God, people like you are the problem.
I just went to a website that literally compared unvaccinated to German concentration camp executionees. Only, they said, they were choosing to kill themselves. Uhhhh no. Do you know what's in the average vaccine?
* Preservatives
* Formaldehyde
* Fetal calf serum
* Aluminum
* Thimerosal ( a mercury preservative)
* Egg protein (allergic? Well, **** you)
Bottom line? Poisons. Thanks, but I'll pass.
Let's explain how herd immunity works, since you probably got your explanation from wikipedia or CNN. When I stay at home, I develop pneumonia and bronchitis. Fluid fills my lungs, and I start coughing and sneezing. My father gets sick from all my carrying on. We get sick, for sure. Then we get exercise, good nutrition, and gradually get better. Our bodies develop their own antibodies. Now, with a vaccine, you use a borrowed antibody or even an "inactive" virus. As if there were any such thing. Antibodies that aren't yours are foreign substances. The body will eventually destroy such things as a potential pathogen (why you have to keep taking them). And a virus is a potentially dangerous, and potentially gene-altering thing to put in your body unquestioningly. And that's when it doesn't contain preservatives that give you mercury poisoning or inject you with mRNA to resequence your body's code.
So to answer that guy's question, no it's more like everyone who agreed or got pressured into a shot is the same as someone told to take a "shower" which was really a gas chamber.
In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene
Dude, read this.
We shrugged it off like it never happened, because outside the woke posturing media, it really did never happen. We were told about asymptomatic being one of the symptoms. Look closely at the TV shows you watch. They have one standard for us plebs, but the Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars or Jeopardy, they can just keep a little distance and no mask is needed. Masks, vaccines, and that other crap are for the proles. We movie stars and politicians don't have to follow the same laws. Except when we're posturing.
I don't take back any of my words. It isn't that bad. What is that bad is government. We have governors trying to push for vaccination passports.
We have people literally pushing for bullying of those who refuse vaccination. We have sick medical disinformation campaigns that tell us to "follow the science" (What science? Read up on mask hypoxia or how mold develops inside moist hot areas where air is not allowed to escape. There is no science here) while proposing that we trust a billionaire programmer with not a single medical degree. Despite the fact that the CDC said masks don't work (the CDC likes to waffle though), and despite actual people getting more symptoms after being shot, people stupidly push for this crap. For the record, I never got sick with anything remotely resembling COVID. But I got preached to by those who claimed they lost a loved one to COVID. No, you didn't. You got conned by another "doctor" pushing what he was paid to say.
There is no delta variant. There is no novel Coronavirus. All Coronaviruses are common colds. It is recommended against to vaccinate a cold, because they don't work. (Picture goes off the page, rightclick View Image)
Coronaviruses have clearly defined symptoms, last 7-10 days, ignore antibiotics and vaccines to a large extent (but zinc may be effective). We know about colds. And yet we've decided to shut down our entire world based on the continued squawkings of folk like you. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" you say.
Sure it is. Now let's talk about the COVID suicides again. How cutting off children and young adults from meaningful social activities has basically made them insane, angry, or suicidally depressed. Guess what, I'm all three!
This is not the first time this was tried either. Harry Harlow's Pit of Despair had monkeys kept in extreme isolation until they basically broke psychologically
within a few days. Yet this was cruelly kept up with no opposition for over a year.
And this didn't work. Not for leprosy, not for the Spanish Flu, not for anything.
Quote:With the benefit of hindsight, we know that innocent women executed (hanged) in Salem, Massachusetts, were persecuted — they suffered an appalling fate. But at the time, the whole of society “went along” with the narrative that they had supernatural powers, could harm enemies at whim and insidiously, and therefore needed to be destroyed for the “safety of the community.”
Or how about business owners who get sued over this?
shut up, and let people get back to their lives. It's not serious, and we should not have taken it seriously to start with. We let our governors tell us that our bodies are no longer ours for long enough.
Lemme show you something, if you still think COVID is real. Fairfax City near us has 78,000 cases of COVID. They have only 24,000 people, as of last year.
You want to explain how roughly 300% of the population is supposedly sick with COVID?
Lastly, let me end with this. Today, my nephew came by. The kids have a horrible junk food diet, and are rightly constipated. Rather than give them fruits and veggies, or you know, prunes, their "doctor" advised to give them stool softeners and Gatorade until their poop is fluid and clear. This is precisely the sort of deranged "medicine" that I am witnessing here.
Stop it! Coronavirus is a variant of cold. Give it the exact same medicine you give your regular colds, get back to life and living, and stop telling the rest of us to exist by "staying safe" instead of living. If you want to wear a mask the rest of your life, go right ahead, but leave everyone else out of your fearmongering.
I know I said one last thing, but here is one last thing.
1. If vaccines are effective, why are the vaccinated still wearing masks?
2. If masks are effective, why are vaccines needed?
3. We wear socks on our feet, and routinely get sweaty feet that grow bacteria. Why then, do we expect masks will keep us safe?
4. If either are effective, why can't you mind your own business? You are protected, right? So what makes you think I make any difference?
5. And how can you think vaccines help at all, when if they don't work, they just excuse their failure by saying there is "a new strain"?
6. If there are new strains, the simple fact is that all that bullshit you went through for a vaccine, you'll go through again and again. Why don't you believe people when they say that the government will never leave you alone?
7. How is it Fox News' fault? They poked holes in a narrative that said that it was bats in a market, when this is something that Fauci has conflict of interest in. How is it my fault? I dutifully stayed indoors. I've had enough of it, and I've had enough of people like you trying to keep my small town a prisoner in their own houses. How is it MAGA's fault? Oh right, “We are trying to save lives, so anyone who disagrees with us is a killer.” Thank to people going outside,
numbers of people having normal lives are going up.
8. Why are you believing in numbers on a page? Any idiot can create numbers. Here.
Ye gods, the numbers are going up! What were those numbers? Nothing, I made them up by typing. Anyone who believes in such numbers is either hoping to fool someone else, or needs to get their head examined.
If you cannot answer these questions, then mind your own business.