This is Biden's America

Mon 27 Jun, 2022 08:46 am
A Yahoo news headline I just saw.

Associated Press
More than 1 million voters switch to GOP in warning for Democrats

I've been trying to warn you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Mon 27 Jun, 2022 08:59 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yeah, that is right.

The grammar rule is that you divide the sentence.

You goto the park, I goto the park, so you and I goto to the park.

But this is a casual sentence so whatever.

Hey, be sure to thank Edgar for his last post about how HE warned us about defections from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.

Stoke his ego. He really needs it...and coming from you it should be especially appreciated.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Jun, 2022 11:19 am

Jamison Foser
After the Supreme Court issues its ruling in West Virginia vs EPA this week it's gonna take people like three years to begin to grasp how catastrophic the decision is not only for clean air & climate but for ... everything. Workplace safety protections, for example.
Macy she/her ☮️ ♿️ 🦮🦻
Replying to
Du has been saying this daily for the past month. Wait until people see what this does to the FDA, USDA, OSHA, EPA, etc. America has no clue what is about to hit and the implications.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Jun, 2022 02:28 pm
Over the past few days, if we’ve learned anything at all, it needs to be that Republicans have kept their word to their voters on what should probably be looked at as their most essential campaign promise for generations… that they would overturn Roe v. Wade as soon as they got the chance. They delivered. Period.
This was a promise they made to their voters over and over again.
They focused on it, organized for it, fundraised with this in mind, fought their asses off in elections on the city, state, and federal level, and did so until they had a strong majority in the Supreme Court and in state legislatures across the country. They literally even stole a Supreme Court pick from President Obama in order to make this happen. Recent justices appear to have even lied under oath about their intentions to not overturn Roe in order to secure moderate votes in the Senate. All of it clearly driven by a ruthless, by any means necessary kind of resolve.
By the time Roe was overturned last week, Republicans in dozens of states had already put in so much work, that they passed something I honestly had never heard of before - trigger laws - that would automatically take effect the moment Roe fell. Don’t get me wrong - I’m not congratulating them. But if you think all of this **** just happened out of nowhere or fell from the sky, you aren’t paying attention. They fought their asses off for generations for this. And they nailed it.
In other words, they did exactly what they said they’d do, and what all of us actually knew was coming when the news that Roe would be overturned leaked two months ago. And in those 2 months, Republicans seem to have literally worked around the clock all over the country to make sure they had everything they needed in place to take a woman’s right to choose away as quickly as humanly possible. And it’s working.
Yes. Conservative judges on The Supreme Court overturned Roe.
Yes. Democrats barely hold an advantage in the House and Senate.
But the Democrats have several serious and substantive options that they simply refuse to take in the face of the biggest rollback of women’s rights in our lifetime.
They should immediately do away with the filibuster. It’s easy to say that Democrats “don’t have the votes” for it, but Joe Biden himself is saying that he’s not even for this - which, in this moment we are in, IS ABSURD. This man is afraid of changing tradition while the SCOTUS erodes essential civil and human rights left and right. Democrats in Congress tend to get done what they know is the primary priority for their President, but it truly feels like he’s playing the violin while the Titanic sinks. Mind you, the filibuster gets put aside regularly to pass budgets and to actually approve Supreme Court justices. It can and should be done now as well.
Democrats have the votes to codify a woman’s right to choose as federal law in the House and Senate. But Democrats with power, including Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer aren’t fighting for it like they should be. They should’ve already made this happen. It’s inexcusable that it has happened already.
The federal government should announce that they will allow reproductive medical services to take place in federal buildings in all 50 states across the country. Multiple Senators and leaders have been pushing this creative idea for months. Biden has all but ignored it.
Democrats should expand the Supreme Court to 11, 13, or 15 justices. The court has been expanded twice before - they can do it again - particularly in light of the fact that one seat was literally stolen from President Obama and 5 of the 9 justices were nominated by Presidents that didn’t even win the popular vote. Again, while congresspeople across the country support this notion, Biden is against it - which makes it pretty much dead in the water. If you won’t do this now, when in the world would you consider doing such a thing? How far is too far?
Joe Biden should declare a national public health emergency for women right away.
THE BOTTOM LINE? Joe Biden does not have what it takes to meet this moment. He has no substantive plan. He has no creative ideas. And he shoots down the most substantive ideas and plans before they even have a chance to get started. I couldn’t imagine someone mangling this moment worse than he has. Why did The White House not have a robust plan to rollout the moment Roe got overturned???? They knew this moment was coming months ahead of time. Someone literally risked their life and career to leak this, but Biden, the Vice President, and the Democratic Party basically sat on the information and did nothing of note with it.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 01:12 am
Any liberal advocating for the end of the filibuster...is a goddam idiot. The filibuster is of much more value for the liberals in the Senate...than the conservatives. The conservatives, by virtue of the protocols established at the time of the Republic's founding, have a HUGE advantage in the composition of the Senate. (And, of course, the Electoral College.) The only possible salvation for the liberal perspective IS the filibuster. Without it, the conservative agenda will dominate proceedings there.

Advocating for the end of the filibuster is much like the moron, Trump, advocating for the end of the Electoral College, which he was doing early in his administration, until some of the Republicans got him to shut up.

Fact is, the moments the Republicans take back control of the Senate, they will probably do away with the filibuster on many more issues. Easiest way to end the filibuster on most items is to let the Republican take over. They will do it for the liberals!

Tue 28 Jun, 2022 03:32 am
Adam McKay wrote:
It’s amazing how a whole generation of liberals have been taught that “if you don’t have the numbers there’s nothing you can do.”

How do you pass legislation if you don't "have the numbers"? The Republicans' response was simple – voter suppression. Is McKay recommending that liberals try this? (I'll clue him in right now – we don't have the numbers.)
Frank Apisa
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 03:48 am
hightor wrote:
Adam McKay wrote:
It’s amazing how a whole generation of liberals have been taught that “if you don’t have the numbers there’s nothing you can do.”

How do you pass legislation if you don't "have the numbers"? The Republicans' response was simple – voter suppression. Is McKay recommending that liberals try this? (I'll clue him in right now – we don't have the numbers.)

To some of those people who don't get it, ya gotta say, "Well, just throw them out and take over...and then enact the stuff you say should be enacted."

Their looks when hearing that is worth a million.

It is tough enough getting moderate changes enacted. But they seem to be willing to bad mouth everyone for not getting wholesale changes done.

"The numbers" are very, very important. And the people pretending that "the numbers" don't count...or should be "disregarded" are dreamers. They are never going to get anything done.
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 06:44 am
Even acts you don't need the numbers for are not being taken. Fund raising and just give us November is the whole strategy.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 07:36 am
@Frank Apisa,
But numbers don't count.

The US was founded on curbing mob rule. It is republic not a democracy.

You cannot just strongarm your way into an election. It matters that rural America with plenty of land but low amount of people hates your guts.

And the problems of one little city don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.

Republican use regions to vote through electors. This is because it is unconscionable for a bunch of thugs out of touch with how most of the country lives to set policy.

If NYC decides that mining coal is common, and that we all ought to stop it, but this seizes up the entire state of West Virginia, that's a whole state of people that hates the guts of NYC. Likewise, is Washington DC says natural gas or oil are no good, and raises gas prices to the point where it's nearly double or even triple, that one little district may have alot of people working in it, but alot of states of people increasingly view them as tone deaf. This is whole tracts of land that have to mow their lawns without a constant electric connection and money to spend refitting everything with battery packs or coeds so they can feel woke or virtuo (which they care nothing about).
I years ago had an electric mower. It was a pain in the ass, as I was dragging about a cord in the hot sun. They did not have battery packs for any mower at the time. In fact, they flatly told me that it was inefficient, because you'd have to keep swapping packs. Now you could mine for loads of nickel (destroying beautiful portions of China or Maine), but you know, it's far easier to just put in a tap for oil than to clear cut land to dig for nickel.

Tracts of land matter, in the grand scheme of things, people who live in large tracts of land matter. Out of touch people who don't understand what it's like to sweat and grunt and scream to make their living, who spend their days as a "social media influencer" don't really matter. No matter how many of them live within a sq mile. There are alot of square miles in the US, and tiny out of touch "bubbles" aren't representing America. Stop "dreaming" and start looking at how the other half lives. The other half being a farmer's wife, who has to struggle because their child needs medicine after completing college but being bitten by deer ticks. Or the miner family who got black lung, only for big government to tell them rather than making coal mining safer, they intend to take away the profession. Or the logger who has green legislation passed against their job and not the kind abour renewing by replanting, but rhe stupid kind that makes them waste their efforts and not use the wood they cut.

Electoral college is a necessary part of US government, because numbers shouldn't matter, but what the average person living on most of the land feels.

Now if most of the land is city, then you got a point. But if that ever is the case pollution and starvation become real problems.
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 08:22 am
edgarblythe wrote:

Warren Calls on Biden to End Trump-Era Plan Aimed at Privatizing Medicare

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday joined physicians and dozens of her House Democratic colleagues in urging the Biden administration to immediately halt Medicare Direct Contracting, a Trump-era pilot that could result in complete privatization of the cherished public healthcare program by decade’s end.

“It is completely baffling to me that the Biden administration wants to give the same bad actors in Medicare Advantage free rein in traditional Medicare,” Warren (D-Mass.) said during a hearing held by the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth.

“My view is that President Biden should not permit Medicare to be handed over to corporate profiteers,” Warren added. “Doing so is going to increase costs and put more strain on the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund. The Biden administration should shut down the Direct Contracting model.”

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 09:34 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

But numbers don't count.

The US was founded on curbing mob rule. It is republic not a democracy.

You cannot just strongarm your way into an election. It matters that rural America with plenty of land but low amount of people hates your guts.

And the problems of one little city don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.

Republican use regions to vote through electors. This is because it is unconscionable for a bunch of thugs out of touch with how most of the country lives to set policy.

If NYC decides that mining coal is common, and that we all ought to stop it, but this seizes up the entire state of West Virginia, that's a whole state of people that hates the guts of NYC. Likewise, is Washington DC says natural gas or oil are no good, and raises gas prices to the point where it's nearly double or even triple, that one little district may have alot of people working in it, but alot of states of people increasingly view them as tone deaf. This is whole tracts of land that have to mow their lawns without a constant electric connection and money to spend refitting everything with battery packs or coeds so they can feel woke or virtuo (which they care nothing about).
I years ago had an electric mower. It was a pain in the ass, as I was dragging about a cord in the hot sun. They did not have battery packs for any mower at the time. In fact, they flatly told me that it was inefficient, because you'd have to keep swapping packs. Now you could mine for loads of nickel (destroying beautiful portions of China or Maine), but you know, it's far easier to just put in a tap for oil than to clear cut land to dig for nickel.

Tracts of land matter, in the grand scheme of things, people who live in large tracts of land matter. Out of touch people who don't understand what it's like to sweat and grunt and scream to make their living, who spend their days as a "social media influencer" don't really matter. No matter how many of them live within a sq mile. There are alot of square miles in the US, and tiny out of touch "bubbles" aren't representing America. Stop "dreaming" and start looking at how the other half lives. The other half being a farmer's wife, who has to struggle because their child needs medicine after completing college but being bitten by deer ticks. Or the miner family who got black lung, only for big government to tell them rather than making coal mining safer, they intend to take away the profession. Or the logger who has green legislation passed against their job and not the kind abour renewing by replanting, but rhe stupid kind that makes them waste their efforts and not use the wood they cut.

Electoral college is a necessary part of US government, because numbers shouldn't matter, but what the average person living on most of the land feels.

Now if most of the land is city, then you got a point. But if that ever is the case pollution and starvation become real problems.

Sounds like a pain-in-the-ass using a pain-in-the-ass tool to do a pain-in-the-ass job to me.

Numbers DO count. You get nothing passed without the necessary votes.

Our nation IS a democracy...as well as a Republic. The two are not mutually exclusive.

About that lawnmower: Did I mention that it sounds like a pain-in-the-ass using a pain-in-the-ass tool to do a pain-in-the-ass job to me.
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 09:59 am
BREAKING: Democrats move to replace Joe Biden with Dianne Feinstein as the presidential nominee to secure the youth vote for the 2024 election.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 11:09 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

bulmabriefs144 wrote:

But numbers don't count.

The US was founded on curbing mob rule. It is republic not a democracy.

You cannot just strongarm your way into an election. It matters that rural America with plenty of land but low amount of people hates your guts.

And the problems of one little city don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.

Republican use regions to vote through electors. This is because it is unconscionable for a bunch of thugs out of touch with how most of the country lives to set policy.

If NYC decides that mining coal is common, and that we all ought to stop it, but this seizes up the entire state of West Virginia, that's a whole state of people that hates the guts of NYC. Likewise, is Washington DC says natural gas or oil are no good, and raises gas prices to the point where it's nearly double or even triple, that one little district may have alot of people working in it, but alot of states of people increasingly view them as tone deaf. This is whole tracts of land that have to mow their lawns without a constant electric connection and money to spend refitting everything with battery packs or coeds so they can feel woke or virtuo (which they care nothing about).
I years ago had an electric mower. It was a pain in the ass, as I was dragging about a cord in the hot sun. They did not have battery packs for any mower at the time. In fact, they flatly told me that it was inefficient, because you'd have to keep swapping packs. Now you could mine for loads of nickel (destroying beautiful portions of China or Maine), but you know, it's far easier to just put in a tap for oil than to clear cut land to dig for nickel.

Tracts of land matter, in the grand scheme of things, people who live in large tracts of land matter. Out of touch people who don't understand what it's like to sweat and grunt and scream to make their living, who spend their days as a "social media influencer" don't really matter. No matter how many of them live within a sq mile. There are alot of square miles in the US, and tiny out of touch "bubbles" aren't representing America. Stop "dreaming" and start looking at how the other half lives. The other half being a farmer's wife, who has to struggle because their child needs medicine after completing college but being bitten by deer ticks. Or the miner family who got black lung, only for big government to tell them rather than making coal mining safer, they intend to take away the profession. Or the logger who has green legislation passed against their job and not the kind abour renewing by replanting, but rhe stupid kind that makes them waste their efforts and not use the wood they cut.

Electoral college is a necessary part of US government, because numbers shouldn't matter, but what the average person living on most of the land feels.

Now if most of the land is city, then you got a point. But if that ever is the case pollution and starvation become real problems.

Sounds like a pain-in-the-ass using a pain-in-the-ass tool to do a pain-in-the-ass job to me.

Numbers DO count. You get nothing passed without the necessary votes.

Our nation IS a democracy...as well as a Republic. The two are not mutually exclusive.

About that lawnmower: Did I mention that it sounds like a pain-in-the-ass using a pain-in-the-ass tool to do a pain-in-the-ass job to me.

Wikipedia lists our government as Federal presidential constitutional republic. I imagine before Biden, you could nix the Federal part, as he's personally created pork bloat. You don't want pork bloat. Look what it did to this guy!


What this means is the numbers DON'T matter, because it's not us that vote on laws. It's the numbers of elite politicians in nice suits that vote on laws.

Here would be how a real democracy works. We do away with the president. We do awat with the electoral college. We have a legislative branch of lower house only, we have a judicial branch of about fifty judges, and they vote rather than deciding based on legal principles. And the executive branch? Every single law would be voted on by a bunch of people (about 300 million minus those who don't vote). Most people do not like taxes (except the elites who profit from them), so every single tax would be struck down. The economy would implode in six months, smaller roads would likely fall apart because Gotham cares nothing about Podunk, and we'd have a wreck of a country by the end of a year. You would have a government without a president or electoral college to blame, but you could blame the masses for every bad decision.

Yeah, it was a pain in the ass. Which is why after the thing shorted, we didn't fix and went back to gas. I hate the oeligras (TM) it leaves behind, and the stench it leaves on my clothes. But it's easier to push that the damned electric mower.

Tue 28 Jun, 2022 11:51 am
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 03:09 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

bulmabriefs144 wrote:

But numbers don't count.

The US was founded on curbing mob rule. It is republic not a democracy.

You cannot just strongarm your way into an election. It matters that rural America with plenty of land but low amount of people hates your guts.

And the problems of one little city don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.

Republican use regions to vote through electors. This is because it is unconscionable for a bunch of thugs out of touch with how most of the country lives to set policy.

If NYC decides that mining coal is common, and that we all ought to stop it, but this seizes up the entire state of West Virginia, that's a whole state of people that hates the guts of NYC. Likewise, is Washington DC says natural gas or oil are no good, and raises gas prices to the point where it's nearly double or even triple, that one little district may have alot of people working in it, but alot of states of people increasingly view them as tone deaf. This is whole tracts of land that have to mow their lawns without a constant electric connection and money to spend refitting everything with battery packs or coeds so they can feel woke or virtuo (which they care nothing about).
I years ago had an electric mower. It was a pain in the ass, as I was dragging about a cord in the hot sun. They did not have battery packs for any mower at the time. In fact, they flatly told me that it was inefficient, because you'd have to keep swapping packs. Now you could mine for loads of nickel (destroying beautiful portions of China or Maine), but you know, it's far easier to just put in a tap for oil than to clear cut land to dig for nickel.

Tracts of land matter, in the grand scheme of things, people who live in large tracts of land matter. Out of touch people who don't understand what it's like to sweat and grunt and scream to make their living, who spend their days as a "social media influencer" don't really matter. No matter how many of them live within a sq mile. There are alot of square miles in the US, and tiny out of touch "bubbles" aren't representing America. Stop "dreaming" and start looking at how the other half lives. The other half being a farmer's wife, who has to struggle because their child needs medicine after completing college but being bitten by deer ticks. Or the miner family who got black lung, only for big government to tell them rather than making coal mining safer, they intend to take away the profession. Or the logger who has green legislation passed against their job and not the kind abour renewing by replanting, but rhe stupid kind that makes them waste their efforts and not use the wood they cut.

Electoral college is a necessary part of US government, because numbers shouldn't matter, but what the average person living on most of the land feels.

Now if most of the land is city, then you got a point. But if that ever is the case pollution and starvation become real problems.

Sounds like a pain-in-the-ass using a pain-in-the-ass tool to do a pain-in-the-ass job to me.

Numbers DO count. You get nothing passed without the necessary votes.

Our nation IS a democracy...as well as a Republic. The two are not mutually exclusive.

About that lawnmower: Did I mention that it sounds like a pain-in-the-ass using a pain-in-the-ass tool to do a pain-in-the-ass job to me.

Wikipedia lists our government as Federal presidential constitutional republic. I imagine before Biden, you could nix the Federal part, as he's personally created pork bloat. You don't want pork bloat. Look what it did to this guy!


What this means is the numbers DON'T matter, because it's not us that vote on laws. It's the numbers of elite politicians in nice suits that vote on laws.

Here would be how a real democracy works. We do away with the president. We do awat with the electoral college. We have a legislative branch of lower house only, we have a judicial branch of about fifty judges, and they vote rather than deciding based on legal principles. And the executive branch? Every single law would be voted on by a bunch of people (about 300 million minus those who don't vote). Most people do not like taxes (except the elites who profit from them), so every single tax would be struck down. The economy would implode in six months, smaller roads would likely fall apart because Gotham cares nothing about Podunk, and we'd have a wreck of a country by the end of a year. You would have a government without a president or electoral college to blame, but you could blame the masses for every bad decision.

Yeah, it was a pain in the ass. Which is why after the thing shorted, we didn't fix and went back to gas. I hate the oeligras (TM) it leaves behind, and the stench it leaves on my clothes. But it's easier to push that the damned electric mower.

You are nuts, Bulma. Seek help.
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 06:02 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Sea kelp, sea kelp, that's all you say.

Well I got your sea kelp right here.

0 Replies
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 07:41 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Any liberal advocating for the end of the filibuster...is a goddam idiot. The filibuster is of much more value for the liberals in the Senate...than the conservatives. The conservatives, by virtue of the protocols established at the time of the Republic's founding, have a HUGE advantage in the composition of the Senate. (And, of course, the Electoral College.) The only possible salvation for the liberal perspective IS the filibuster. Without it, the conservative agenda will dominate proceedings there.

Advocating for the end of the filibuster is much like the moron, Trump, advocating for the end of the Electoral College, which he was doing early in his administration, until some of the Republicans got him to shut up.

Fact is, the moments the Republicans take back control of the Senate, they will probably do away with the filibuster on many more issues. Easiest way to end the filibuster on most items is to let the Republican take over. They will do it for the liberals!

Well stated Frank. Interesting we feel the same way on these issues.
Tue 28 Jun, 2022 08:04 pm
Sorry I had to collapse your post. I have a rule that people who quote Frank get that. I noticed as I was shutting you down you said you agree with Frank. No surprise there. You two are very much the same in lots of ways. Doesn't matter what you and he agreed on here, however, since I think you both are way out of your element discussing this stuff.
Frank Apisa
Wed 29 Jun, 2022 02:57 am
McGentrix wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

Any liberal advocating for the end of the filibuster...is a goddam idiot. The filibuster is of much more value for the liberals in the Senate...than the conservatives. The conservatives, by virtue of the protocols established at the time of the Republic's founding, have a HUGE advantage in the composition of the Senate. (And, of course, the Electoral College.) The only possible salvation for the liberal perspective IS the filibuster. Without it, the conservative agenda will dominate proceedings there.

Advocating for the end of the filibuster is much like the moron, Trump, advocating for the end of the Electoral College, which he was doing early in his administration, until some of the Republicans got him to shut up.

Fact is, the moments the Republicans take back control of the Senate, they will probably do away with the filibuster on many more issues. Easiest way to end the filibuster on most items is to let the Republican take over. They will do it for the liberals!

Well stated Frank. Interesting we feel the same way on these issues.

Thanks, Mc.

The Senate Dems realize that the Constitution gives small states (mostly red states) a huge advantage in that chamber...and that the filibuster helps to keep the Senate from overloading toward the right.

I offer my condolences for the loss of Edgar's interest. It must be devastating to have him collapse your post because you quoted me. How lucky you are that he managed to "notice" that you agreed with me before collapsing your comments. Wink
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 29 Jun, 2022 03:02 am
edgarblythe wrote:

Sorry I had to collapse your post. I have a rule that people who quote Frank get that. I noticed as I was shutting you down you said you agree with Frank. No surprise there. You two are very much the same in lots of ways. Doesn't matter what you and he agreed on here, however, since I think you both are way out of your element discussing this stuff.

You are not ignoring me, Edgar. You are very much not ignoring me. I'm happy to see you confirm that my Bulma comment got to you so completely. You made my day today. My smile on the golf course will be even wider than usual thinking about your post to McGentrix.

Don't bother to reply to me. I know you've read my comment here.

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