@Frank Apisa,
Oh I will. I'll use that to laugh you off this thread.
I happen to know a brother who dealt with 4+ hours of security theater to get on a plane to go home. I know of two couples who had marital troubles as a result of lockdown. I know of a business who literally went out of business as a result of food stamps and early COVID panic meaning people took everything the store had. They couldn't buy everything so they folded up. I know from working at the food bank that food issues have turned from a monthly thing for just some people to a weekly thing for people who used to be gainfully employed. I know that people have had allergic reactions to the vaccines. So tell me again why this is important to be safe? Or at what point do you admit the cost is too high, that too many people's lives are screwed with? Oh right, never. Every country could go bankrupt, and you'd insist that until everyone is vaccined (even if they already got sick and have perfectly fine antibodies) that it is not enough. And what if they did? What if people all got it? You'd move the goalposts to people who didn't go along with the next step. "Oh you didn't get tracking chips on your forehead. You aren't flattening the curve." I showed earlier that they were having no new cases (or was it deaths?) in one of the areas they were ramping up restrictions. People looked at me with indifference and told me it wasn't about the numbers. Right. It's always been about control and irrationality of the blame game. If conservatives did
everything in their power, you'd just shift the goalposts, especially after something failed with whatever plan you thought worked (such as them not dying from the vaccine like you hoped). Because it is never your fault. It's always (in this order):
1. Trump and/or conservatives (whether or not they are vaccinated)
2. Racial injustice
3. Climate change
Conservatives are not perfect, but they believe in a God who says "If you say you have no sins, you deceive yourself, but if you confess your sins they are forgiven."
I also hold my compliments aside for Biden and his abandonment of Afghanistan, which resulted in the immediate takeover by Taliban. Then he blames Trump. I suppose you also have a "reasonable" explanation for his cowardice and abandonment of those we helped under Trump.
If you can tell me how it works that an Afghanistan where women are allowed to work and live without being under strict Sharia under Trump, suddenly collapsing when Biden pulls out, is Trump's fault then I guess you win. But I strongly suspect anything you say will be an excuse.