Hello MA,
Quote:Well, Christians believe that God has laid His plan out in the Bible. . . Sure, there are many interpretations of that book. But, the fact that Christ is coming again is clearly laid out and does not really need interpretation.
The Bible may have actually been penned by men but the Bible is God-breathed and God-inspired. What is written in the Bible comes from God. . . .
The reality is that the bible did not show up at my feet with a note reading, 'To Shazzer- Live by this and never stray from it no matter how much the world changes. Peace, God.' It was written by people. I don't understand how you feel this is refutable. Just because a man wrote that the bible is god-breathed does not make it so. God-inspired, that I can understand, even though I have reservations about trusting someone so blindly.
Quote:but the meaning of the Bible does not change
It changes from denomination to denomination. That is one reason why there are so many different wordings of the bible, politics being another. Not to mention the different practices associated with implementation of the desires of the christian god. If the bible is literal and clear and infallible, unlike man's laws, how is it possible that so many people argue over interpretation? The difference between Catholics and Protestants, for example. How is it that I can think to murder in the name of god? Why isn't it clear to me that god would not support this since I've read the commandments and posted them everywhere? Why do so many people think that adultery is really in the action, not the mind? If god is not at fault, perhaps he was misquoted.
Quote:I am not sure what you mean about twisting the bible to suit a situation that is not even remotely mentioned within it. Can you expand on this.
This is about using the bible to justify intolerances such as rascism or the acts of the Inquisition (which I recognize had a lot to do with nationalism as well). Or saying that the bible says that the US is the 'chosen' country because it was first founded by persecuted christians or manifest destiny or any number of ridiculous statements I've heard over the years. Many Christians I've met confuse what the bible says with what their church says. Which is quite obviously run by people.
Even something such as this leaves me uneasy, although I understand the logic:
Quote:I do believe that telling a lie and committing premeditated murder are two sides of the spectrum. To me, it's worse to murder a man than it is to tell a lie. But, how does God view sin? In my belief, God views sin as sin. Do I think He considers sin in different levels? Here again, I just don't know the answer to that. He points out in the bible about idolators, murders, whoremongers, etc., but there are things like telling a lie, etc., that are not spelled out in the same detail. So, I don't know.
How could the all-knowing god leave this out? He must have known people would wonder. Why isn't this in the bible, then? Why can I know that coveting my neighbor's car is a sin (is it?), but not whether two lies + cheating on my taxes = abortion?
A bit off topic, this last kind of reasoning leaves me apprehensive. I think if sin is sin, then we certainly shouldn't try to usurp a woman's free will. She is aware of the consequences. And even if the sin is worse than lying, she is still aware of the spiritual consequences. When one believes that a particular sin is worse than another, one runs into 'dangerous spiritual territory.' And I feel, could very easily begin to judge not only the sin, but the sinner. In fact, I'd argue that abortion is one of the 'sins' where people seem very quick to judge. I noticed some rather. . .uncharitable characterizations upthread. And I know that's a biblical no-no.
And while I'm sure you've heard this before, too many Christians I know, seem to feel entitled to act as god instead of loving everyone despite their flaws (a concept which I know is not solely Christian in nature).
Quote:If anyone were to make a decision that someone were to die, that anyone would have to be God. No one has the right to make that decision except God.
How do you know that god isn't making that choice? Where in the bible does it tell us that we can use technology to extend our lives beyond nature, but that we can't later refuse these measures and die on our own?
Do you think the cancer patient that refuses treatment is committing a sin? She could possibly go into remission and continue life, but instead she decides to die and be with god. What about the driver that is so preoccupied with talking on his cell phone that he causes a multiple fatality accident? What is his sin?