Fitzgerald Investigation of Leak of Identity of CIA Agent

Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 08:24 am
teenyboone wrote:
No, Bush was wrong and you know it!

You are free to hold your own opinion, but do not purport to tell me what I do or do not know.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 10:23 am
Not necessary; when the conservatives wants to hang Pelosi for not hearing about torture, but it's okay to reveal an undercover CIA agent by Bush and his gang. Yeah, makes a whole lot of sense.
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 10:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
My sentiments exactly! When a Republican does it, you're un-American if you disagree, but if a Democrat says that they weren't told by the then party in power, they need to resign, apologize and stretched on the rack!
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 09:23 pm
teenyboone wrote:

I didn't know this thread was still going on, but it is amazing as well as disgusting how the Obama Administration seems to be in agreement all of a sudden with Bush, Cheney and others. Political? Yes! Close Gitmo, put the so-called felons in Federal Prisons or send them home if picked up erroneously.
As Ticomaya suggests, perhaps actually doing the job of president may be wholly different than sitting in the peanut gallery and shouting advice and criticism. Perhaps the actual responsibility of being president, along with the awesome responsibility of protecting the country, actually wakes up a man, even Obama, to change his thinking in regard to responsible policies.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 09:25 pm
teenyboone wrote:

My sentiments exactly! When a Republican does it, you're un-American if you disagree, but if a Democrat says that they weren't told by the then party in power, they need to resign, apologize and stretched on the rack!

Totally different scenarios. Not comparable.

If Pelosi has evidence the CIA lied, that is a crime and it is her responsibility to come forth with evidence. If she has none, then obviously she lied.
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 09:40 pm
SEEMS that Bob Grahams own notes on this subject supported Pelosi's version. CIA tried to squirm out of 3/4 of the "dates" it said that they briefed Graham as the ranking member of the S Intel Committee. Its like we have two versions of this movie and nobody seems to know where is the truth. Im willing to find out are you?

IF CIA was lying about the briefings with Graham, what else were they lying about?
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 10:17 pm
I'd venture to say that okie is wrong about 99.9% of anything he claims about anything political or economics. He makes sweeping claims without an ounce of evidence for his position, but he does have a special gift of being able to rate Obama's performance rating after 100-days in office - while he claims we must wait a few years after GW Bush has been out of office to determine how GW Bush really rates.

He's full of it, and thinks he offers anything worth our time to read; a total waste of cyberspace.
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 12:11 am
@cicerone imposter,
Okie--Don't listen to anything the chimpazee, Cicerone Imposter has to say. He said he has put you on Ignore. The reason he has done that is when he did debate with you, you stuck it in his ear repeatedly. You see, Okie, Cicerone Imposter is like most of the left wing on these threads. He does not want to debate. Most of the left wing will not debate. Many do not know how to do research and the rest are too stupid.

He is one of the left wing group of chimpanzees. Like such groups, they are deathly afraid of debating. All the left wing chimpanzees want to do is to gather in a group and groom each other----they gossip--"Isn't Cheney a bad man---he sure is----The Republicans say that we want mothers to kill their babies--not so--We just want them to have a choice as to whether they want to kill thier babies--etc. etc. etc.

Keep writing , Okie, keep writing!!!!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 12:27 am
Farmerman is wrong. Farmerman knows how to read( unlike the imbecilic Cicerone Imposter). Here is something for Farmerman to rebut if he is able to do so.

Barack Obama's choice of former Congressman Leon Panetta to lead the CIA at least puts a grownup, if also an intelligence rookie, in that crucial job. It also means that Mr. Panetta and Director of National Intelligence-designate Dennis Blair will soon have to decide if they want to join the left-wing crusade to purge their agencies of anyone who had anything to do with "torture."

In particular, at their nomination hearings they're likely to be asked to support a "truth commission" on the Bush Administration's terrorist interrogation policies. We hope they have the good sense to resist. And if they need any reason to push back, they could start by noting the Members of Congress who would be on the witness list to raise their right hands.

Beginning in 2002, Nancy Pelosi and other key Democrats (as well as Republicans) on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees were thoroughly, and repeatedly, briefed on the CIA's covert antiterror interrogation programs. They did nothing to stop such activities, when they weren't fully sanctioning them. If they now decide the tactics they heard about then amount to abuse, then by their own logic they themselves are complicit. Let's review the history the political class would prefer to forget.

According to our sources and media reports we've corroborated, the classified briefings began in the spring of 2002 and dealt with the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, a high-value al Qaeda operative captured in Pakistan. In succeeding months and years, more than 30 Congressional sessions were specifically devoted to the interrogation program and its methods, including waterboarding and other aggressive techniques designed to squeeze intelligence out of hardened detainees like Zubaydah.

The briefings were first available to the Chairmen and ranking Members of the Intelligence Committees. From 2003 through 2006, that gang of four included Democrats Bob Graham and John D. Rockefeller in the Senate and Jane Harman in the House, as well as Republicans Porter Goss, Peter Hoekstra, Richard Shelby and Pat Roberts. Senior staffers were sometimes present. After September 2006, when President Bush publicly acknowledged the program, the interrogation briefings were opened to the full committees.

If Congress wanted to kill this program, all it had to do was withhold funding. And if Democrats thought it was illegal or really found the CIA's activities so heinous, one of them could have made a whistle-blowing floor statement under the protection of the Constitution's speech and debate clause. They'd have broken their secrecy oaths and jeopardized national security, sure. But if they believed that Bush policies were truly criminal, didn't they have a moral obligation to do so? In any case, the inevitable media rapture over their anti-Bush defiance would have more than compensated.

Ms. Harman did send a one-page classified letter in February 2003 listing her equivocal objections to the interrogation program. She made her letter public in January 2008 after the CIA revealed that it had destroyed some interrogation videotapes. After lauding the CIA's efforts "in the current threat environment," she noted that "what was described raises profound policy questions and I am concerned about whether these have been as rigorously examined as the legal questions." Ms. Harman also vaguely wondered whether "these practices are consistent with the principles and policies of the United States," but she did not condemn them as either torture or illegal.

This wasn't the only time a politician filed an inconsequential expression of anti-antiterror protest. Mr. Rockefeller famously wrote a letter to Vice President Dick Cheney objecting to warrantless wiretapping, but then stuck it (literally) in a drawer. Like Ms. Harman, only after the program was exposed did he reveal his missive to show he'd been opposed all along, though he'd done nothing about it.

Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 12:37 am
Okie--The left wing is so unbelievably stupid. They huffed and puffed about the alleged EXPOSURE OF MRS. WILSON as a CIA agent.

But guess who opposes the appeal of Mrs. Wilson?


Obama admin. opposes Joe and Valerie Wilson's request for Supreme Court appeal in suit against Cheney, Rove, Libby and Armitage
Submitted by crew on 20 May 2009 - 4:15pm. Dick Cheney Joe and Valerie Wilson Obama administration
CREW learned today that the Obama administration is opposing our request that the Supreme Court reconsider the dismissal of the lawsuit, Wilson v. Libby, et al. In that case, the district court had dismissed the claims of Joe and Valerie Wilson against former Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and Richard Armitage for their gross violations of the Wilsons’ constitutional rights.

Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue. It is surprising that the first time the Obama administration has been required to take a public position on this matter, the administration is so closely aligning itself with the Bush administration’s views.

In fact, the Obama administration has gone one step further, suggesting Mr. Wilson failed to provide any evidence that Mr. Cheney, Mr. Rove or Mr. Libby harmed him. This is particularly ironic because the government had moved to have the case dismissed before the Wilsons had the opportunity to uncover the details of how Ms. Wilson’s covert identity was revealed.

Melanie Sloan, the executive director of CREW and one of the Wilsons’ attorneys, said:

We are deeply disappointed that the Obama administration has failed to recognize the grievous harm top Bush White House officials inflicted on Joe and Valerie Wilson. The government’s position cannot be reconciled with President Obama’s oft-stated commitment to once again make government officials accountable for their actions.


Got that, Okie?

The Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.

BO's Department!!! I wonder why, Okie.

I guess that BO thinks that people like Cicerone Imposter are too idiotic to ever come up anything that would be helpful!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 03:56 am
What rag did you copy that schmutz from Genny?
They'd have broken their secrecy oaths and jeopardized national security, sure. But if they believed that Bush policies were truly criminal, didn't they have a moral obligation to do so? In any case, the inevitable media rapture over their anti-Bush defiance would have more than compensated

I love the way that the reporter presumes to know what anyone WOULD DO had they been in a similar case.

THE process required that secrecy be maintained, and even the conditions and dates of the "Briefings" have been in error by the CIA's recollection. HOW AND THE HELL DOES AN ENTIRE ORGANIZATION FORGET WHEN THEY BRIEFED CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS??

When the briefings did occur (ill even stipulate that they did), are you saying that there is no ordr of secrecy that is in effect by the admins policies. Here was an administration running policy and keeping Congress informed in a less than professional manner (IMHO).

Youve refuted NOTHING, in fact you are merely trying to obfuscate the facts .
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 04:02 am

1 Reply report Sun 24 May, 2009 12:27 am Re: farmerman (Post 3658262)
Farmerman is wrong. Farmerman knows how to read( unlike the imbecilic Cicerone Imposter). Here is something for Farmerman to rebut if he is able to do so.

Barack Obama's choice of former Congressman Leon Panetta to lead the CIA at least puts a grownup, if also an intelligence rookie, in that crucial job. It also means that Mr. Panetta and Director of National Intelligence-designate Dennis Blair will soon have to decide if they want to join the left-wing crusade to purge their agencies of anyone who had anything to do with "torture."

In particular, at their nomination hearings they're likely to be asked to support a "truth commission" on the Bush Administration's terrorist interrogation policies. We hope they have the good sense to resist. And if they need any reason to push back, they could start by noting the Members of Congress who would be on the witness list to raise their right hands.

Beginning in 2002, Nancy Pelosi and other key Democrats (as well as Republicans) on the House and Senate Intelligence Committees were thoroughly, and repeatedly, briefed on the CIA's covert antiterror interrogation programs. They did nothing to stop such activities, when they weren't fully sanctioning them. If they now decide the tactics they heard about then amount to abuse, then by their own logic they themselves are complicit. Let's review the history the political class would prefer to forget.

According to our sources and media reports we've corroborated, the classified briefings began in the spring of 2002 and dealt with the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, a high-value al Qaeda operative captured in Pakistan. In succeeding months and years, more than 30 Congressional sessions were specifically devoted to the interrogation program and its methods, including waterboarding and other aggressive techniques designed to squeeze intelligence out of hardened detainees like Zubaydah.

The briefings were first available to the Chairmen and ranking Members of the Intelligence Committees. From 2003 through 2006, that gang of four included Democrats Bob Graham and John D. Rockefeller in the Senate and Jane Harman in the House, as well as Republicans Porter Goss, Peter Hoekstra, Richard Shelby and Pat Roberts. Senior staffers were sometimes present. After September 2006, when President Bush publicly acknowledged the program, the interrogation briefings were opened to the full committees.

If Congress wanted to kill this program, all it had to do was withhold funding. And if Democrats thought it was illegal or really found the CIA's activities so heinous, one of them could have made a whistle-blowing floor statement under the protection of the Constitution's speech and debate clause. They'd have broken their secrecy oaths and jeopardized national security, sure. But if they believed that Bush policies were truly criminal, didn't they have a moral obligation to do so? In any case, the inevitable media rapture over their anti-Bush defiance would have more than compensated.

Ms. Harman did send a one-page classified letter in February 2003 listing her equivocal objections to the interrogation program. She made her letter public in January 2008 after the CIA revealed that it had destroyed some interrogation videotapes. After lauding the CIA's efforts "in the current threat environment," she noted that "what was described raises profound policy questions and I am concerned about whether these have been as rigorously examined as the legal questions." Ms. Harman also vaguely wondered whether "these practices are consistent with the principles and policies of the United States," but she did not condemn them as either torture or illegal.

This wasn't the only time a politician filed an inconsequential expression of anti-antiterror protest. Mr. Rockefeller famously wrote a letter to Vice President Dick Cheney objecting to warrantless wiretapping, but then stuck it (literally) in a drawer. Like Ms. Harman, only after the program was exposed did he reveal his missive to show he'd been opposed all along, though he'd done nothing about it.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 04:03 am

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1 Reply report Sun 24 May, 2009 12:37 am Okie--The left wing is so unbelievably stupid. They huffed and puffed about the alleged EXPOSURE OF MRS. WILSON as a CIA agent.

But guess who opposes the appeal of Mrs. Wilson?


Obama admin. opposes Joe and Valerie Wilson's request for Supreme Court appeal in suit against Cheney, Rove, Libby and Armitage
Submitted by crew on 20 May 2009 - 4:15pm. Dick Cheney Joe and Valerie Wilson Obama administration
CREW learned today that the Obama administration is opposing our request that the Supreme Court reconsider the dismissal of the lawsuit, Wilson v. Libby, et al. In that case, the district court had dismissed the claims of Joe and Valerie Wilson against former Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and Richard Armitage for their gross violations of the Wilsons’ constitutional rights.

Agreeing with the Bush administration, the Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue. It is surprising that the first time the Obama administration has been required to take a public position on this matter, the administration is so closely aligning itself with the Bush administration’s views.

In fact, the Obama administration has gone one step further, suggesting Mr. Wilson failed to provide any evidence that Mr. Cheney, Mr. Rove or Mr. Libby harmed him. This is particularly ironic because the government had moved to have the case dismissed before the Wilsons had the opportunity to uncover the details of how Ms. Wilson’s covert identity was revealed.

Melanie Sloan, the executive director of CREW and one of the Wilsons’ attorneys, said:

We are deeply disappointed that the Obama administration has failed to recognize the grievous harm top Bush White House officials inflicted on Joe and Valerie Wilson. The government’s position cannot be reconciled with President Obama’s oft-stated commitment to once again make government officials accountable for their actions.


Got that, Okie?

The Obama Justice Department argues the Wilsons have no legitimate grounds to sue.

BO's Department!!! I wonder why, Okie.

I guess that BO thinks that people like Cicerone Imposter are too idiotic to ever come up anything that would be helpful!
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 07:48 pm
There's just no getting around it, G. You really are dumber than a sack of hoe handles.
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 09:12 pm
farmerman wrote:

SEEMS that Bob Grahams own notes on this subject supported Pelosi's version. CIA tried to squirm out of 3/4 of the "dates" it said that they briefed Graham as the ranking member of the S Intel Committee. Its like we have two versions of this movie and nobody seems to know where is the truth. Im willing to find out are you?

IF CIA was lying about the briefings with Graham, what else were they lying about?

Then Pelosi should put up or shut up. Lying to Congress is a crime. We are all waiting for Pelosi to provide the evidence. Lets get started.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 11:40 pm
You get started, okie. Prove with evidence where Pelosi lied, and that is a crime?

You know jack-**** about the laws of this country, and less about the corrupt Bush administration that ran our country into the ground in eight years.

If laws were against the law, Bush should have been prosecuted and put into prison a long time ago.


Bush: a) We don't torture, b) we get a court order when we wiretap, c) Iraq has WMDs, d) Saddam has relations with al Qaida, e) I'm a uniter, not a divider, f) our country is going to see the biggest reconstruction program (after Katrina), and g) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2n9n_bush-lies_news.
Merry Andrew
Reply Sun 24 May, 2009 11:59 pm
There's just no getting around it, G. You really are dumber than a sack of hoe handles.

No, he's not. He's just slicker than a pile of steamy dogshit. And the comparison doesn't end there.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:05 am
Merry Andrew--I must say that I am overwhelmed by your incisive and persuasive rebuttal of my evidence.

But really, why don't you try to show that the Obama Administration DID NOT OPPOSE VALERIE PLAME'S REQUEST TO APPEAL TO THE SUPREME COURT?

Posts concerning a steamy pile of sh.t may be entertaining to some but they do not advance the discussion.

I will put it to you as I would put it to a Kindergarten child.

President Obama don't want Plame to sue C heney and others.

Got that??????

Of course, if you can show that is in error be my guest, but in the meanwhile, if you cannot, please utilize the steamy pile of sh.t for yourself. I get enough bovine excrement from Cyclops, Parados and Nimh!
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 12:13 am
@cicerone imposter,
Poor Cicerone Imposter--He thinks President Bush is still President. I will remind him in January 2010, when the campaign season is in full swing that Barack Hussein Obama has been president for a year--that the Unemployment rate is astoundingly high and that the American Public now blame him for the horrible economy.

After all, The Messiah would never take more than a few weeks to part the Red Sea( of deficits) would he?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 25 May, 2009 11:25 am
@Merry Andrew,
Why do you guys bother responding to this "sack of ****?" G never offers anything of value socially or info-wise, and is able to turn any thread into dog poo. He's been on my Ignore list for quite awhile, and I find it very peaceful.
You should try it; put him on Ignore. I'd rather read comic books over his tripe!
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