Monitoring Biden and other Contemporary Events

Thu 7 Apr, 2022 03:31 pm
For all the hatred spewed by the last administration and for all the bigotry displayed by the GOP, it's nice that between the last election and now, we have a woman of color as our VP and a woman of color who will become a Supreme Court Justice!
bobsal u1553115
Thu 7 Apr, 2022 04:41 pm
For whatever reason the DoJ seems to be moving finally towards the Orange Shitgibbon.

Seriously: About f-ing time
bobsal u1553115
Thu 7 Apr, 2022 08:57 pm
I offer in study of contrast to Justice Jackson:

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bobsal u1553115
Thu 7 Apr, 2022 09:25 pm
Ted Cruz Says Confirmation of Qualified Nominee Sets Dangerous Precedent

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Minutes after Kentanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court, Senator Ted Cruz warned that the confirmation of a qualified nominee set “a dangerous precedent.”

“Make no mistake, Judge Jackson has been confirmed for the flimsiest of reasons—that she is qualified,” Cruz said. “Now that one qualified nominee has been confirmed, we can expect more of the same.”

“Mark my words, Joe Biden and his cabal of Democratic cronies are ready to pack the Court with other qualified nominees,” he added. “The slippery slope started today.”

Recalling confirmation hearings of yesteryear, Cruz waxed nostalgic for an era “before the tyranny of the qualified seized control.”

Thu 7 Apr, 2022 09:42 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Is that just a foundation-less opinion of the sour grapes variety whine, or dd you forget make specific claims and some documentation?

It's called logic.

Learn to use it.

1. Biden raises (or tries anyway) minimum wage to $15 as part of his campaign plan. Anyone who has studied economics or been self-employed understands that this wage is not some nifty free money. It's money that an employer is required by law to pay legal workers.
(a) So either they employ less workers, creating a worker shortage. Which in turn means higher unemployment.
(b) Or they employ illegals under the table, threatening to deport them if they complain.
(c) Or they hire legal citizens, but do little tricks like shifting around hours to get around paying the 30 or so part time hours by splitting the pay period so half of it always seems to be after the pay time.
2. He tells us during his own speeches that he wants to create equality in farming (meaning fire white farmers, and hire blacks as farmers simply because they are black doing nothing to benefit employment and everything to create shortages), and he also wants farmers to "grow cover crops" (plant inedible unsellable stuff like clover or wildflowers) to save the environment. Resulting in more shortages.
3. These shortages inflate the economy, so now maybe people can afford $15 paying an hour as their currency is inflated. But it isn't actually worth $15 but closer to $12.30 due to about 18% inflation. And it's only gonna get worse as shortages increase.
4. In addition, he imposes COVID restrictions full stop, and in fact doubles down on them. Maintain social distance. Limit the number of people. Wear the masks. Now vaccinate everyone. Okay, logic time.
(a) Say that you have twelve employees, and you have to have a maximum of ten people in a shop period. Either you have to screen out your customers (and kill your income, making many days in the red). Or you cut employees (and make every job more difficult than it should be). It cannot be simply laying off two employees because you must also account for customers. At the end, you're gonna try to value income, so twelve employees? Down to three. Then they say that the plague is spreading, and more must be done to flatten the curve. Three people limited. You have one person, and the store will probably have to close. You've just killed small business in your area. So many people went dormant, trying to hang on to the property. Many couldn't.
(b) Now let's say you get rid of the cap on people, but they must stay six feet away. If you've played D&D, you know that 6 feet radius is larger than a 2 x 2 sq, which is actually closer to 12 ft in diameter. This gets to be unreasonable given most small shops have counters that are only so big. In fact, this demand gets to be worse than the first one.
(c) Even worse is the mask prohibition. Now you are getting away from numbers and into preferences. Some people can't wear masks (asthma/COPD/pneumonia). You don't care, you want them made to wear it anyway. Some people are afraid of masks due to either outright phobia of masks, the claustrophobic feeling of being walled in, or an issue with heightened social anxiety. Some morally object based their unhealthy language of submission (I immediately draw comparisons to dog muzzles and the hijab), due to seeing how other people are treated under this system if they refuse, or by drawing comparisons to all of this to end times. In fact, you may be surprised to know that some would rather DIE than wear one, even if it comes down to not being able to buy goods. Now I don't believe in apocalyptic stuff anymore, but it's completely appalling to do this to society, and everyone who enabled it should have been shot. But then they'd call all all of this "COVID deaths" of course.
(d) Ditto to vaccines, but now you have other fears in the way. They say that it contains mRNA. There's people who are wary of genetic manipulation or who don't eat GMOs. They also tell us that it may have side effects, including numbing and blood clots. Some seizures or partial paralysis is also a thing. Uhhhh yeah, I had seizures as a child. No thanks. Then there's the derivation from stem cells for some of these, and the concern about growing them from fetus material, which creates abortion concerns for pro-life types. All of this conspires together to make people unwilling to go places that demand this.
(e) And then there is the end effect of all this social rejection. Some people like me have just kinda... shut down, and don't have any real life friends anymore, and are sick and tired of people. **** off, all of you, they say. They stay home but not because of any disease. Because they completely hate how this has brought out the very worst of humanity. People like me no longer have any trust left, so they probably won't go back to work because other people are scum. I'm still waiting to be proven wrong here, but you guys haven't convinced me.

Biden declares that now most people are vaccinated so it's thanks to him that the numbers were up. Bullshit that it was his doing. I've observed personally the breakdown of mask and vaccine requirements, as people simply couldn't remain in business except by breaking the rules (I was in a pizza place that was crowded as hell, and only a few were eating outside and one wore a mask to enter), especially when people like me decided they would rather not visit than patronize a store that told them they are not welcome "unless they..." A custom like yours I can get any day. Instead, stores that had let me shop have not asked my vaccine status, knowing that I will walk off and never come back. A church I went to for years tried that. I have not returned, and I don't intend to until they drop it entirely. If even 1% of the population is like me, that's a good 3 million people who aren't going back to work until things stop. And there's probably more than that who only work at places that they know don't require it. Logic tells us that if a president is doing everything he can to sabotage American productivity, that it has happen IN SPITE of him, not BECAUSE of him.

You are looking for documentation. Yeah, right. Documentation is made by people with a printing press. When you write the narrative, you get to control the narrative.
When the numbers aren't even real, how can you trust documentation? There are only about 300 million or so in US, not 720 million. "Do not confuse my truth with facts." Yes, exactly.
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Thu 7 Apr, 2022 11:34 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Incredible. Still, Ted Cruz. . .
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 03:46 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
It's called logic.

G.K.Chesterton wrote:
Every one who has had the misfortune to talk with people in the heart or on the edge of mental disorder, knows that their most sinister quality is a horrible clarity of detail; a connecting of one thing with another in a map more elaborate than a maze. If you argue with a madman, it is extremely probable that you will get the worst of it; for in many ways his mind moves all the quicker for not being delayed by the things that go with good judgment. He is not hampered by a sense of humour or by charity, or by the dumb certainties of experience. He is the more logical for losing certain sane affections. Indeed, the common phrase for insanity is in this respect a misleading one. The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason. The madman’s explanation of a thing is always complete, and often in a purely rational sense satisfactory.
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 03:59 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

For whatever reason the DoJ seems to be moving finally towards the Orange Shitgibbon.

Seriously: About f-ing time

It’s too f-ing little too f-ing late
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bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 06:31 am
Name one Pence accomplishment after four years, and I'll give you a list of Harris's after you do that.

The only great thing Pence did was on Jan 20, and your pals wanted to hang him. Now you point out another. Freebie: Harris was the first woman to be POTUS. Oh yes she was.
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bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 06:39 am
More importantly, Borowitz, the best American satirist since Art Buchwald.
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bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 06:40 am
Thank you.
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 07:20 am
It's all well and good to quote people. But before that, we should make sure their opinion is to be trusted. You see, someone who labels other as a madman is basically saying, "Even though this person has the ability to string thoughts together, because it is heading in a direction that I do not like or agree with, they must be mad."

But madness, as any therapist will tell you, is the inability to think clearly. An autistic, for instance will speak a great deal on trivia about math or boats or prime numbers but be completely unable to function in a date. They might wander off, letting their date sit there waiting for them. A schizophrenic will sometimes have clanging association, where they observe rhyming words. A narcissist will speak excessively about themselves and be strangely cold or even antagonistic to people who do just as well. These are disorders or unsoundness of the mind. The insane cannot use logic, as there is a flaw in their logic.

And here too is a flaw in his logic, that people who are clearly able to think are mad because they disagree with me. No, that doesn't follow. They are mad (if they are mad) because they are mad. Because madness prevails over logic and reason.
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Fri 8 Apr, 2022 07:27 am
@bobsal u1553115,
There is no free ride in this world.

You can't have someone else call someone insane, and expect to get off without defending your own arguments.

If your arguments have no merit, then they are bad. More importantly, if they have no logic, they are insane.


In English, the word "sane" derives from the Latin adjective sanus meaning "healthy". Juvenal's phrase mens sana in corpore sano is often translated to mean a "healthy mind in a healthy body". From this perspective, insanity can be considered as poor health of the mind, not necessarily of the brain as an organ (although that can affect mental health), but rather refers to defective function of mental processes such as reasoning. Another Latin phrase related to our current concept of sanity is "compos mentis" (lit. "sound of mind"), and a euphemistic term for insanity is "non compos mentis". In law, mens rea means having had criminal intent, or a guilty mind, when the act (actus reus) was committed.

A more informal use of the term insanity is to denote something or someone considered highly unique, passionate or extreme, including in a positive sense. The term may also be used as an attempt to discredit or criticize particular ideas, beliefs, principles, desires, personal feelings, attitudes, or their proponents, such as in politics and religion.

It is used wrongly in the latter way. Sanity is a function of having a mind that is capable of reasoning.

But you can neither reason what I was easily able to do about the Biden "employment" , nor have you made a successful response. Hightor at least gave me a quote. If you do not want to be called an insane leftist, you can't ride on his coattails, you gotta defend your own thoughts.
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bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 09:41 am
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bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 09:54 am
Ex-RNC staffer gets more than 12 years in prison in child porn case
Source: Politico

A former GOP staffer and Republican National Committee aide who admitted to being part of a ring that traded child pornography involving babies was sentenced Thursday to more than 12-and-a-half years in prison Thursday.

Ruben Verastigui, 29, received the 151-month sentence from U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta during a hearing held via video conference, according to an announcement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C.

Verastigui was a digital strategist for the RNC in 2017 and 2018, working on social media advertising for political committees backing former President Donald Trump, according to Verastigui’s LinkedIn page. The digital strategist also worked for the Senate Republican Conference and for a nonprofit group called Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. An anti-abortion activist originally from San Antonio, Verastigui spoke at the March for Life in Washington in 2013, according to a video clip posted online.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/08/rnc-staffer-child-porn-case-00024031
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Fri 8 Apr, 2022 09:55 am
The FBI is investigating how classified White House materials ended up at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home, according to the Washington Post and New York Times.

The Justice Department has "begun taking steps" to investigate Trump's removal of presidential records, including classified documents that were labeled "top secret," according to the Post. The FBI, which is leading the effort, is in the "preliminary stages" of the probe, according to the Times.

The National Archives said in February that it had reached out to the Justice Department after discovering "classified national security information" in 15 boxes with White House documents, mementos, and gifts that had been improperly taken to Mar-a-Lago. The DOJ instructed the National Archives not to share details about the materials with the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating the matter as well, suggesting that a "criminal investigation might be underway," according to the Times.

"This is a BIG deal," the government watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington said on Twitter. The group sent a letter to the DOJ in February alleging that Trump "likely violated criminal law" with his handling of government records, including reports that he tore up official documents that had to be taped back together.


What I like about it is that there is no middle man to hide behind like there usually is. It's not a case of Trump said this, x did that, so Trump is guilty of being complicit with the rioters on 1/6, or his stupid 'perfect' call. They have the boxes with the label of classified on them, and other hard evidence of Trump taking things from the White House he had no legal right to.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 09:56 am
Trump aide seeking NH House seat voted in 2 states in 2016
The GOP is the party of voter fraud. These assholes are so arrogant that they think that it is oaky to vote twice.

Link to tweet

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A former Trump administration official now running for Congress in New Hampshire voted twice during the 2016 primary election season, potentially violating federal voting law and leaving him at odds with the Republican Party’s intense focus on “election integrity.”

Matt Mowers, a leading Republican primary candidate looking to unseat Democratic Rep. Chris Pappas, cast an absentee ballot in New Hampshire’s 2016 presidential primary, voting records show. At the time, Mowers served as the director of former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential campaign in the pivotal early voting state.

Four months later, after Christie’s bid fizzled, Mowers cast another ballot in New Jersey’s Republican presidential primary, using his parents’ address to re-register in his home state, documents The Associated Press obtained through a public records request show.

Legal experts say Mowers’ actions could violate a federal law that prohibits “voting more than once” in “any general, special, or primary election.” That includes casting a ballot in separate jurisdictions “for an election to the same candidacy or office.” It also puts Mowers, who was a senior adviser in Donald Trump’s administration and later held a State Department post, in an awkward spot at a time when much of his party has embraced the former president’s lies about a stolen 2020 election and has pushed for restrictive new election laws.
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Walter Hinteler
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 10:05 am
Greene contacts U.S. Capitol police over late-night host Kimmel’s joke
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel joked about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) in his opening monologue earlier this week after she labeled some in her party “pro-pedophile” for supporting Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

“Where is Will Smith when you really need him?” Kimmel asked, a reference to Smith’s Oscar show storming of the stage and slap of comedian Chris Rock over a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.

Greene was upset with Kimmel’s joke, casting it as encouraging violence against her. She tweeted that she had contacted U.S. Capitol Police — the same police she refused to honor last June when she voted against awarding them the Congressional Gold Medal for their heroics in defending the Capitol and lawmakers during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection by a pro-Trump mob.
Fri 8 Apr, 2022 10:33 am
@Walter Hinteler,
For being a member of a political party that is supposedly about supporting the police, Greene sure likes to waste police's time and money. All for what is ultimately Twitter likes and brownie points in her district.
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