There should beoom in anyone's naturalized garden for some
tulipa urumiensis.
(click on photo for another, and closer, view)
The story of this little jewel can be found at
lake Urumiya's Dwarf Botanical Tulip

Nekochan checking out the scene at the birdbath.
Says Nekochan:
It's not what you think this looks like: The shade here's cool, and hey, you never know when there may be a need for a lifeguard.
Darn, that was a disappointment-- when I saw that Gus had posted here I thought for sure he'd put up a pic of the swamp, that's why I stopped by...
Your garden looks lovely, though, Neko!
Here you go CyperCat - this is a picture of Gus' hosta garden complete with a "scarecrow" to keep away the deer:
Green Witch wrote:Here you go CyperCat - this is a picture of Gus' hosta garden complete with a "scarecrow" to keep away the deer:

Is that some of your work, Greenwitch?
I understand why you pursued such a vocation. That really is some beautiful work.
What, may I ask, is your phone number? I may be interested in hiring you.
Green witch and Gus, you big sillies...
That white building on the left is where my capybaras reside. I was just outside sleeping in my hammock and their scuffling noises woke me up.
Hey... that really does seem to be a different angle.
Does that mean you're serious?
Hostas... hmmm... could be!
(Really lovely, if so!) (Even with the hostas!)
I considered pulling a few hostas, just to keep Greenwitch happy, but.... what the hell.
Nice pruning...
well, the rest of it is lovely too, but that caught my eye first.
Oh, thanks, osso. I forgot I had pruned those sparkler crabs. I did that about a month ago, on a night that I was bored. It was an easy job because I wasn't that high up in the air and I could easily lean against a branch, beer in one hand, and pruner in the other, and clip away at a leisurely pace.
If I remember correctly, I only fell out of the tree twice.
Well, that's a more north-eastern garden, and it would be the very
first time that gustav posts anything private. I don't think so....
You would be wrong, Jane. On both counts.
I'd like to be wrong, gustav.
I made all the birdhouses in the photos, and rebuilt the old railroad station bench in the background, but I can not take credit for creating the metal chicken. It was a gift.
(And not the park bench, but the bench to the left)