Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 02:00 pm
Obama held that Blame Black Men photo op.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 02:14 pm
She's confused.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 02:32 pm
She's grasping at straws.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 04:43 pm
hightor wrote:

I gave up on white men a long time ago. If white men had a voting record half as good as the men in the black community the defection of young black and hispanic men would be concerning but not frightening. I've spewed anti-MAGA vitriol for the past nine years; MAGA is overwhelmingly white, as are the Proud Boys, the Oathkeepers, and every other crypto-fascist boys club. It just worries me to see young black men getting drawn into this septic vortex, even if it's only a small percentage.

Yeah, it seems to worry a LOT of white men. You'll forgive me if that just strikes me as weird AF. ESPECIALLY when you just forego expressing any similar angst about the tens of millions of (young and old) white men and say that you "gave up" on them. I mean, really? They, more than anyone else, should be subject to constant, blistering scrutiny by all you civically concerned white people. They, more than anyone else, should have to provide reasons for supporting the destruction of our country. It's going to take white people to solve the white man driven MAGA problem.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 05:41 pm
Anti-Zionist beliefs ‘worthy of respect’, UK tribunal finds
Judges say unfairly dismissed academic David Miller’s views on Israel should be protected by antidiscrimination laws

That's a good piece I hadn't seen. Thanks!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 05:43 pm
It's going to take white people to solve the white man driven MAGA problem.

That's exactly the same kind of buck-passing sentiment as you are critiquing.

You don't change people by thinking they need to change.

You present a better alternative, and make it the "new normal".

That literally means, the onus is on everyone, including the corporate-owned media.

If they don't tow the line, then create a better alternative to their media.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 05:49 pm
Oh FFS everywhere on the planet, there is a substantial non-Jewish population. This "verdict" essentially tells us that we can't have a homeland anywhere.

I don't think that's true, Jes. It's not as if Zionism has only one singular definition or interpretation among Jews (in Israel or elsewhere) nor a single absolute description/moral and ethical agreement that whatever Israeli governments get up to in order to preserve Israel is defensible.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 05:55 pm
Not saying that.

It's that the judge rather specifically states that the issue is problematic because Israel is in the midst of places that have few Jews.

Well, Earth to that judge: there are only three countries where Jews are more than 1% of the population.

The statement is creating a prerequisite that is impossible to fulfill.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 06:20 pm
It's going to take white people to solve the white man driven MAGA problem.

Would you be opposed to black political analysts delving into why white men (or white women) vote for Trump? That wouldn't bother me at all so long as the scholarship is good. It wouldn't even be notable.

And as regards works of political science studying exactly that question, just do a google search for books written/published on whites voting for authoritarian
parties/leaders you'll find hundreds or thousands mostly written by white political scientists.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 06:48 pm
blatham wrote:

It's going to take white people to solve the white man driven MAGA problem.

Would you be opposed to black political analysts delving into why white men (or white women) vote for Trump? That wouldn't bother me at all so long as the scholarship is good. It wouldn't even be notable.

And as regards works of political science studying exactly that question, just do a google search for books written/published on whites voting for authoritarian
parties/leaders you'll find hundreds or thousands mostly written by white political scientists.

I'm not looking for analysis. I'm not looking for answers to "that question". I'm looking for moral outrage and horrified pushback by putatively decent white people against white people that support trump. I'm looking for courageous stands within family gatherings and country clubs and all the polite places where white people continue to compartmentalize and excuse everyone they know who continues to support a ******* demented monster.

No, I wouldn't give a damn if black people "delved into" why white people vote for him - the good journalists that I follow all do that already. It's not a ******* mystery to be dissected ad infinitum. It's a plague to be eradicated.

Bringing it back here on A2K, Hightor revisited the theme of the unsettling, disturbing trend of brown and black people who support Trump enough to make me look for that same level of concern and call to alarm about the sea of white people who dependably support the rotten wretch. Hightor's response is that he's "long since given up on white people". What say you to that, friend Blatham?
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 07:49 pm
Yeah, it seems to worry a LOT of white men.

I don't know why it would. Forty years after Reagan the party of rich colorless men is close to capturing the entire government and breaking it apart. They've got the courts. They've got the evangelicals and christian nationalists. They've got the rural vote. And if they can capture labor and the minority vote the New Deal coalition can hang it up. I think a LOT of colorless men are probably overjoyed!

I do confess to brooding about it occasionally. People with college degrees and a few members of renegade labor unions aren't going to exert much power at the polls.

You'll forgive me if that just strikes me as weird AF.

It's seeing young people being attracted to fascism that strikes me as weird AF.

ESPECIALLY when you just forego expressing any similar angst about the tens of millions of (young and old) white men and say that you "gave up" on them.

As I mentioned, the majority of colorless men have already left – 60% of colorless male voters identify as Republican or lean Republican. They like what the Republicans have to offer. And "angst" is your word, not mine.

They, more than anyone else, should be subject to constant, blistering scrutiny by all you civically concerned white people.

As has been pointed out, open any progressive journal or book review and you'll see there are scores of hard-hitting books by civically concerned colorless people being published all the time.

It's going to take white people to solve the white man driven MAGA problem.

I once hoped that the rich colorless men would continue to lose power and status as liberal and progressive forces secured political victories and the USA moved closer to a multiracial society. It looked almost likely for a while. But there's a cultural shift to the right going on and the minority of colorless men who are opposed to MAGA aren't well-placed to steer society in another direction by themselves. A broad-based coalition would be more effective and a lot more Democratic.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 07:53 pm
It's that the judge rather specifically states that the issue is problematic because Israel is in the midst of places that have few Jews.

Well, Earth to that judge: there are only three countries where Jews are more than 1% of the population.

Your second sentence is true. But that does not negate his claim or judgement that this has highly problematic consequences for other inhabitants there particularly given the obvious government policy of removing as many Palestinians as is possible (people who have also lived there for thousands of years) and who are commonly afforded few rights at all.

“[Prof Miller]’s opposition to Zionism is not opposition to the idea of Jewish self-determination or of a preponderantly Jewish state existing in the world, but rather, as he defines it, to the exclusive realisation of Jewish rights to self-determination within a land that is home to a very substantial non-Jewish population.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 08:07 pm
Bringing it back here on A2K, Hightor revisited the theme of the unsettling, disturbing trend of brown and black people who support Trump enough to make me look for that same level of concern and call to alarm about the sea of white people who dependably support the rotten wretch. Hightor's response is that he's "long since given up on white people". What say you to that, friend Blatham?

Well, one thing I can say is that brown, black, Jewish, Asian people (and women) are far more at risk as the US heaves more and more towards white christian nationalist authoritarianism. One presumes that - even now - there will be some Haitians who will vote from Trump. How is it not in our interests (Hightor's, yours and mine) to try to understand why this is so?
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2024 08:25 pm
You want to keep talking about analyzing why non-white people are voting for Trump. Do you have any reason to believe that even if there was some sort of final, reasonable solution to that puzzle, the answer would be of some kind of real help? If so, how do you see it as helpful? We'd sleep easier? We'd have the tools then to persuade them out of following a madman? What?

I pointedly asked you your opinion of Hightor's "giving up on white people". Did you knowingly ignore the question, or to your thinking did you actually answer it?
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2024 01:06 am
hightor wrote:

. Forty years after Reagan the party of rich colorless men is close to capturing the entire government and breaking it apart.

What, now? Is colorless men" a new way of referring to white men?

Just trying to keep up with the times. . . .
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2024 02:20 am
Just trying to keep up with the times. . . .

You heard it here first!

"People of non-color" just doesn't work that well. Smile
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2024 02:33 am
I pointedly asked you your opinion of Hightor's "giving up on white people". Did you knowingly ignore the question, or to your thinking did you actually answer it?

It's not that difficult or complicated, Snood. Colorless men, as a whole, can no longer be expected or trusted to vote for progressive causes. This makes non-white voters even more important in helping to form a Democratic majority. That's why the defection of minorities and their apparent support of fascism is concerning. The liberal and progressive focus of the Democratic Party needs and depends on minority voters. I thought it might be a "rainbow" coalition but white isn't in the visible spectrum!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2024 02:54 am
Well, thanks for keeping me up to date.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2024 03:04 am
After Trump’s bizarre performance last night in Oaks, Pennsylvania, when he stopped taking questions and just swayed to his self-curated playlist for 39 minutes, his campaign this morning canceled a scheduled interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box, according to co-host of the show Joe Kernen. The campaign did not, though, cancel a scheduled live interview today with Bloomberg News and the Economic Club of Chicago. That interview echoed last night’s train wreck.

Trump showed up almost an hour late to the event with moderator John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News. When he arrived, things went downhill fast. Micklethwait asked real questions about Trump’s approach to the economy, but the former president answered with aimless rants and campaign slogans that Micklethwait corrected, repeatedly redirecting Trump back to his actual questions. Trump quickly grew angry and combative.

When Micklethwait corrected Trump’s misunderstanding of the way tariffs work, Trump replied in front of a room full of people who understand the economy: “It must be hard for you to, you know, spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you're totally wrong.” Referring to analysis that his plans would explode the national debt, including analysis by the Wall Street Journal—hardly a left-wing outlet, as Mickelthwait pointed out—Trump replied: “What does the Wall Street Journal know? They’ve been wrong about everything. So have you, by the way….. You’ve been wrong about everything…. You’ve been wrong all your life on this stuff.”

The economy is supposed to be Trump’s strong suit.

The former president seemed unable to stay on any topic, jumping from one idea to another randomly, or to answer anything, instead making statements that play well at his rallies—referring to people with insulting names, for example—or by rehashing old grievances and threatening to end traditional U.S. freedoms. He made it clear he intends to "straighten out our press,” for example. “Because,” he said, “we have a corrupt press."

As Micklethwait tried to keep him on task, Trump asserted stories that were more and more outlandish. He claimed that children could do the work of U.S. autoworkers in South Carolina, for example, and that he would be a better chair of the Federal Reserve than Jerome Powell.

Micklethwait did not fight with Trump, but he didn’t indulge him either. When Trump explained that “you don’t put old in” the federal judiciary because “they’re there for two years, or three years,” Micklethwait replied: “You’re a 78-year-old man running for president.”

And therein lies the rub.

Aaron Rupar of Public Notice, who watches and clips Trump’s speeches, called the appearance “bonkers.” Journalist David Rothkopf of Deep State Radio wrote: “The past 24 hours seem to have been a dividing line in the Trump campaign...and in Trump. He went from being periodically adrift and sporadically demented to being 24/7 unfit and in need of permanent medical attention. He's one cloudless night away from baying at the moon.”

Likely reflecting this shift, trading in shares of Trump media, the parent company of Trump’s Truth Social social media site, was stopped briefly today as the price plummeted in unusually heavy trading. Trump took to social media to hawk tokens for his new crypto project, although the nature of the project is still unclear and investing simply offers voting rights in the new platform. The website crashed repeatedly during the day.

Trump’s issues make it likely that a second Trump presidency would really mean a J.D. Vance presidency, even if Trump nominally remains in office.

Currently an Ohio senator, J.D. Vance is just 39, and if voters put Trump into the White House, Vance will be one of the most inexperienced vice presidents in our history. He has held an elected office for just 18 months, winning the office thanks to the backing of entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who first employed Vance, then invested in his venture capital firm, and then contributed an unprecedented $15 million to his Senate campaign.

Vance and Thiel make common cause with others who are open about their determination to dismantle the federal government. Although different groups came to that mission from different places, they are sometimes collectively called a “New Right” (although at least one scholar has questioned just how new it really is). Some of the thinkers both Vance and Thiel follow, notably dystopian blogger Curtis Yarvin, argue that America’s democratic institutions have created a society that is, as James Pogue put it in a 2022 Vanity Fair article, “at once tyrannical, chaotic, and devoid of the systems of value and morality that give human life richness and meaning.” Such a system must be pulled to pieces.

Thiel has expressed the belief that the modern government stifles innovation by enforcing social values like equality and anti-monopoly. Those limits have caused society to stagnate, a situation he warns could lead to an apocalypse. “We are in a deadly race between politics and technology,” Thiel wrote in 2009. To move society forward, he calls for freedom for technological leaders to plan a utopian future without government interference.

It is at least partly the promise of dismantling the administrative state and its regulation of technology that has brought other technology elites, most notably Elon Musk, to support the Trump-Vance campaign. These technology entrepreneurs envision themselves, rather than a government, planning and then creating the future. New campaign records filed today show that in just over two months, from July to the beginning of September, Musk invested almost $75 million in his pro-Trump America PAC to get Trump and Vance elected.

Like Thiel, Vance has spoken extensively about the need to destroy the U.S. government, but while Thiel emphasizes the potential of a technological future unencumbered by democratic baggage, Vance emphasizes what he sees as the decadence of today’s America and the need to address that decadence by purging the government of secular leaders. A 2019 convert to right-wing Catholicism, Vance said he was attracted to the religion in part because he wanted to see the Republican Party use the government to work for what he considers the common good by imposing laws that would enforce his version of morality.

Their worldview requires a few strong leaders to impose their will on the majority, and both Thiel and Vance have rejected secular democracy. “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible,” Thiel wrote in 2009.

In 2021, Vance called American universities “the enemy” and said on a podcast that people like him needed to “seize the institutions of the left, and turn them against the left.” In a different interview, he clarified: American “conservatives…have lost every major powerful institution in the country, except for maybe churches and religious institutions, which of course are weaker now than they’ve ever been. We’ve lost big business. We’ve lost finance. We’ve lost the culture. We’ve lost the academy. And if we’re going to actually really effect real change in the country, it will require us completely replacing the existing ruling class with another ruling class…. I don’t think there’s sort of a compromise that we’re going to come with the people who currently actually control the country. Unless we overthrow them in some way, we’re going to keep losing.” “We really need to be really ruthless when it comes to the exercise of power,” he said.

Vance told an interviewer he would urge Trump to “[f]ire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.” This plan is central to Project 2025, whose main author, Kevin Roberts, has a book covering those ideas coming out soon—it was supposed to come out this month but was postponed when Project 2025 became a lightning rod for the election—for which Vance wrote the foreword. “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay [sic] ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon,” Vance wrote.

Like Roberts, Vance wants to dismantle the secular state. He wants to replace that state with a Christian nationalism that enforces what he considers traditional values: an end to immigration—hence the lies about the legal Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio—and an end to LGBTQ+ rights. He supports abortion bans and the establishment of a patriarchy in which women function as wives and mothers even if it means staying in abusive marriages. Vance insists this social structure will be more fulfilling for women than becoming “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made.“

That desire to get rid of the current “ruling class” and replace it with people like him has prompted Vance to say that if he had been vice president on January 6, 2021, he would have done what former vice president Mike Pence would not: he would have refused to count the certified electoral ballots for President Joe Biden.

“Let’s be clear,” former representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) said. “This is illegal and unconstitutional. The American people had voted. The courts had ruled. The Electoral College had met and voted. The Governor in every state had certified the results and sent a legal slate of electors to the Congress to be counted. The Vice President has no constitutional authority to tell states to submit alternative slates of electors because his candidate lost. That is tyranny.”

Early voting began today in Georgia, where more than 328,000 voters smashed the previous record of 136,000 set in 2020, during the worst of the pandemic. One of those voters was former president Jimmy Carter, who turned 100 on October 1 and said over the summer he was trying to stay alive to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

At a rally in Atlanta, Georgia, tonight, a slurring, low-energy Donald Trump told the audience: “If you don’t win, win, win, we’ve all had a good time, but it’s not gonna matter, right? Sadly. Because what we’ve done is amazing. Three nominations in a row…. If we don’t win it’s like, ah, it was all, it was all for not very much. We can’t, uh, we can’t let that happen.”

Region Philbis
Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2024 03:19 am
Trump’s issues make it likely that a second Trump presidency would really mean a J.D. Vance presidency,
even if Trump nominally remains in office.
truly terrifying...

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