Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Thu 9 Feb, 2023 01:20 pm
There is a huge difference between Clinton and Trump.

When do you think it's time to stop banging on about Clinton, 2030, 2040, 5000?

Clinton was the last really decent president, he was instrumental in the NI peace process, unlike his predecessors who gave carte blanche to Irish terrorists. He also stopped the slaughter in Kosovo.

Nobody over here really gives a **** about a spunky dress.

He left the world a better place. Duya allowed 9/11, shat all over America's reputation with an illegal war in Iraq.

Obama's subsequent timidity emboldened Assad and Putin.

Trump then supported polluters, and licked dictator's backsides.

Clinton was better than any of them.
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 01:25 pm
There is no difference in the Rule of Law.

Y'all wanna debate good lies versus bad lies, but they are all lies.

I care that a President, any President is not held to the same Rule of Standard that I am subjected to. You may not think Clinton's lie was so bad. Republicans don't think their lies are so bad.

Where do we draw the line?

When ALL liars are held accountable.
Frank Apisa
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 01:29 pm
neptuneblue wrote:

There is no difference in the Rule of Law.

Y'all wanna debate good lies versus bad lies, but they are all lies.

I care that a President, any President is not held to the same Rule of Standard that I am subjected to. You may not think Clinton's lie was so bad. Republicans don't think their lies are so bad.

Where do we draw the line?

When ALL liars are held accountable.

So...you want the entire human race to be held accountable?
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 01:31 pm
I'm not debating good lies versus bad lies, I'm pointing out the effect he had globally.

I don't give a **** about domestic American politics, I care how it impacts on the rest of us.

Clinton was the best president since F D R, and nobody else has close since, although Biden is doing a good job standing up to Putin.

Trump was a disaster.
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 01:41 pm
For someone who doesn't give a ****, you're awfully verbose.

I am not then nor now a fan of Trump. You're mistaking the type of conversation. Yes, I did vote for Clinton. Twice.

He may have made policies I agreed with. But make no mistake, he's a rapist and a liar. And he walked away free.

Yes, Trump was/is a disaster. Time will tell if Trump walks.
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:37 pm
neptuneblue wrote:
Clinton took a deal to get him out of a prison sentence.
Trump's too stupid to do that.

I think Mr. Trump would take the same deal that Mr. Clinton took.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:38 pm
revelette1 wrote:
I seriously doubt Clinton would have gotten a prison sentence.

Unlike Mr. Trump, Mr. Clinton committed numerous felonies.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:44 pm
newsweek wrote:
For years now, Israeli governments have brashly and unapologetically refused to hold mandated negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian areas.

This article is a horrible lie. Israel has always negotiated, and has always been willing to negotiate.

It is the Palestinians who refuse to negotiate or make peace.

newsweek wrote:
The 1993 Oslo Accords called for a short interim period in which Palestinians would secure their major cities while Israel gradually put an end to its decades-long occupation of Palestinian lands taken in June 1967. Instead, Israel has expropriated more and more Palestinian land, erecting settlements in what amounts to de facto annexation.

This land is not "Palestinian land". It is "land that the Palestinians would like to have".

It is land that the Palestinians would be given if they were ever willing to make peace with Israel.

It is land that Israel is going to keep for themselves so long as the Palestinians keep refusing to make peace.

newsweek wrote:
America's requests to both sides might seem balanced if you know nothing about the situation. If you do, however, you know that the Americans were asking Israel to stop actions that are already illegal, at least according to the Geneva Convention.

Nonsense. Israel only has to give up this land in exchange for peace, and so far the Palestinians have not been willing to make peace.

There is nothing wrong with Israel putting this land to good use as long as it remains in their possession.

newsweek wrote:
In return, the Palestinians were asked to suspend legal actions at the United Nations and to continue their role as the security subcontractors for Israel without Israel even being asked to go back to peace talks.

The Palestinians are being asked to stop murdering people and start making peace. At this point no one expects them to do so and it is just a rhetorical request, but it is most certainly not legal for Palestinians to keep murdering people all the time.

Israel doesn't have to be asked to go back to peace talks because Israel is not the party that is refusing to have peace talks.

If anyone seriously wants there to be more peace talks, they will have to ask the party that is refusing to negotiate, and that would be the Palestinians.

newsweek wrote:
America's proposed pause mandates that Palestinians be denied the right of resistance, recognized by international law when it comes to an occupied people,

Wrong. International law does not recognize any right to wage perpetual war until your enemy is wiped off the face of the earth.

The Palestinians are war criminals for refusing to ever make peace with Israel.

newsweek wrote:
yet simultaneously demands that Palestinian leadership work overtime to thwart resistance while being blocked from nonviolent diplomatic efforts at the U.N. to end the occupation.

There is no occupation. The fact that Palestinians want land that they don't have (but would be given if they ever agreed to make peace) does not mean that this land is being occupied.

newsweek wrote:
Instead, Biden's team is demanding Palestinian leaders subjugate their own people without showing any interest in recognizing or dealing with Palestinian national aspirations.

The only thing the Palestinians aspire to is murder and genocide.

It is proper that such asperations be crushed.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:45 pm
revelette1 wrote:
I doubt he would have been indicted, but in any case I doubt the case even if he was indicted would have involved a prison sentence.

Why should he be above the law?

revelette1 wrote:
So, he could have fought it the charges if it came to that, he might have won given the definition of the Paula Jones case.

0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:46 pm
revelette1 wrote:
He was cited for contempt of court in the Paula Jones case. Not perjury, lying under oath. His statement was legally accurate but misleading.

His statements were not legally accurate in any way. He committed perjury in the Paula Jones case and perjury before the grand jury. He also committed rape, obstruction of justice, and witness tampering.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:48 pm
Who did Bill Clinton rape?
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:53 pm
Juanita Broaddrick. Not sure if I spelled her name right.

He also sexually assaulted Kathleen Willey.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:54 pm
Yet you keep sucking up to Oralloy.

What about the NI peace process, you opposed to that as well?

It's your legal system, 97% of cases are settled by plea bargain.

Maybe Clinton should have gone to jail but he didn't.

Ghandi was a right bastard too by all accounts.

If you want to go back what about Reagan? He was the bastard that allowed your news channels to broadcast lies 24/7.

And when a point goes over your head to resort to personal insults. I may not give a **** about domestic American politics but I sure as hell give a **** about the impact you have on the rest of us, especially when we're fighting your illegal wars in Iraq.

I'm sorry that's too nuanced for to take, maybe if you were't so opinionated and self centred you might be spot things like that.
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 02:55 pm
hightor wrote:
Seriously, the politically inspired Whitewater investigation was little more than a fishing expedition (I would've said "witch hunt" but, you know...).

Same with the witch hunts against Nixon, Reagan, W, and Trump.

Hopefully the Republicans will now mount a similar witch hunt against Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

hightor wrote:
The charges against Trump are more serious and more numerous.

The charges against Mr. Trump are fabricated.

The Democrats have a history of framing innocent people for imaginary crimes. Look at Scooter Libby for example.

hightor wrote:
While Clinton did face a five year prison term,

The penalties for obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and rape are all longer than that I believe.

hightor wrote:
According to Wikipedia, "Perjury is considered a felony in most U.S. states. However, prosecutions for perjury are rare."

Perjury tends to be prosecuted when it is committed by someone in a high government office though.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 03:04 pm
You're testament to how right wing the Democrats are, they're more like our Tories.
0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 03:04 pm
I can recognize and acknowledge Truth. Clinton lied under oath. He *should* have been relieved of Duty.

But it seems you're too hellbent on trying to make me feel uncomfortable about speaking up than actually acknowledging that.

Thu 9 Feb, 2023 03:08 pm
Who did he rape?
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 03:14 pm
These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton
Eliza Relman Updated Jun 4, 2018, 1:04 PM

Four women over the past few decades have publicly accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault or harassment. One woman accused Clinton of raping her.
Amid ongoing national attention on issues of sexual assault and workplace harassment, Democrats and others on the left are beginning to reexamine their response to the allegations against Clinton.

President Bill Clinton's decision to lie under oath about his consensual affair with the White House intern Monica Lewinsky almost forced him from the presidency.

But allegations made by four other women that Clinton either sexually assaulted or harassed them have done little to discredit him among his supporters. Clinton has denied all of the allegations against him, including those made by four other women who say they had consensual extramarital relationships with him.

As a national spotlight focuses on sexual assault and harassment following a flood of accusations of misconduct against dozens of prominent men in Hollywood, the media, and politics, Democrats and others on the left are beginning to reexamine their response to the allegations against Clinton.

"Everybody in the mainstream press is calling all of Bill Clinton's crimes infidelities," Kathleen Willey, one of the women who has accused Clinton of harassment, told the Fox News host Sean Hannity in October 2016. "Rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment are not infidelities. They are crimes and they are misdemeanors."

Here are the allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him:

Juanita Broaddrick

Juanita Broaddrick has made the most serious allegations against Clinton, accusing him of raping her in 1978 while Clinton was Arkansas' attorney general.

Broaddrick, then a 35-year-old nursing-home administrator, met Clinton when he visited her nursing home on a campaign stop. After Clinton asked to meet with her on her next trip to Little Rock, the two set up a meeting in a hotel coffee shop.

Broaddrick, who first made the accusation publicly in 1999, told BuzzFeed News last year that when Clinton arrived at the hotel he asked to meet in Broaddrick's room instead and, after he arrived, violently raped her. Broaddrick said he bloodied her lip by biting it.

"There was no remorse," Broaddrick told BuzzFeed News. "He acted like it was an everyday occurrence. He was not the least bit apologetic. It was just unreal."

The Washington Post reported that two people close to Broaddrick said she described the rape to them at the time.

Kathleen Willey

Kathleen Willey said Clinton kissed her, fondled her breasts, and forced her to touch his crotch during a meeting in the Oval Office in 1993, while Willey was a volunteer in the White House correspondence office.

Willey made her allegations public in 1998, and Clinton "emphatically" denied that the interaction was sexual, arguing that he hugged Willey and may have kissed her on the forehead.

Willey says she was "friends" with Clinton and confided in him during the meeting that she and her husband were having financial troubles. She asked him for a promotion from her volunteer position to a paying job and says that Clinton was sympathetic and asked to talk with her in a small room off of the Oval Office. Willey says Clinton cornered and assaulted her in that room.

"My mind was racing and I thought: 'Should I slap him? Or should I kick him? Or knee him?'" Willey recalled thinking during an October 2016 interview with the Fox News host Sean Hannity. "What do I do? Scream? Is the Secret Service gonna come in and descend upon me with guns?"

Paula Jones

A former Arkansas state employee named Paula Jones said that in 1991, at a government quality-management conference that Clinton attended, she was approached by the state police and told that Clinton, then the governor, wanted to meet with her. Jones said that a police officer escorted her to Clinton's hotel room in Little Rock and that Clinton then propositioned her for sex and exposed his genitals to her.

"He sat down, pulled down his pants, his whole everything and he was exposed, and I said, 'I'm not that kind of girl, and I need to be getting back to my desk,'" Jones recalled to Hannity.

Jones said the state police officer was standing just outside the hotel room during the encounter.

She said that she tried to leave after Clinton exposed himself but that Clinton rushed over and grabbed the door.

"He said, 'You're a smart girl — let's keep this between ourselves,'" Jones said.

She said when she left the room the state trooper was smirking.

Jones made her allegations public in 1994 and brought a sexual-harassment lawsuit against Clinton. A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in 1998 on the grounds that Jones didn't prove that she was harmed, either personally or in her career, by the incident, and Jones appealed the ruling.

Clinton ultimately paid Jones $850,000 as part of an out-of-court settlement agreement but did not admit guilt or apologize to Jones.

Leslie Millwee

Leslie Millwee, a former television reporter, came forward publicly for the first time in October 2016 to accuse Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980.

Millwee says Clinton, then the governor of Arkansas, groped her on several occasions at the now-defunct TV station she worked at in Arkansas.

"He followed me into an editing room," Millwee told the far-right website Breitbart News in an October 2016 interview. "It was very small. There was a chair. I was sitting in a chair. He came up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders and running his hands down toward my breasts. And I was just stunned. I froze. I asked him to stop. He laughed."

Millwee says the incidents escalated.

She said of a second incident: "He came in behind me. Started hunching me to the point that he had an orgasm. He's trying to touch my breasts. And I'm just sitting there very stiffly, just waiting for him to leave me alone. And I'm asking him the whole time, 'Please do not do this. Do not touch me. Do not hunch me. I do not want this.'"

She recalled a third time in which, she said, she wasn't aware Clinton was in the building when he found her in the editing room.

Millwee says she did not report it to authorities because he was the governor of Arkansas at the time and she worried about what would happen if she came forward.

0 Replies
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 03:14 pm
I'm not asking you this, but if Clinton had committed rape why wasn't he prosecuted? The Republicans were in power for 12 years on and off since he left office, and it's not like they weren't gunning for him.
Thu 9 Feb, 2023 03:20 pm
Because rape convictions, especially against an influential politician, are extremely rare.

Women are demonized and lose their credibility and career. Men walk away.

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