r trends to zero, mass density ρ trends to infinite: singularity. Cosmos doomed.

The shape of event horizon vs the core of black hole, touchy and feely:

Some “authentic” guys consider that the core of black hole is a singularity. It is theory only. Piggy wonders that what’s the shape of a singularity though?
The black hole image just showed a round black spot (event horizon). This is fact.

Liqiang Chen
April 21, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
Nonetheless, today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.

0 Replies
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 07:42 pm
I'm a poor wayfaring stranger
I’m travelling through this world of woe
Yet there’s no sickness, not toil, nor danger
In that bright land to which I go
I’m going there to see my Father
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going over Jordan
I’m only going over home
I know dark clouds will gather ‘round me,
I know my way is rough and steep
But golden fields lie just before me
Where God’s redeemed shall ever sleep
I’m going there to see my mother
And all my loved ones who’ve gone on
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going over Jordan
I’m only going over home

0 Replies
Wed 20 Apr, 2022 11:18 pm
Just an observation and another query,nothing more.

It looks like htam9876 is stuck on one side of the fence in his black hole.

He doesn’t say which side of the fence it is though…..Is it the left or is it the right?

Also,htam9876 keeps referring to himself as PRESENCE which is SEPARATE from his PROPERTY…..which presumably is why he has created his fence.

My query is, how can PRESENCE be separated from PROPERTY in that sense?

PRESENCE and PROPERTY are on both sides of the fence, separate maybe, but embroiled together nonetheless.

You can’t separate consciousness from matter in the way htam9876 is trying to describe it in his calcs.

Thu 21 Apr, 2022 02:35 am
Seems the J – 10 style of “delusional squat” will bury up this galaxy, “sure enough”. The First Order surely appreciates it very much. Haha
But piggy really doesn’t think that this award has something to do with J -10 anymore. Nor any scientific award in this world unless the First Order meddle in the affair, I think.
Winner vs loser, touchy and feely

Piggy played a match stick game in PHF in 2020 and lost.
Although piggy was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF, but it doesn’t mean that what coffin box won out in international scientific community. Piggy can’t find out in which year that guy won an “Oscar” Prize for physics or for astronomy.呵呵


In the 21st century around the world, the most complicated game would be the First Order’s game.
Piggy feels the first order has decided to shout “execute”…
Piggy dies hard.
0 Replies
Thu 21 Apr, 2022 02:40 am
Pig Head Award 2022 for Art
The authors of Peppa Pig series: Astley, Baker and Davis.

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Piggy loves in Peppa Pig series very much because of its humorous and harmonious new style. Piggy even employs the father pig as my avatar (at least in PHF). Haha

Liqiang Chen
April 21, 2022
0 Replies
Thu 21 Apr, 2022 04:15 am
htam9876 response is what it is and so fair enough. That is his opinion. We all have opinions and I respect his opinion.

I still maintain however that it is impossible to separate PRESENCE from PROPERTY as in htam9876 FENCE analogy .i.e. separate consciousness from matter.

You can separate PRESENCE from PROPERTY as long as you keep them EMBROLIED together.

I maintain that if htam9876 fence analogy is to be adopted then PRESENCE and PROPERTY would need to appear on BOTH sides of his fence. I can accept that because balance would be maintained.

So in summary, separation of PRESENCE and PROPERTY is common to both views. Both views agree on that, however, I disagree on the application of that separation because I maintain that you cannot separate consciousness from matter.

I also understand and respect htam9876 view on PRESENCE being associated with his black hole.

I maintain that it is just a hole however and would not describe it as black....not if PRESENCE (consciousness) fills it as well.

I would suggest that electromagnetic fields are there though.

0 Replies
Thu 21 Apr, 2022 04:35 am
I'm a poor wayfaring stranger
While journeying through this world of woe
And there’s no sickness, toil, nor danger
In that bright land to which I go
I’m going there to see my Father
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going over Jordan
I’m only going over home
I know dark clouds will gather ‘round me,
I know my way is rough and steep
And beautiful fields lie just before me
Where God’s redeemed there vigils keep
I’m going there to see my mother
I’m going there no more to roam
I’m only going over Jordan
I’m only going over home
I want to wear that crown of glory
When I get home to that good land
I want to shout salvation’s story
In concert with the ohh blood-washed band
I’m going there to see my Saviour
I’m going there no more to roam
I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home
so I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 21 Apr, 2022 06:21 am
bobsal u1553115
Thu 21 Apr, 2022 06:51 am
0 Replies
Thu 21 Apr, 2022 05:23 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Perhaps you post some stuff from Youtube? Piggy can't see it. Actually, piggy is in another world. We can't visit many forein websites. Next, perhaps this galaxy. haha
Thu 21 Apr, 2022 05:29 pm
Pig Head Award 2022
No.4 position

Aknight’s research on double slits experiment in PHF.

Piggy’s additional comment here:
Quote aknight’s this paragraph first:
“This is the very heart of the so-called “measurement problem.” By localizing the particle (or whatever the hell it is) within the two slits, we assume that it is in superposition Ψ(x) = ΨL(x) + ΨR(x). But if we subsequently measure the particle as having come from one of the slits (called a “which-way” measurement), then we were wrong about its earlier state. And if we were right about its earlier state, then it will forever remain in a superposition.”

He is also suspecting the illusive view of the world “the world is in an undetermined state until it is observed”.
At that time, piggy replied aknight with traditional QM thinking. He seemed not so satisfactory.
A few weeks later, piggy decided to “touch the elephant” in my own way and contemplated to give up the traditional conception of probability wave.

Now, as piggy declared in the thread “matter vs anti matter” and the thread “T vs R”, the pig had entirely give up the traditional conception of probability wave.

Piggy reorganizes relevant analysis and repeats it here for reference.
Double slits experiment (for electron), touchy and feely

Piggy encountered much such issue about this experiment. An outstanding example is as one of our fellow guy’s post in his thread:
“The double-slit experiment proves:

1. That the observer is REAL and has a REAL effect on the world.

2. That the world is in an undetermined state until it is observed.”

Pig’s analysis as below:
The objectivity of nature should not change following man’s subjectivity of observation. If “the world” is “in an undetermined state”, it’s just “in an undetermined state”. It should not turn into “a determined state” following man’s observation. A vivid analogy is that “no matter you observe or not, the clock is ticking (quoted from Woody’s comment in PHF. Piggy forgot where it was.)”

How did such a view as “the world is in an undetermined state until it is observed” appear in the “standard” scientific community?
It originated from such a phenomenon: when a detector is fixed after the slits to find out which slit the electron passed through, the interference pattern disappeared. What appeared on the screen / film was only two straight strips.

Once upon a time piggy argued fiercely about this issue with those “main stream” guys in PHF.

The trouble comes from their pursuit of the “linear superposition” conception. (“trapped in linear physics” as Mark said). The “main stream” consider that the electron passed through two slits in different “undetermined” statesΨ1 + Ψ2 in case of without observation. Piggy always jokes it “one rabbit in two holes”.

In case of observation, piggy’s humble opinion is as below:
If the detector found out the electron passed through slit 1, it just represented the event “the electron passed through slit 1” in experiment; if the detector found out the electron passed through slit 2, it just represented the event “the electron passed through slit 2” in experiment.
How can they “sure enough” that the electron turned from “undetermined” to “determined” and only passed through one slit?
Gangster’s logic.
Moreover, the observation happened AFTER the slits. How can something happened later decided something happened first?
Logic confused?
Experiment eyes model (theory) is one of the cancers in modern day physics research.
Because experimental analysis might be disturbed by theory, piggy suggested them to renew the experimental analysis.

Actually, what the experiment demonstrates exactly is just that the electron passed through either of the slits (or say, no electron can pass through two slits) because no evidence can demonstrate that a detector has ever found an electron passed through two slits. The electron is ever in a determined state.
Fact is fact.
Actually, the experiment just proves that the theory of “linear superposition” is NOT in conformity with experiment.

Then what caused the interference pattern in case of without observation? And why the interference pattern disappeared in case of observation?
With regard to the former question, piggy explained it with the new conception of “wave characteristic of electric interaction”. We know that electric field E can be in two slits.
With regard to the latter question, piggy explained it with the idea “the interference information was disturbed by the detector”. Electromagnetic disturbance is a technology well known by people.
For details, please see relevant post in the thread “matter vs anti matter”.
Moreover, although “linear superposition” in traditional conception of probability wave can explain the dark / bright strips in the diffraction / interference pattern, it can’t sufficiently explain the course of the formation of the diffraction / interference pattern: why electron hit a tiny spot on the screen?
Piggy’s physics model can explain both explicitly.
When piggy argued with those “main stream” guys over the problem about double slits experiment, piggy asked a question:
“In the old style CRT TV set, electron beam seems not willing to take another possible route on the grass screen. Why electron has to actively seek another slit on the apparatus to go through (in the double slits experiment) ? ”
(The example of oscilloscope or say “wave displayer” is more explicit.)
That rabbit Dandan threw out a reason: “The electrons take all possible paths open to them.” The key word was “open”. But if a rabbit can appear in front of two through holes, it can appear in front of two blind holes too; if a rabbit can’t appear in front of two blind holes, it can’t appear in front of two through holes too. It’s easy to understand. Obviously that rabbit Dandan employed an excuse/ trick.
The fun thing is that even those “main stream” guys themselves seem not entirely trust in their “standard” explanation with the theory of “linear superposition” (“one rabbit in two holes”).
As piggy mentioned last year in the Pig Head Award 2021 No. 7 position, that “authentic” rabbit Dandan said: “I would laugh at how lame It all sounds but it works.”
According to piggy’s new explanation, it works too, moreover, no lame sounds at all. Everything is physical and understandable. Why it must not be a good thing?

Liqiang Chen
April 22, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
Nonetheless, today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.

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