Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Thu 15 Feb, 2024 03:48 pm
Lash wrote:

hightor wrote:

Do you also believe that Israel allowed the Hamas attacks to take place as a precursor to invading Gaza?

A great question.
Every time there's what seems like an aggressive warlike move, I now always know it is one of two things:

1. What it's presented to be


2. Intended to look like what it's presented to be.

Do you know that?

Anyway, I did spend some time wondering if Hamas caught Israel with their pants down--and I spent some time thinking the odds were that no, Israel is all about defense; certainly their superior, world-renown intelligence agencies had to have known about Hamas' long-term plans--and Israel used the opportunity to get the casus belli to do what they've always wanted to do--exterminate the Palestinians for once and for all.

But, in the absence of proof, all anyone can do is make an educated guess based on at least some facts supporting that opinion.

So, I'm open to either possibility. I'll let you know if I come across any proof.

However, George coming down on the other side of this question doesn't bother me at all. It's an entirely understandable opinion.


This is Basic Wartime Analysis 101–not conspiracy. This is how war is done and has been for ages. What we now call ‘false flags’ have been a useful strategy of war since the beginning of war.

You like to slip into calling a time-worn military strategy ‘conspiracy’ because that term has been designed to help you cognitively twist to avoid what’s right in front of your face.

Try harder.

Thu 15 Feb, 2024 03:52 pm
If you know how the IDF are trained and what Netanyahu’s ministers have said on record, you know they are bloodthirsty, white supremacists on steroids who don’t view Palestinians as completely human.

They make the KKK look like rainbow warriors.
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 03:53 pm
Neither does the UN.
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 03:55 pm
And thank god for that one small grace in this time of monsters.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 03:58 pm
Don't try to ignore my point by quibbling over my use of the term "conspiracy". I'm glad to see that people are becoming embarrassed to use the term but it's not the same thing as military secrecy or false flag operations.

So, what was the point of allowing the attack to occur?
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 04:05 pm
If you know how the IDF are trained and what Netanyahu’s ministers have said on record, you know they are bloodthirsty, white supremacists on steroids who don’t view Palestinians as completely human.

Don't over-generalize. It's just as dehumanizing.
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 04:12 pm
I'm reluctant to interrupt Lash's trolling of this thread. Sorry.
Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — A conservative group has told a Georgia judge that it doesn’t have evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing during the the 2020 general election and a runoff two months later.

Texas-based True the Vote filed complaints with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021, including one in which it said it had obtained “a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta” during the November 2020 election and a January 2021 runoff.

A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.

In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

“Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Raffensperger spokesman Mike Hassinger said Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”

True the Vote’s assertions were relied upon heavily for “2000 Mules,” a widely debunked film by conservative pundit and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. A State Election Board investigation found that surveillance camera footage that the film claimed showed ballot stuffing actually showed people submitting ballots for themselves and family members who lived with them, which is allowed under Georgia law.

The election board subpoenaed True the Vote to provide evidence that would assist it in investigating the group’s ballot trafficking allegations.

True the Vote’s complaint said its investigators “spoke with several individuals regarding personal knowledge, methods, and organizations involved in ballot trafficking in Georgia.” It said one person, referred to in the complaint only as John Doe, “admitted to personally participating and provided specific information about the ballot trafficking process.”

Frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence, Georgia officials took it to court last year. A judge ordered True the Vote to turn over names and contact information for anyone who had provided information, as well as any recordings, transcripts, witness statements or other documents supporting its allegations.

The group came up empty-handed despite having “made every additional reasonable effort to locate responsive items,” its attorneys David Oles and Michael Wynne wrote in a Dec. 11 legal filing first reported Wednesday by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

True the Vote’s founder and president, Catherine Engelbrecht, didn’t immediately respond to an Associated Press email seeking comment Wednesday. She and another member of the group were briefly jailed in 2022 for contempt for not complying with a court order to provide information in a defamation lawsuit. The suit accused True the Vote of falsely claiming that an election software provider stored the personal information of U.S. election workers on an unsecured server in China.

Prior to the State Election Board’s investigation, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation looked into True the Vote’s assertion that it was able to use surveillance video and geospatial mobile device information to support its allegations. In a September 2021 letter, Vic Reynolds, who was then the GBI’s director, said the evidence produced did not amount to proof of ballot harvesting.

State elections officials opened their own investigation after receiving True the Vote’s complaint two months later. When pressed to provide names of sources and other documentation, the group last year tried to withdraw its complaint. One of its attorneys wrote that a complete response would require True the Vote to identify people to whom it had promised confidentiality.

The State Election Board refused to shelve the complaint and went to court to force True the Vote to turn over information.

In addition to names, the judge ordered True the Vote to provide copies of any confidentiality agreements it had with sources.

The group’s attorneys replied: “TTV has no such documents in its possession, custody, or control.”
bobsal u1553115
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 04:13 pm
DOJ charges informant who provided derogatory informaton about Hunter & Joe Biden with obstruction & false statements!

Kyle Cheney @kyledcheney
BREAKING: DOJ has charged the informant who provided derogatory informaton about Hunter and Joe Biden with "false statements" and obstruction.



0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 04:26 pm
So, what was the point of allowing the attack to occur?

To have a casus belli for their desired goal.
To get rid of as many Palestinians as possible in order to own their land.

Why did the Bush admin claim Saddam Hussein had WMDs?
For a casus belli to go to weaken Iraq militarily and steal their oil.

Why is the US building a presence in the Taiwan Strait and beating the drum against China?
To set up a casus belli to go to war with China because they’re usurping US hegemony— and that fact flies in the face of the Wolfowitz Doctrine.

Why did the US foment a coup in Ukraine and begin to solidify bases there after a decades-old promise to Russia not to?
For a casus belli to create a proxy war against Russia to weaken them militarily so they’ll be less able to assist China when the US initiates war with them.

Since the US still pretends to be a democracy, they need to present a ‘moral reason’ (casus belli) to go to war.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 04:29 pm
Sorry, I’ve seen and heard and read too much from a wide swath of Zionist Israelis that supports my statement.
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 04:32 pm
My opinions are as valid as yours.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 04:49 pm
So, is the Georgia case going to be sidelined until next year because of misconduct by the prosecution? Considering the importance of this case, all the attention it was bound to attract, and the scrutiny of witnesses and the prosecution by Trump's lawyers, was Willis's conduct excusable or is it a major setback that could – and should – have been avoided?

I've not attended to this issue much because I grasp what it is all about - the attempt to denigrate Willis for Trump's benefit. But it seems that Willis put herself in a situation which opened her up for such a bad-faith attack. I don't know nearly enough to wager whether the bad guys will be successful in removing her or worse. I sure hope not.
Region Philbis
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 05:09 pm

her testimony today was very entertaining...
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 05:17 pm
Trump’s Takeover Of The RNC Could Mean Party Donors Will Pay His Legal Bills Again

The Republican National Committee picked up some fees, reasoning the cases were politically motivated. Two of those cases will likely total $450 million in judgments.

Three years after agreeing to pay Donald Trump’s legal bills on the rationale that cases against him were “politically motivated,” the Republican National Committee could face pressure from its coup-attempting presumed nominee to pay not just tens of millions of dollars more in legal fees but more than $450 million in likely judgments against him.

“That’s why he wants ‘his people’ on the inside. It’s not about building up MAGA but rather getting MAGA to pay his bills,” said former RNC chair Michael Steele, referring to the “Make America great again” motto that’s become shorthand for Trump’s followers.
more here

Likely there are other advantages to Trump bolstering his control of the RNC but I'll go with Steele's thesis here.

0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 05:18 pm
@Region Philbis,
her testimony today was very entertaining...

I haven't watched it yet. Thanks for the tip!
0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 05:19 pm
The general hole in these types of conspiracy theories is that it requires lots of people (100's to 1000's) to be on board with it. If the IDF intentionally let its defenses down then told Hamas to go for it, how many people would have to keep that secret knowing the death toll to come? How many troops would have to look the other way? How many officers would have to ignore alarm systems? How many people, long dedicated to the defense of their people, would have to decide that this was worth it and still believe it after months?

This reminds me of the conspiracy theory that was floating around the US a few years ago that military maneuvers in the southwest of the country were actually a planned invasion of Texas. The assumption is that "the military" is a faceless conglomeration of compliant drones and not men and women dedicated to the defense of their country. The reality is that the military is formed with lots of people from the very places the theorists think were targeted for attack and there is no way anyone would participate in something like that, much less keep it a secret. The same with the IDF. To accept that the IDF allowed the October attacks is to believe that all the men and women involved would be completely ok with their friends and neighbors coming under attack. It just doesn't hold water.

Thu 15 Feb, 2024 05:58 pm
I’m not sure Israel told Hamas to go for it.
If Egypt picked up the chatter & informed Israel that Hamas was planning an incursion in early October, all they have to do is let it happen.

I don’t know…maybe sponsor a music festival (named Nova) on the weekend the incursion was supposed to happen near the base that was the object of the attack and publicize it among off duty IDF? Yes, I think so.


You have a skeleton crew of monitors in that area and a handful in charge who know that the incursion is happening and that it plays directly into the hands of their ultimate goal of ridding them forever of these subhumans they’ve been dehumanizing & abusing for two or three generations.

I couldn’t even conceive of this until after four months of reading, seeing, & hearing so many Zionist Israelis say the most vile things about Palestinians.

I’m not sure if you have been watching videos from these people for the last 4 months or listening to accounts of horrors inflicted on Palestinians by Israelis. It’s very educational.

Imagine a president discovers that the CIA & factions in FBI etc are willing to create a false flag attack on innocent civilians in order to get the country’s high level of approval for a costly, deadly war. The president is horrified and vows to disband the CIA & FBI. These agencies feel that they know what’s best and this president presents a real and present danger to the security of the country because he’s naive and a virtue signaling type.

Because of their extensive surveillance and focus in the mafia, let’s say, they hear a mafioso discussing a plan to assassinate the president. They hear assassination plots all the time—especially against this rich boy, Catholic ‘Communist.’

This time, they decide this would be the perfect solution to their problem.

They know the day, the location of the shooter. They replace or recruit the SS detail for the president that day. They also position a sharp shooter in case the mafia shooter misses…

Too many operations and corroborating events that prove this likely happened have been released to the public.

It’s not a conspiracy.

It’s just too hard for some of us to believe. It’s incredibly painful. Operation Mongoose happened. Kennedy’s assassination was at least aided by those in our government.

To allow Hamas to exact an attack which would give Israel moral high ground to kill Palestinians was a major Israeli goal. It was always going to happen. Hamas’ plan was the perfect catalyst.

0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 06:00 pm
Your whole argument is based on incredulity.

You know, there's a thread that addresses this very issue.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 06:02 pm
The Warning


An Egyptian intelligence official told the Associated Press news agency this week that Cairo had repeatedly warned the Israelis "something big" was being planned from Gaza.
"We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The Cairo official said Israeli officials had played down the threat from Gaza, instead focusing on the West Bank.
Sir Alex Younger, who served as chief of the UK's foreign intelligence agency between 2014 and 2020, said Hamas fighters were able to carry out their attack on 7 October due to "institutional complacency" in Israel.
Thu 15 Feb, 2024 06:14 pm
The Hannibal Directive


Israel's Hannibal Directive, a highly controversial military protocol, has been at the center of intense debate both within Israel and internationally. Developed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), this directive was designed to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces, even at the cost of potentially harming the captive soldiers themselves. This approach stems from the strategic calculation that a captured soldier poses significant psychological and tactical challenges, potentially giving adversaries leverage in negotiations. However, the implementation of the Hannibal Directive raises profound ethical and legal questions, challenging the norms of military engagement and international humanitarian law. Its deployment in various conflicts, particularly in densely populated areas, has led to significant civilian casualties and international criticism, underscoring the complex interplay between military necessity, ethical boundaries, and the human cost of warfare. This paper delves into the origins, applications, and implications of the Hannibal Directive, offering a comprehensive analysis of one of modern warfare's most contentious strategies. Keywords: Israel, Hannibal Directive, Israeli Defense Forces, military ethics, international humanitarian law, warfare, soldier capture, ethical considerations, strategic challenges, civilian casualties, conflict, legal implications, tactical analysis, psychological impact, military strategy, national security, IDF policy, rules of engagement.
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