Noam Chomsky: "The U.S. is vigorously fanning the flames while Ukraine is asking it to tone down the rhetoric."
Biden Withdrawing Student Debt Appeal After Outcry
The Department of Education suddenly backs off its appeal 48 hours after The Daily Poster’s story went viral.
That bastard. Glad he got his hand caught in the cookie jar.
President Biden vowed to be the most “pro-union ever.”
Well, now’s the time to prove it. The working class does NOT need another anti-labor Justice actively fighting against their interests on the Supreme Court.
Joe Biden must not appoint J. Michelle Childs.
Biden appears to be making some positive moves in negotiations with Iran. Too soon to say how it will go.
The US government's strategy of solving every problem with giving rich people more money isn't working for the average citizen
Kind of like Margaret Thatcher said: Socialism is a great system till you run out of other people's money.
That isn't a direct quote, but good enough.
So it's better to continue to give it all to the rich and the military instead of spending it on those paying taxes?
Amnesty report on Israeli ‘apartheid’ garners bipartisan US fury
Advocates say despite Congressional leaders’ vehement opposition, ‘apartheid’ charge against Israel will not go away.
I hope somebody figures out how to disable those "dogs."

The longer this goes on the less inclined I am to believe that Biden intends to do the right thing.
Al Jazeera
Ukraine says don’t believe ‘apocalyptic predictions’ over Russia
Comments from Ukraine foreign minister come after American intelligence estimates saying Russian invasion could inflict 75,000 casualties.
It's not all doom and gloom. This from Truthout
The momentum behind a widely popular effort to ban stock trading by members of Congress is growing, with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly instructing fellow Democrats to unite behind a specific legislative proposal.
'Course they get enough in bribes they should continue to enrich themselves anyway. - eb
MooseTracks ❤Raised fist
Military industrial complex who brought Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, numbers of coups around the world wants you to believe Russia is a threat!!? Lmao
Lee Camp [Redacted]
$760 Million a day spent on prisons & police in the US. That's $31 Million EVERY HOUR.
We could easily use that to fund the switch to green energy, provide food/housing/clothes for all, give healthcare to all, or fix our collapsing infrastructure. ...Instead we lock people up.
Papa J
Problem is we're locking the wrong people up!