Fitzgerald Investigation of Leak of Identity of CIA Agent

Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 12:32 pm
The last three paragraphs tell us all we need to know to understand the first part of your quoted article, Advocate.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 12:38 pm
Okie, your denigration of Plame is disgusting. She is nothing more than a loyal, effective, public servant. Shame!
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Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 01:46 pm
Advocate wrote:
Okie, your denigration of Plame is disgusting. She is nothing more than a loyal, effective, public servant. Shame!

Let him be, advocate. Okie's allegiance lies wherever the folks at Fox tell him it ought to lie. He may well hold that soldiers are traitors, or that serving government officials are traitors, or that politicians are traitors, or even that people who have been in the Bush administration but are now elsewhere are traitors.

But he will never suggest nor dream that the people at Fox or the people speaking on rightwing radio might represent something un-American or something destructive or traitorous. Never.

You can predict everything okie writes (and thinks) based on this. Just watch him.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 02:59 pm
Okie most likely agrees with Rush that soldiers against the war are phony soldiers.
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Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 03:00 pm
I was only agreeing with part of the article that Advocate posted. You guys are not partisan at all I suppose?
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Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 03:02 pm
Advocate wrote:
Okie most likely agrees with Rush that soldiers against the war are phony soldiers.

Get the story right, Advocate, go read the transcript then come back here and tell me with an honest face that Rush accused real soldiers of being phony. Media Matters had it wrong. I heard the exchange, and I also went back and read the transcript several times.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 04:04 pm
okie wrote:
I was only agreeing with part of the article that Advocate posted. You guys are not partisan at all I suppose?

Oh no, okie. Blatham is certainly a partisan, and he admits it. He's just a partisan that reads salon.com on a daily basis, and therefore he feels he's superior to those who do not.
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Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 07:20 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
okie wrote:
I was only agreeing with part of the article that Advocate posted. You guys are not partisan at all I suppose?

Oh no, okie. Blatham is certainly a partisan, and he admits it. He's just a partisan that reads salon.com on a daily basis, and therefore he feels he's superior to those who do not.

"Reality has a well known liberal bias." [Stephen Colbert]

The corollary:

Delusion has a well known conservative bias.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 07:51 pm
If this is the Stephen Colbert you are talking about, you didn't pick someone exactly connected to reality, JTT, so no wonder he would say something so bazaar.


"On the following episode of his show, Colbert signed both the Democratic and Republican nomination forms on the air. ABC News commented:[52]

" Republican White House hopefuls have been debating who among them is a real Republican. That's a debate where Colbert can definitely distinguish himself from the rest -- he is totally unquestionably fake."
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Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 09:06 pm
okie wrote:
If this is the Stephen Colbert you are talking about, you didn't pick someone exactly connected to reality, JTT, so no wonder he would say something so bazaar.


"On the following episode of his show, Colbert signed both the Democratic and Republican nomination forms on the air. ABC News commented:[52]

" Republican White House hopefuls have been debating who among them is a real Republican. That's a debate where Colbert can definitely distinguish himself from the rest -- he is totally unquestionably fake."


"The couple have three children: Madeline, Peter, and John, all of whom have appeared on The Daily Show.[64] Colbert prefers, however, that his children not watch his show, The Colbert Report, saying, "Kids can't understand irony or sarcasm, and I don't want them to perceive me as insincere.""

Have you noticed of late, Okie, how Tico's postings are full of, well, ... nothing? He's obviously beginning to realize just how inane his ideas have been and how idiotic he's been providing unflagging support for a venal, corrupt administration, so his postings are more vacuous than ever.

Come to think of it, that's how all these republican supporting dough heads' postings have been, completely vacuous.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 12:14 am
JTT, Don't feel bad; okie has most issues wrong no matter what the topic. I'm not sure where he got his education, but it's probably not well known in the US or elsewhere.
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Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 10:35 am
Okie said: "Ticomaya almost always scopes out an issue and figures it out for what it is, and this thread is no exception, concerning the Wilsons, who by the way I hope they are happy with their books and movies. Good riddance from the CIA."

That is the anti-Plame statement of yours that I consider sickening. She was a valued employee (secret agent) of the CIA, and it is truly disgusting to have you denigrate her.
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Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 10:38 am
Okie, why do you hate America?
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Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 07:48 pm
Advocate wrote:
Okie said: "Ticomaya almost always scopes out an issue and figures it out for what it is, and this thread is no exception, concerning the Wilsons, who by the way I hope they are happy with their books and movies. Good riddance from the CIA."

That is the anti-Plame statement of yours that I consider sickening. She was a valued employee (secret agent) of the CIA, and it is truly disgusting to have you denigrate her.

I'm sorry not everyone agrees with you on this. As you and everyone else, I also make judgements based on the information available. My judgements of this affair stem from one important root, that being how I judge the character of the personalities involved. Based on the information that I have collected, I have had to conclude that the Wilsons have not been very honest about their conduct in this affair, and Joseph Wilson himself was not honest about his so-called work in Niger. Further, their conduct following, such as the Vanity Fair affair demonstrated that these people were much more than interested in intelligence work. So to begin with, I was suspicious of their character and their motives.

I admit I don't know this couple personally, and I am sorry we can't agree, but I think they were part of a political move from the CIA against the administration, which angered me, and we have no need for political games in the CIA. They are there for intelligence work, not politics. It was neither the job nor the place for Joseph Wilson to either know, or think he knew everything about yellowcake in Niger. It was not his job to write op-ed pieces. His job was to give the information to the CIA, and then with the rest of the information unknown to Wilson could be fed up the line. If anyone should have disputed yellowcake in Niger, it should have been the head of the CIA. I still don't have a clue why Wilson should have thought he knew anything conclusive about it.

We have plowed this ground over and over, but I firmly believe the Wilsons were political operatives, and we have no room for that nonsense in the CIA. I can't speak for Ticomaya, but I think his opinion is similar. We may not be in the majority on this issue, but there is a sizeable percentage of people that agree with our general theory on it, that is of the people that are very familiar with it, and I would guess that does not include a large percentage of the people nationwide.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 08:04 pm
JTT wrote:


"The couple have three children: Madeline, Peter, and John, all of whom have appeared on The Daily Show.[64] Colbert prefers, however, that his children not watch his show, The Colbert Report, saying, "Kids can't understand irony or sarcasm, and I don't want them to perceive me as insincere.""

Have you noticed of late, Okie, how Tico's postings are full of, well, ... nothing? He's obviously beginning to realize just how inane his ideas have been and how idiotic he's been providing unflagging support for a venal, corrupt administration, so his postings are more vacuous than ever.

Come to think of it, that's how all these republican supporting dough heads' postings have been, completely vacuous.

I can't speak for Ticomaya, but I sense that maybe he has concluded that spending alot of time here is a hopeless waste of time in regard to changing any liberal minds, as you seem hopelessly mired in a world of hopeless liberal idealism, disconnected from reality.

Right now, I have to say I am wasting far too much time here, but it is perhaps a less serious addiction than drinking, smoking, or gambling. And it is amusing at times. And I do learn interesting things, not much from liberals, but from subjects that I search to find out more about.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 08:16 pm
okie wrote:

I'm sorry not everyone agrees with you on this. As you and everyone else, I also make judgements based on the information available. My judgements of this affair stem from one important root, that being how I judge the character of the personalities involved.

That is a crock of sour owl manure! You form biased opinions based on knee-jerk reactions to anyone who shows just how incredibly incompetent this group of scoundrels have been. You couldn't possibly give these issues any critical thought whatsoever because to support this type of evil, is evil itself.

You know NOTHING of the personalities of the Wilsons and to suggest that it has some important basis for your "judgment" is an even bigger crock.

Based on the information that I have collected, I have had to conclude that the Wilsons have not been very honest about their conduct in this affair, and Joseph Wilson himself was not honest about his so-called work in Niger.

They, THEY haven't been honest. Surely you jest. You have the world's biggest liars all collected under one roof and you have the temerity to question the Wilson's honesty.

Further, their conduct following, such as the Vanity Fair affair demonstrated that these people were much more than interested in intelligence work. So to begin with, I was suspicious of their character and their motives.

I admit I don't know this couple personally, and I am sorry we can't agree, but I think they were part of a political move from the CIA against the administration, which angered me, and we have no need for political games in the CIA. They are there for intelligence work, not politics. It was neither the job nor the place for Joseph Wilson to either know, or think he knew everything about yellowcake in Niger.

It was not his job to write op-ed pieces. His job was to give the information to the CIA, and then with the rest of the information unknown to Wilson could be fed up the line. If anyone should have disputed yellowcake in Niger, it should have been the head of the CIA. I still don't have a clue why Wilson should have thought he knew anything conclusive about it.

Wilson was right, wasn't he? He had every right to write op-ed pieces. He was not a government employee, not that that should matter for every human has a duty to expose evil. That's what he did.

All the neocons were wrong and not just mistaken but willfully and with malice did they lie. The result, over half a million innocent Iraqis dead.

Shame on you, Okie, [and all you other "supporters of evil"] shame on you for providing the same type of unthinking [we have to hope, for the alternative speaks to a human that isn't human] support of a group that rivals the worst of the world's worst.


"... but he was, how shall we say, a bit over his head in the job. He [GWB] knew nothing, he didn't want to know anything, he ignored those who did know something. In short, he surrounded himself mainly with incompetents and mean-spirited ideologues like himself, and tried to keep all his administration's outrageous behaviors totally secret from any meaningful oversight.

The reason why Bush was adjudged widely as "the worst president ever," even during his tenure, was a direct result of his years of unnecessary wars and chaos, bungling on a monstrous scale, the mangling of the Constitution, ideological extremism, and out-and-out corruption and larceny. In other words, he and his cronies laid waste to the institutions of our democratic republic.


[added emphasis is mine]
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 08:20 pm
okie wrote:
JTT wrote:


"The couple have three children: Madeline, Peter, and John, all of whom have appeared on The Daily Show.[64] Colbert prefers, however, that his children not watch his show, The Colbert Report, saying, "Kids can't understand irony or sarcasm, and I don't want them to perceive me as insincere.""

Have you noticed of late, Okie, how Tico's postings are full of, well, ... nothing? He's obviously beginning to realize just how inane his ideas have been and how idiotic he's been providing unflagging support for a venal, corrupt administration, so his postings are more vacuous than ever.

Come to think of it, that's how all these republican supporting dough heads' postings have been, completely vacuous.

I can't speak for Ticomaya, but I sense that maybe he has concluded that spending alot of time here is a hopeless waste of time in regard to changing any liberal minds, as you seem hopelessly mired in a world of hopeless liberal idealism, disconnected from reality.

Right now, I have to say I am wasting far too much time here, but it is perhaps a less serious addiction than drinking, smoking, or gambling. And it is amusing at times. And I do learn interesting things, not much from liberals, but from subjects that I search to find out more about.

Tico is playing his cards really close to the chest because even he is not so stupid that he doesn't realize just how poor his judgment has been given the unflagging support and cover that he has provided for, essentially, a group of criminals.

What's your excuse?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 08:24 pm
JTT wrote:

Wilson was right, wasn't he? He had every right to write op-ed pieces. He was not a government employee, not that that should matter for every human has a duty to expose evil. That's what he did.

Question, do you know the Wilsons personally? And an important question in regard to what you said, did Wilson know all the intelligence concerning Niger, yes or no, and if yes, how? And if no, then how can he claim to have known enough to write his oped piece? Just to get you to use a little critical thinking on this issue, JTT, please answer the questions honestly.

All the neocons were wrong and not just mistaken but willfully and with malice did they lie. The result, over half a million innocent Iraqis dead.

Wrong according to who, Joseph Wilson? Based on what? Wrong based on the CIA? After all, it was a slam dunk, remember?

Shame on you, Okie, [and all you other "supporters of evil"] shame on you for providing the same type of unthinking [we have to hope, for the alternative speaks to a human that isn't human] support of a group that rivals the worst of the world's worst.

I have a different opinion, and now you do what, call names. Is that the best you can do?


"... but he was, how shall we say, a bit over his head in the job. He [GWB] knew nothing, he didn't want to know anything, he ignored those who did know something. In short, he surrounded himself mainly with incompetents and mean-spirited ideologues like himself, and tried to keep all his administration's outrageous behaviors totally secret from any meaningful oversight.

The reason why Bush was adjudged widely as "the worst president ever," even during his tenure, was a direct result of his years of unnecessary wars and chaos, bungling on a monstrous scale, the mangling of the Constitution, ideological extremism, and out-and-out corruption and larceny. In other words, he and his cronies laid waste to the institutions of our democratic republic.


[added emphasis is mine]

George Bush used the CIA's advice, which is the agency responsible for giving him intelligence, not a Mr. Joseph Wilson. If you have a problem, direct it where you should, the failure of the CIA.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 09:13 pm
JTT wrote:

Wilson was right, wasn't he? He had every right to write op-ed pieces. He was not a government employee, not that that should matter for every human has a duty to expose evil. That's what he did.

okie wrote:

Question, do you know the Wilsons personally? And an important question in regard to what you said, did Wilson know all the intelligence concerning Niger, yes or no, and if yes, how? And if no, then how can he claim to have known enough to write his oped piece? Just to get you to use a little critical thinking on this issue, JTT, please answer the questions honestly.

George Bush used the CIA's advice, which is the agency responsible for giving him intelligence, not a Mr. Joseph Wilson. If you have a problem, direct it where you should, the failure of the CIA.



... By Wilson's own account, he said he ratcheted up the pressure on the White House to come clean about its error in giving credence to the Niger uranium claims by calling some present and former senior administration officials who knew then National Security adviser Condoleezza Rice, asking his colleagues to tell Rice she was flat wrong in saying on NBC's Meet the Press on June 8 that there may be some intelligence "in the bowels of the agency" but that there was no doubt the uranium story was true.

Wilson said Rice told him through intermediaries that she was uninterested in what he had to say and urged Wilson to tell his story publicly if he wanted to state his case. So he did.

On July 6, 2003 Wilson was interviewed for a story that appeared in the The Washington Post and accused the White House of "misrepresenting the facts on an issue that was a fundamental justification for going to war." That same day he wrote an op-ed in The New York Times which said that, "some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat."

The very next day, July 7, 2003, the White House admitted it had erred in including the references about uranium in Bush's State of the Union speech. Two days later, two top White House officials disclosed Plame's identity to at least six Washington journalists, an administration official told The Post in an article published Sept. 28, 2003.

Those two officials were Karl Rove and Lewis Libby.

Shame on you, Okie, [and all you other "supporters of evil"] shame on you for providing the same type of unthinking [we have to hope, for the alternative speaks to a human that isn't human] support of a group that rivals the worst of the world's worst.

okie wrote:
I have a different opinion, and now you do what, call names. Is that the best you can do?

Your opinion doesn't matter ****. You seek to deceive, you manipulate information, you provide cover for a group of people who should long ago have been put in jail.

I didn't call you any names but I'm sure that a lot of pretty unsavory ones popped into your head when you, momentarily, caught a glimpse of just what it is you're doing. That'll be gone in a flash though. Delusion is a wonderful salve for people like you.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 09:30 pm
When people like okie fails to see the real crime committed by outing a CIA agent, and making excuses for this administration, it shows how convoluted their brain has become. They wouldn't understand right from wrong if their life depended on it.

By revealing Plame, an undercover agent who has worked with other intelligence agents in other countries, they have exposed them to danger.

That they can't understand why the CIA put plame under a "front" business to keep her identity secret is too difficult for people like okie to understand.

Most of the people working in the Bush administration are criminals of the worst kind; they use religion and politics to advance their crimes.

I hope somebody is brave enough to come out and reveal what they have really done to destroy them forever; our country can't afford another "Bush" white house.
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