Orchids are finicky about temperature, light and humidity. I keep the dish below filled with water -- the best way is to sit the pot on a bed of rocks in the dish and keep it filled with water to keep humidity around the root structure. Of course, in Cocoa Beach... Another is to give them Northern exposure although some like morning sun. Never cut off the stem after blooming until it turns brown (it will often fall off by itself). The same greenhouse I mentioned sells Catalayas and other species for around $15.00 to $20.00. I had bought a bamboo palm a few years ago there and it's still a beautiful, healthy plant.
Thank you for the tips! I would like to start growing Orchids again, they are so beautiful!
Wish I'd known you were so well informed about them, I would still have the one that got away:)
My brother raises Bonsai Trees, talk about beauty!
I must have exactly the right climate for orchids. All of my orchids are in my Ohia trees. I tie the orchids to my trees, pack a little hapu'u loosely around the root structure and forget them. Maybe spray the root area with orchid food once a month and my guys put on a real show. I have bamboo orchids and a lovely little purple orchid from the Phillipines that grow wild in the woods around my house.
Friend of mine owns an orchid farm and I really have learned a lot from her.
A drift of our native Canada Anemone
A. canadensis up front. This photo is now my current desktop wallpaper.
Anybody know the name of this flower? It's not in my garden. c.i.
This week it's peonies at neko nomad's:
Native pasture rose
R. carolina as part of privacy border.
Lovely, neko, that rose is a beauty. CI, I can't see that flower very well....
Neko, are you using a digital camera? If so, what make/model?
CI. I don't know it but Sue, my business partner would probably just say, oh, it's a....
but I haven't signed up for A2k at work, too dangerous when I am there on Saturdays, a day that says Play from the start.
We'll see, but it'll be a few days. Our turkey is going into the Computer Fixit place for a day or two's rest, having behaved very badly for a day and a half.
Luckily it is a free rest, as we bought Turkey from them.
Maple: Camera used: Canon Powershot S30. Amazon.com gives a good general description at :
Osso: I find the modest beauty of this wild rose particularly endearing. Its fragrance is deliciously sweet. Curiously,although this bush sends out clusters of seven or eight flower buds, only one blooms at a time and lasts only a couple of days. It's not a single bush, but a hummock of several slender sucker-like stems growing from a single root system. A retaining wall keeps it from being a problem next door.
Can any orchid afficianado help me identify this? c.i.
The lilies are starting to bloom here. Here is a shot of an old favorite,the white martagon lily
L. martagon "alba". Last year I pollinated a yellow turk's cap cultivar from this one, and the seedlings are about a foot tall now,showing promise of growing to blooming size next year. These blossoms are only two to three inches across.
cicerone imposter wrote:Can any orchid afficianado help me identify this? c.i.

Photo is a little too fuzzie for me to see much of it very clearly. Is there another source for the photo I can look at?
ossobuco wrote:lovely lilies....
Yes, couldn't agree more, neko .... They are beautiful.
You must be an expert gardener!
ButrFly, Can you see it now? I cropped it to show the flowers with a little more detail. c.i.
Guard of the garden -- Nekochan
Hey Cic, it helps us to see the leaves. The flowers don't much look like orchids to me. How about you post a full sized pic to my website and link the pic here to that?
littlek, Where's your pic website? c.i.