But if a 'vaccine' doesn't make a person immune to the disease, then it's not an actual vaccine. Plenty of other treatments exist that aren't patented by companies that Nancy Pelosi's husband owns huge stock options in. Why aren't these other options being pushed?
The government has literally twisted the definition of what a "vaccine" is. People who are actually vaccinated against a disease have nothing to worry about people who are unvaccinated. That's not how actual vaccines work. People have the right to get vaccinated if they want to but they shouldn't violate another person's bodily autonomy to force medication into their body
No unvaccinated person poses a risk to the vaccinated. That's hard science fact.
"I haven't seen any reason to not trust the government."
Really???? In the past, let's say, 5 years, but more specifically the last 2, you haven't seen ANY reason not to trust the government?
Can you tell me with a straight face that they haven't made any OBVIOUS lies in the past 2 years?