How big of an issue is Covid-19 in 2021?

Mon 26 Jul, 2021 04:57 am
Apparently you aren't watching the Tokyo Olympics. No fans are in the stands so you can hear the protestors outside. Several US athletes have already been sent home after testing positive. COVID is casting a long shadow over the Olympics.
Frank Apisa
Mon 26 Jul, 2021 05:09 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Let's put it this way.

This year, they are okay to have the Tokyo Olympics.

In a few months, it may be shown that "having" the Olympics may be one of the most disastrous things Japan has ever done.

Most people have shrugged this thing off like it never happened.

The only people shrugging "this thing off like in never happened"...are the morons who constitute the American far right. Others realize it has been a horrible event in human history...and realize that the fight against it is still being waged.
0 Replies
Mon 26 Jul, 2021 05:19 am
The level of willful denial on display in attitudes like those of bulmabriefs144 is the reason the infection rates are climbing again. Thanks anti-vaccers, thanks Fox News, thanks MAGAtards.
Thu 5 Aug, 2021 01:07 am
God, people like you are the problem.
I just went to a website that literally compared unvaccinated to German concentration camp executionees. Only, they said, they were choosing to kill themselves. Uhhhh no. Do you know what's in the average vaccine?

* Preservatives
* Formaldehyde
* Fetal calf serum
* Aluminum
* Thimerosal ( a mercury preservative)
* Egg protein (allergic? Well, **** you)

Bottom line? Poisons. Thanks, but I'll pass.

Let's explain how herd immunity works, since you probably got your explanation from wikipedia or CNN. When I stay at home, I develop pneumonia and bronchitis. Fluid fills my lungs, and I start coughing and sneezing. My father gets sick from all my carrying on. We get sick, for sure. Then we get exercise, good nutrition, and gradually get better. Our bodies develop their own antibodies. Now, with a vaccine, you use a borrowed antibody or even an "inactive" virus. As if there were any such thing. Antibodies that aren't yours are foreign substances. The body will eventually destroy such things as a potential pathogen (why you have to keep taking them). And a virus is a potentially dangerous, and potentially gene-altering thing to put in your body unquestioningly. And that's when it doesn't contain preservatives that give you mercury poisoning or inject you with mRNA to resequence your body's code.

So to answer that guy's question, no it's more like everyone who agreed or got pressured into a shot is the same as someone told to take a "shower" which was really a gas chamber.
In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene

Dude, read this.


We shrugged it off like it never happened, because outside the woke posturing media, it really did never happen. We were told about asymptomatic being one of the symptoms. Look closely at the TV shows you watch. They have one standard for us plebs, but the Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars or Jeopardy, they can just keep a little distance and no mask is needed. Masks, vaccines, and that other crap are for the proles. We movie stars and politicians don't have to follow the same laws. Except when we're posturing.

I don't take back any of my words. It isn't that bad. What is that bad is government. We have governors trying to push for vaccination passports. We have people literally pushing for bullying of those who refuse vaccination. We have sick medical disinformation campaigns that tell us to "follow the science" (What science? Read up on mask hypoxia or how mold develops inside moist hot areas where air is not allowed to escape. There is no science here) while proposing that we trust a billionaire programmer with not a single medical degree. Despite the fact that the CDC said masks don't work (the CDC likes to waffle though), and despite actual people getting more symptoms after being shot, people stupidly push for this crap. For the record, I never got sick with anything remotely resembling COVID. But I got preached to by those who claimed they lost a loved one to COVID. No, you didn't. You got conned by another "doctor" pushing what he was paid to say.

There is no delta variant. There is no novel Coronavirus. All Coronaviruses are common colds. It is recommended against to vaccinate a cold, because they don't work. (Picture goes off the page, rightclick View Image)


Coronaviruses have clearly defined symptoms, last 7-10 days, ignore antibiotics and vaccines to a large extent (but zinc may be effective). We know about colds. And yet we've decided to shut down our entire world based on the continued squawkings of folk like you. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" you say.

Sure it is. Now let's talk about the COVID suicides again. How cutting off children and young adults from meaningful social activities has basically made them insane, angry, or suicidally depressed. Guess what, I'm all three!
This is not the first time this was tried either. Harry Harlow's Pit of Despair had monkeys kept in extreme isolation until they basically broke psychologically within a few days. Yet this was cruelly kept up with no opposition for over a year.
And this didn't work. Not for leprosy, not for the Spanish Flu, not for anything.
With the benefit of hindsight, we know that innocent women executed (hanged) in Salem, Massachusetts, were persecuted — they suffered an appalling fate. But at the time, the whole of society “went along” with the narrative that they had supernatural powers, could harm enemies at whim and insidiously, and therefore needed to be destroyed for the “safety of the community.”

Or how about business owners who get sued over this?

Now shut up, and let people get back to their lives. It's not serious, and we should not have taken it seriously to start with. We let our governors tell us that our bodies are no longer ours for long enough.

Lemme show you something, if you still think COVID is real. Fairfax City near us has 78,000 cases of COVID. They have only 24,000 people, as of last year.


You want to explain how roughly 300% of the population is supposedly sick with COVID?

Lastly, let me end with this. Today, my nephew came by. The kids have a horrible junk food diet, and are rightly constipated. Rather than give them fruits and veggies, or you know, prunes, their "doctor" advised to give them stool softeners and Gatorade until their poop is fluid and clear. This is precisely the sort of deranged "medicine" that I am witnessing here.
Stop it! Coronavirus is a variant of cold. Give it the exact same medicine you give your regular colds, get back to life and living, and stop telling the rest of us to exist by "staying safe" instead of living. If you want to wear a mask the rest of your life, go right ahead, but leave everyone else out of your fearmongering.

I know I said one last thing, but here is one last thing.
1. If vaccines are effective, why are the vaccinated still wearing masks?
2. If masks are effective, why are vaccines needed?
3. We wear socks on our feet, and routinely get sweaty feet that grow bacteria. Why then, do we expect masks will keep us safe?
4. If either are effective, why can't you mind your own business? You are protected, right? So what makes you think I make any difference?
5. And how can you think vaccines help at all, when if they don't work, they just excuse their failure by saying there is "a new strain"?
6. If there are new strains, the simple fact is that all that bullshit you went through for a vaccine, you'll go through again and again. Why don't you believe people when they say that the government will never leave you alone?
7. How is it Fox News' fault? They poked holes in a narrative that said that it was bats in a market, when this is something that Fauci has conflict of interest in. How is it my fault? I dutifully stayed indoors. I've had enough of it, and I've had enough of people like you trying to keep my small town a prisoner in their own houses. How is it MAGA's fault? Oh right, “We are trying to save lives, so anyone who disagrees with us is a killer.” Thank to people going outside, numbers of people having normal lives are going up.
8. Why are you believing in numbers on a page? Any idiot can create numbers. Here.


Ye gods, the numbers are going up! What were those numbers? Nothing, I made them up by typing. Anyone who believes in such numbers is either hoping to fool someone else, or needs to get their head examined.

If you cannot answer these questions, then mind your own business.

0 Replies
Thu 5 Aug, 2021 03:07 am
it will be for a long time, the virus mutates very quickly
Thu 5 Aug, 2021 08:23 am
Or a very short time.

The Spanish Flu killed alot of people , but it was mostly a legitimate flu. But people rightly refused to be coerced into wearing masks. They tried hard punishments such as arrests and fines. But some people couldn't wear the things, and others refused to wear them. The reason Spanish Flu killed so many, had alot to do with bacterial pneumonia from masks. It also had alot to do with generally poor health as a result of being on trenches. And unlike most flus, it targeted the young (COVID does not, the age for the majority of victims is 74+).

So, coercion of people with fines and jail time didn't work back then, but today we use pervasive media ads to ramp up hysteria, heavy psychology (on par with Salem Witch Hunts), and claims that you doom everyone if you go one day without a mask, and that you are doing something medically irresponsible by not injecting yourself with some substance that people haven't given you a full list of potential side-effects. Do it or be shamed by everyone you meet.

Stop listening to the news for a second. Not the media statistics, not the "fact checkers", not the alarmists. Go outside, and look around. Nobody is getting sick. Nobody. Not a sneeze, not a cough, no symptoms. Stop listening to "health professionals" and tell me what you see and hear. There's an eerie sort of silence. I'll tell you what I've seen. Masks and sign on doors. This is the only indication at all that anything has happened, and yes when we turn off the propaganda machines, the narrative suddenly falls apart. I see children being abused instead. They are practically at no risk, but they are forced to mask up by schools and parents. I see state and federal parks outdoors putting up signs to mask up and keep populations to groups of 5 or less (uhhhhh it's outdoors, in a wide open space? How contagious do you think this is?) and I see smsll stores driven out of business while workers take sick days and stop working entirely, claiming the plague. Actually, paying people to be unemployed will definitely keep some from working. And forcing people to abide by senseless restrictions will shoo away the rest. Nice job, btw.
Supposedly, people finally going outside has raised the numbers, blah blah blah. Yeah, those numbers are just numbers. I have seen with my own eyes, no new people get sick. But alot of people look happier than they have been in years. They are going outside again because they feel safe.

This can go on for years and year as we keep adjusting our lives for variants. Or you can recognize that these same shadow groups that have increased government tax intervention, global organizations, and control in general have literally been on the record saying that they want people to practice these restrictions FOREVER.
Let this sink in. It won't end until you help end it. But it will end very quickly when we stop giving a damn about variants and realize that death from disease can't be 100% prevented, and the cost of trying is too great on society. It's the 80/20 principle. In any endeavor, 80% of effort id for that last 20%. People misunderstand this to think you should spend that effort. No. That's cost ineffective, and often creates backlash. Some people won't take vaxxes. Get a grip and deal with it. Some people would not wear masks either. But if they really protected you, you shouldn't concern yourself with them.

0 Replies
Thu 5 Aug, 2021 09:33 am
As a curiosity, I looked up bulmabriefs144 on Google and I found they are engaged in some heated conspiracy theorist discussions on Reddit. And their account existed before Covid so they were always prone to conspiracy theories.

Apparently, they believe is some weird conspiracy theory about Band-Aids and how they don't actually work.

It is best to ignore them and move along.
Thu 5 Aug, 2021 08:34 pm
Yes, so?

Band-Aids were developed because someone needed something that was like a bandage but would stay in place. But honestly, people behave as though it's some sort of magical treatment.

At that time a bandage consisted of separate gauze and adhesive tape that you would cut to size and apply yourself, but Earle Dickson noticed that gauze and adhesive tape she used would soon fall off her active fingers, and he decided to invent something that would stay in place and protect small wounds better.

And yes, it is sterile. However, the Band-Aid has two fundamental flaws. First, it often does not allow skin to breathe (the cloth Band-Aids are better in this regard, toss the plastic ones). Skin does need to breathe, wearing tight clothing can cause compartment syndrome (the tighter the bandage, the more likely it is to stop circulation which can even create gangrene) and in general it causes the body to sweat more. Sweat is a good medium for bacteria (also why I disapprove of masks).
What this means is that there is a build-up of pressure within the soft tissues of the legs involving the tissue planes between the muscles, tendons and ligaments which are then compressed against the rather harder bones. The soft tissues suffer a catastrophic stoppage of their blood supply as the rising tension within those structures cuts off their blood supply. Without emergency surgical relief, gangrene and even death could be the result.

The other problem commonly associated with tight clothing is that their close contact with the skin makes one sweat more. Such sweating ultimately proves to be a rich medium for bacteria to thrive in and grow to levels where they are able to damage the skin and cause a host of skin infections.

Second, the adhesive is on both sides. This means when faced with a real cut (say a long slash across your leg), a Band-Aid actually holds the wound open because of the adhesive.

How do I know this? Because I work in small-scale agriculture, and routinely get gashes, splinters, and cuts. I have actually observed my own wounds as they heal. I know from experience what works:
* Does a Band-Aid work for a splinter? No. The pressure on top actually drives the splinter further in. Hard pass. Remove the splinter.
* If I jammed a hard nail into my leg to make a gash (because I am insane), would I put a Band-Aid on it? No. Again, adhesive holding both sides, particularly if it stretches too far. Wash the wound, loosely put a bit of absorbent material on it until it stops bleeding, then some loose bandaging to keep it from getting dirty by still leave it able to breathe. If it begins to sweat, remove it. You don't want bacteria breeding.
* What about if my leg got slashed up? See the second remedy. But you will read this out of context and say "See? They're crazy. They don't trust Band-Aids."

So what is a Band-Aid good for?
1. Cuts that are in an area that gets a lot of motion such as wrist, heel, or elbow.
2. Making little kids feel better.

"Ignore the person over there" because we don't actually have an answer to their questions. I will give you another question. Has medicine actually ever cured a disease?

The answer is no. You can have your symptoms removed by removing the organ (remove enough of these, and the body is no more). You can have a number of life-saving treatments. But medicine is inherently designed as a business. The point is to keep you sick. So, will they get past this disease?

Not as long as people trust doctors. As long as you trust doctors (who see you as a cash cow) to cure you, you will never have a cure. You will have a nanny state. Your own body and the plants given by nature are the best cures around.
Thu 5 Aug, 2021 10:18 pm
Well, at least you confirmed that the Reddit account I found is indeed you.
0 Replies
Fri 6 Aug, 2021 01:12 am
really, weird idea
0 Replies
Fri 6 Aug, 2021 09:20 am
Of course it's me. Why wouldn't it be?

It's only weird because you guys don't read things, and you don't question what you are told.

So here.
Don't read this either. Despite a sizable portion being vaccinated (it's San Francisco, of course they bought the narrative, there's no conservatives in San Fran), and despite new deaths literally equalling zero, it's closed up again.

This isn't about the numbers at all. This is about a self-perpetuating fear loop.

Suppose I made up a disease, generically called The Plague.

I tell you that it spreads by kissing and hugging. Nobody can kiss anyone else. For the rest of their lives, not family, not lovers, nothing. I do this because I hate public displays of affection. So whenever I see people smooching, I loudly declare "numbers are up." Now do you really want to give up all intimacy because it upsets me? Or at what point do you tell me to mind my own business, and let you give your dearest some deep kissing and a big hug?
Fri 6 Aug, 2021 10:07 am
...and despite new deaths literally equalling zero...

The number of fatalities isn't the sole concern of public health officials. As long as people are catching the virus and spreading it to others, people will continue to sicken and new, possibly more virulent, variations will occur. Having large numbers of sick people is not a good thing, even if the infections aren't always lethal. Illness raises inefficiencies in our economy, especially when there are already many open job positions which remain unfilled.
Sat 7 Aug, 2021 07:12 am
Yes, you are correct. Numbers aren't the true concern.

Doctors are primarily concerned with Playing God. After that, they want to be praised and fawned over for their medical achievements. And after that, they don't want to be ostracized by the medical board for doing something unpopular. And then getting money and customers. Doctors are called heroes by some of us. But I know that their are not only fallible, but the most spiritually flawed people on the planet. What do I do? I help people with their computer. If I can't help, I find them someobe who can. I don't wreck their computer because of pride.
But I spent much of my childhood being tested for seizures. It later turned out that the seizure medicine, the probes, the prodding, the sleep studies were wholly unnecessary are Rolandic Seizures are outgrown by adulthood typically without medicine. In fact, much of the medicine is toxic, if we watch First Do No Harm movie and its depiction of other seizures. Other seizures can be put to rest through a ketogenic diet for a few years. But neither I was told that my condition was temporary, nor these people were told that there was a drug free approach. Again, I was told that I had ADD. The drugs gave me stomach cramps and I couldn't pay attention in math. At 18, I tossed them in the trash after a bad relationship convinced me that these drugs were making me deadpan and weird, messing with my brain's chemistry. Later, I realized that there are a number of psychological reasons why I might be extremely distracted, and ADD is overdiagnosed. I eventually learned the term "medically unnecessary" .

I am a child of the 80s. I remember seeing signs everywhere about "...At Your Own Risk." That is, if you do something dumb, you do not get to legally complain unless there was a failure of the product itself . That is, if you go to a roller skate rink, you can't complaib about falling (because you were warned ir might happen) but you might be able to sue if they didn't maintain the floor, and termites ate it, and you fall to your doom (well your family would sue, anyway). But then came this bullcrap of people riding in craps with hot coffee between theie legs and allergy warning on everything, and crazy lawsuits for irresponsible people.At about this point (gotta go, nvm)

Anyway the point is, you could easily tell people thar they take full risk and cannot sue if they get sick from failing to wear a mask. Instead, we have a nanny state. **** that!
Frank Apisa
Sat 7 Aug, 2021 07:33 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yes, you are correct. Numbers aren't the true concern.

Doctors are primarily concerned with Playing God. After that, they want to be praised and fawned over for their medical achievements. And after that, they don't want to be ostracized by the medical board for doing something unpopular. And then getting money and customers. Doctors are called heroes by some of us. But I know that their are not only fallible, but the most spiritually flawed people on the planet. What do I do? I help people with their computer. If I can't help, I find them someobe who can. I don't wreck their computer because of pride.
But I spent much of my childhood being tested for seizures. It later turned out that the seizure medicine, the probes, the prodding, the sleep studies were wholly unnecessary are Rolandic Seizures are outgrown by adulthood typically without medicine. In fact, much of the medicine is toxic, if we watch First Do No Harm movie and its depiction of other seizures. Other seizures can be put to rest through a ketogenic diet for a few years. But neither I was told that my condition was temporary, nor these people were told that there was a drug free approach. Again, I was told that I had ADD. The drugs gave me stomach cramps and I couldn't pay attention in math. At 18, I tossed them in the trash after a bad relationship convinced me that these drugs were making me deadpan and weird, messing with my brain's chemistry. Later, I realized that there are a number of psychological reasons why I might be extremely distracted, and ADD is overdiagnosed. I eventually learned the term "medically unnecessary" .

I am a child of the 80s. I remember seeing signs everywhere about "...At Your Own Risk." That is, if you do something dumb, you do not get to legally complain unless there was a failure of the product itself . That is, if you go to a roller skate rink, you can't complaib about falling (because you were warned ir might happen) but you might be able to sue if they didn't maintain the floor, and termites ate it, and you fall to your doom (well your family would sue, anyway). But then came this bullcrap of people riding in craps with hot coffee between theie legs and allergy warning on everything, and crazy lawsuits for irresponsible people.At about this point (gotta go, nvm)

Anyway the point is, you could easily tell people thar they take full risk and cannot sue if they get sick from failing to wear a mask. Instead, we have a nanny state. **** that!

I am a child of the 1930's and 1940's, youngster, and I think your attitude is appalling.

Doctors (physicians) do what doctors do. Some are better than others...like some plumbers, mechanics, actors, politicians, teachers, etc...are better than others. They are not gods...they are humans, with human resources, successes, and failures.

As for doctors being "the most spiritually flawed people on the planet"...I disagree totally. By far the most spiritually flawed people on the planet are the ones who blindly guess there are gods and then blindly guess about what pleases and offends the gods they blindly guess exist...and then judge their fellow humans using their guessed about standards.

Those people are hopelessly flawed spiritually .
Sat 7 Aug, 2021 08:28 am
Honestly, this conversation reminds me of the book Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche.

To sum it up, Western definitions of medical conditions have influenced the rest of the world and possibly introduced certain conditions to other countries, like anorexia in China during the 1990s and PTSD in Sri Lanka in the 2000s.
To quote the book, "The idea that people from different cultures might have fundamentally different psychological reactions to a traumatic event is hard for Americans to grasp."

That said, it would seem that your personal experience with doctors have negatively affected your view of the entire medical community which seems unfair.
Sat 7 Aug, 2021 08:41 am
(Not responding to myself, this is follow-up because the post timed out while I was AFK)

God, the kindle autotype. Riding in *cars.

The point is, if you're afraid, I would definitely tell you that you are welcome to avoid risk. But at some point, life is At Your Own Risk. If you want to "be safe" your entire life, you will find that life is really more like a padded room than the messy scary thing that is.

Here's a laxative to flush out that Knowledge of Good and Evil, since you obviously don't want to make your own decisions and take the risks of life. In the mean time, don't begrudge others for wanting to live their lives, miserable or not. I don't have much of a life (barely a job, no gf, etc) but I won't let other people dictate it. Life has risks.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Aug, 2021 08:52 am
Yes, Americans have a sort of myopia. I especially notice this when I ask people "How would you feel if this happened to you." They literally are incapable of empathy or sympathy ( get the two mixed up).

Fair or not, the final straw came when I had nervous itching as a result of college interviews, and the doctirs chexking me couldn't even figure this out. This combined with a sense that doctors are basically paid shills for a globalist lockdown agenda, and I basically spend enormous effort trying to oppose what I see as pharmaceutical hysteria. Only to repeatedly run into people incapable of understanding that business owners have lost their businesses, and teenagers that used to have friends and places to hang out are now told to stay inside and watch anime or something. As an introvert, this is fine for me. But extroverts usually self-destruct, up to actually considering suicide.

My grandma had a similar approach to medicine, after doctors tried surgery on her stiff neck and made it hurt worse. I also had an uncle who was a herbalism and whole foods nut, so my famuly wasn't ever among those who would cheer for the "health heroes." We'd see them as villains.

I do have a nurse brother-in-law, who is a pretty good guy. But I see how sheltered and deprived my nephews have become as a result of being fearful for their health. I'd like to see those kids happy, not just "safe."
0 Replies
Sat 7 Aug, 2021 09:12 am
Figures, I’ve lost count of the times Americans have asked me if something was a British version of something American.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Aug, 2021 07:37 pm
@Frank Apisa,
"I am a child of the 1930's and 1940's, youngster, and I think your attitude is appalling."

So you're basically another duped old person who got taken in by the mystique of the clean white outfits of doctors and nurses, and thought these people are better than the general population because they've had more training.


Compare this to another outfit...


This is an incredibly simple-minded mindset here, and no, I don't care how old you are. Just because someone has fancy robes, doesn't make them important.

Appeal to age is just as empty a philosophical premise as appeal to authority("experts").

Suppose we live in an alternate reality where bodily humours and using bleeding were still taught. Today's medical doctors would take 4 years for bachelor's, 4 for medical school, ~3 years for residency, 1-2 years for fellowship before getting a practice... and they'd still believe in blood humours and bleeding. Wrong teaching is still wrong teaching, no matter how many fancy degrees you have.

Today's universities, for example, seem to emphasize wokeness, and downplay logic and the ability to question ideas. For example, there is some funny math going on to push the "Florida is dangerous" COVID narrative . But my dad checked the numbers and they didn't add up. So did I, though I'm not sure that I found his numbers. In fact, I put together another spliced together picture.


(The picture goes off the page)

As you can see, July 19 or 20th week is 5 times itself on two different websites. This tells me that the numbers are published to create shock, and are not actually real. The numbers also show everyone but the North as super-red, emphasizing the narrative that if you follow along with these policies like NY and Connecticut, you have slightly lower mortality. So ruinous isolation, literally almost closing your state, and it's not that much better? And the loony Bernie state of Vermont apparently has very few cases (right). And Florida individually has double the number (or ten times the number) of the entire rest of the US from like a month ago just in new cases. And it has 1/4 of total new cases, when there are 49 other states. And the total number of cases is 1/10 of the total population (35 million of 300 million), yet I have noticed very few people with ANY symptoms.

(Btw, the number of deaths by this estimate is 0.2% or 2/1000 of the total population, even after fudging it by making it cumulative. And that 2/1000 cumulative, which is well less in new deaths (since it is spread throughout two years), is further clarified as only 6/100 by CDC's own account (until "fact checkers" declare plain English to be false) from that which actually die of COVID. Why are we worried about this? This was literally data that I took from screenshots so sorry "fake news" people, you're fake news)

Btw, a person in the US is born every eight seconds.
(Using the Fermi method this (60 seconds per min/8 seconds each birth) x (60 minutes/hour) x (24 hour/day) or roughly 10800 people a day. For the entire supposed deaths over two years to make, to reverse would take 55 days, or a mere 7 weeks)

The only way COVID would ever make a dent in population is if ummm people stay far away from each other and stop having sex. In other words, the 6 ft rule would actually PREVENT population replacement.
Frank Apisa
Tue 10 Aug, 2021 02:50 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

"I am a child of the 1930's and 1940's, youngster, and I think your attitude is appalling."

So you're basically another duped old person who got taken in by the mystique of the clean white outfits of doctors and nurses, and thought these people are better than the general population because they've had more training.
d mindset here, and no, I don't care how old you are. Just because someone has fancy robes, doesn't make them important.

Appeal to age is just as empty a philosophical premise as...

My comment about being a child of he 30's and 40's was not an appeal to age, moron. It was a retort to your comment about you being a child of the 80's.

If you want to think that Trump or you are smarter than the people doing research on the Covid 19...knock yourself out.

Frankly, I think you and your supposed stats are a joke...and if there are any fools in our midst, they are the people fighting rules designed to help keep the population safer because that ignorant savage, Trump, sees political advantage in taking advantage of the ignoramuses of the American right.

Trump was correct when he supposed the Republicans were stupid enough to support him. They were...and still are.

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