greenaffiliates wrote:
Some normal annoyance triggers include individual issues, for example, missing an advancement at work or relationship troubles. an issue brought about by someone else like dropping plans. an occasion like awful traffic or getting in a fender bender.
There are many ways - many are appropriate and positive action and some small things you simply realize you have no control of. For a missed job advancement - you ask your manager what you can do going forward so you are next in line for a job advancement. You do what you control - you can be a better worker and if you know what you need to do - you do it and document it.
For other things that you have no control of - what is the use of getting angry? Will it change the end result? Instead think how lucky you are...you are so lucky you were not in the fender bender, better to be stuck in traffic than have to deal with that.
Dropping plans - well do something else. It happens and maybe you have dropped plans on someone else before....maybe that person had something worse come up.
I also find trying to put myself in the place of the person that caused you the grief. For example the idiot that just cut you off -- maybe they simply made a mistake and did not see you or was so pre-occupied with their child in the hospital they forgot to look. You don't know what is going on with that person so they could be in a really bad spot and you getting angry at them and flipping the bird and swearing at them just made their day worse.
I think one of the most impactful things (although so simple) I heard someone say - she was in line at a store and there was another customer there, she cut her in line and then was giving the worker a hard time, I forget how the conversation ended up happening but instead of her getting angry and in her face, she said to her (sincerely) I am sorry you are having a bad day. The woman stopped looked at her and said yes, thank you, you are right I am having a bad day. She apologized and started acting nicer. sometimes giving a little bit of kindness can change a situation.