Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

bobsal u1553115
Tue 31 Oct, 2023 04:58 pm
You had me listening until you blamed it on Biden. Blame the European powers after WWI. Blame the antisemitism of the Allies of WWII, but this is not Biden's fault. It's not even the Orange Shitgibbon's fault. It might be partially Netanyahu's fault - he could have made peace with the PLO and Yassir Arafat, but no he cut Arafat out and Hamas came in.

All those scary tunnels have been there decades. It was used for smuggling and black market. The Israeli's know where almost every single one is and they close some, every once in a while.
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 02:58 am
I was listening to one of the podcasts I frequently listen to, and the discussion turned to the notion that, even after everything we now know about Trump and everything he’s put the country through, if the election was today, the majority of voting white people would still vote for him.

I feel a way about that. It makes me shake my head and murmur to myself.

What do y’all think about it? D’ya think it’s true? If it’s true, what do you think it says about white voters, if anything?

Wed 1 Nov, 2023 04:12 am
@Frank Apisa,
I guess you actually wrote this post, Hightor, but it seems so very different from your others.

Really? I was hoping that someone might be better-informed on the issue, maybe someone's brother-in-law belonged to the UAW or something.

I did learn a few things this morning. For one thing, the size of the wage increase is unprecedented. In four years, when the raises are completely phased in, a worker could, with a bit of overtime, earn over $100,000 in a year.

The settlement will cost GM around eight hundred million – but it stands to make ten billion dollars in profits this year.

Wages only comprise about 5% of the price of an automobile.

The UAW will definitely be taking these results "on the road" and organizing the non-union plants in the South.

This is a huge victory for the UAW and organized labor in general.
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 04:46 am
...the majority of voting white people would still vote for him.

The majority of them being male voters. Interestingly, Trump support from minority voters increased in 2020.
There were a few groups that appear to have driven this shift toward President Donald Trump among Black men. Over half of Black men (52 percent) who identified as ideologically conservative cast their vote for the president, and 1 in 3 Black men living in the Midwest also voted for him.

There was an unusual relationship between education and how Black men voted this year. About 26 percent of Black men who had a high school diploma or less supported Trump. But 22 percent of Black men with bachelor’s degrees and 20 percent of Black men with advanced degrees also supported him. Black men with some college education broke for Biden at levels comparable to those of Black women.


What do y’all think about it? D’ya think it’s true? If it’s true, what do you think it says about white voters, if anything?

If it's true it looks like they're bringing more minority voters along with them. If it says anything, it says that, despite the corruption and all the warnings about the threats to our democracy, a lot of real people actually like Trump. As to what that says – well, the conclusions aren't very encouraging. It's not as if the differences between the two parties are too difficult to discern, despite the opinions of the "centrists". A lot of humans apparently would prefer to live under the rule of a perceived "strongman".
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 04:57 am
Look, this is a really fine article by Jonathan Blitzer from the New Yorker. All night long I was thinking about posting the whole article here, in segments if I had to. But when I went online this morning I happily discovered that it was available to all, without an account. Take the time and read it. It's absolutely chilling:

Jim Jordan’s Conspiratorial Quest for Power
0 Replies
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 05:19 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Biden has sent a fleet to the Med to give material support for the assault on the civilian population of Gaza.

He approved more weapons for the IDF to kill Palestinians.

And his mealy mouthed words about aid and humanitarian pauses are nothing but lip service.

He is the leader of a country that pretty much exterminated its own indigenous poulation, and even celebrates it with a celebration called Thanksgiving.

Are the people in the ME really going to believe a word he says?

He can stop it. He chose not to, instead he gave a green light to the IDF to act without restraint.

He will be remembered for this.

Wed 1 Nov, 2023 06:12 am
You sure seem to want to deflect from the throngs of white people who will still vote for the "strong man" piece of human excrement and point to the paltry scattered few confused ass black men.

Black people arguably saved the country from that crazy POS in 2020, starting with the swing to Biden in the SC primary.

Black people vote 90+ percent against Trump.

You finally get around to squeezing out that it doesn't say good things about white people that they STILL support this POS in the majority (THAT'S THE SALIENT POINT HERE - WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH WHITE PEOPLE), but you sure need to mention several times that hey a few black men did it too!
Frank Apisa
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 07:13 am
hightor wrote:

I guess you actually wrote this post, Hightor, but it seems so very different from your others.

Really? I was hoping that someone might be better-informed on the issue, maybe someone's brother-in-law belonged to the UAW or something.

I did learn a few things this morning. For one thing, the size of the wage increase is unprecedented. In four years, when the raises are completely phased in, a worker could, with a bit of overtime, earn over $100,000 in a year.

The settlement will cost GM around eight hundred million – but it stands to make ten billion dollars in profits this year.

Wages only comprise about 5% of the price of an automobile.

I am delighted any time workers get more money for labor's contribution to the cost of production. Unfortunately, labor IS the factor that most often gets cut in cost production, which is the reason why so much of our manufacturing is outsourced to foreign nations. I would love to see more results like the auto workers union produced, although I suspect that will not happen unless we devolop into a society more favorable to labor fairness...something no society has ever had.

The UAW will definitely be taking these results "on the road" and organizing the non-union plants in the South.

This is a huge victory for the UAW and organized labor in general.

This is, indeed, a huge victory for the UAW and organized labor in general...or at least I hope it is. The reaction to it, starting with "taking the results on the road" may turn that around.

I still think that earlier post of yours seemed out of line with your usual efforts, but this one seemed to return to your usual thinking.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 07:15 am
izzythepush wrote:

Biden has sent a fleet to the Med to give material support for the assault on the civilian population of Gaza.

He approved more weapons for the IDF to kill Palestinians.

And his mealy mouthed words about aid and humanitarian pauses are nothing but lip service.

He is the leader of a country that pretty much exterminated its own indigenous poulation, and even celebrates it with a celebration called Thanksgiving.

Are the people in the ME really going to believe a word he says?

He can stop it. He chose not to, instead he gave a green light to the IDF to act without restraint.

He will be remembered for this.

I'm sure you have a reason for all this America hating bullshit, Izzy...and, as a friend, I hope it helps you get through the day happily.
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 07:34 am
Black people arguably saved the country from that crazy POS in 2020, starting with the swing to Biden in the SC primary.

You haven't told me anything I didn't already know.

...but you sure need to mention several times that hey a few black men did it too!

So what? There are several explanations for the draw the POS continues to exert on "white" people. Some of these people are social conservatives, some of them (including ones I actually know) are upper middle class business people who fear a rise in capital gains taxes, some are appalled by illegal immigration, some of them like demagogues, and some of them are racists – or any combination thereof.

His appeal to non-white voters is more difficult to understand. Especially since the numbers grew in 2020 – after we'd all seen how the POS "governed" during his tenure. Again, we see this more prominently in male voters. Now there are some non-white "business conservatives" to be sure, someone who owns a chain of restaurants, a hair styling salon, or a successful body shop and is thinking about the minimum wage rising, increased taxes, or an economic downturn which would hurt their bottom line.

But that still leaves a substantial, and growing, number of non-white POS supporters. A surprising number of voters with Central American roots are anti-immigrant. Crimes directed against Asian people may have driven some of them to support the POS as a "law and order" guy. I suppose there are "black" voters who support the POS and overlook his racist dog whistling – but why? It's a legitimate question.
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 07:39 am
This isn't good:

Israel cited Hiroshima to US, believed Gaza deaths were 'acceptable price': Report

Israeli officials reportedly believed that the civilian deaths in Gaza were an "acceptable price" in its deadly offensive against Hamas and cited the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings to justify the assault.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 09:06 am
The endgame is the complete domination of Arabia by the US & Israel.

...I thought we were worried about Trump starting WWIII.

But here we are—a la Biden.

Time away has not improved your brain function, Lash.
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 11:09 am
@Frank Apisa,
It's not "American Hating," it's pretty much how things are seen from the ME.

Now you can bury your head in the sand and believe that the whole world whistles yankee doodle dandy and dismiss anything else as "America hating," or you can open your bloody eyes and see how this is going down worldwide.

On this issue America is completely isolated in the UN only cobbling together a pitiful few votes for its resolution.

Is that America hating too?

If it was similar resolutions regarding Ukraine would not have passed.

It's a lot easier playing osctrich than confronting difficult truths.

Over 8,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, killed with American weapons so far.

Can you feel the love?
Frank Apisa
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 11:33 am
izzythepush wrote:

It's not "American Hating," it's pretty much how things are seen from the ME.

Now you can bury your head in the sand and believe that the whole world whistles yankee doodle dandy and dismiss anything else as "America hating," or you can open your bloody eyes and see how this is going down worldwide.

On this issue America is completely isolated in the UN only cobbling together a pitiful few votes for its resolution.

Is that America hating too?

If it was similar resolutions regarding Ukraine would not have passed.

It's a lot easier playing osctrich than confronting difficult truths.

Over 8,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, killed with American weapons so far.

Can you feel the love?

What YOU are doing lately, Izzy...IS AMERICA HATING.

I do not give a **** about the rest of that stuff. America, like every great power that has ever existed on planet Earth...has earned plenty of the hate directed toward it.

BUT what YOU are doing lately...is hating on America.

That is all I said.

Umm...actually, I said more. I said "I am sure you have a reason for it..." and I also noted that, "...I hope it helps you get through the day happily."

So are you now saying that you are not hating on America...or that you are, but that you have a reason for doing so?
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 12:05 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You don't give a **** about the Palestinians. Ok.

This is the here and now, we're supposed to live in more enlightened times.

Slavery is no longer practiced for example, so don't try to hide behind historical all great powers bollocks.

What you're doing is assuming American public opinion is World opinion, and it most definitely is not.

Instead of dismissing my points as America hating, why don't you try challenging them?

On another matter the attacks on freedom of speech in America where it concerns pro Palestinian comments is reaching the level of McCarthyism.

Frank Apisa
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 01:55 pm
izzythepush wrote:

You don't give a **** about the Palestinians. Ok.

This is the here and now, we're supposed to live in more enlightened times.

Slavery is no longer practiced for example, so don't try to hide behind historical all great powers bollocks.

What you're doing is assuming American public opinion is World opinion, and it most definitely is not.

Instead of dismissing my points as America hating, why don't you try challenging them?

On another matter the attacks on freedom of speech in America where it concerns pro Palestinian comments is reaching the level of McCarthyism.

I have not said a single word here or anywhere else about the Palestinians or the Israelis or the problems they are dealing with right now. NOT ONE WORD.

Nor have I suggested in any way whatsoever that I think American public opinion is world opinion. NOT IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.

Wed 1 Nov, 2023 06:36 pm
hightor wrote:

Black people arguably saved the country from that crazy POS in 2020, starting with the swing to Biden in the SC primary.

You haven't told me anything I didn't already know.

...but you sure need to mention several times that hey a few black men did it too!

So what? There are several explanations for the draw the POS continues to exert on "white" people. Some of these people are social conservatives, some of them (including ones I actually know) are upper middle class business people who fear a rise in capital gains taxes, some are appalled by illegal immigration, some of them like demagogues, and some of them are racists – or any combination thereof.

His appeal to non-white voters is more difficult to understand. Especially since the numbers grew in 2020 – after we'd all seen how the POS "governed" during his tenure. Again, we see this more prominently in male voters. Now there are some non-white "business conservatives" to be sure, someone who owns a chain of restaurants, a hair styling salon, or a successful body shop and is thinking about the minimum wage rising, increased taxes, or an economic downturn which would hurt their bottom line.

But that still leaves a substantial, and growing, number of non-white POS supporters. A surprising number of voters with Central American roots are anti-immigrant. Crimes directed against Asian people may have driven some of them to support the POS as a "law and order" guy. I suppose there are "black" voters who support the POS and overlook his racist dog whistling – but why? It's a legitimate question.

No, it’s NOT a “legitimate” question. It’s an obfuscating dodge of a disingenuous question. It’s the kind of question that intellectually dishonest loudmouths like Joe Rogan ask - just asking, not trying to suggest anything, mind you. Every black person who supports Trump that I’ve ever heard speak just repeats ridiculous lies like “Trump has been better for black people than any president since Lincoln”. They couldn’t find their own asses with a flashlight, map and GPS.

You say I haven’t told you anything new. You clearly think that you’re educating me about something, what with your colorful graph and long winded whitesplaining. But the only thing you’ve showed me that I wasn’t already aware of is the breathtaking depth and breadth of your arrogance.

If my answers are too hostile for you Scarlett, you should probably just leave off your next snotty, passive aggressive retort. Because I will return your energy.

Wed 1 Nov, 2023 08:01 pm

Simmer down, folks.
Wed 1 Nov, 2023 08:29 pm
Yes! Isn't it amazing how ugly things can get when two people agree with each other?
0 Replies
Thu 2 Nov, 2023 03:25 am
@Frank Apisa,
I pointed out the number of Palestinians killed with American weapons in this assault so far, and your response was to say you didn't give a **** about it.

I don't know how you think those words can be interpreted in any other way.

The fact remains, only America can stop this, and it chooses not to.

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