Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2005 08:12 am
mesquite wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Despite your enthusiasm for taking a shot at me, Mesquite, I'll stand by what I said. For those of us who know that the being still in the womb is a human baby and not a subhuman something else, there is no way to get around the implications of killing a baby when an abortion is performed.

Of course you will stand by what you said. It has been your line for as long as I have seen your postings on this issue. The farce is in the air you put on about never using the term "baby killer"

Show the quote where I used the term.

Foxfyre wrote:
I notice you didn't bother to post any of my posts in which I said I do not presume to be a judge of anyone in this matter, nor have I brought religion into the principle at any time. Of course if you had, you couldn't tar me with the 'evil Bible thumper' image to discredit me, could you?

You think I should bring up posts that demonstrate your hypocrisy about not judging others?

Seems to me that it is you and some of the others trying to defend abortion that are doing all the judging of others here. If you think saying that abortion is wrong is judging others and that makes prolifers 'bad', then hell, let's say that its wrong to oppose wife beating or child neglect or burglary. And if you say that's silly, well we can make it socially acceptable by calling wife beating discipline or calling child neglect parental rights or calling theft self improvement instead of what it is.

Prolifers believe it is wrong to kill the born or the unborn as a matter of convenience. For the most part, the prolife argument here has been reasoned and has not been personally directed at those who have abortions, but if judging an action as right or wrong makes us judgmental, then so be it.

But you and some others who refer to the prolife stance by all sorts of derogatory references and to the prolifers themselves by all sorts of uncomplimentary adjectives, many very pointedly personally directed, of course are not being judgmental in the least. Rolling Eyes

Foxfyre wrote:
Thunder was absolutely right when he said that it is the opinion of the prolifers that there is no right to kill another human being for convenience. But the pro-abortion people won't even concede that point.

I do not know any pro-abortion people, so I cannot comment.

Your implication: Saying that abortion is killing an unborn human being is the same as using the term 'baby killers'.

One is personallydirected. The other is stating the circumstance. If you can't see the difference, there's no way I can educate you on that one.

But to say that it is okay that a woman should be able to get an abortion at any time, in any place, for any reason, even as the baby emerges from the womb. . say that it is not a baby but some subhuman thing that is being destroyed. . .to say that no restrictions should ever be put on abortion for any reason. . . .to say all that is not being pro-abortion?

Give me a break.

Foxfyre wrote:
The latest argument now is that it is okay because the Supreme Court says it is okay. I think those who agonized and finally agreed on the exquisite language of Roe v Wade would not agree that their intent was what the pro-abortion crowd has made of it.

When under attack, it is common for defenses to go up. Your expression, "exquisite language of Roe v Wade" is not one I have heard from many pro-lifers.

If you had been reading with any degree of objectivity you would have seen the phrase used here and on other threads. And you would have seen the arguments that accompanied it. And you might not make so many statements that are so off the mark.

Foxfyre wrote:
And I wonder if those who now point to the Supreme Court as their moral authority will have the same point of view about that if the Court at some time should rule that the states can impose restrictions on abortion.

The Supreme Court as a moral authority? Is that your invention?

Again if you had bothered to read it all instead of just my posts or somebody else you wanted to criticize, ridicule, or excoriate, you would have seen how the argument has been used that the Supreme Court is cited as opposing the point of view of the prolifers--even to the point of saying that the Supreme Court says it is not wrong.

What is your definition of morality if not the difference between right and wrong?

Foxfyre wrote:
I will add a disclaimer here that I do not think all pro choice people are pro abortion. All the prolifers who have contributed to this thread have agreed there are times and circumstances in which the choice for abortion may be the moral choice.

For myself I can concede that there that there may be times and circumstances in which the choice for abortion may not be the moral choice. I have seen many others here express similar views.

Then if you concede that abortion is not always the moral choice, how do you rationalize that no restrictions of any kind whatsoever should be placed on abortion? That is all the prolifers have been arguing and you see us (me) as the bad guys here. Not one of the prolifers have suggested that abortion should be outlawed period.'

And out of curiosity, however, what would you see as being immoral related to abortion?

Foxfyre wrote:
But so long as there are those out there who say it is perfectly moral for the the woman to choose to kill a healthy baby as it emerges from the womb for no other reason than she does not want the baby, there will be those of us who are willing to say that is wrong and it should not stand.

There you go again, using the word moral in a way that I have not seen any pro-choice advocate on A2K use.

Again, what is your definition of morality if not the difference between right and wrong?

I almost asked this question before and I will ask it now. In a partial birth abortion, the baby has emerged feet first with only the top half of the head still inside the birth canal. The baby is then killed by driving scissors or other sharp implement into the base of the skull, the brain is sucked out to collapse the skull, and the body discarded. This is a legal procedure under current law not dependent on any concerns for the woman's life or health. What if the doctor miscalculated and the baby pops on out before it can be killed? Can they still legally kill it? If not, why not?

And if you say no, then give me a rationale for why the baby is expendable in the moments before being fully expelled. And if you say it is not, then how is a viable baby expendable while still in the womb? And if it is not, then you can work backwards to what point it is less morally reprehensible or okay to kill a baby purely out of convenience.

Or you can go with Frank's definition and say it is not a baby until it is completely separate from the mother's body.

And the debate will go on. And some of you on the proabortion side will continue to have to attack the prolifers because you simply can't make your case in any other way that abortion for any reason, at any time, for any purpose is okay.

Note how you spent your time attacking the words I use, the way I express myself, the way I phrase something. But you couldn't come up with any rationale for how I was wrong about abortion, huh?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 11 Oct, 2005 09:52 pm
mesquite wrote:

For myself I can concede that there that there may be times and circumstances in which the choice for abortion may not be the moral choice. I have seen many others here express similar views.

When would that be? And why would you think it not moral at that time?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 10:44 pm
foxfyre wrote:
Your implication: Saying that abortion is killing an unborn human being is the same as using the term 'baby killers'.

One is personallydirected. The other is stating the circumstance. If you can't see the difference, there's no way I can educate you on that one.

Is that right? Actually my implication was that saying "killing a baby for the woman's convenience" is essentially the same as using the term 'baby killers'.

I say it is a distinction without a difference. If one were to say "a person that eats doggy doo will get bad breath", the mental picture is of a "doggy doo eater".
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 10:47 pm
But Mesquite, we have called no one a baby killer. I highly doubt that Frank or anyone else here has performed an abortion and killed a baby.

That is when I would call someone a baby killer.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 11:00 pm
What do you mean we MA? It wasn't your denial or your quotes I was commenting on. Foxfyre is fond of applying labels and playing to emotion. No big deal, it was just the denial that I was addressing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 11:04 pm
performing abortion is not the same as killing a baby.

however, it may have certain psychological effects that might be important.

just ... my opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 06:14 am
Arji, so, since Mesquite ignored every point--I think because he couldn't address them without looking like a pro-abortionist, and he is more interested in bashing me anyway--at what point does the developing person become a baby arji? Is that human creature emerging from the mother's womb not a baby? If not, what is it?
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 07:41 am
performing abortion is not the same as killing a baby.

Abortion is a poor disguise for musder....

How about I shoot you in the head.........and we'll just say that I aborted your life?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 08:21 am

I understand where you are coming from. I am just trying to point something out here. Perhaps you can understand. Frank (sorry Frank, but I use you because you did it) has called our beliefs quite a few unsavory names. I told him he was actually calling me (Christians) those names by doing it and he said he wasn't.

So, if he wasn't calling us those names when he used those words, why is he insisting we (anti-abortion) are calling him a baby killer? I don't see the difference.
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 09:58 am
I wonder if we actually spend more time calling each other names, than actually discussing an issue?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 10:03 am

I agree with you. I wish all the namecalling would stop. We all seem to be relatively intelligent people and I don't see the need for slamming each other.
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 10:06 am
No better than bickering children....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 10:12 am
I agree with you. I wish all the namecalling would stop. We all seem to be relatively intelligent people and I don't see the need for slamming each other.

Yeah right.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 10:35 am
dyslexia wrote:
I agree with you. I wish all the namecalling would stop. We all seem to be relatively intelligent people and I don't see the need for slamming each other.

Yeah right.


Not quite sure I got the meaning of that.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 10:56 am
Momma Angel wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
I agree with you. I wish all the namecalling would stop. We all seem to be relatively intelligent people and I don't see the need for slamming each other.

Yeah right.


Not quite sure I got the meaning of that.

Slamming, is the name of this thread, be it ideas or persons. It's really the topic to blame because it's all personal values. I value rights of the currently living and others value rights of the as-to-yet unliving, there is no polite way of addressing these values other than I'm right and your a flaming asshole. It's really the religionists vs the non-religionists. I'm an atheist, I have a position to maintain whereas the religionists have a faith to maintain, there is zero rationality to adhere to from either side. we are all fruit-cakes in the scheme of things but, so it goes.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 11:00 am

I have to disagree with you. There are some non-religionists that have not done any slamming, just as there are religionists that have. It's all a matter of everyone taking responsibility for their own actions and we all decide whether we can do it or not.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 01:29 pm
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 07:41 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
I agree with you. I wish all the namecalling would stop. We all seem to be relatively intelligent people and I don't see the need for slamming each other.

Yeah right.


Not quite sure I got the meaning of that.

Slamming, is the name of this thread, be it ideas or persons. It's really the topic to blame because it's all personal values. I value rights of the currently living and others value rights of the as-to-yet unliving, there is no polite way of addressing these values other than I'm right and your a flaming ****. It's really the religionists vs the non-religionists. I'm an atheist, I have a position to maintain whereas the religionists have a faith to maintain, there is zero rationality to adhere to from either side. we are all fruit-cakes in the scheme of things but, so it goes.


You might be interested to read another atheist's view of abortion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 07:50 pm
rl, I have zero interest in what any "liberal" has to opine re abortion, I have never based any opinon on what anyone else has to say.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 08:31 pm
dyslexia wrote:
rl, I have zero interest in what any "liberal" has to opine re abortion, I have never based any opinon on what anyone else has to say.

Of course. That's why your opinion on abortion is in lockstep with most liberals, right?

You were born with all of your opinions pre-loaded in your brain, right? Laughing

Nothing you have EVER heard, read or watched has ever influenced your opinion, right?

You have zero interest, that's why you read these threads consistently, right?

( Like Bill Cosby's "Noah" answered God, "Rrrrrriiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttttttt !!!" )
0 Replies

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