Tue 19 Jul, 2005 01:10 pm
I am bored this afternoon so I thought, what the hell.
So, which is it?
Mostly boxers, some boxer briefs.
Used to freeball, but for some reason don't anymore.
I can tell you're the type to wear big white cotton underwear, right?
Grannies for see, she passed away last year, and when I took her old underwear to the Charity Shop, they wouldnt give me any money for them, so..........
Boxers for sure... I hate feeling constricted.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Mostly boxers, some boxer briefs.
Used to freeball, but for some reason don't anymore.
I can tell you're the type to wear big white cotton underwear,
now why would you say that?
Actually, if you must know, I wear these.
there is no option for-
nothing. ;-)
only when it is a female necessity
I usually go 'comando' , ' free bird ' ,
When I'm not wearing my leather thong with silver studs, I go with boxers.
shewolfnm wrote:there is no option for-
nothing. ;-)
only when it is a female necessity
I usually go 'comando' , ' free bird ' ,
That's why I didn't poll. You just gotta tell me.
the only problem I have with not wearing underware, is -when i wear skirts!
i keep sliding off smooth surfaces...
I love not wearing any or wearing just a g-string when in a skirt. It feels so...naked and wonderful!
that it does!
Nice gentle air..
just feel sorry for the people around me if it is a
-not so fresh- day..
i am a g string diva!!! hubby wears the knit boxer briefs. i strongly recommend them, the hug the butt and package quite well...
knit boxer briefs?
what are those?
Thongs are hot.
Boxer briefs are great for stuffing as well. Sometimes I just roll up a few socks and...I mean boxer briefs are great for some guys I know, so I've heard, um, for stuffing.
you stuff????
Yeah right!
Everyone can tell, from my writing style alone, that I have a gargantuan dong.