Bogulum wrote:
I’ll tell y’all what keeps jumping out at me. It’s the gaslighting the media does to us - and themselves.
The narrative seems to be that we have to see these court cases against Trump through, to let our legal and judicial processes work, and thereby prove that Donald Trump is not above the law.
But that’s already just so much bullshit. Donald Trump has THIRTY-TWO charges of ESPIONAGE against him. Have you ever heard of an individual charged with CRIMES AGAINST THE COUNTRY just allowed to blithely travel around the country, as opposed to being in a cell awaiting trial? That is unheard of. He is already being proven to be above the law.
Look at how daintily they’re treating his flaunting the judges orders to shut up
about his cases. A warning. A statement to the press. A written warning. A tersely worded warning.
Any other person ignoring a judge’s orders would be put in JAIL the first time as a warning. After that if he kept on, he would simply be held in custody until his trial.
And what are the reasons given, when you ask people why he gets special treatment? They say things like, “action taken against him might be perceived as political”. What the unmitigated **** is that about? The courts and judges are NOT SUPPOSED to concern themselves with how enforcing the law is perceived!
It makes me crazy.
Are you suggesting that throwing him in jail until the trials are decided would help calm the situation we are ALL facing in this country right now?
Do you honestly think that putting him in jail, despite the fact that he is far and away the favorite candidate of a significant segment of the American people...would be seen favorably by the American people...
...and by the people of the other countries of the world?
How would you react to having one of the most popular politician of another country jailed during the election process in that country?
This entire situation is one of the most difficult ever faced by our nation. It should not even exist. If the Republicans of the Senate had done their job properly when Trump was on trial in that body...we would not have the problem at hand.
But we do have it at hand...and it must be handled with care and skill...or we are going to lose what people like you and I are fighting to protect...
...our Republic.
I say...let this play out the way it is playing out right now. If Trump continues to defy the judges rulings regarding what he can and cannot say...continue the process up to the Supreme Court. And if that body says he should be confined...then it should happen.