Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 04:28 pm
djbt wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
I said a fetus has no rights??????

Can you tell me where?

I did say that it is my opinion that the fetus has no rights that cause its host to lose certain of her rights. I also said that it is my opinion that a fetus is not a living human being. But I do not remember saying that a fetus has no rights.

Fair enough.

Frank Apisa wrote:
djbt wrote:
Every time I ask you why you believe what you do...

You are never going to get anywhere asking me about "beliefs." I have none.

If you want opinions, I will give them. If you want guesses...I may give them. But don't suppose I have "beliefs", because I don't.

Sorry to use unclear language. By 'beliefs' I meant opinions.

Frank Apisa wrote:
djbt wrote:
(1) What attributes must a thing possess for it to be wrong to kill it?

If it is alive...a case can be made that it is "wrong" to kill it.

I try not to kill things. I shoo mosquitos...and capture spiders in the house to release them outside.

I try never to kill vegetable matter unnecessarily (mushrooms on a golf course, comes to mind.)

I agree.

Frank Apisa wrote:
djbt wrote:
(2) Why does having these attributes make it wrong to kill it?

If it is should be allowed to continue to stay alive. That is strictly an opinion. Nothing more complicated than that.

Obviously, this is not something set in stone. Sometimes bees will not cooperate...and a decent family barbecue requires more than reasoning with them. They die. Sometimes a mushroom is in the way of a shot...and gets clipped. Sometimes a mosquito takes me by surprise and gets squashed rather than shooed.

Well, I'd say that a bee's interest in staying alive outweighs your interest in having a barbecue nearby to it, but that's another discussion. Generally we agree.

Frank Apisa wrote:
djbt wrote:
(3) Does a new-born baby possess these attributes?


djbt wrote:
(4) Does a fetus, at any time, possess these attributes?


I tried to answer your questions to the best of my abilities.

Make your point. We can discuss it. I am interested in where you are going with this.

Now I feel like I should have some cunning trap to spring... sorry to disappoint, but I'm trying to understand your position, rather than make a point.

Actually...I like your thinking and reasoning up to this point....a lot.

Anyway, we seem to agree that a case can be made that it is wrong to kill a fetus, that it should be allowed to stay alive.

In most cases, I would much, much, much, much, much prefer that a fetus be allowed to continue development.

I'm not sure I want to use "...that it is wrong to kill..."...for various reasons. But I do offer that, in most cases, I would much prefer that fetuses be allowed to continue their development.

You say, it would seem, that it would be more wrong to partially and temporarily deny someone their right to freedom to act as they please than it would be wrong to kill someone. Is that a fair assessment of your position?

Not especially....but it is not a distortion.

I'd prefer to stick with: I feel a woman should have a right to terminate a pregnancy whenever she wants....for whatever reasons she asserts.

I understand that a fertilized egg, a zygote, an embryo, or a fetus will be destroyed in the process...and, in most cases, I would much rather that not happen. But it is my opinion that a woman should retain that right without regard to any supposed rights to trump that right others might impart to the egg, zygote, embryo, or fetus.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 04:31 pm

I am with you about not understanding how one can not consider a child a child if it is to be born in an hour, but Frank has even said an abortion two seconds before birth would be okay because it's the woman's choice.

And I agree so totally with the extremes. Life is difficult enough. There have to be compromises that both sides can agree to, thereby creating that third side. I have tried to reach compromises with some in A2K. With some I have, and with others I have not.

It just seems to me that the part about taking responsibility for one's own actions is being dismissed. We learn from our mistakes because we suffer consequences of them.

No one is right all the time nor wrong all the time. It's just that fine line of compromise that is missing.

Amigo, do you really believe life is cheap? If you do, how sad for you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:08 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Since the 1970s in the United States, a debate has alternately raged or simmered over the "personhood" of the fetus before birth. Arguments regarding the personhood of a fetus are particularly relevant to debates over the legal and moral status of abortions

Frank Apisa replied:
Now here, Intrepid, we are in complete agreement...although we are on opposite sides of the resolution of the question.

Momma Angel wrote:
Now, if you are such a strong (can't use believer here because we know better)... So, if you think your argument has so much merit, answer the question! If your wife was having a child and right before it was to be born and you and she decided (or she decided) she did not want that growth (your word, not mine), would you them terminate the pregnancy?

Frank Apisa responded:
It is not a is a rather poorly thought out and poorly contructed hypothetical. I prefer not to deal with hypotheticals...particularly something as ill-conceived as this one. that I don't have to listen to your hysterical bullshyt about me dodging anything you write...

...I will respond.

If she wanted to terminate the pregnancy at that moment...I would support her decision completely and without reservation.

Momma Angel wrote:

You would support your wife's decision to kill your child? Well, now that really gives me some insight. So what about your friends Frank? You would care so little about your child (or what would in just a few seconds be your child) that you would agree to have it killed? Boy, I can see how you can state you are such a kind, decent, moral, and loyal human being. I would trust you with my life, Frank. Oh yeah, about as much as I trust you have any compassion at all.

Frank Apisa replied

You really gotta get control over this hysteria, MA. You're gonna pop your cork.

I would not support anyone's decision to kill a child. But a fetus is not a child. Get that through your head.

If the fetus is still in the body of the woman bearing it....IT IS A FETUS. And if the woman wants to abort it....she has my support.

Frank Apisa wrote:

HINT: I have said at last a half-dozen times that I feel a woman has complete control over her body....and that if she is is my opinion that she should be able to terminate that pregnancy at any time.

Frank Apisa wrote:
No harder than it is for you folks to consider eliminating a zygote to be murder.

Ticomaya wrote:
Frank: When does it become "not okay" to kill the baby?

Frank responded:
When it becomes a baby.

That happens when it is born into this world.

Prior to is either an zygote, an embryo, or a fetus.

And at any time that it is any of those things...that means the woman bearing the zygote, embryo, or fetus is pregnant...and I think a woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy any times she wants.

When the fetus is completely delivered into this becomes a baby. Prior to is a fetus and the woman is considered pregnant...and if a woman wants to terminate a is my opinion she should have the right to do so.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:12 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Since the 1970s in the United States, a debate has alternately raged or simmered over the "personhood" of the fetus before birth. Arguments regarding the personhood of a fetus are particularly relevant to debates over the legal and moral status of abortions

Frank Apisa replied:
Now here, Intrepid, we are in complete agreement...although we are on opposite sides of the resolution of the question.

Momma Angel wrote:
Now, if you are such a strong (can't use believer here because we know better)... So, if you think your argument has so much merit, answer the question! If your wife was having a child and right before it was to be born and you and she decided (or she decided) she did not want that growth (your word, not mine), would you them terminate the pregnancy?

Frank Apisa responded:
It is not a is a rather poorly thought out and poorly contructed hypothetical. I prefer not to deal with hypotheticals...particularly something as ill-conceived as this one. that I don't have to listen to your hysterical bullshyt about me dodging anything you write...

...I will respond.

If she wanted to terminate the pregnancy at that moment...I would support her decision completely and without reservation.

Momma Angel wrote:

You would support your wife's decision to kill your child? Well, now that really gives me some insight. So what about your friends Frank? You would care so little about your child (or what would in just a few seconds be your child) that you would agree to have it killed? Boy, I can see how you can state you are such a kind, decent, moral, and loyal human being. I would trust you with my life, Frank. Oh yeah, about as much as I trust you have any compassion at all.

Frank Apisa replied

You really gotta get control over this hysteria, MA. You're gonna pop your cork.

I would not support anyone's decision to kill a child. But a fetus is not a child. Get that through your head.

If the fetus is still in the body of the woman bearing it....IT IS A FETUS. And if the woman wants to abort it....she has my support.

Frank Apisa wrote:

HINT: I have said at last a half-dozen times that I feel a woman has complete control over her body....and that if she is is my opinion that she should be able to terminate that pregnancy at any time.

Frank Apisa wrote:
No harder than it is for you folks to consider eliminating a zygote to be murder.

Ticomaya wrote:
Frank: When does it become "not okay" to kill the baby?

Frank responded:
When it becomes a baby.

That happens when it is born into this world.

Prior to is either an zygote, an embryo, or a fetus.

And at any time that it is any of those things...that means the woman bearing the zygote, embryo, or fetus is pregnant...and I think a woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy any times she wants.

When the fetus is completely delivered into this becomes a baby. Prior to is a fetus and the woman is considered pregnant...and if a woman wants to terminate a is my opinion she should have the right to do so.

And your point is??????
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:14 pm
There are none so blind....
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:17 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
There are none so blind.... I agree with that!

Why don't correct it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:24 pm
Oh, I neglected to mention that. Just a catch up for djbt
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:26 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Oh, I neglected to mention that. Just a catch up for djbt


I'm sure you had in mind to show him that I am consistent.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:41 pm
Even if my beliefs could be proven wrong (which they can't) I would still not believe the way Frank does. I would hate to think that anything would give me license to speak (post) to anyone the way he does.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 09:25 pm
djbt wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
djbt. Meet Frank.

Thanks for the introduction. Seems like I missed a lot of fun over the past few pages... Anyone else feel much of this would be better placed in a reality TV show rather than a discussion forum...

In most threads I've read, I've been in agreement with Frank, so have found his approach unproductive and annoying. But now, when I'm not sure which side I fall onto, I've realised its use in promoting debate. Unfortunately, a side-effect is that it tends to lower the level of debate into mere statement of opinion, shouting and name-calling. Fortunate that here we have good people like Terry who are willing to offer facts, research and calm debate to offset this...

By the way, still no-one has challenged the articles Terry posted.

Professor Arnold Gesell of Yale University in The Embryology of Behavior: The Beginnings of the Human Mind wrote, " the close of the first trimester the fetus is a sentient, moving being."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 09:46 pm
Despite Frank's opinions as stated here, I don't think he is planning to have an abortion any time soon.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 10:10 pm
real life wrote:
djbt wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
djbt. Meet Frank.

Thanks for the introduction. Seems like I missed a lot of fun over the past few pages... Anyone else feel much of this would be better placed in a reality TV show rather than a discussion forum...

In most threads I've read, I've been in agreement with Frank, so have found his approach unproductive and annoying. But now, when I'm not sure which side I fall onto, I've realised its use in promoting debate. Unfortunately, a side-effect is that it tends to lower the level of debate into mere statement of opinion, shouting and name-calling. Fortunate that here we have good people like Terry who are willing to offer facts, research and calm debate to offset this...

By the way, still no-one has challenged the articles Terry posted.

Professor Arnold Gesell of Yale University in The Embryology of Behavior: The Beginnings of the Human Mind wrote, " the close of the first trimester the fetus is a sentient, moving being."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 11:54 pm
MommaAngel wrote:
We own more than one house. Our biggest home is usually occupied by someone that has no home, no job, nothing. We do what we can to help them get back on their feet while providing them with a place to live.

I think that what you are doing is admirable, if that is what you enjoy doing. Again, it is a matter of choice. I have no problem with a person who goes out of his way for the less fortunate. I do object to the position that the government (through taxes that affect all its citizens) has a responsibility to help the homeless.

IMO, each person has the right to choose, not only about issues affecting his or her own body, but the person he marries, and the causes with which he chooses to become involved or not.

So if you get down to basics, whether you are discussing homelessness, gay marriage or abortions, there is one basic concept involved. That is, how much right does the government in a free society have to dictate to its citizens?

Just a thought. Do you in any way attempt to convert the people that you help to Christianity? If you do, that is your right, but I am curious as to your motivations for giving the assistance. Would you take in a Jewish person, a Muslim, or even an atheist, and respect their beliefs?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 03:25 am
Wow...posts missing. And benign posts at that.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 08:21 am

Do I attempt to convert anyone I help? Or is your question I help people so I can convert them?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 08:38 am
Momma Angel wrote:

Do I attempt to convert anyone I help? Or is your question I help people so I can convert them?

Actually I would be interested in both answers.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 08:47 am
Phoenix Wrote:

Actually I would be interested in both answers.

Fair enough.

The people that we have tried to help are people we came upon by word of mouth, situation, etc. Whether they are Christian or not, if they need help and we can help them, we do.

We do invite them to join us to go to church; however, if they decline, that is the end of it. They are told it is a standing invitation. Some have eventually joined us at church and some have not. They were given the invitation and it has always been their decision whether to accept it or not.

I do not believe in the "hit them over the head to get their attention" form of Christianity. I believe that the best way to show someone what Christianity is, is to be a good Christian. I try to be. I do not approach people in parking lots and start talking about Jesus. That frightens people and understandably so.

You cannot force someone to believe. A person's faith and beliefs have to come from the heart.

I hope this answered both questions. If not, I can attempt to expound on it.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 11:49 am
Momma Angel wrote:

You cannot force someone to believe. A person's faith and beliefs have to come from the heart.

I agree with that. It sure can't come from the brain!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 12:51 pm
Phoenix says: I think that what you are doing is admirable, if that is what you enjoy doing.
But let's not be so grudging, here. It IS admirable. There are things which people do because they think they're right not because they enjoy them or want to. Looking after the elderly, cleaning houses, being polite to unpleasant people, for example.
I'm not a Christian because I think we have outgrown the need for a spiritual prop to our ethics. It doesn't stop me having ethics and admiring those who do generous, unselfish things, whatever their motives.
Sorry Phoenix, I'm with you on most of your posts!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 02:28 pm
Clary- I don't think that we are so far apart in this. Every act has its consequences, and payoffs. When one does kind things for others, connects with other beings in their common humanity, there is joy that comes from the doing.

If a person took on a particular task that he absolutely hated, just because he thought that she was being noble, that, to me, would not be morally appropriate.

Each person knows what is important to him, and tends to choose those things that give him pleasure. In many cases it can be hard work that the person is not obliged to do. But if that work brings some gratification into the person's life, IMO, it is the right thing for him to do.
0 Replies

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