Could Christ Have Been A Woman?

Wed 4 Aug, 2021 06:52 am
@The Anointed,
Are you asking me of I am gay? Or if I think God is gay? Just ask your question.

Both God and I have had children with human females... I think that means we are bisexual if not straight.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 07:36 am
I thought a god didn't need a penis to impregnate a woman. I thought it would wrinkle its nose and blink it's eyes and presto - semen, as much as needed for the job and no more.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 07:40 am
This whole thread completely misses the point.

Jesus, if he existed, was definitely male.

There is however, a religious group in France that believes that Mary Magdalen was the prophet, and Jesus was her mouthpiece.

If we are talking about a female Messiah figure the only candidate is Magdalen.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 07:46 am
No argument that Jesus must have dangled his. Just curious why the penis would be necessary for Mary.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 08:07 am
In Poland, there was a "king" who was female. They are insistent on this title. Hatshepsut (probably spelled her name wrong) of Egypt was pharaoh and is pictured with a false beard. There was a queen of Sweden who was so masculine that two movies were made of her (I could swear one of them was called King Christina, but I suppose either Mandela Effect or I remember this wrong), one of which has her not only wearing men's clothes but suggesting a lesbian relationship going on.

Besides, some women today are raised as boys. It was unthinkable to the Jews, but do would have been a bastard child trained as rabbi. Any advantage that Mary and Joseph could give their child, they would have.

Okay, so the Romans call Jesus the King of the Jews. The Pharisees quickly correct this, this person said they are King of the Jews. What if the reason they objected, and the reason the Romans liked this idea was that it was a funny way to mock the Jews. "Hahaha, your King of the Jews is woman." Only, it's not so funny when you realize that through both Joseph's ( through adoption) and Mary's (through blood) line, Jesus has every right to be King, but for sexist woman -hating rules on who can rule. When King David is chosen, God tells his prophet rhat he doesn't choose like mortals do.

It turns out I'm not the only one that entertains this idea.
I fiund one article earlier, that says the JW basically use this passage to propose that Jesus is a created being (I've seen more about the inner workings of denominations doing this thread than any other), and we have this one:
The Catholics use any excuse they can to justify their un-Trinitarian notion of Mary worship, but they have a point. Lady Wisdom in Proverbs 8 refers to:
1. Jesus as pre-incarnation (and possibly post-incarnation, after his physical body is gone; what about during the incarnation? We don't know about that one, but I'm asserting Jesus was female so...)
2. Mary as Mother of Christ (and, they'd assert when they can get away with it, Mother of God; if you ever need proof that Catholicism is a heresy, there you are)
3. And ancient Near Eastern goddess or feminine Gnostic demigod.
4. Personification of wisdom as a symbol of wisdom.

The writer immediately rules out 3 & 4, then proceeds to rule out 1 so they can fawn over Mary. Like I say, even Jesus is fair game to Catholicism. I found this funny because I immediately ruled out 2 (idolatry) and 3 (this is true to Gnosticism, but I don't accept the Gnostic God hierarchy), leaving me with just 1 and 4. Unlike the author, I didn't do any more ruling it. It would be completely fair to say that this is a symbol for Wisdom. Likewise, John 1 says "(the Word) was in the beginning with God." That is, Jesus always existed , well before incarnation. Jesus came whenever God had to talk to humans personally, versus looming overthem as a pillar of fire.

Strictly speaking, there are three major types of encounters with God:
1. Through the Creation itself, such as the natural world, violent storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes (Father)
2. Through a personal encounter (Son/Wife?)
3. Through the words of regular conversation, advertising, and even music or artwork. Basically, through the spirit of people. (Holy Spirit)
This is distinct from modalism, in that there is no sense that "whenever God is up on the pillar of fire, he cannot also be personal, and whenever he speaks through the Holy Spirit, he cannot be a pillar of fire." At all times, God is there.

So, when Jacob wrestled a man, Jesus. When someone talked to Lot and told him about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, also Jesus. When Lady Wisdom is mentioned, also Jesus. Jesus here has no fixed form, because he/she is not born into a body. After the body of Jesus dies, Mary assumes Jesus is a gardener. The disciples do not recognize Jesus, until he does something that reminds them. I met a girl who seemed to fall into a category. I kept meeting her, in fact. Sometimes, the person I met was a boy but had the same eyes, mannerisms, or expressions as the girl that I met.

The question still remains whether the people of Jesus's time saw Jesus as a female. And we weren't there so we cannot be sure. But the 30 pieces of silver (price for a woman), the apparent sneer on Pilate's face when he refused to stop calling Jesus the King of Jews and the fact that Jesus has alot of guy friends but no mention of dating Mary Magdalene seem to suggest that at the very least Jesus is maybe not a man?
0 Replies
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 08:22 am
@The Anointed,
The reason for the virgin birth was precisely because of the insane contradiction between "A Messiah/King of Jews must be of the line of Solomon" and the line of Solomon containing Jenoiachin, whose line was cursed. Mary's line was from Nathan, not Solomon.

To fulfill prophecy then, Jesus had to be adopted, to inherit the Will of Solomon, without being of the bloodline of Solomon.

So all of his siblings are half-siblings, and Jesus is heir of David mostly through Nathan, but also (technically) through Solomon.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 08:29 am
It does seem to work well. But it's not right.

Nobody but God can intercede for God. They don't have the authority. Therefore the one with the authority to intercede for God must be born from God. Sorry Mary. But there is another problem. In order to intercede on behalf of mankind, one must be part of mankind or it is an empty gesture, similar to a man who has never had children die, telling a widow who lost children "I know how you feel."

Nobody but Jesus is suited to the job of intercession for our sins.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 08:32 am
If scripture is to be believed, other than micturition, Jesus didn’t give his a lot of use either.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 08:50 am
He had to pee on occasion. He ate and drank, hence the need.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 08:54 am
I did mention the micturition.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 08:58 am
I read it in haste. Then we agree. Jesus had a wee wee and had to use it on occasion.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 10:41 am
Have you heard any Derek and Clive?
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 10:50 am
No, sir.

Wed 4 Aug, 2021 10:56 am
You can't say stuff like that by fiat though. We need proof of some kind.

We have Jesus's biography mention travels to Egypt, and eventually going back to Nazareth. We have Jesus getting lost in the temple where Jesus impressed the priests (likely how Jesus became known as rabbi, some rabbis educated Jesus). But why is the entirety of Jesus's puberty concealed...? Seems like after 30 years, Jesus would figure out breastbinding and hiding blood flow. But during the teenage years? That would be a pretty big hint.

Regardless, I shall use he/his pronouns for Jesus even if we find some evidence that Jesus is female.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 10:58 am
God is all powerful. If he wants Mary to be an intercessor, then Mary is the intercessor.

I don't think you have the ability to tell God what he can and can't do.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 11:03 am
Lemme put it this way.

The king of France/England in 10th century commands armies. He is a monarch with Absolute Power. His courtesan? Does she have this power?

No. Even if he uses his extensive power to name her queen, she basically is only second in line for the throne, if he dies. But the Catholics name Mary the Mother of God (a heresy) and then say that it is Mary not Jesus who can intercede (treating Jesus as an afterthought, and God as dead).
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 11:19 am
What gives you the right to declare the Mother of God a heresy? There are many people who belive that Jesus being the Son of God is a heresy.

It is just silly pissing in the wind (another thing for which a penis is useful).
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 11:30 am
I’ll pm you.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 11:31 am
Because it IS a heresy.

God the Father is the immortal (cannot be killed) and eternal (has no beginning, thus cannot begin from Mary) Creator of the universe.

Mary is a woman who had a mother and father, and died and was laid in a tomb somewhere. To say that she mothered God, the Creator of the universe, is a heresy of the highest order. Mary is not the Wife of God (the Father), not the Mother of God (the Father), and can only claim the honor of being Mother of Christ (the mortal incarnation of God). As such, she is only a mortal who gave birth to another mortal, but Jesus (as mortal and God) is something more.

Also, Mary gave birth to Jesus's mortal body. She did not "make" Jesus. The Jesus story starts at the beginning (with Jesus as a member of Trinity, a good name for a rock band), not with the birth of Jesus. This is what "begotten not made" means.
Wed 4 Aug, 2021 11:37 am
Everything is heresy (because heresy is subjective).

Jesus was laid in tomb and had a mother and a father. That puts Jesus in the same boat as Mary by your own logic.

You aren't making sense even by your own rules.


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