@Frank Apisa,
But numbers don't count.
The US was founded on curbing mob rule. It is republic not a democracy.
You cannot just strongarm your way into an election. It matters that rural America with plenty of land but low amount of people hates your guts.
And the problems of one little city don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.
Republican use regions to vote through electors. This is because it is unconscionable for a bunch of thugs out of touch with how most of the country lives to set policy.
If NYC decides that mining coal is common, and that we all ought to stop it, but this seizes up the entire state of West Virginia, that's a whole state of people that hates the guts of NYC. Likewise, is Washington DC says natural gas or oil are no good, and raises gas prices to the point where it's nearly double or even triple, that one little district may have alot of people working in it, but alot of states of people increasingly view them as tone deaf. This is whole tracts of land that have to mow their lawns without a constant electric connection and money to spend refitting everything with battery packs or coeds so they can feel woke or virtuo (which they care nothing about).
I years ago had an electric mower. It was a pain in the ass, as I was dragging about a cord in the hot sun. They did not have battery packs for any mower at the time. In fact, they flatly told me that it was inefficient, because you'd have to keep swapping packs. Now you could mine for loads of nickel (destroying beautiful portions of China or Maine), but you know, it's far easier to just put in a tap for oil than to clear cut land to dig for nickel.
Tracts of land matter, in the grand scheme of things, people who live in large tracts of land matter. Out of touch people who don't understand what it's like to sweat and grunt and scream to make their living, who spend their days as a "social media influencer" don't really matter. No matter how many of them live within a sq mile. There are alot of square miles in the US, and tiny out of touch "bubbles" aren't representing America. Stop "dreaming" and start looking at how the other half lives. The other half being a farmer's wife, who has to struggle because their child needs medicine after completing college but being bitten by deer ticks. Or the miner family who got black lung, only for big government to tell them rather than making coal mining safer, they intend to take away the profession. Or the logger who has green legislation passed against their job and not the kind abour renewing by replanting, but rhe stupid kind that makes them waste their efforts and not use the wood they cut.
Electoral college is a necessary part of US government, because numbers shouldn't matter, but what the average person living on most of the land feels.
Now if most of the land is city, then you got a point. But if that ever is the case pollution and starvation become real problems.