I dont think anyone will ever be able to understand her treatment of me when I was young. Noone was in her shoes but her. I do believe that she was just so numb and so " out of it" she was skating through her days with her eyes closed. Again, no excuse, just a reason.
The story you tell Beth sounds all too familiar.
My brother at one point , would stand in the front yard screaming at one of moms neighbors because he swore he was an FBI agent and was planting things by his window to spy on him because he know about the helicopters that hovered over the house.
Refused to eat for a few days once thinking that the food was laced with some type of truth serum and it had to expire before he could eat it.
He self medicates often as most people with a chemical imbalance do.
Speed has been his drug of choice so far but that hasn't kept him away from anything and everything he can get his hands on. He has told me before that he stole RX meds from my mom, my aunt, and other people who have been over to my moms house.
I think my mother is of the mindset that your friend is Beth. Tough love is probally the only thing at this point she HASN'T tried and the only thing that will make him realize the consequences of his behavior.
If he doesn't have a job, he wont eat, he wont have a place to live.
If he doesn't take his meds he cant get a job..and so on.
In truth, her kicking me out was probally the best thing ( in a morbid way ) that has ever happened to me. I explored america with no rules. Granted, I have had some really shitty things happen to me, but all together, they make who I am and pave the way for who I want to be .
I have seen the underbelly of society , and learned that everyone is one paycheck away from the bottom of a bridge. I have seen many people who have become homeless simply because of lay offs in their cities, house fires, drugs etc. Noone is immune. I don't care WHO you are.
Knowing this, made me devoted to employment, savings, investments and other things that alot of people don't realise are important until they are ready to retire and learn they cant. Jobs in my mind are not disposable. Your job is your income. Your income is your life line. Too many people work today in jobs they hate and constantly think they can just leave if they don't like it. They are under the impression that there will always be work out there for them. With no care for the source of income some people have , it makes me wonder why they are even still employed.
I have lived with out, so I know how to appreciate what I have. I have lived without family, so now I know how to love them . I have lived without food... now I don't know how to stop eating it.
Simple lessons and more complex ones were shoved at me at an early age that I don't think i would have listened to or understood in any other situation.
A life lesson always comes with its drawbacks. The lessons I have learned ALMOST justify the means.. to a certain extent.