You don't say what jurisdiction you live in, (the nation and/or state) so it is very hard to give a sensible answer. It may be that you imagine that everybody reading Able2know lives in the USA, but even then the states have their own laws. However, most civilised countries allow self-defence (or "defense" if you prefer). To avoid getting charged yourself, your response has to be proportional to the danger you (genuinely) feel yourself to be in. If someone "pushes" you, you should move out of their reach, and keep far enough away so that they cannot push you again. Macho ideas notwithstanding, you do not have a free pass to cut their ears off, or break one or more of their limbs, or kill them. If you genuinely believed your life, or someone elses, was in danger you could possibly disable or even kill them but in such a case you would be looking at a police investigation and probably a court case. Self defence is OK. Retaliation is not.