Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Walter Hinteler
Sun 22 May, 2022 01:34 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The list published on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry - >HERE< - contains the names of government representatives and members of congress, but also of members of civil society. Also included are the names of deceased persons: for example, ex-Senator John McCain is not allowed to enter Russia.
Sun 22 May, 2022 01:37 am
@Walter Hinteler,
After his visit to Hanoi, McCain had probably had enough foreign travel, anyway.
0 Replies
Sun 22 May, 2022 07:08 am
@Walter Hinteler,
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Tue 24 May, 2022 05:42 am


someone's spot-on comment --

Frank Apisa
Tue 24 May, 2022 09:35 am
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:


someone's spot-on comment --

And a tax dependent exemption.
0 Replies
Wed 25 May, 2022 06:11 am
Hang on, folks...

How this Became the Age of the Dumb, Toxic Bastard

The Great Gaslighting, or How the Far Right Ripped Our Societies Apart

You’ve met them. You see them everywhere. The dumb, toxic bastard. Covid’s the pandemic, but they’re like the plague of this age. I keep thinking of that weird scene from some kind of horror-comedy movie that happened in real life: the planeloads of people who took off their masks, whooping and cheering, in mid flight, egged on by airlines — never mind if anyone elderly, sick with cancer, immunocompromised, or someone who just doesn’t want to get sick was trapped on a tin can at 35,000 feet with them. Never mind reality, decency, common sense, civilization, truth, science, facts, logic, thinking, morals. High five me!!!

Dumb. Toxic. Bastards.

Why are they so omnipresent? Why is that history will remember this as the age of the DTB?

Think about the three trends which really define this age.

The first is that the hard right is ascendant, in an eerie and scary way. India, America, Russia, and China should not all have the same political macrodynamics. But they do. So do Britain, half of Europe, Australia, and beyond. Something is very, very wrong here. The world’s politics should not be playing out in precisely the same way in every corner of it. But in this age, it’s as if a mega-tsunami is racing around the globe, in the wake of a planet-killer of a meteor strike, at least politically.

The far right is in control. Even when it’s not in power, it has power.
Like how a Supreme Court can take away the rights of half the population, by overturning Roe v Wade, even though 70% of America doesn’t want it to. That is how ascendant it is. Think about that. It doesn’t even need to be in power to be able to alter the course of entire nations anymore — because it has redefined society and politics to such a degree that it is now indistinguishable from power. What do I mean by that?

The far right is ascendant because it’s managed to shift everything far to the right. It threw a Molotov cocktail through the Overton Window. What used to be the centre doesn’t exist anymore. Everything is now tilted ultra far right, listing so heavily that way that the whole edifice of human civilization is beginning to topple over. The far right has redefined the basic ideas of democracy to be what it wants — and they have nothing to do with democracy at all, just with having the license to be a dumb, toxic bastard.

The far right has recoded the basic ideas of democracy to mean their very opposites. And so people act as if they’ve lost their minds, because reality has turned upside down for them.

Let me give you a few examples. Free speech used to mean things like being able to express yourself in the face of autocracy and hate. Now it’s basically code…for…hate speech. When Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter for the sake of “free speech,” we all know — even his sad gamer-desk alt-right bro army — what it really means: that they should have the power to harass, insult, mock, demean, bully, and threaten anyone they like, but particularly “libs,” women, minorities, gay people.

Free speech has been turned on its head. Free speech was never hate speech. We teach kids at the precise moment we teach them why it really matters. To say I can bully and threaten you is the precise opposite of a net gain in free speech. And yet the right has coded intimidation as free speech, not hate…and so…guess what…dumb toxic bastards rule us now.

Here’s another thing the right has recoded. Freedom itself. Think of all those dumb, toxic bastards on those planes. Have they lost their minds? The answer is: yes, yes they have. The far right has recoded freedom as “doing whatever you want, no matter how hurtful or damaging to anyone else.” Not a “net gain in human liberation for all of us, including you.” What’s the difference? Everything. Freedom in this context, now, during a pandemic, is increased by masks. Freedom is public health right now. Less people dying of the virus. Not more of them. The exact same logic is why we have, say, speed limits, seatbelts, or traffic lights. It maximises freedom for all of us.

But no. The morons on the planes cheered at taking their masks because the far right has recoded freedom as “the right to hurt others” — and hammered this message into everybody’s mind over and over again, until plenty of people’s minds have broken right apart. Of course freedom isn’t the right to hurt others. That’s not a right at all. it’s where rights, all of them, end. We teach literal second graders this. No, we don’t hurt others. That isn’t what freedom is. Freedom is being able to lift people up, to be kind, to think well, to care, to be able to accept truth, to live with grace. It isn’t just lashing out in hate.

We teach kids this stuff.

Or at least we used to. Here’s another example of a basic social force the far right has recoded. Democracy itself. What is democracy? It’s not just voting — in Rwanda, the President won 99.8% of the vote, LOL, and so we know it’s not a democracy. Democracy is really enacting the basic ideals of it: truth, justice, equality, freedom.

It isn’t just dominating others. It’s liberating them.

If all we are doing is dominating others — hurting them, subjugating them, forcing them to our will without their consent, which is what’s so odious about people cheering as they take off the masks on planes — that is not democratic. Even if it is done putatively using the tools of democracy. The President of Rwanda gets 99.8% of the vote — and we know he’s just really dominating and subjugating the entire country and the democracy of it is a sham.

Democracy is more than domination. It is liberation. It’s me wanting to set you free. It isn’t just me saying, “Freedom is my right to hurt you!! Hahaha! Here, give your grandma my Covid!!” Democracy is me enacting the basic values of truth, justice, equality, and freedom, and giving them to you.

But the far right has completely recoded all of that. “Democracy” means me dominating you against your will, without your consent, and hurting you, because that is what freedom is. If a few lies are told along the way, so be it, because truth doesn’t matter — only power does. Equality goes out the nearest window. Justice is turned on its head, and rage and hostility are all that count. The far right has managed to recode democracy itself — as authoritarianism, regress, just a way to get what you want, even if it means hurting anyone and everyone else, not giving them liberation, too.

And millions upon millions of people believe this.
They’ve become the dumb, toxic bastards you can see literally everywhere. Those poor people have been tricked. Conned. Hoodwinked. By the far right, which is a set of billionaires, funding millionaires, to embezzle these people’s minds from them. Their futures. Their better selves. The billionaires — the Spotify guy, for example, or Zuck — fund the millionaires — Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, whomever — to recode everything into its opposite, from freedom to democracy to truth itself.

And bombarded with this recoding of everything into its opposite, this Great Gaslighting, the average person mind just suddenly shatters after a time, like glass hit too long with a hammer. They become a dumb, toxic bastard.

Hence: The Great Gaslighting. This is how everyone became a dumb toxic bastard. You can see that they outnumber us. Nobody on those planes was like Jesus, people, stop. Think. It was like a zombie movie in that regard. They all succumbed, and those who didn’t were a) outnumbered and b) quaking with silent horror. The Great Gaslighting works.

Because of the far right’s Great Gaslighting, everything coded into its opposite, hate now rules our world. Think of the way the far right is ascendant everywhere. And now think of how much it hates.

It’s almost comical when you think about it. What does the far right hate? Everything. Everything you can think of. Masks. Books. Kids. Women. Gay people. Immigrants. Science. History. Reality. Civilization. Disney World. Kids books about unicorns. Kids wearing masks. Women wearing masks holding kids. Kids who want to grow up to be scientists. You can see how insane this is.

If you don’t, let me spell it out. Someone like this walks around hating most of the people they see. Way more than half of us, after all, are women and kids. That much hate is actually pathological. It is literally insane to hate this much. Who does that? Who wants to live like that? It’s not normal and it’s not healthy. Imagine walking around hating…most people and things you see. 99% of what you see makes you angry, curdles your lip in rage. That’s psychosis. It’s paranoia. It’s delusional.

The far right is a hate movement. It triggers people to hate everything. Normal things. Peaceful things and nice things and good things. Like…people just existing. Science, truth, civilization, women, kids. It makes people literally lose their minds with hate. And they become this figure the rest of know all too well: dumb toxic bastards.

The Great Gaslighting works. The whole world is turning into dumb toxic bastards these days at light speed because the far right has recoded everything to mean its opposite. Women aren’t people — just wombs. Kids aren’t people — they’re just genes to be purified. Science is a lie, and liberals drink kids’ blood. The real crisis in the world isn’t strongmen — its not enough tough-guy masculinity. Hey, we’re the real victims here! Everything is turned upside down. The basic ideas of democracy curdle into their antitheses. Freedom is the right to hurt others, truth a lie, equality the right to dominate others, justice the moral obligation to subjugate the weak.

Hammer this into people a million times a day, their minds shatter — and they become dumb toxic bastards. Whose only goals in life are domination, power, subjugation. They become obsessed with hurting others as “freedom.” They are not capable of democracy anymore — because what democracy really is is me setting you free.

And that’s precisely what the far right wants. We’re beginning to live in it now: a world of dumb, toxic bastards.

Wed 25 May, 2022 06:48 am
Add to that the fact that the DNC is more far right than left or even moderate these days.
0 Replies
Wed 25 May, 2022 11:37 am
A resounding defeat for Trump in Georgia
0 Replies
Wed 25 May, 2022 02:28 pm
Did Florida Rep. Randy Fine just threaten the president’s life? Secret Service better find out | Editorial

Here’s what Fine said on Twitter: “I have news for the embarrassment that claims to be our president — try to take our guns and you’ll learn why the Second Amendment was written in the first place.”

He made this wretched comment after President Biden responded to the horrific massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday, in which 19 children and two adults died.

The president said, in part: “When we passed the assault weapons ban, mass shootings went down. When the law expired, mass shootings tripled. The idea that an 18-year-old kid can walk into a gun store and buy two assault weapons is just wrong.
0 Replies
Wed 25 May, 2022 03:07 pm
Beto O’Rourke confronts Texas governor during update on Uvalde elementary school shooting

Texas Democratic gubernatorial nominee Beto O’Rourke confronted Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and other officials on Wednesday during a press conference about Tuesday’s deadly shooting at an elementary school in the state.

“Gov. Abbott, I have to say something,” O’Rourke – a former congressman who represented El Paso, Texas, and is a former Senate and presidential candidate – said as he approached the stage in Uvalde, Texas.

“The time to stop the next shooting is right now and you are doing nothing,” O’Rourke told Abbott. The two will face off in Texas’ gubernatorial race in November.
Prior to O’Rourke’s exit, Texas Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told the former congressman, “You’re out of line and an embarrassment.”

“Sit down,” Sen. Ted Cruz, O’Rourke’s opponent in the 2018 Senate race, said, shaking his head.

Another official onstage, Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, shouted profanities at O’Rourke and appeared to direct authorities in the room to remove the former congressman from the auditorium.

O’Rourke was then led away by officers.

“(Abbott) said he was going to do something. He did nothing. In fact, the only thing he did was make it easier to carry a gun in public,” O’Rourke told reporters after he exited the press conference.


Then Beto mentions the governor is going to an NRA convention to speak. Abbott has no shame at all.

And whenever a shooting happens, the GOP always has the same message: "this is no time for politics. Thoughts and prayers." Every damn time.
Wed 25 May, 2022 05:48 pm
That absolutely rocked me.
0 Replies
Wed 25 May, 2022 05:55 pm
I saw that conference today, it was shameful........all these fat guys sitting around with long faces worried about mental health issues and high school drop outs.
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Walter Hinteler
Sat 28 May, 2022 07:36 am
After 21 people were killed, the Republican party’s newest enemy is … doors
Republicans: shut the front door!
It can be hard to get your head around what rightwingers in the US actually believe. On the one hand, they claim to love babies; on the other hand, they’re against government funds going towards helping to feed babies. They claim to love freedom and hate government meddling, but then they’re frenetically trying to pass bills that would take away a woman’s freedom over her own body and allow the government to meddle in intimate reproductive choices. Like I said, they’re a complex bunch! Still, I’ve mapped their moral compass as best I can, and compiled this handy cheatsheet to help understand where conservatives stand on various issues. Here you go.

Essential to life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom; should remain freely available and shouldn’t be controlled:
• Viagra
• Guns

Highly dangerous and must be banned or tightly controlled:
• Uteruses
• Books
• Leggings
• Disney
• The word “gay”
• Trans people
• Critical race theory
• Birth control
• Doors

Yep, you read that last item right: it seems doors are the newest enemy of the Republican party. In the wake of the horrific elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas – where 19 children and two teachers were killed by a teenager with military-grade weapons – some Republicans are choosing to channel their energy towards the important question of door control.

“You want to talk about how we could have prevented the horror that played out across the street?” the Texas senator Ted Cruz said on Wednesday, while standing outside Robb elementary school. “Having one door that goes in and out of the school, having armed police officers at that one door.”

An ordinary person would have paused for a second after saying something so patently ridiculous and then, hit by the realization that they had just blamed the massacre of school children on the problem of “too many doors and not enough guns”, curled up into a little ball of shame. Not Cancún Cruz, though. Cruz has demonstrated time and time again that he is incapable of shame. No, instead of realizing he’d said something inane, Cruz just doubled down on it; he was so pleased with the concept of door reform that he repeated the idea later that day on Fox News.

Cruz isn’t the only Republican waging a war on doors: the issue has long been a favourite talking point among conservatives trying to deflect from the idea of gun reform. After a 2018 shooting at a high school in Houston, for example, the Texas lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick, blamed the massacre on doors. “From what we know, [the shooter] walked in … with a long coat and a shotgun under his coat,” Patrick said during a news conference. “It’s 90 degrees. Had there been one single entrance possibly for every student, maybe he would have been stopped … There are too many entrances and too many exits to our over 8,000 campuses in Texas.”

It probably won’t surprise you to hear that the National Rifle Association (NRA), who bankroll a long list of Republican politicians, including Cruz, are the ones responsible for coming up with the too-many-doors talking point. In 2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, the NRA assembled a taskforce to come up with a school safety proposal that didn’t involve meaningful gun control. The result was a dystopian 225-page report that included recommendations like: arm teachers; build bigger fences; get rid of trees; “design windows, framing, and anchoring systems to minimize the effects of explosive blasts, gunfire and forced entry”. These are recommendations, let me remind you, for schools. Not for maximum security prisons – for schools. The report also contains pages and pages of recommendations about doors, including the idea that there should be a single, controlled entry point and that doors should have ballistic protective glass.

Many of the NRA’s recommendations, it should be said, had been implemented by Robb elementary. In 2020, the Uvalde school district received $69,000 in state grants to enhance physical security in Texas public schools, which included installing “exterior doors with push bars” and “door-locking systems”. None of that stopped the shooter. It shouldn’t need to be said, but doors are not responsible for school massacres. Guns are.

To be clear: Cruz and his buddies in the NRA may be morally bankrupt but they are not entirely stupid. They know very well that guns are dangerous. That’s why guns were banned from Donald Trump’s speech at the NRA conference on Friday. It seems that they decided door control wouldn’t quite cut it in that particular situation.
0 Replies
Sun 29 May, 2022 04:48 pm
Well the Musk/Twitter deal is now officially off.

Region Philbis
Sun 29 May, 2022 05:32 pm

he couldn't de-bunk the story about his junk...
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Tue 31 May, 2022 04:49 am

US prosecutors get guilty verdict in Capitol riot case, extend win streak
0 Replies
Tue 31 May, 2022 02:11 pm
Attorney with ties to 2016 Clinton campaign acquitted in first Durham special counsel trial

0 Replies
Region Philbis
Sat 4 Jun, 2022 05:04 am

Grand jury indicts former Trump adviser Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress
Sun 5 Jun, 2022 02:09 am
@Region Philbis,
Global population wonders why Bill Clinton isn't being prosecuted for child sex trafficking offenses, after Ghislaine Maxwell trial ends.
Sun 5 Jun, 2022 05:44 am
A2K members wonder why Builder isn't seeking psychiatric help for his preoccupation with sex trafficking and the Clintons.
0 Replies

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