geese are goo but they gt big when they are of best use,They get aggressive and can hurt kids or small pets. Weve been using INDIA RUNNING DUCKS (look em up) They look like duck sized bowling pins an they run, head up ans they too will attack in bunches. Only thing is, ya teach your pets to not b afraid of em an even a littl kid can pick one up an dispatch it (they taste great too).
They get aggressive after they mate an get broody thats when a small flock looks like a banzai brigade.
they are quite comical otherwise , the only thing not afraid of a skein of attack ducks is a coopers hawk.
some people swear by guinea hens, weve never had luck with them since they are extremely stupid and although they make this metallic noise, that only warns the predator where their next meal is.
india running ducks, youll need at least an acre to let em do their best running.