Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2005 05:08 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
"Revised" Bibles are usually just translating outdated language into modern language to make the content more understandable to modern readers. They are usually adding nothing to the text or changing the information in it. (There are a few revisions that actually do change the text to what the editor thinks the Bible should have said instead of what it did in fact say, but since these are all from a modern liberal point of view, some of you should appreciate that.) were the one asserting that modern theologists somehow do with the Bible and its teaching...something comparable to what modern scientists do with science.

You were wrong.

I was simply pointing that out.

To say there is no God or that it is irrational to believe on a presumption of a god is as unprovable as saying there is a God and that it is rationa; to believe in God. So that argument in this context is pretty much 100% moot and is completely off the subject.

And who was saying that???

I simply noted that the most important aspect of all this superstition called the Christian that it is based on the notion that the Bible is inspired by a GOD.

Don't create a strawman and argue against it, Foxfyre.

The modern scientists in fact do point out that the ancient scientists were wrong and explain why. The modern theologians explain why the ancients believed and behaved as they did and define a very different belief system for the vast majority of modern Christians now.

But the most fundamental aspect is that there is a God...and that the God inspired the words of the Bible.

No reasonable guess about the Bible would come to that conclusion.

That is pure dogma...and insistence that guesses about the unknown are correct. (Read that "belief" and "faith in the beliefs.")

Religion, after all, has been around a lot longer than anything from history that is identifiable as science.

I agree here. Religion has probably been around since long before recorded ancient, superstitious, terrified humans attempted to make sense of this world. They invented gods to propitiate...because of their superstitions and their fears.

One would hope modern humans would finally see through all this...but...

The ancients were not people of science. They were imperfect people of faith.

They were relatively unknowledgeable, relatively unsophisticated, very superstitious people. You want to call that "people of faith" are welcome to it. But they were superstitious people...terrified of the unknown...and in need of gods to propitiate in order to ease their fears and anxieties.

Along with cultural descriptions long since abandoned, the Bible neverless contains brilliant literature that is timeless and helpful when the meaning is understood as written and as it pertains to modern Christians and Jews.

Well...that is your opinion...but to be honest, I've read the book in several different forms...and mostly it is boring, superstitious, murderous, barbaric nonsense. It is repetative...and its beauty of language and literature are probably as over-rated as most Ayn Rand novels.

But I understand intelligent people of goodwill can disagree with me.

If you're going to condemn Christians, consider the whole, not the exception.

I am considering the whole...and I regularly apologize to the minor exceptions for putting them into the same category as the vast majority.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2005 05:23 pm
Wow. I'm still attempting to follow this entire forum. The topics frequently get jacked and I have a hard time following the topics from thread to thread. Not sure why that is - but it is.

Back to abortion (is this the abortion thread?), I will refer to the original post by Frank Apisa:

Quote: is my opinion that a human embryo or fetus is no more a "living human being" than an egg is a chicken. And the fact that there is movement (rudimentary heart beats or brain waves) does not change that one whit.

Concerning the human embryo or fetus (and come to think of it, the chicken and the egg as well): Have you ever met anyone who was not a human fetus at some point in their life? Have you ever heard of a human fetus becoming anything other than a human-being? Do you consider the fact that ALL human beings began life as a human fetus a coincidence? (And likewise - all chickens come from eggs.) The undeniable answer is: Certainly. All persons were a human fetus at some point in their life. Therefore, with only a slight amount of deductive reasoning - it is fair to say that to eliminate a human fetus is also to eliminate a human-being! This is science at its most basic. Even you, Mr. Apisa began your life as a human fetus that was not eliminated! :wink:

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2005 06:03 pm
baddog1 wrote:
Wow. I'm still attempting to follow this entire forum. The topics frequently get jacked and I have a hard time following the topics from thread to thread. Not sure why that is - but it is.

Back to abortion (is this the abortion thread?), I will refer to the original post by Frank Apisa:

Quote: is my opinion that a human embryo or fetus is no more a "living human being" than an egg is a chicken. And the fact that there is movement (rudimentary heart beats or brain waves) does not change that one whit.

Concerning the human embryo or fetus (and come to think of it, the chicken and the egg as well): Have you ever met anyone who was not a human fetus at some point in their life? Have you ever heard of a human fetus becoming anything other than a human-being? Do you consider the fact that ALL human beings began life as a human fetus a coincidence? (And likewise - all chickens come from eggs.) The undeniable answer is: Certainly. All persons were a human fetus at some point in their life. Therefore, with only a slight amount of deductive reasoning - it is fair to say that to eliminate a human fetus is also to eliminate a human-being! This is science at its most basic. Even you, Mr. Apisa began your life as a human fetus that was not eliminated! :wink:


Yes...all humans at one point were fetuses.

But breaking an egg is not killing a chicken....and aborting a fetus is not killing a human being.

That is the only point I was making.

All that "deductive reasoning" does not impact on that one whit.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2005 07:25 pm
Yes...all humans at one point were fetuses.

But breaking an egg is not killing a chicken....and aborting a fetus is not killing a human being.

That is the only point I was making.

All that "deductive reasoning" does not impact on that one whit.

You're right! Breaking an egg may not kill a chicken - because all eggs are not fertilized.

However all fetuses have been fertilized! By the scientifically proven method of sperm meeting egg. There are no infertile fetuses. They do not exist! Therefore, fetuses are nearly the first step to every human life in existence.
This is an indisputable, scientifically proven fact!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2005 08:18 pm
Good luck, baddog...
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 02:39 am
baddog1 wrote:
Yes...all humans at one point were fetuses.

But breaking an egg is not killing a chicken....and aborting a fetus is not killing a human being.

That is the only point I was making.

All that "deductive reasoning" does not impact on that one whit.

You're right! Breaking an egg may not kill a chicken - because all eggs are not fertilized.

Breaking a fertilized egg is not killing a chicken.

However all fetuses have been fertilized! By the scientifically proven method of sperm meeting egg. There are no infertile fetuses. They do not exist! Therefore, fetuses are nearly the first step to every human life in existence.
This is an indisputable, scientifically proven fact!

Aborting a fetus...even though "fetuses are nearly the first step to every human life in existence" not killing a human being.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 06:41 am
Everyone is clearly entitled to their own opinion. :wink:

Scientifically speaking, no human can possibly exist w/o first being a fetus. On that we agree. This fact is enough evidence to believe that by killing a fetus, one is also killing the human being that the fetus was going to be.

Deductive Inference (as related to Deductive Reasoning): When an argument claims that the truth of its premises guarantees the truth of its conclusion, it is said to involve a deductive inference. Deductive reasoning holds to a very high standard of correctness. A deductive inference succeeds only if its premises provide such absolute and complete support for its conclusion that it would be utterly inconsistent to suppose that the premises are true but the conclusion false.

(Unless aborted, human-fetus = human-being, 100% of the time.)

Notice that each argument either meets this standard or else it does not; there is no middle ground. Some deductive arguments are perfect, and if their premises are in fact true, then it follows that their conclusions must also be true, no matter what else may happen to be the case.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 09:15 am
baddog1 wrote:
Everyone is clearly entitled to their own opinion. :wink:

Scientifically speaking, no human can possibly exist w/o first being a fetus. On that we agree. This fact is enough evidence to believe that by killing a fetus, one is also killing the human being that the fetus was going to be.

I repeat...aborting a fetus is not killing a human being...nor is aborting a zygote.

In fact your wording in this sentence reinforces my opinion in that regard.

Unless aborted, human-fetus = human-being, 100% of the time.)

Are you absolutely sure of that?

You are absolutely positive that no zygote or fetus has ever terminated other than through abortion before becoming a human being ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 11:37 am
I repeat...aborting a fetus is not killing a human being...nor is aborting a zygote.

And I repeat...everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have not reinforced your position with any scientific or otherwise data other than your own opinion - which is certainly OK for you to do. However an absolute statement such as that above without compelling factual data will always be shallow at best in an open forum. It is no different than me saying: "There is a God". To be clear, your only position on this subject must be - that you have faith that aborting a fetus is not killing a human being... Just as I have faith that there is a God.

The zygote issue is complex, thus time-consuming and only partially related to a human fetus. I propose that we agree to shelve the zygote subject for another time and focus on the topic of this thread.

You are absolutely positive that no...fetus has ever terminated other than through abortion before becoming a human being ?

Unless aborted, human-fetus = human-being, 100% of the time.

It depends on the semantics surrounding the word "abort". The definition I had in mind when making the statement is: "To give birth prematurely or before term; miscarry". In that regard, yes, I stand behind my statement. In other words, a fetus may be "aborted" for a variety of reasons. Some naturally and some artificially.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 12:06 pm
baddog1 wrote:
I repeat...aborting a fetus is not killing a human being...nor is aborting a zygote.

And I repeat...everyone is entitled to their opinion.

This is not an is simply a recitation of the facts.

Breaking an egg...whether fertilized or not killing a matter how insistent you are on this.

If you want to debate the merits of the abortion question...let's do that. But don't try to pervert the language to suit your needs.

Neither a fetus nor a zygote is a living human being...which has been alleged in this thread.

You have not reinforced your position with any scientific or otherwise data other than your own opinion - which is certainly OK for you to do.

This is less about science...than about semantics. A fetus is a fetus...a zygote is a zygote...a living human being is a living human being.

Why do you have so much trouble with that?

However an absolute statement such as that above without compelling factual data will always be shallow at best in an open forum.

Only to someone whose mind is closed to the reality.

It is no different than me saying: "There is a God".

It is completely different from saying "There is a God." COMPLETELY!

One is an assertion made without adequate is nothing more than defining words.

To be clear, your only position on this subject must be - that you have faith that aborting a fetus is not killing a human being... Just as I have faith that there is a God.

Absolute blather! There is no "believing" or "faith" involved. A fetus is not a living human being...and aborting a fetus is not killing a human being...any more than breaking eggs is killing chickens.

The zygote issue is complex, thus time-consuming and only partially related to a human fetus. I propose that we agree to shelve the zygote subject for another time and focus on the topic of this thread.

No problem.

You are absolutely positive that no...fetus has ever terminated other than through abortion before becoming a human being ?

Unless aborted, human-fetus = human-being, 100% of the time.

It depends on the semantics surrounding the word "abort". The definition I had in mind when making the statement is: "To give birth prematurely or before term; miscarry". In that regard, yes, I stand behind my statement. In other words, a fetus may be "aborted" for a variety of reasons. Some naturally and some artificially. a discussion of this sort...I think you are being rather loose with your terms here...but, in the spirit of accomodation, I'm going to let it slide, because I understand what you meant to say as opposed to what you actually said.

BOTTOM LINE: Although a (human) fetus, unless aborted or miscarried, will always result in a human being at delivery...IT IS NOT A LIVING HUMAN BEING as has been asserted in this thread.

It simply is not a living human being.

As for opinion: It is my considered opinion that any rights you folks want to impart to this not in any way trump the rights of the living human being hosting it. And if that living human being decided to terminate the pregnancy...she should be allowed to do so.

That is my opinion....and I understand that you do not share it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 02:14 pm
This is not an is simply a recitation of the facts.
What facts? You've offered none. Recitation is nothing more than memorized opinion.

A statement of fact expresses only what actually happened, or what can be proven by objective data.

A statement of opinion expresses an attitude toward something - it makes a judgment, view, or conclusion, or gives an opinion that cannot be proven true or false.

If you want to debate the merits of the abortion question...let's do that. But don't try to pervert the language to suit your needs.


This is less about science...than about semantics. A fetus is a fetus...a zygote is a zygote...a living human being is a living human being. Why do you have so much trouble with that?
It is a closed view of the reality. If fetuses walked the earth, I would agree with you. And if you believe in "evolution", this is certainly your best example!

Let's try it this way: When is the sex of a fetus determined? How about hair color? Personality? Brain activity? Heartbeat? Movement? Food intake? Limbs formed? Human responses?

Why do you have so much trouble with that?
Because it's a smokescreen to the scientific truth.

Only to someone whose mind is closed to the reality.
Reality requires proof. You've produced no proof, only opinion - under several different guises. I have supplied proof. Scientific and biological proof.

It is completely different from saying "There is a God." COMPLETELY!
Again, you are under the wrong assumption that you've supplied proof. The two issues are completely analagous as both require faith and belief.

One is an assertion made without adequate is nothing more than defining words.
Exactly! I've provided the evidence, you've provided words of opinion.

Absolute blather! There is no "believing" or "faith" involved. A fetus is not a living human being...and aborting a fetus is not killing a human being...any more than breaking eggs is killing chickens.

Do you really expect me to believe something is factual - only because you say it is? Don't think so. Would you do the same? If not, why not?

As for opinion: It is my considered opinion that any rights you folks want to impart to this not in any way trump the rights of the living human being hosting it. And if that living human being decided to terminate the pregnancy...she should be allowed to do so.

That is my opinion....and I understand that you do not share it.

Very well said sir!

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 03:28 pm
baddog1 wrote:
This is not an is simply a recitation of the facts.
What facts? You've offered none.

A fetus is a fetus...IS A FACT. An embryo is an embryo...IS A FACT.

There are two your comment that I have offered no facts is incorrect and demonstrably absurd.

Recitation is nothing more than memorized opinion.

That is incorrect.

For the record:

Main Entry: rec·i·ta·tion
Pronunciation: "re-s&-'tA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act of enumerating <a recitation of relevant details>
2 : the act or an instance of reading or repeating aloud especially publicly
3 a : a student's oral reply to questions b : a class period especially in association with and for review of a lecture

That is what I did when I used the word. I gave a recitation of some facts.

If you want to debate the merits of the abortion question...let's do that. But don't try to pervert the language to suit your needs.


Think it is not that difficult to understand.


This is less about science...than about semantics. A fetus is a fetus...a zygote is a zygote...a living human being is a living human being. Why do you have so much trouble with that?
It is a closed view of the reality. If fetuses walked the earth, I would agree with you. And if you believe in "evolution", this is certainly your best example!

Let's try it this way: When is the sex of a fetus determined? How about hair color? Personality? Brain activity? Heartbeat? Movement? Food intake? Limbs formed? Human responses?

What does that have to do with things?

A fetus is a fetus!

Why do you have so much trouble with that?
Because it's a smokescreen to the scientific truth.

The "truth" that a fetus is a fetus.

Only to someone whose mind is closed to the reality.
Reality requires proof. You've produced no proof, only opinion - under several different guises. I have supplied proof. Scientific and biological proof.

Nonsense....but if it makes you feel happy to think you have...go for it. I'm all for you being happy.

But anytime that you have a few free moments...I would like to see your "scientific proof" that a fetus is not a fetus.

It is completely different from saying "There is a God." COMPLETELY!
Again, you are under the wrong assumption that you've supplied proof. The two issues are completely analagous as both require faith and belief.


But if you want to think "A fetus is a fetus" is analagous to "There is a God"...well, like I said...if it makes you happy to delude yourself into thinking that...go for it. I really like it when people are happy.

And I can use the laughs.

One is an assertion made without adequate is nothing more than defining words.
Exactly! I've provided the evidence, you've provided words of opinion.

Nice try. Really. But you really didn't even pull this off.

Absolute blather! There is no "believing" or "faith" involved. A fetus is not a living human being...and aborting a fetus is not killing a human being...any more than breaking eggs is killing chickens.

Do you really expect me to believe something is factual - only because you say it is? Don't think so. Would you do the same? If not, why not?

I am not asking you to "believe" anything. I am asking you to understand that "a fetus is a fetus" is a fact. If I have to go through the means you are merely playing games. If you enjoy playing games...go for it. I like it when people enjoy themselves.

As for opinion: It is my considered opinion that any rights you folks want to impart to this not in any way trump the rights of the living human being hosting it. And if that living human being decided to terminate the pregnancy...she should be allowed to do so.

That is my opinion....and I understand that you do not share it.

Very well said sir!

Thank you, BadDog.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 03:31 pm
Anyone arguing that the supposed rights of a fetus cause its host to lose her rights...really has to make a much, much better case than is being made here in this thread.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2005 04:40 pm
baddog1 wrote:
Let's try it this way: When is the sex of a fetus determined? How about hair color? Personality? Brain activity? Heartbeat? Movement? Food intake? Limbs formed? Human responses?

Hi Baddog,

These are very important questions, and largely ignored by pro-abortion folks. But they point to the central question: when does a human life begin? I think that almost all, with a few radical exceptions, would acknowledge that as soon as a human life is present that it should not be ended.

Some may say "I do not know when life begins" or "We are not sure when human life truly is present or not." My question to you Baddog, do you think it reasonable, since sincere doubt may be present as to when human life begins, that we give the benefit of the doubt to life?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 11:22 am
Hi Baddog,

These are very important questions, and largely ignored by pro-abortion folks. But they point to the central question: when does a human life begin? I think that almost all, with a few radical exceptions, would acknowledge that as soon as a human life is present that it should not be ended.

Some may say "I do not know when life begins" or "We are not sure when human life truly is present or not." My question to you Baddog, do you think it reasonable, since sincere doubt may be present as to when human life begins, that we give the benefit of the doubt to life?

Hi real life: I realize that pro-abortionists ignore these questions and wanted to confirm that Mr. Apisa would as well. He did. As to your question: Absolutely!

The fact that any P.A. has no problem in killing a human fetus is troubling to me. It makes me wonder what happened in their lives for them to have such little regard for life. Unless of course they feel that human fetuses are actually dead until separated from a woman's body.

From: 7-26-05:
A fetus becomes a child when it is born.

Anyone arguing that the supposed rights of a fetus cause its host to lose her rights...really has to make a much, much better case than is being made here in this thread.

So if an 8-1/2 month old "fetus" is aborted because Mom decides she doesn't want to deal with it, then by your clear words and beliefs, she has every right to do so and you see nothing at all wrong in doing this? And would this 8-1/2 month old "fetus" simply be a victim of tough-luck! Wrong place - wrong time? Do you think this 8-1/2 month old "fetus" would feel pain during the abortion?

But anytime that you have a few free moments...I would like to see your "scientific proof" that a fetus is not a fetus.

I've never said a "fetus is not a fetus". I've always said that every human being was a fetus at some point. There are no human beings who were never a fetus. 1 + 1 = 2. And please don't turn the original request around. Go ahead and answer it, no more smoke-screening. You're the one with "all the facts - not opinions", so just answer the scientific question: When does a human-fetus not become a human-being? Only when it's aborted (naturally or artificially) is the only answer.

I am not asking you to "believe" anything. I am asking you to understand that "a fetus is a fetus" is a fact. If I have to go through the means you are merely playing games. If you enjoy playing games...go for it. I like it when people enjoy themselves.

More smoke-screens! Because you have not (and cannot because nobody can) produced an ounce of proof that any human was not a fetus.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 11:53 am
If you go back through this extremely long thread, you will see that most, if not all of this has been covered before.

You will see that Frank considers a fetus a non-person even seconds before birth. He will only accept that the fetus must be fully emerged before he will consider it human. He considers abortion to be acceptable even at this point.

You will see that he is not alone in this belief.

At least you have not been rediculed for your beliefs to the extent that some have.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 12:46 pm
baddog1 wrote:
Hi Baddog,

These are very important questions, and largely ignored by pro-abortion folks. But they point to the central question: when does a human life begin? I think that almost all, with a few radical exceptions, would acknowledge that as soon as a human life is present that it should not be ended.

Some may say "I do not know when life begins" or "We are not sure when human life truly is present or not." My question to you Baddog, do you think it reasonable, since sincere doubt may be present as to when human life begins, that we give the benefit of the doubt to life?

Hi real life: I realize that pro-abortionists ignore these questions and wanted to confirm that Mr. Apisa would as well. He did. As to your question: Absolutely!

I did not ignore those questions. I responded with a question of my own...which you ignored. Try to be truthful.

The fact that any P.A. has no problem in killing a human fetus is troubling to me. It makes me wonder what happened in their lives for them to have such little regard for life. Unless of course they feel that human fetuses are actually dead until separated from a woman's body. seem to be stuck in a world where you have to create strawmen...and argue against them.

I certainly have not said I have no problem with aborting a human fetus.

I have said that I consider it a decision the host has to make....and that I support whatever decision the host makes. That most assuredly does not mean that I have no problem with it....nor does it mean that I am some kind of monster advocating the killing of babies.

In fact, I often fault your Christian god on that account.

From: 7-26-05:
A fetus becomes a child when it is born.

Anyone arguing that the supposed rights of a fetus cause its host to lose her rights...really has to make a much, much better case than is being made here in this thread.

So if an 8-1/2 month old "fetus" is aborted because Mom decides she doesn't want to deal with it, then by your clear words and beliefs, she has every right to do so and you see nothing at all wrong in doing this?

Perhaps the problem is with your ability to read and understand the English language.

What words precisely do you see that causes you to suggest that I have "by my clear words" indicated that I see nothing wrong with it?

I said two things here: One...a fetus becomes a child when it is born....and two, anyone arguing that the supposed rights of a fetus cause its host to lose her rights...really has to make a much, much better case than is being made here in this thread.

Fact is, I have offered not one single word about whether or not I see anything "wrong with doing this."

There are many "rights" that I support (for various reasons) that I feel incredibly uncomfortable with...and definitely see something wrong with those rights being exercised. I support the right of the president of the United States to take war-like actions when he deems it appropriate....and to present the foreign policy of the United States to the rest of the world...(I support it very strongly)...but I despise the way it is being used right now.

Supporting the rights does not imply endorsement of them.

And would this 8-1/2 month old "fetus" simply be a victim of tough-luck! Wrong place - wrong time? Do you think this 8-1/2 month old "fetus" would feel pain during the abortion?

I think any woman who simply waits until a fetus is 8 1/2 months into term before exercising her right to abort herself of the pregnancy...IS A SCUMBAG.

But I would defend to the death her right to do it.

If you cannot understand is your problem, not mine.

(Frankly, I don't think this is really is a major problem at all.)

But anytime that you have a few free moments...I would like to see your "scientific proof" that a fetus is not a fetus.

I've never said a "fetus is not a fetus". I've always said that every human being was a fetus at some point. There are no human beings who were never a fetus. 1 + 1 = 2. And please don't turn the original request around. Go ahead and answer it, no more smoke-screening. You're the one with "all the facts - not opinions", so just answer the scientific question: When does a human-fetus not become a human-being? Only when it's aborted (naturally or artificially) is the only answer.

I have answered that already. If you want to go back and read my response and stop pretending that I did so. with my response as you will. I'm laughing at the "smoke screen"....because if there is one thing I do not is put up smoke screens....or dodge answering any questions. I'll stick with you here from now until doomsday...and respond to everything you write.

I am not asking you to "believe" anything. I am asking you to understand that "a fetus is a fetus" is a fact. If I have to go through the means you are merely playing games. If you enjoy playing games...go for it. I like it when people enjoy themselves.

More smoke-screens! Because you have not (and cannot because nobody can) produced an ounce of proof that any human was not a fetus.

I do not have to. I am stating that a fetus is a fetus. It does not matter one whit whether or not any human was not a fetus....because it would not change what I am saying: A fetus is a fetus.

Try to deal with what is being said...rather than what you wish I had said so that you can fight against your wish rather than what I said.

If you want to deal with these that we do them one at a time. I've suggested this before.

Pick out the most significant item you want to discuss...and we will discuss that until we have reached agreement...or until it is obvious we cannot.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2005 03:39 pm
Do you know what could help with the reduction of abortions? The over-the-counter sale of the "Day After Pill", or Plan B. Unfortnately, the anti-choice crowd and the followers of the Theory of Christianity are plotting AGAINST it. See article below:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 09:26 am
If you go back through this extremely long thread, you will see that most, if not all of this has been covered before.

You will see that Frank considers a fetus a non-person even seconds before birth. He will only accept that the fetus must be fully emerged before he will consider it human. He considers abortion to be acceptable even at this point.

You will see that he is not alone in this belief.

Intrepid: I realize this is a long running issue for those in Frank's position and also in mine. I am unsure that Frank considers a fetus to be a non-person until seconds before birth as he and I are working to establish this. He clearly has strong feelings about a woman's right to do what she desires with the living being insider her body and we disagree on this topic. As to others who believe like Frank; I'm sure there are many, just as there are many who believe as I do. I prefer to discuss this with Frank because he is basically unafraid to state his beliefs publicly (and I presume privately as well), which is a trait that I admire. Frank is also a passionate sort, another trait that I admire. (Don't let all of this go to your head Frank. :wink: ) Hopefully, he and I will continue to discuss issues surrounding this topic and others will chime in with their own opinions.

Do you know what could help with the reduction of abortions? The over-the-counter sale of the "Day After Pill", or Plan B. Unfortnately, the anti-choice crowd and the followers of the Theory of Christianity are plotting AGAINST it. See article below:

maporsche: I began reading the link you included and after a few sentences, reluctantly continued until the end. I am disgusted with our entire political situation and as far as I'm concerned, politicians are pond-scum sucking liars with their own personal agendas who could give a whit about the betterment of the U.S. Therefore, I give little to no credence to anything they have to say. Unfortunately, my opinion towards these knuckleheads may cause me to miss something that could actually help our society. I'm working on that personal issue within myself, but right now, I could care less what they have to say.

There are many things that could help with the reduction of abortions. I'm a believer in thinking before acting, because once you've acted, you should then be responsible for the consequences, good or bad. (In other words: "Never say Never, Unless You're Prepared to Act Never".) However most of the population is not this way. We live in a society that says: "me first, I want what I want now no matter the consequence, then when the inevitable consequences do arise - if I don't like them, there should be a law against making me be responsible..." I simply do not care for that popular mindset.

I certainly have not said I have no problem with aborting a human fetus.

Frank: While you may not have said those exact words, certainly your implications are clear:

From the Christian perspective...even if there were a living individual there....(something there is not!)...but even if there were a living individual there....what is the cost to that idividual in being aborted?

So what is the problem? Where is the foul?

There is no "baby" involved. It is a fetus. It has the same "rights" as a cancerous tumor or a wart.


I have said that I consider it a decision the host has to make....and that I support whatever decision the host makes. That most assuredly does not mean that I have no problem with it....nor does it mean that I am some kind of monster advocating the killing of babies.

To be honest; I was unsure whether you were "a monster..." as you described or not, so thanks for making this clear. With that knowledge, "advocating" is my big issue here, and probably because of our non-accountable society. As you know, I believe that all living fetuses constitute "life". Therefore a human-fetus is a human-life. (dog-fetus is a dog-life, etc.) And your strong belief is that a woman (host) has the undeniable right to end the human-fetus-life inside her body at any time, for any reason. As a vocal and resolute advocate of this "right", do you feel that you may/could be/are influencing any woman to end the life of a normal, healthy human-fetus-life? In other words, is there a chance that you "enable" a woman to make this life-ending decision due to your strong position on "choice"?

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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2005 09:55 am
Baddog wrote:

I certainly have not said I have no problem with aborting a human fetus.

Frank: While you may not have said those exact words, certainly your implications are clear:

From the Christian perspective...even if there were a living individual there....(something there is not!)...but even if there were a living individual there....what is the cost to that idividual in being aborted?

So what is the problem? Where is the foul?

There is no "baby" involved. It is a fetus. It has the same "rights" as a cancerous tumor or a wart.

I stand by everything I've said here...and I still maintain that I have not said...nor in any way anything said here...that I have no problem with (some areas) of abortion.

I hope that my other comments in my last post clears this up...but if it has to be discuss more, I am willing to do so.

I have said that I consider it a decision the host has to make....and that I support whatever decision the host makes. That most assuredly does not mean that I have no problem with it....nor does it mean that I am some kind of monster advocating the killing of babies.

To be honest; I was unsure whether you were "a monster..." as you described or not, so thanks for making this clear.

You're welcome.

With that knowledge, "advocating" is my big issue here, and probably because of our non-accountable society. As you know, I believe that all living fetuses constitute "life". Therefore a human-fetus is a human-life.

That was a rather large...and completely unwarranted jump there, Baddog.

Simply because you "believe" something does not make it so.

Let's change your wording just a bit...and this should become clear. Suppose you had writtten:

As you know, I believe the moon is made of green cheese. Therefore the moon is made of green cheese.

See my point?

And your strong belief is that a woman (host) has the undeniable right to end the human-fetus-life inside her body at any time, for any reason.

Do me a favor, Dog. Do not attribute any "beliefs" to me. I have on several occasions said that " is my opinion that...."...

...and I would prefer that you characterize those things as opinions rather than "beliefs."

As a vocal and resolute advocate of this "right", do you feel that you may/could be/are influencing any woman to end the life of a normal, healthy human-fetus-life? In other words, is there a chance that you "enable" a woman to make this life-ending decision due to your strong position on "choice"?

Well...anything is possible. But I suggest that it is a very far reach to suppose there are women who are saying "Well...people like Frank Apisa think a woman has a right to end a pregnancy should she I am going to end mine."

I will stick with what I have said:

It is my opinion that a woman has a right to end a pregnancy if she chooses for any reasons she has...whenever she chooses to do so.

It is my opinion that any supposed rights you folks want to claim the fetus has....whether or not you consider the fetus to be a living human being or not in any way trump the woman's rights in that regard.
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