Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 08:13 am
Delusional, yes, but it's the same bad faith right wing propagandist agenda she always pushes out, particularly when elections approach. As I wrote here a few months back, it was no surprise to see her return at this point in time. Everything she writes is designed to denigrate Dems and to promote disaffection with the party and with high profile Dem leaders.

Former vice-president Dick Cheney confirms he will vote for Kamala Harris

Lifelong Republican makes announcement day after daughter Liz also endorses Democratic candidate

The former vice-president Dick Cheney, a lifelong Republican, will vote for the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris, in November’s presidential election, he said in a statement on Friday.

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Cheney said of the former president and Republican nominee. “He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice-President Kamala Harris...”

Edit: It seems more than a little bit notable that The Guardian features this story up top of their site this morning while I had to scroll half way down the WP site to find it. And at the NYT, I had to use their search engine to find Annie Karni's piece on it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 08:43 am
Israeli podcasters are laughing about genocide. What would it take to stop?

It would be unfair to say these guys represent everyone in Israel, so I’m not going to say that. They said it themselves

or a while I used to play a little game called What Would It Take? What would it take for the Biden administration to do something meaningful in order to put an end to the carnage in Gaza? What would it take for the Biden administration to stop the ethnic cleansing currently taking place in the West Bank? What would it take for the anchors of popular US cable news outlets to show any real empathy towards Palestinians?

Would video evidence of a Palestinian being raped by Israeli soldiers at Sde Teiman, a military prison that resembles a torture camp, make any difference? Nah. Judging by the US state department’s response, that’s no biggie. The US, we’ve been told, has asked Israel to investigate itself and we can trust them to do a great job of it.

How about reports from US doctors that Israeli snipers are shooting Palestinian children in the head while they play in the street? This isn’t something that highly trained snipers can accidentally do – it is seemingly deliberate. But again: not a big deal. These reports aren’t serious enough for the Biden administration to stop giving Israel carte blanche to destroy Gaza and annex the West Bank.

How about the videos on social media of Palestinian children with their heads blown to bits by US-made weapons? Or the recent video of a little girl killed by shrapnel while rollerblading in northern Gaza, still wearing her pink rollerblades when pronounced dead? The videos of Israeli soldiers burning copies of the Qur’an and desecrating mosques? Again: nothing here so disturbing that it stops the members of the Biden administration from sleeping at night.

I could go on, but what’s the point? I’ve stopped playing What Would It Take? because the answer is excruciatingly clear: absolutely nothing will prompt the Biden administration to rein Israel in. (And any illusions that Kamala Harris might be any better than Joe Biden on this issue have been shattered by now.) You can see that by the furious response from the US after the UK decided to suspend a tiny portion of arms sales to Israel because of a “clear risk” they could be used in violation of international humanitarian law. This is where we are now: the Biden administration has made it clear that Israel will face no accountability whatsoever. In this regard the Democrats are now way to the right of Ronald Reagan, who restricted military assistance to Israel when appropriate.

Israel enjoys so much impunity that its soldiers regularly share disturbing video content of what look a hell of a lot like war crimes on social media, knowing they will face zero repercussions. Last week MSNBC host Chris Hayes mused on Twitter/X about why Israel allows its soldiers to post this content – which includes numerous videos in which IDF soldiers dress up in the lingerie of displaced Palestinian women.

“To me the thing I continue to not understand, truly deeply, is why the IDF hasn’t cracked down on the absolutely insane sh*t posting of its soldiers, when it is very obviously a PR disaster,” Hayes wrote. “Do they not care? Has command discipline just totally broken down?”

If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second
The Two Nice Jewish Boys podcast
Hayes is one of the best journalists on US cable news and seems like a very decent person. So it isn’t a personal attack when I say … seriously? You’re a journalist and you’re seriously asking this question? Let me spell it out: the reason the IDF doesn’t care about these videos is because they know that they very obviously aren’t a PR disaster. For them to be a PR disaster the likes of the New York Times and MSNBC would have to properly cover them. And they’re far too busy covering pro-Palestinian protesters and smearing them as violent agents of Iran to do that. The reason these videos aren’t PR disasters is because they’ve been very sparingly covered by the western media.

You know what else should be far more of a PR disaster than it is? The fact that two Israelis who run an English-language podcast called Two Nice Jewish Boys recently put out an episode in which they fantasize about genocide. I’m not exaggerating here. I’d urge you to go and listen to it yourself but it seems that the video has been made private after backlash online. So, a few of the highlights from hosts Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein:

“If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.”

“No one actually gives a **** [about the genocide in Gaza]. Zero people in Israel … Do you care if this baby in Gaza gets polio? They’ll be like, ‘I don’t’ [indistinguishable]. There will be like 20 people who care … **** them.”

“You can’t help but think that it’s nice to know that you are dancing in a concert while hundreds of thousands of Gazans are homeless … It makes it even better … more enjoyable concert … ”

Now it would be unfair to say that these guys represent everyone in Israel, so I’m not going to say that. They said it themselves. In the podcast they note that: “This is how Israelis feel … People enjoy knowing that [Palestinians] are suffering.” (After this article was published the hosts of the Two Nice Jewish Boys reached out to request a link to their Twitter statement about the video. So here you go! If anything it’s even worse than the original video.)

In an attempt to curb online criticism of the podcast, pro-Israel voices have dismissed Meningher and Weinstein as a couple of losers nobody has ever heard of. But that’s not entirely true. Meningher’s website boasts that he “worked with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on both his 2019 campaigns, as well as on his 2020, 2021 and 2022 campaigns, doing chatbots, digital data projects and viral video creation. I was also responsible of managing all the digital channels of the Prime Minister.”

The podcast is also apparently prominent enough to have had some famous guests including Avi Issacharoff, co-creator of the Netflix series Fauda, and Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to the US.

Perhaps more importantly, what Meningher and Weinstein say on their podcast is not materially different from what the politicians in Israel’s far-right government are saying themselves. There is a database containing hundreds of statements from state leaders, politicians, and public figures salivating about genocidal destruction. “Genocidal utterances are therefore not out in the fringes,” lawyer Tembeka Ngcukaitobi said for South Africa in remarks before the international court of justice in January. “They are embodied in state policy.” And the Biden administration has made it very clear that it is embodied in state policy that the US will do whatever it takes to allow these utterances to become reality.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 01:24 pm
I base my opinion on several longstanding VBNMW accounts on Twitter. They are sick of the genocide, Harris’ lack of interviews (her actual embarrassing babysat interview with Walz), and zero policy platform (but she does have a Donate page.)

The ‘I’m speaking’ moment nailed her presidential coffin with a lot of voters.

They just don’t want to be complicit with genocide.

At this point, anyone believing the MSM is delusional.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 02:14 pm
I base my opinion on several longstanding VBNMW accounts on Twitter.

"Several" is a robust data set. Congrats. Not to mention that twitter is full of fake accounts that were set up years ago to promote disinformation. So, more robust evidence to back up your claim. Congrats again.
The ‘I’m speaking’ moment nailed her presidential coffin with a lot of voters.

How many? You know this how? Same manner as the above stuff, we presume.

Here's the exchange as it happened courtesy of International Women's Day

And here's how Sean Hannity and Vance and you are telling that story

Why do you even bother? No one here other than Builder and one or two other cranks trusts you to be either honest or thoughtful.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 02:41 pm
I suspect the remark was referring to this occasion:

Vice President Kamala Harris shut down hecklers attempting to interrupt her speech during a campaign rally in Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday night.

The Democratic presidential nominee was speaking to supporters about the infamous Project 2025 conservative policy initiative when a group of pro-Palestinian spectators could be heard chanting, in part, "We won't vote for genocide."

Harris paused her speech to tell the group, "You know what, if you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I'm speaking."

The crowd erupted into cheers after Harris addressed the interruptions, as supporters then countered with their own chant: "We're not going back."

The vice president has previously called for a ceasefire in Gaza and condemned the ongoing atrocities in the 10-month war.


I doubt that it left on a negative impression with her supporters. Since Netanyahu seems to be stonewalling any meaningful negotiation on a ceasefire, pro-Palestinian voters are going to have to weigh their options pretty carefully.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 03:33 pm
I guess we don’t have very long to wait to see if I’m wrong or right.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 03:38 pm
I suspect the remark was referring to this occasion:

That's quite possible. Thanks. I wasn't aware of this exchange. An interesting element which ties Hannity's/Vance's take and the Newsweek item is the misogynism in suggesting that is is inappropriate for a female to be assertive (unless she's a right wing figure, of course).

I doubt that any of us here has a problem with those who have sympathies with Palestinians or even those who feel passionate anger at Netanyahu's actions and policies in Gaza. Protests in this vein are quite acceptable. However, protests which seek to disrupt or shout over a speaker are something different. Without doubt, some unknow proportion of these folks are there to do right wing agitprop and seek mainly to do damage to Harris' reputation. That's an old dirty tricks technique that we've seen before, eg the Brooks Brothers riot and the tea party townhall protests, etc. This is a game Lash has been playing here for months.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 03:46 pm
I guess we don’t have very long to wait to see if I’m wrong or right.

You're referring to election results. But regardless of how the election goes, there will be no way to discern if your claims have any merit. You're just hoping for a Trump win and if that happens you'll insist your specific claims here are correct. If Trump loses, god knows what you'll claim as truth but no one here is going to grant your opinions credence.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 03:57 pm
Throughout Trump's presidency she declined to criticise anything he did constantly claiming that Mrs Clinton would have been so much worse.

The same will happen if Trump wins and if Harris wins she'll constantly attack her.

In the UK election she attacked Starmer before he'd been pm for a week. She also supported George Galloway's anti LGBT party and attacked the European Greens.

If Trump does get in all criticism of US arms deals with Israel will stop from day one.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 04:31 pm
And regarding Israel, Trump, not Harris, has threatened the Special Relationship if Starmer goes ahead with arms embargoes against Israel.

There was a deafening silence on that too.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 06:38 pm
If Trump does get in all criticism of US arms deals with Israel will stop from day one.

Israel’s control of the US is my greatest concern—among many.
Trump is as sold out a Zionist as is Biden’s entire administration, including Kamala.

I have no problem criticizing duopoly puppets from any so called party affiliation. Since the BlueMAGA crowd is afraid to criticize their idols, I do that for a little equity here.
Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2024 08:45 pm
Trump is as sold out a Zionist as is Biden’s entire administration, including Kamala.

Controlled opposition, and a very useful tool to promote the division and hatred aspects that prevent most Americans from focusing on the actual issues facing their nation today.
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 03:40 am
Yesterday, Trump ranted at the press, furious that the American legal system had resulted in two jury decisions that he had defamed and sexually abused writer E. Jean Carroll. He was so angry that, with his lawyers standing awkwardly behind him, he told reporters: “I’m disappointed in my legal talent, I’ll be honest with you.”

Today, Trump held a rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, a small city in the center of the state, where he addressed about 7,000 people. A number of us who have been watching him closely have been saying for a while that when voters actually saw him in this campaign, they would be shocked at how he has deteriorated, and that seems to be true: his meandering and self-indulgent speeches have had attendees leaving early, some of them bewildered. In today’s speech, Trump slurred a number of words, referring to Elon Musk as “Leon,” for example, and forgetting the name of North Dakota governor Doug Burgum, who was on his short list for a vice presidential pick.

But today’s speech struck me as different from his past performances, distinguished for what sounded like desperation. Trump has always invented his stories from whole cloth, but there used to be some way to tie them to reality. Today that seemed to be gone. He was in a fantasy world, and his rhetoric was apocalyptic. It was also bloody in ways that raise huge red flags for scholars of fascism.

Trump told the audience that when he took office in 2017, military officers told him the U.S. had given all the military’s ammunition away to allies. Then he went on a rant against our allies, saying that they’re only our allies when they need something and that they would never come to our aid if we needed them. This echoes the talking points put out by Russian operatives and flies in the face of the fact that the one time the North Atlantic Treaty Organization invoked the mutual defense pact in that agreement was after the attacks of September 11, 2001, in support of the U.S.

He embraced Project 2025’s promise to eliminate the Department of Education and send education back to the states so that right-wing figures like Wisconsin’s Senator Ron Johnson can run it. He reiterated the MAGA claim that mothers are executing their babies after birth—this is completely bonkers—and again echoed Russian talking points when he said these executions are happening—they are not—but “nobody talks about it.” He went on: “We did a great thing when we got Roe v. Wade out of the federal government.”

He reiterated the complete fantasy that schools are performing gender-affirming surgery on children. “Can you imagine you're a parent and your son leaves the house and you say, Jimmy, I love you so much, go have a good day at school, and your son comes back with a brutal operation. Can you even imagine this? What the hell is wrong with our country?” Trump’s suggestion that schools are performing surgery on students is bananas. This is simply not a thing that happens.

And then he went full-blown apocalyptic, attacking immigrants and claiming that crime, which in reality has dropped dramatically since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office after a spike during his own term, has made the U.S. uninhabitable. He said that “If I don’t win Colorado, it will be taken over by migrants and the governor will be sent fleeing.” "Migrants and crime are here in our country at levels never thought possible before…. You're not safe even sitting here, to be honest with you. I'm the only one that's going to get it done. Everybody is saying that." He urged people to protest “because you’re being overrun by criminals.”

He assured attendees that "If you think you have a nice house, have a migrant enjoy your house, because a migrant will take it over. A migrant will take it over. It will be Venezuela on steroids." He reiterated his plan to get rid of migrants. “And you know,” he said, “getting them out will be a bloody story.”

He went on to try to rev up supporters in words very similar to those he used on January 6th, 2021, but focused on this election. “Every citizen who’s sick and tired of the parasitic political class in Washington that sucks our country of its blood and treasure, November fifth will be your liberation day. November fifth, this year, will be the most important day in the history of our country because we’re not going to have a country anymore if we don’t win.”

He promised: “I will prevent World War III, and I am the only one that can do it. I will prevent World War III. And if I don’t win this election,... Israel is doomed…. Israel will be gone…. I’d better win.”

"I better win or you're gonna have problems like we've never had. We may have no country left. This may be our last election. You want to know the truth? People have said that. This may be our last election…. It’ll all be over, and you gotta remember…. Trump is always right. I hate to be right. I’m always right.”

Trump's hellscape is only in his mind: crime is sharply down in the U.S. since he left office, migrant crossings have plunged, and the economy is the strongest in the world.

Then, tonight, Trump posted on his social media site a rant asserting that he will win the 2024 election but that he expects Democrats to cheat, and “WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”

Is it the Justice Department indictments that showed Russia is working to get him reelected? Is it the rising popularity of Democratic nominees Kamala Harris and Tim Walz? Is it fury at the new grand jury’s indicting him for his attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election and install himself in power? Is it fear of Tuesday’s debate with Harris? Is it a declining ability to grapple with reality?

Whatever has caused it, Trump seems utterly off his pins, embracing wild conspiracy theories and, as his hopes of winning the election appear to be crumbling, threatening vengeance with a dogged fury that he used to be able to hide.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 04:25 am

LOL! As evidenced in ten orders of magnitude across these pages.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 06:14 am
That's horseshit.

You prefer antisemitic horseshit to reality.

Israel does not control the US.

The US uses Israel to project its power in the ME.

As such its too heavily invested in Israel to walk away.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 06:18 am
Rich oligarchs like Elon Musk exploit ignorant Nazis like Builder to spread conspiracy horseshit.

There's no secret cospiracy run by the illuminati/ jewish cabals. The conspiracy is out in the open, rich Oligarchs like Musk and the Kochs taking more and more of the Earth's resources for themselves using useful idiots like Builder to disseminate ****.
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 07:00 am
We each have a Nazi in us. We need to understand the psychological roots of authoritarianism
Gabor Maté

Neuroimaging studies have shown that the amygdala, the tiny almond-shaped brain structure that mediates fear, is larger in people with more rightwing views

Any attempt to understand the attraction which fascism exercises upon great nations compels us to recognize the role of psychological factors,” the German-Jewish social psychologist Erich Fromm asserted in 1941. Such factors are not specifically German or, say Italian, nor were they the manifestations of a unique historical era, now safely in the distant past. Not only can the malignant political-economic-ideological climates required for the flowering of fascism develop anywhere, so are its emotional dynamics present in the psyche of most human beings.

“We each have a Nazi within,” the Auschwitz survivor Edith Eger has written – pointing, in my observation, to a near-universal reality. Many of us harbor the seeds for hatred, rage, fear, narcissistic self-regard and contempt for others that, in their most venomous and extreme forms, are the dominant emotional currents whose confluence can feed the all-destructive torrent we call fascism, given enough provocation or encouragement.

All the more reason to understand the psychic sources of such tendencies, whose ground and nature can be expressed in a word: trauma. In the case of fascism, severe trauma.

Nobody is born with rabid hatred, untrammelled rage, existential fear or cold contempt permanently embedded in their minds or hearts. These fulminant emotions, when chronic, are responses to unbearable suffering endured at a time of utmost vulnerability, helplessness and unrelieved threat: that is, in early childhood.

The human infant enters the world with the implicit expectation of being safely held, seen, heard, physically protected and emotionally nourished, her feelings welcomed, recognized, validated and mirrored. Given such an “evolved nest”, in the apt phrase of the psychologist Darcia Narvaez, we develop and maintain a strong connection to ourselves, a deeply rooted confidence in who we are, a trust in innate goodness present in the world and an openness to love within ourselves, as without. Trauma represents a disconnect from these healthy inclinations, in extreme cases a defensive denial of them as being too vulnerable to bear. And that, in essence, is what fascism is on the emotional level: a desperate escape from vulnerability.

Looking at the hideous demigod of fascism, Adolf Hitler, or at his present-day caricature Donald Trump, who is often compared to him – including some years ago by his current vice-presidential running mate, JD Vance – we find many remarkable characteristic similarities: relentless self-hypnotising mendacity, mistrust bordering on paranoia, devious opportunism, a deep streak of cruelty, limitless grandiosity, unhinged impulsivity, crushing disdain for the weak.

Both had grown up in homes headed by abusive fathers, with mothers impotent to defend their children. In Hitler’s case, the bright and sensitive child suffered merciless violence. Trump was subjected to the ruthless emotional dictatorship of a father, Fred Sr, who Mary, Donald’s psychologist niece, describes as a “sociopath”. “Donald Trump is a poster boy for trauma,” the eminent trauma psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk told me.

In both cases the rage and hatred represent eruptions of the forbidden and therefore repressed emotions of childhood and the compensations of a psyche pulverized into insignificance. In turn, as the biographer Volker Ullrich writes: “Hitler ... gave the decisive signal for Germans to give free reign to their hatred and destructive desires.” He spoke to and promised to redeem those masses in his nation who also experienced themselves as threatened and insignificant – to “make them great again,” if you will.

“What they want,” he wrote, “is the victory of the stronger and the annihilation or the unconditional surrender of the weaker.” This fascistic drive to dominate is the unconscious rejection of the small child’s vulnerability and a defensive identification with the unassailable power of the abusive father.

What draws people to such leaders? On the socioeconomic plane, their own sense of exclusion, dislocation, grievance, marginalization, loss of place and meaning. On the emotional, psychological level, a trauma-induced absence of confidence in themselves and the drive to submit for protection to some person perceived as “strong.”

This is coupled with an urge to flee from responsibility by casting blame on some vulnerable yet vermin-like and threatening “other” – a Jewish, Muslim, Hispanic or Slavic person, say – who serves as the target of one’s ingrained hostility, the real sources of which rest in the deep infantile unconscious.

The American psychologist, Michael Milburn, has studied the childhood antecedents of rightwing ideological rigidity. His research confirms that the harsher the parenting atmosphere people were exposed to as young children, the more prone they are to support authoritarian or aggressive policies, such as foreign wars, punitive laws and the death penalty.

“We used physical punishment in childhood as a marker of dysfunctional family environment,” Milburn said. “There was significantly more support for the capital punishment, opposition to abortion and the use of military force, particularly among males who had experienced high levels of physical punishment, especially if they had never had psychotherapy.” I was intrigued by that last finding.

“Psychotherapy,” Milburn said, “speaks to a potential for self-examination, for self-reflection.” Self-reflection, something the fascist mentality cannot abide, can soften the heart.

Neuroimaging studies have shown that the amygdala, the tiny almond-shaped brain structure that mediates fear, is larger in people with more rightwing views. It is more active in those favoring strong protective authority and harboring a suspicion of outsiders and of people who are different. This is a telling finding, because we know that the development of the circuitry of the brain is decisively influenced by the child’s emotional environment in the early years.

“The monster Adolf Hitler, murderer of millions, master of destruction and organized insanity, did not come into the world as a monster” – so wrote the psychoanalyst Alice Miller. Fascism, in that sense, is an all too human phenomenon, an outcome of many influences salient among which, on the personal scale, is the unspeakable suffering of the child.

Gabor Maté is a public speaker and the author of five books published in 41 languages, most recently The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in Toxic Culture

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/sep/06/authoritarianism-roots-origin<br />
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 07:23 am
Most people on the site reject this constant barrage of conspiratorial horseshit – a fact turned by the purveyors of misinformation into a pathetic affirmation of their studied ignorance – everyone else is brainwashed and only they know the truth! Parroting opinions fed to them by networks of trolls and paranoids, any presentation of evidence to the contrary is dismissed as "fake news". Notice how quick they are to repeat Trump's dismissive "Russia, Russia, Russia" tagline any time disinformation – which they dutifully rely on for their talking points – is exposed as the work of Russian propagandists.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 08:05 am
hightor wrote:

Most people on the site reject this constant barrage of conspiratorial horseshit – a fact turned by the purveyors of misinformation into a pathetic affirmation of their studied ignorance – everyone else is brainwashed and only they know the truth! Parroting opinions fed to them by networks of trolls and paranoids, any presentation of evidence to the contrary is dismissed as "fake news". Notice how quick they are to repeat Trump's dismissive "Russia, Russia, Russia" tagline any time disinformation – which they dutifully rely on for their talking points – is exposed as the work of Russian propagandists.

It boggles the mind knowing how true all that is!

Just boggles the mind.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Sep, 2024 09:33 am
All past experience suggests you have this exactly right.

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